Category: Humanities

Bias by Bernard Goldberg

The assignment is to write a response paper to the book, Bias, by Bernard Goldberg.
The premise is simple: what did this book teach you about journalism? From that
jumping-off point, there are lots of possibilities for development, depending on your reaction to the incidents and situations described in the text.

the arguments presented by feminist biologists about challenging the notion that biology is destiny.

In chapter 12, beyond the natural body, it states During the second wave of feminism that started in the 1970s,(fe)male bodies were of central concern in many debates, although in a rather peculiar way. Feminist biologists, like myself, were certain that biological determinism had to be rejected. We knew that nature does not determine what we mean when we use terms such as woman, body, femininity. We chose this position to contest those opponents of feminism who suggested that social inequality between women and men is primarily rooted in biological sex
differences. According to this opinion, social changes demanded by feminists are wishful thinking because biology, rather than society, sets constraints on the behavior and abilities of women. Biology is destiny, and feminists simply have to accept this reality.
Drawing on the historical facts presented in this chapter, write a short essay on the arguments presented by feminist biologists about challenging the notion that biology is destiny.

The essay requires a clear introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and conclusion paragraph, along with in text citations and references.

The essay should be in 500-550 words.

refer to chapter 12 from the following textbook :

Edited by Margaret Hobbs and Carla Rice

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of the Video Blog (VLOG) assignment is to encourage you to think and argue critically about specific issues related to ethical dilemmas.

Each module week, you will have the option of identifying an ethics-related problem or issue and creating a short video that describes the ethical dilemma,  relates it to the module concepts and provides insights, recommendations, and/or solutions that address the issues. Your VLOG should state the facts of the ethical dilemma and relate your opinion, grounded in critical thinking and ethical theory. Discuss how your real-world issue relates to the concepts studied in this module and ethical theories.

This week’s VLOG should address ethical issues related to sexual morality and/or ethical relativism.

You may select the tool that you use to create your video. Review the Media Hub, a multimedia resource guide (ERAU), (Links to an external site.) for suggested software tools and resources.

Your video should be three to five minutes in duration. You may use supporting visual aids (pictures, graphs, etc.) to enhance your presentation.

You may select the tool that you use to create your video. Review the Media Hub, a multimedia resource guide (ERAU), (Links to an external site.) for suggested software tools and resources:

Make a video like a slide show with captions explaining everything. 

design e-marketing strategy to promote virtual tourism

    According this virtual tourism experience LINK, create a presentation, focus on below question
    You will design e-marketing strategy to promote this virtual experience to be available to the market for sale. You will apply the marketing mix (e.g., target market, price, promotion) with focus on moving from the 4 P’s to 4 C’s.
    Detailed description of your e-marketing strategy (i.e., 4P TO 4Cs) with examples 

Pop Culture. Gender, Race, sexuality

– Since this is a Women, Gender, and Sexualities Studies course, your focus should be on women or gender minority characters significantly challenging typical gendered norms/behaviors and witches.  In addition, you should also address intersectionality in some way-race, empire, ability, language, etc.
– need 6 academic, peer-reviewed sources analyzing a theme related to gender and film. Also, this paper needs 4 more academic journal article sources.
– MLA guidelines: 1″ margins, double spaced, 12-point font

Citation and Intellectual Property Analysis

Purpose: to understand how citation and intellectual property works with podcasts

Answer the following questions in the appropriate thread(podcast), referencing Ball, Sheppard, and Arola (2018) and drawing on the genre examples of podcasts (attached PDFs).

1) How do the examples identify their intellectual property rights? What does this mean for people who want to excerpt or remix from the example?
2) How do the examples use and attribute the work of others? Why do they do it this way?
3) Do you think the writers want to make their work accessible for others remixing or not? Why?

Ghana Research Paper

Finish the 2 requirements I have left which are:

Health Beliefs (5 points)
    Discuss how your culture uses foods, herbs or supplements in healing.
    Discuss how the food or herb is used and give 2 examples and their uses.

History and Cultural Challenges in the United States (5 points)
    Discuss current demographics and socioeconomic status of your assigned cultural group in the United States.
    Describe the cultural challenges and some of the problems your assigned culture has in the US.

Global governances and transnational relations

The paper focuses on issues from unit four, global governance and transnational relations. These types of issues are often characterized by the difficulty of cooperation that is found in much of international relations. First, choose one of the two following global issues:1)Environmental (focus on a more specific issue such as global warming, endangered species, or water pollution). OR2)Covid-19 (containment, treatment, or the vaccine-related issues).In a clear, 3-4 page paper, discuss whether it is difficult for countries to cooperate on this particular issue, and say why or why not using appropriate concepts from the class (for instance, time inconsistency problems, information asymmetries, concerns over relative gains, etc.). Suggest ways countries could overcome these challenges in the future, using ideas from the class and/or your creativity. Do you think that future cooperation is likely?Why or why not?You do not need to read additional academic articles or books to write this paper, but you should refer back to the textbook, lecture, and assigned readings. You will need to do some additional research about the real-world event you choose to make sure you understand the event and its historical context. Within these two issue areas, you have a lot of choice.

Historical Perspective: American and Japanese

This assignment is an opportunity for you to investigate an historical event from two different cultural perspectives. Everyone will research American and Japanese newspaper articles, videos, books, magazine articles, etc. on the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan (August 6th. & 9th., 1945) at the end of World War II. Events occur in history, and cultures do not respond the samefor obvious reasons. But, if we never read about an event from another cultural perspective, we cannot truly understand how people experience and perceive an event. Understanding history from as many cultural perspectives as possible helps us to appreciate how many different cultural ways the same event is perceived- this may illuminate any ethnocentric ideas we are harboring about how/ why something happened. Your paper should include a historical perspective on the atomic bombing of these two cities, and then, according to your research, analyze and discuss how Japan and America viewed the event. Your paper should focus on how culture may or may not have influenced the way each country viewed the bombing.

Paper requirements: Paginated, Times New Roman, 12 Font, double-spaced.  Minimum of EIGHT pages  . FIVE REFERENCES in addition to your  TEXTBOOK are required.

If you need more information please let me know.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The topic for the research paper is “Non-Verbal Communications in Korea.” Make sure to answer these 5 main questions in addition to give a general factor/research & summary of the topic.

1. What are some of the non-verbal communications in Korea and the Korean
2. How does non-verbal communication relate to honorifics in Korean? In what way
does it support it?
3. In what ways does non-verbal communication play a role in Korean culture?
4. How does non-verbal communication differ across cultures? How are they
similar/different from Korean non-verbal communication?
5. What are the differences in nonverbal communication between the two genders?

I have attached step by step process of SOME of my research. In the outlines, I have attached the resources and references. ONLY USE MY WORK AS A SAMPLE. You can take the information and add it into the paper only if it is reworded. It is just extra but not all the research that is needed for the paper.