Category: Humanities

Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development

Literature review on topic, Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development- understanding how each stage relates to you, friends, family, patients, and the nursing field:

1.    Stage One – Trust vs Mistrust
2.    Stage Two – Autonomy vs. Shame
3.    Stage Three – Initiative vs. Guilt
4.    Stage Four – Industry vs. Inferiority
5.    Stage Five – Identity vs. Role Confusion
6.    Stage Six – Intimacy vs. Isolation
7.    Stage Seven – Generativity vs. Stagnation
8.    Stage Eight – Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    Minimum of 2 paragraphs for each main point
    Each point will need 2 resources (total of 16)
    Only scholarly articles
    EBSCO Periodical Databases
    Encyclopedia Britannica
    Ebrary Online Books
    Accredited Sources – .gov, .org and .edu


Allison is a 35-year-old Caucasian female who is a disabled veteran that recently lost her job due to a declining state of mental health. Allison has suffered from PTSD for over 10 years. Allison was originally diagnosed with PTSD after returning from combat overseas from the Middle East by the VA and was given an honorable discharge. Allison had incurred a vast amount of trauma throughout her years as a military member including sexual assault by an older service member. Allison has attended mental health treatment at the VA on and off over the last 10 years. Allison has not disclosed the sexual assault with the VA due to shame and fear of retaliation from the military.

Describe how a human service professional would use the biopsychosocial model to assess Allisons needs.
Discuss two types of crises that may have led to Allisons diagnosis of PTSD. Define PTSD and identify three symptoms that Allison may be experiencing because of it.
Explain what level of distress and impairment of functioning Allison may be exhibiting.
Identify one type of disability that Allison may have. Explain how the disability may be impacting her life psychologically, physically and socially (biopsychosocial standpoint).
Discuss how the military culture has either positively or negatively influenced Allisons well-being

What is Anthropology?

Assignment Directions

Complete the Chapter 1 reading and answer the following questions. You must answer the questions using information from the assigned reading. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. Copying from the textbook will not be enough to get a high grade (see the grading rubric below). For full credit, you should either explain the information in your own words or if you copy text from the book, you should also provide your own interpretation.

Please re-copy each question above your answer, making sure to include the question number. Answer in full sentences and DESCRIBE when asked to do so. Submit your answers directly into the submission box. To avoid losing any of your work due to technical problems, I strongly suggest that you record your answers in a word or text file and then paste them into the submission box when you are finished.

You will be graded using the following rubric:

    Outstanding work with thorough, detailed, and clearly written answers

Here is the book

Working with Complex Populations

select a case management manual, which serves one of the populations described in chapter 8 and report on how they work with the population in your initial post. Suggested populations include health care including hospice or chronic illness, mental health, addictions, child welfare, geriatrics, criminal justice, HIV/AIDS, military and veterans, rural communities or the homeless population.

In your post, provide a link to the case management manual you have chosen and state which model of case management is being used. Then, answer one of the following questions:

What are some of the evidence-based interventions and community resources they utilize?
How do they deal with problematic situations (such as some of those discussed in chapter 8)?
Does the agency run into any ethical or legal issues? If so, how they dealt with them?

Ethics in Evaluations

Imagine this scenario: your agency is being evaluated by a governing body. “Client success” is one key element being evaluated by the governing body. In your agency, out of 200 clients seen in the last two years, 85 (or 42.5%) dropped out within the first five weeks of participation. Of the remaining 115 clients, only 35% (40 clients) completed all of their goals, and 65% (75 clients) only completed some of their goals.

In your initial post, address the following questions: What is the most accurate and ethical representation of “success” over the past two years for this agency to report to the governing body? Support your reasoning with references.

Explain the concept of aret

Read the excerpts from Homers Iliad (Links to an external site.) Book 16 and Odyssey (Links to an external site.) Book 9, pp. 138-143 [Follow the links it you want to explore more of the text]. Explain the concept of aret with specific examples from the text and discuss what details you can determine about life in archaic Greece, include clothing and weapons, social interactions, and religion. Your paper must be at least 775 original words in length and in MLA format.

Formatting Guidelines:

This essay must be well-written, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. The essay will be judged on the quality of your understanding of your chosen topic and discussion of the historiography. You should be able to organize a large body of material and facts (and too few facts that are reliable) in order to produce a coherent argument about your topic that is well organized and supported by primary and secondary sources.

Style: Times New Roman 12 point

Sources: Use academic sources only. Avoid the internet as a secondary source (it can be useful for preliminary research but look up the references and use them instead). The library has a small collection of books and journals but does has access to many more online. Use JSTOR to find scholarly articles. Primary sources can be harder to find and you may need to use an online version. This is fine but be careful that it is from a reliable source.

Referencing: you should use MLA Style (parenthetical) referencing

Confucianism and Daoism.

Think about what you have learned so far about Confucianism and Daoism.

Which philosophy would create a better society? Why do you think so?

Back your argument up with at least one quote from a primary source (see links below).
The quote you choose should provide evidence for the statements you are making about why you have chosen Confucianism or Daoism.

Your quotes must come from the primary text. The primary text comes below the short introductory explanation; look for the sections with numbered verses. Do not quote from the italicized explanation at the beginning of each reading; they will not count! The goal of this assignment is to get you to work through the poetic language of the primary texts, looking for examples of the concepts we’ve talked about in class. These texts are not simple to understand! You many have to read them more than once.

You must cite your quotes. Use the name of the text (Analects or Daodejing) and the line number in parentheses. For example: “The Master said, ‘Is it not a pleasure, having learned something, to try it out at due intervals?’ (Analects I.1). Any phrases you take from the text must be in quotation marks and cited. You do not need to include the full references (which professors often ask for in a “works cited” section) for this assignment because I already know which texts you’re using.

You may not use any outside sources (beyond the texts I have linked to above) for this assignment. The purpose of this assignment is for you to interact with the primary text.

Canadian Wildfire Access Model

Develop an Access model for the Canadian 2003 Kelowna wildfire.  Also, compare and contrast the components of the two frameworks. Please cite any references.

Please see the 2 attachments for more details on how to answer this question and what exactly an Access Model is.

Stress and Sleep

Look over the list you created from the Stress and Sleep booklet on external stressors. Using that list name at least two common external stressors you may be able to eliminate from your life.

-How do you think you can eliminate them?
-Will it be easy or difficult to do so?

Maybe you have a ritual to shut down your day and calm your mind.

-If so, can you identify two ways to improve upon your current ritual?
-If not, what two or three things can you put in place to prepare your body and mind for a restorative nights sleep?

Asian and Pacific Islander (API) women and media

You will be responsible for writing a paper (2 pages) regarding the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) women and media. Please use a credible newspaper (New York Times, the Atlantic, Reuters, Associated Press, etc.) and analyze the article.

-What is the article about?

-What does the term ‘hypersexual’ mean? What are some examples of these roles?

-How are Asian American women portrayed?

-What can be done to diversify the roles that API women play in the media?