Category: Humanities

Any topic (writer’s choice)

3.) What are the major differences between the Informative and Persuasive Speech? Elaborate on making Claims for the Persuasive Speech and submitting main points for Informative Speech? Include the definitions and types of Claims discussed.

What key factors differentiate the Informative from the Persuasive presentations structure and intent?

4.) What are the components of argument structure as discussed by Aristotle, Toulmin, Monroe, and Simon Sinek?

Discuss the connection between Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Why is it important when persuading?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

                            ****350 WORDS****

Please read the following chapter in your text:

Chapter 13: Community and Social Justice Perspectives
Library Readings

Crethar, H. C., & Winterowd, C. L. (2012). Values and social justice in counseling. Counseling & Values, 57(1), 39.

Gamble, D. N. (2012). Well-being in a globalized world: Does social work know how to make it happen? Journal of Social Work Education, 48(4), 669689.

Gasker, J. A., & Fischer, A. C. (2014). Toward a context-specific definition of social justice for social work: In search of overlapping consensus. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 11(1), 4253.

Leong, F. T. L., Pickren, W. E., & Vasquez, M. J. T. (2017). APA efforts in promoting human rights and social justice. American Psychologist, 72(8), 778790.

Ramrez Stege, A. M., Brockberg, D., & Hoyt, W. T. (2017). Advocating for advocacy: An exploratory survey on student advocacy skills and training in counseling psychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11(3), 190197.

Takeuchi, D. T., Dearing, T. C., Bartholomew, M. W., & McRoy, R. G. (2018). Equality and equity: Expanding opportunities to remedy disadvantage. Generations, 42(2), 1319.


National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals.

For this unit, please review Standards 1018.

Human service professionals are required by the NOHS Standard 16 to advocate for social justice and seek to eliminate oppression. Base your response on the readings, your review of relevant sections of the standards, and your own research.

Please respond to the following:

Define what social justice means to you. Be specific in your definition.

Discuss what you think is meant by Standard 16.

What do you think is required of human service professionals to comply with that standard? Use specific examples in your discussion.

Formulate a plan for how you intend to advocate for social justice in your own practice.

What do you plan to do that meets this requirement? In addition to some of the traditional advocacy practices used in the profession, incorporate new and creative ideas for how to effect this change.

Do you believe your efforts will be effective? Why or why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

**** 350 WORDS***

Please read the following chapters in the text:

Chapter 4: Organizational Processes: Relational and Structural Supports
Chapter 5: Communication Processes: Facilitating Meaning Making, Mutual Support, and Problem Solving
Chapter 4 identifies the organizational elements in effective family functioning, highlighting key processes for relational resilience. One key process is social and economic resources.

Chapter 5 examines a key intervention for successfully overcoming adversity: communication skills.

You have learned about the importance of taking into consideration the clients belief system when making referrals to resources and interventions. To prepare for this Discussion, please read Hoas Case Study. Please use the assigned readings and use at least two (2) research peer-reviewed studies to support your answers.

Please respond to the following:

What are two resources you would refer this family to in Duval and or Clay County, Florida?

Identify the name of the resource, what type of help the resource could offer to the family, and why you believe the family would benefit from this resource.

Explain how each resource is appropriate based on what you know about the familys belief system. Be sure to research information on Vietnamese culture and use that research to support your rationale for the resources identified.

Identify at least two interventions you would recommend for this family.

Explain why you recommended each intervention and how each intervention will help the family.

Report Summarizing a current global issue in the world

1,500 2,000 words (3 pages single spaced)
11pt or 12pt font.
Explain your reasoning using what you have read in the textbook.
Other formatting/style requirements will be presented in class.

Global report

Once a week I will start a class by covering an event of global importance that is particularly relevant in the anthropological debate. Each topic addresses an issue at the crossroad between ethnic identity, world religion, social norms vs. individual choices and the power of a nation-state to define the outcome and bring the matter to a close or not.

Select one topic covered in class and write a five page report that summarizes your understanding of the issue. I need to see an introduction, a conclusion and the citing of all references including newspapers and other social media sources. You are free to select a topic of your liking as long as it is of anthropological relevant and you check and clear the topic with me first.

The topic I have chosen is going to be on the war in Yemen. 

Reference questions for the paper to answer:

YemenGlobal report 1
1) The civil war in Yemen: A cycle of violence has griped this country for several years affecting ethnic groups in this region. 
What is the current prospect for civilians caught between armed rebel groups (Houthi and others) and regional state military and para-militaristic troops engaged in this conflict zone?
What humanitarian efforts are been deployed to fight repeated cholera epidemics? Is the historic part of the capital city of Sanaa likely to be damaged even more?What humanitarian efforts are been deployed to fight repeated cholera epidemics? Is the historic part of the capital city of Sanaa likely to be damaged even more?

Fact Checking


Choose one of these websites and explain, in detail, why it is real, fake, or a spoof. (Be sure you use “fact-checking,” which is an external review of the site, as well as the CRAAP test, which is an internal review). This week, you won’t be able to look at previous posts until you post your own review.

Human Rights

This is an open-book, take-home exam. The exam will become available on Blackboard and via e-mail at 9 am on 16 December 2020. Due on Blackboard at 11:30pm on 17 December 2020. Late submission will affect your grade, unless you have an accommodation with the Ross Center.

You will need to write two essays in response to essay questions 1  (15%) & 2 (15%).  You will also need to write a short response to question 3 (5%). If you havent completed any of the extra credit assignments during the Semester, please respond to question 4 (4% in extra credit).

Essays should not exceed 5 pages in double space. Please use the sub-questions to structure write a coherent essay. Do not write a separate response to each sub-question.

Your short answer to question 3 (and to question 4 if you are completing the extra credit question) should not exceed 1.5 pages in double space. Please submit all your answers in one document.

This exam accounts for 35% of your final grade.  You will need to demonstrate that you have  attended class, completed the readings, and that you have thought critically about these readings.  It is important that you draw on multiple relevant sources that we have read and discussed in class, such as chapters from Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights, articles and book chapters assigned as required reading, reports, and declarations, conventions, and agreements.  Your answers will need to be well-organized, well-argued and well-written.  A good strategy is to start by reading and comprehending the question, and then writing an outline to use in structuring your essay/response. It is always a good idea to read or re-read a whole chapter, article, report or convention where needed. 

Including a bibliography is optional. Please revise and edit your essays prior to submission so they are free from grammar mistakes, typos, or other errors.

If you have any question, please email me at: [email protected] or email Meg at [email protected]

Good Luck. I look forward to reading your essays.

Essay Question: Intersectionality and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (15%)

In May 2020, Women Enabled International (WEI) published the report: COVID-19 at the Intersection of Gender and Disability: Findings of a Global Human Rights Survey, March to April 2020.

Please read this 18 pages (in large print) report; re-read AWIDs Intersectionality: A Tool for Gender and Economic Justice (2004)  — and then answer the following questions (in the form of a coherent essay), linking the content, themes and analysis in the WEI report to other relevant readings we covered during the Semester.

Write a brief summary of WEIs report, list the three most important findings in it, and write why you think these findings are crucial.
Why has WEI carried out this research and published it in a report?
Do the arguments in this report resonate with some of the arguments Rosemary Garland-Thompson make in Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory? In what ways?
The report draws on several conventions and general comments that we covered in class. Name one convention or general comment and show how effective/ineffective it could be in supporting the argument(s) in the report.
Name a feminist concept or theory that we covered in class that WEI used to frame this report. Define this concept.
Which social groups does the report focus on? Why is it important to focus on the experiences of these social groups, according to the report?
Are there any other social groups that the report should have focused on?
Write an analytical critique of the report (identify things you like/dislike about it).

Essay Question: Refugee Rights (15%)

In Refugee Camps and the (Educational) Rights of the Child, Rajini Srikanth argues that While there is no doubt about the severe mental health challenges that refugee children experience,  research has shown that even small investments in educating refugee children yield enormous results in terms of reducing the deleterious impact of the violence of war or the upheavals of natural disasters. Discuss!

Who is a refugee according to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees?
Name three fundamental Principles that underpin the Convention Relating to the Rights of Refugees. Define these terms/principles.
What are some of the advantages of educating refugee children, according to Srikanth?
If the future that awaits children in refugee camps is an uncertain one, what skills and attributes would most enable them to navigate this uncertainty, according to Srikanth?
Srikanth discusses several initiatives and programs designed to educate refugee children. Name one such initiative and discuss its impact/potential impact.

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees

“Battling Bad Science”

Watch Ben Godacre’s TedTalk, “Battling Bad Science.” (At least 125 words for each answer)

1. In your own words, explain the connection between what we are learning about information literacy and what Godacre is talking about? (It’s there, promise).

2. Find and explain your own example of research being “spun” or twisted to serve a purpose. What is the research, how was it appropriated, and was it successful?

For example, Goldacre mentions in an interview that he was initially drawn to this field of inquiry by the MMR/Wakefield scare, where Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a study that claimed to link the measles vaccine to autism in children. It was discovered later that the study was not only flawed, but parts of it were based on lies about the condition of the children participating. In addition, Wakefield was being paid by a law firm representing parents who were engaged in a civil lawsuit, AND he had his own competing vaccine about to be released on the market. Thousands of children died of measles in the following years in large part because their parents were afraid to immunize them.

Facebook Dilemma

Write an essay of 3-5 pages in length, in Modern Language Arts format, with at least 3-5 citations in the body of the essay, and also provide a Works Cited page to document citations, from the documentary and outside sources.  Students should have a total of 5 sources, including the documentary, listed on their Works Cited page. 

Here is the link to the documentary that should be a reference as well for the essay:

What is the main problem of global food?

What is the main problem of global food? What are two different ways of understanding that problem and promoting solutions for it? And why is one way better than another? Use concepts and examples from the assigned course readings and course lectures to respond to the prompt.


Make sure you explain very clearly your answer to each of the three questions above. You need to engage with at least 4 texts from the syllabus, including at least 1 selected from the materials for further study sections of the syllabus. You also need to cite at least 2 more academic sources (e.g. academic journal articles or book chapters). In your answer to the questions above, you have to show how each text helps you make your argument, or why you are making a different argument than the author cited to answer these questions.

We are not asking you to summarize the readings/lectures. We are not asking for your unsupported opinions. We are asking you to make your own coherent and well supported argument about the topic. Cite specific concepts, short quotes, or examples from the assigned readings and lectures as evidence to support your own argument. Your paper needs to include a thesis statement that outlines your argument and how you will support it. 


Any references beyond the syllabus used for the essay need to be academic publications, government reports, or reputable journalistic, think tank, or NGO sources. Students will lose 1 point for each inappropriate reference used, such as Wikipedia, Baidu Baike, blogs or social media posts, random websites, etc. If you are in doubt about whether a particular source is appropriate or not, email the professor and/or the TA to ask about it.

Additional Notes:

The paper should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced
12 point, Times New Roman font; 1-inch margins
Include page numbers and an essay title.
In total, we are asking that you engage with at least 6 academic texts (2 from outside the syllabus and 4 from the syllabus, including at least one marked as the materials for further study).
Citations: citations are required for both paraphrasing and direct quotes from either the text, lecture, or Canvas webpage.
You may use any citation style appropriate to your discipline. Please be consistent in your application throughout your paper. Please include a works cited page at the end of your paper and in-text citations throughout your paper. The works cited page will not count towards the minimum page count.
Sample citation format:
In-text parenthetical citation (Author year, page number) with a bibliography of works cited at the end of the document.
(Patel 2008, x)
Patel, Raj. 2008. Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House Publishing.

Anishinaabe social issues

The final paper should be 5-7 pages, double spaced. Make sure your name is at the top of the document or on a cover page. Use whichever referencing style you wish, just make sure the citations are clear.

The final paper should take into consideration feedback provided on the proposal.

Clear introduction identifies the social/environmental issue and key points to be made in the paper
Body of the paper is coherent and well organized
Clear conclusion

Analysis of the issue draws from course concepts
References what was learned in the course- lectures, readings, and videos
Paper expresses the individuals point of view and personal reflection

Grammar and spelling allow for clear communication of ideas
Follows assignment guidelines and submission instructions