Category: Human Resource Management

Plan of Work

Plan of Work

Gloria is employed at Jones University, through Higher Learning Systems in Connecticut as a data entry specialist.  She originally worked for Higher Learning Systems in Canada; but, she transferred with her husband to the United States through his military career.  Gloria has been employed with Higher Learning Systems for 6 years.  She worked 5 years in Canada and has been in Connecticut for one year.  She was on medical leave for 6 months due to her pregnancy with her first child.  She had complications and was absent from work for 3 months before the birth of her child.

There are 12 data entry specialists at Jones University in Connecticut.  When Gloria took leave unexpectedly, the other 11 specialists had to split up her work duties.  After the birth of Glorias child, her co-workers were upset that she decided to take off 12 weeks after the birth, despite the fact she was out 12 weeks before the delivery.  When Gloria returned to work, she took frequent breaks, more than the policy allowed, to pump and securely store breast milk for her infant.  Since these breaks interfered with her workload, the 11 employees were required to carry a percent of Glorias workload until she decided to stop pumping and storing breast milk at work.  Employees were extremely frustrated at Gloria and felt as though the university was giving her special treatment. 

Gloria felt the frustration immediately when returning to work, despite the fact that the university had indicated that it supported mothers on parental leave and mothers who needed extra time to pump breast milk after maternity leave.  She felt disrespected by her co-workers due to her cultural beliefs about the importance of breast feeding.  The discomfort she felt affected her work, and she began to fall further behind in her daily responsibilities.  Soon, she dreaded going to work, cried often, and felt unappreciated by her supervisor.  She also felt her supervisor did not approve of her decision to take 12 weeks off after her infant was born and she didnt approve of her frequent breaks.  Gloria often overheard other employees making jokes about her.  Gloria has worked for the company for 6 years and does not want to quit.  She decides to visit Human Resources for assistance.  Human Resources works with Gloria and her supervisor to create a plan of work to assist with the areas of concern. 

For this assignment, there are three main parts: first summarize the scenario, second outline Human Resources response to Gloria, and third prepare a plan of work for Gloria and her supervisor.  The plan of work is prepared by Human Resources, so it should include goals for Gloria, the supervisor, and/or the department.  Include a timeline with the goals.  Ensure the goals are measurable and attainable. 

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. 

Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

assignment week 3


Assignment 1: Practice Makes Perfect? At Least, Practice Makes Better!

By Day 7

Work independently on your Personalized Learning Plan through CONNECT. You will not be asked to spend much time on those skills that the diagnostic test indicated are already well developed. This plan will allow you to focus your time on those areas in which you need improvement, while validating what you already know.

Submission Information

To submit your Assignment through CONNECT:
Personalized Learning Plan

Assignment 2: Start Constructing Your Argument

By now, you have a good idea of where you want to go with your Final Project. You know your topic. You have practiced writing thesis sentences and outlines on other topics. It is now time to write the most important thesis and outlinethe ones that will serve as the basis for your Final Project.

This week, you will develop a thesis statement and outline for your own persuasive paper (the Final Project). You will first craft a thesis sentence based on your case study selection. What exactly are you going to argue about your case study topic? This will be your thesis statement.

Then, create an outline to support your thesis statement. Note: In a sentence outline, all ideas within the outline are written in complete sentences.

By Day 7

  • Craft a thesis sentence that will be the argument you focus on in your Final Project. Your thesis should be based on your case study selection. What exactly are you going to argue about your case study? This will be your thesis sentence.
  • Craft a sentence outline to support your thesis sentence. Ensure your outline is written in complete sentences. 
  • Create one document that includes:
    • Your thesis sentence
    • The outline which supports your thesis sentence

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention WK3Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension) as the name.
  • Click the Basic Integrated Reading/Writing Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 3 Assignment 2 link. You will also be able to View Rubric for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as WK3Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension) and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Basic Integrated Reading/Writing Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:
Submit your Week 3 Assignment 2 draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:
Week 3 Assignment 2

Week in Review

This week you continued to develop persuasive arguments and applied grammar and mechanics through your Personalized Learning Plans. You developed thesis sentences and sentence outlines and evaluated and cited source materials, building a strong foundation for your Final Project. Next week you will expand your thesis sentences and topic outline into the full draft of a persuasive essay.


 Case Study 2: Health Discussion – Week 3

Discussion Spark

Respond to the Discussion Spark by Day 2. Your response marks your entrance into this weeks Discussion area. While you are not required to respond to your colleagues Discussion Spark responses, you are encouraged to read them.

Finding Your Voice

As you know, you will be discussing your case study with classmates on dedicated Discussion threads. However, if you are alone in your case study choice, you can post to other threads as well, but please be sure to post your main response under your case study thread. No doubt there will be a wide range of focus areas and different opinions reflected in discussion, and that is great. You learn more when you consider different opinions than when everyone is in full agreement. The challenge, beginning this week, is to distill (from a wide-ranging discussion) those points that are most useful to your own thesis and the persuasive essay you are about to write. Take what is of value to you, leave the rest behind, and try to give as much to your colleagues as you draw from them.

By Day 4

Respond to the Discussion post that is designated for your case study selection.

Be sure to provide attribution, using APA formatting, for any outside sources used. The required reading should be completed prior to this Discussion post and should be referenced in the Discussion post, using APA formatting.

Note: This week, be sure to participate in the Discussion thread based on the case study you selected. You may also read and respond to discussions about other case studies but your main post due on Day 4 should be in the thread related to your chosen case study.

  • Case Study 1 (Ethics): What ethical dilemmas are presented in The Lottery? Among the many ethical issues raised within the story, which do you find to still be critical in this day and age? Out of these issues, which do you consider to be the most pressing issue still in existence today, and how should society go about addressing it? Write a 250-word persuasive paragraph addressing this pressing issue and how it should be addressed. Include specific textual examples from The Lottery within your paragraph.
  • Case Study 2 (Health): Even though The Yellow Wallpaper was written over a century ago, many of the health issues raised in the story still exist today. Among the many health issues raised within the story, which do you find to still be critical at this time? Out of these, which do you consider to be the most pressing issue, and how should society go about addressing it? Write a 250-word persuasive paragraph addressing this pressing issue and how it should be addressed. Include specific textual examples from The Yellow Wallpaper within your paragraph.
  • Case Study 3 (Education): The documentary, Waiting for Superman, discusses the characteristics of failing schools. These characteristics are discussed in this week’s Case Study 3 (Education) resources. What are some of these characteristics? Out of these characteristics, which do you consider the most important, and how might this best be fixed? Write a 250-word persuasive paragraph addressing this failing characteristic and how it can best be fixed. Include specific examples from this week’s Case Study 3 (Education) Resources within your paragraph.

By Day 6

Respond to the main post of at least one colleague. Your response should be a minimum of 100 words and should be significant and substantial. What does this mean, you may ask? You want a response that gets your classmates thinking and, hopefully, responding to you as well. You may consider asking a question. You may point out a different aspect of conversation, one that your classmate did not address. You may disagree gently and respond with an alternative idea of your own, keeping in mind that mutually respectful discourse is expected. Everyone does not all have to agree, but everyone does have to disagree respectfully.

Additionally, you are encouraged to interact with your Instructor and colleagues by participating actively and often in discussion beyond what is minimally required through Day 7.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Improving productivity: Professional Qualities vs Fitting Personality

The topic is

Improving productivity: Professional Qualities vs Fitting Personality

This topic is based on the saying “it is not what you know but who you know”. When someone is hired for a jobs is it better to look at all the degrees and qualification that they have for a job or if their personality fits the job.

Discussion Due Today by 7 pm

                                                     Refuting Irrational Beliefs

In your opinion, what irrational beliefs on Albert Elli’s list have the most relevance, which might not, for future human service work? 

How can you help a client refute these belief?

HR question

Question 1: What makes a Human Resource Approach Strategic? And to give form to a strategic HR approach, which tasks or elements should be a part of it?


–          PPT Annual HRM cycle


Question 2: How would you define a performance assessment system and what are the dos and donts when building such a system?


–          PPT performance assessment and the additional materials provided

Question 3: What are the differences between the old and the new labor treaty? In what way can or should HR adept to the new way of working and new generations in the workplace?


–          PPT Identification of. Talent and the additional materials provided

–          Video:

Please add at least a reference-for each question 


2 Paragraphs only :

Must answer question and give rationale for either or:

Do you think organizations today have become more efficient in how they attract, retain, and compensate expatriates than they did in the past? Give your rationale for either or. 

Cultural Morality Essay


I need this essay completed. The word count is 700 min. The instructions are attached below including the link to the source that needs to be use. Please let me know if there is any questions. I also would like to pay back Pay Pal only. Thank you!!

Compare and Contrast


Write a page of compare and contrast for the Big Five Personality Model against the MBTI.

  1. Based on what you have learned thus far, how might the MBTI lack for strong supporting evidence as opposed to the Big Five Model? Thoroughly explain.
  2. After doing so discuss how the Big Five Traits could predict behavior at your place of employment. What could be some advantage of doing so?
  3. What might be some disadvantages? Thoroughly explain.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with intext citations and references in APA format.

only for MBERIAH

Analyzing the Market (turn it in report needed) 

The project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.


In this week, you explored the first two steps involved in the strategic planning process. Specifically, you examined how to conduct the internal and external assessment. Likewise, you learned how to create the mission, vision, and critical success factors of a healthcare organization.

In this assignment, you will evaluate the condition of a specific healthcare market on the basis of the competition present. This will require that you research two healthcare organizations in a similar geographic location and either conduct a SWOT analysis or use Porters five forces model.

You will have the flexibility to select any two healthcare organizations (which offer similar services) that serve the same geographic location.

For example, you may be interested to research two skilled nursing facilities (a type of service) in Minneapolis, Minnesota (location). In this example, you would need to research two existing skilled nursing facilities in Minneapolis and complete an assessment tool for each.

Please review the following resources and using specific information from these resources, your course resources, and additional research, address the tasks posed below:


  • United States Census 2010. (n.d.). Interactive population map. Retrieved from
  • United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • (n.d.). Find & compare doctors, hospitals, & other providers. Retrieved from


  • Select a type of healthcare service (acute care, rural health clinic, long-term care, home healthcare, etc.) and a location (city/state) that interests you.
  • Provide an overview of the two healthcare organizations and location you selected.
  • Either conduct a SWOT analysis or use Porters Five Forces model for each of your selected healthcare organizations.
  • On the basis of your findings, recommend which of the two organizations you identified has the competitive advantage in the specific geographic location you selected.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the . As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details

  • Present your response in a 4- to 6-page Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
  • On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.