Category: Human Resource Management

responses 150 words(50 words for each response)

discussion 1

Some structures and conditions that can facilitate creativity and innovation are having a dynamic and nimble execution strategy and quickly ehanc[ing] new unique capabilities in individuals, team [and] business units (Desai, 2013, p. 40). Meaning that an organization and those within it need to be adaptable and willing to change with the consumer climate, ideally ahead of its competitors. This could mean changing its business practices, formulas, and being constantly open to feedback and critiques. This push can enhance creativity and innovation because constantly looking for improvements or reinventing something that already seemed ideal, calls for people to think outside the box and to question their work and ask what can be done to be better. To add, people feel most creative and innovative when given freer reign on their tasks. This is because many professionals become dissatisfied and even disillusioned when narrowly structured tasks require them to use only a small portion of their overall competencies and educational training (Desai, 2013, p. 40). As it might be imagined, unhappy employees generally do not provide the best quality of work. So, by providing liberty to their tasks, they are more likely to use their skillsets and find more unique outcomes for their organizations. The opposite of the aforementioned could inhibit creativity and innovation. Such as not participating in the changing market and staying to traditional methods. This also feeds into not enhancing employee capabilities, who very well might have suggestions to improve strategies. An organizational example of this inhibition was Boarders the bookstore that went out of business. They had success for years but as the digital age started to take over, they did not advance but instead stayed with more traditional outlets. For instance, they went heavy into CD music sales and DVD, just as the industry was going digital. And at that same time, Barnes & Noble was pulling back and instead released its own e-reader while Boarders kept to physical books and merchandise (Noguchi, 2011). Barnes and Noble adapted, even with their emphasis, being a traditional itembooks, while Boarders did not follow suite.


Desai, J. (2013). Innovation engine: Driving execution for breakthrough results. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN-13: 9781118355039

Noguchi, Y. (2011, November 19). Why Borders Failed While Barnes & Noble Survived. Retrieved from

discussion 2 

Starbucks Coffee operates on a matrix organizational structure, which is a hybrid mixture of diverse features from the basic types of organizational structures. The companys main elements of firm are: functional hierarchy, geographic divisions, teams and product-based divisions. This structure works for Starbucks because they have stores worldwide, which means that a hierarchy is an important factor as far as relaying information and separates divisions based on business functions. Since Starbucks has stores worldwide, geographic divisions enable closer managerial support for geographic needs. Teams are the most visible on a lower firm level. This feature of Starbuckss corporate structure enables the business to provide effective and efficient service to consumers.

The facet of the company structure which inhibits creativity and innovation is the products-based divisions. These divisions address product lines. For example, the firm has a division for coffee and related products, another division for baked goods, and another division for merchandise like mugs. This feature of the corporate structure enables Starbucks to focus on product development. In this way, the company develops and innovates its products with support through its organizational structure (Meyer, 2019).


Meyer, P. (2019, February 14). Starbucks Coffee’s Organizational Structure & Its Characteristics. Retrieved from

discussion 3

Alan Iny who works as senior creative thinking specialist at BCG consulting company, in his lecture reigniting creativity in business that reveals that creativity in workplace typically brings more contradiction and thinking out of box even cant give us the structure to build our creativity, however, we should embrace doubt, as doubt can act as key to bring creativity, further, according to Alan Iny, critical thinking and capability is lacking for employees those work in organizational environment, here, organizational leadership team must allow employees to reveal their doubt for anything that they think true, however, many organization may not hear view, opinions of employees and their doubt usually dont get priority, hence, anything that we believe that some process is much perfect, we may think social media practices are much right for people, but there should be doubt to reevaluate the process and activities to reveal that whether that process really performing good or not. Here, we should change our mental model over time and apply critical thinking and believe that anything cant be permanent and it subject to change. Previously hierarchical arrangement was most recommended for any organization, but due to changing environment and technological advances, organizations are extending their collaboration and changing the box thinking of hierarchical arrangement. Again, there are changes like many organizations give priority to lateral career movement, some organizations also keep emphasis on cross departmental movement. Further, we should be more aware about assumption and constraints to challenge status quo, needs from organization, customer that can help us to change the existing ideas and implement the new ideas.

Follow Instructions

Complete the following:

  • Evaluate different approaches to ethical decision making.
  • Analyze the approach you feel works best in resolving ethical dilemmas.
  • Identify an ethical issue. You may use the same issue you used in the first assessment.
  • Once you have chosen the ethical approach you feel is best, apply it to your identified issue.
  • Assess the resolution that your ethical decision making approach suggests for this issue. How valid is the resolution that is suggested by the approach?

Questions to consider

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

  • What criteria are important to you when determining the level of an organization’s ethical performance? Why are these important criteria? Consider both corporate and personal values as part of the criteria. Examples may include treatment of employees, compliance with laws, or treatment of the environment (such as air quality).
  • Consider your best experience in working for someone who demonstrated exemplary ethical behavior. Or, consider your worst experience in working for someone who demonstrated unethical behavior. For the situation selected, what are the characteristics of the person, from an organizational values approach? In other words, what stated corporate values were modeled or ignored by this person? What effect did it have on the organization? If you decide to discuss this with others, protect the confidentiality of all individuals involved by substituting made-up names for the organization and the individuals.

Illegal Hiring Incident Analysis


Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the incident, Illegal Hiring. Include the following in preparing your response:

  • Identify what role HR should play as a strategic business partner in addressing this incident.
  • Summarize what you would have done in response to learning about the facts in this incident.
  • Discuss what factors in this incident might influence a company to make less-than-ethical decisions.
  • Summarize a brief policy that would help an organization like the one in Illegal Hiring make sound and legal hiring decisions within the framework of the law and support a culture of diversity and inclusion.

 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) prohibits U.S. companies from bribing foreign officials; yet, the number of violations each year is staggering. Some violations center on the use of unethical HR practices. For example, the banking industry has been investigated for its internship and full-time employment hiring practices. The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (BNY Mellon) gave internships to family members of foreign government officials. The banks leadership intended to maintain or increase business with a Middle Eastern sovereign wealth fund. Internship programs are legal and BNY Mellon has a legitimate internship program, but these internships were awarded outside the accepted procedures and criteria used in its program. The U.S. SEC issued a cease-and-desist order, stating that Delivering them [internships] was seen by certain relevant [bank] employees as a way to influence the officials decisions. This is the first cease-and-desist order of which internship hiring was the subject. Phillip Bezanson, a Bracewell & Giuliani Law LLP (firm) partner stated that the concept of anything of value under the FCPA can be really abstract.. . .In the end, the bank agreed to pay a $5 million penalty, give up $8.3 million, and pay $1.5 million in interest.

Assignment 1: Strategy, Planning, and Selection


Assume for this assignment that you are being highly considered for a director-level HR management position for a best-in-class national retailer. You are in the final phase of the interview process and must respond to the interview panel regarding specific questions and scenarios that will help them determine if you are a good fit for the new role. The companys culture is centered on the effective development of strategy, plans, and selection criteria aimed at building and sustaining a competitive and profitable organization. It will be extremely important that you respond with a strategic mindset in order to convince the organization you are able to help them ensure the execution of the business strategy. 

Write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you: 

  • Analyze different types of strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, and focus/niche) and select which one you would deem more appropriate for an efficiency-minded retail organization and explain your rationale. How would the selected strategy ultimately affect how HR does its job? 
  • Examine the four (4) approaches to job design/redesign and provide an example (not a definition) of each. Then, make a case to the interviewing panel on the importance of effective job design applications in supporting the overall strategic goals of the organization. 
  • Consider challenges and constraints associated with recruiting workers and identify and discuss at least two (2) issues. What advice would you give to ease your selected issues? Be specific. 
  • List and describe 23 candidate selection process ideas that might add value and overall effectiveness to the process. HINT: . Also, what problems should HR and management teams avoid during the selection process? 
  • Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements: 
    1. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment (with running head), the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. 
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. Use the Strayer University Library at to locate additional sources to support your work. 

Discuss board

This assignment has 4 parts.

  1. Review the Terminal Course Objectives, accessed by clicking on the Course Information tab at the top of your screen, scrolling down to the Course Objectives and then selecting View class objectives. How will accomplishing these objectives support your success in management? What risks or challenges might a manager encounter if they have not mastered these objectives? Explain.
  2. What is the importance of current data in a SWOT analysis?
  3. How do you identify the SWOT factors in a fictitious firm?
  4. Which SWOT Factors must be specific to the firm and which can be Generic? Why?

Assignment 1: Adult Learning Experience


Organizations typically offer many different types of learning activities designed to appeal to the wide variety of employees who may have a preferred style of learning. Reflecting on your experience with an organization in which you have worked, describe how you were trained to perform the function you perform currently or in a previous role. Indicate what you believe to be effective training strategies and those that did not help you learn your role well. Make suggestions about how improvements could be added to future training for employees in the same situation.

Write a 23-page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Describe a training event in which you were a participant.
  2. Point out the less effective parts of the training.
  3. Describe the effective parts of the training.
  4. Identify at least one different activity you would have included in the training event and how it would improve the effectiveness of the event.
  5. Use at least two quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.    

Individual project

Your firm will expand internationally this year and will include in its management team those from the cultures and regions into which it expands. You must prepare the management team to adapt and change the American management training to fit those of other cultures. Put together a slide presentation for the management team, explaining the impact that local cultures of attendees (Chinese and Argentinean culture) will have on their acceptance and adaptation of the managerial training concepts. Include in your presentation areas such as autocratic versus participatory style of leadership, delegation, acceptance gained as the leader, motivation of employees, employee rewards, and role of the leader.

Remember that a slide presentation must include the presenters name on the first slide, and the reference section on the last slide. The slide must include a few bullet points, and the notes detail each point mentioned in the slide. In text referencing should be in the notes.

For more information on creating PowerPoint Presentations, please visit the PowerPoint Lab.

Human resource assignment

Flexible Benefits Programs

Many organizations, both public and private, use flexible benefits programs to help attract and retain a motivated and high-performing workforce.  

  • Using this lead-in as a backdrop, conduct online research and choose an organization, public or private, that has gained popularity because of their flexible benefits program or lack thereof.  

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 1,250 words (approximately 3 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1 margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.  

3-3 shanel


reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name 

question-post portforlio and why you choose your postion and work

student response


I chose the company Nike which is in the retail industry. Nike is known to sell shoes, clothes, gear, and more. Their main focus is on the athletic industry. The position I decided to choose was the product manager. The product manager is responsible for knowing every little spec about each product. They are also responsible for focusing in on the little details of products and features. They are the ones that drive what features will be available in the future. The production manager is responsible for working with customers as well in regards to taking care of any problem products. They must also collect data and use that within their team. The link provided below includes all of the responsibilities of this specific position. For this position you must have more than just a high school diploma and associates. You must also have lots of experience within the industry. 

I am interested in this position because I always wanted to work for Nike because I purchase a lot from them. I have cousins that have worked for Nike and they enjoy it a lot. I actually applied for a part time position and was hired. I attended orientation and then was accepted in a university that was in a different city, so I had to move. However, during the orientation I was able to meet the product manager and hear a lot of the cool things that he gets to do. For instance, he gets to include his input in the making of new products. For example, when I was in orientation years ago, the product manager showed us a product that was being worked on for a future release. This product was a shoe that qould automatically lace up when you put your foot inside.

Discussion 6051

To prepare: View this week’s media, Parker (Episode 30).

Think of the many names and labels you may have heard to describe persons with disabilities and those that are currently socially acceptable. The changing monikers given to those with disabilities are evidence of the continual negotiation of the society who labels and those who are so labeled to define what disability is and who is disabled. What do these shifting labels suggest about the social construction of disability?

Society is inconsistent in its treatment and protection of the rights of individuals with disabilities, creating a situation that contributes to marginalization that can complicate other forms of marginalization and oppression. Consider that being labeled with a disability can be simultaneously something to be fought against because of the stigma it entails and fought for because of the access that it grants to social services that meet basic medical needs, aid economic survival, and improve access to education that society can otherwise deny.

Post an analysis of the implications of the social construction of disability. Describe how disability can be defined as a social construct. Explain how that relates to the perception of disability. Be specific and draw on examples from the Parker case to illustrate your thoughts. Also, describe the intersection of Stephanie’s mental illness with other characteristics of her identity. Explain how those intersections could serve to further marginalize Stephanie’s place and experiences in society. Finally, explain how such marginalization impacts her ability to make choices, use self-determination, and be an active agent with equitable status in her interactions with other professionals.