Category: Humanities

online archive reflection paper

Online Archive Assignment

Assignment Objectives

To explore online primary document archives and understand their contents, organization, and methodology.

    To critically evaluate primary sources and how to choose and analyze them.

    To practice organizing sources for writing.

The Online Archive
The Arabian Gulf Digital Archive ( ) is the online archives to be used for this assignment. 
Assignment: to find a primary document regarding the British policy in Trucial States that reflects a social, economic or political aspect that happened during Trucial states period. i choose ( discovery of oil ) which is this

1.    Describe the document, explaining what kinds of information it contains, how they are organized,
2.    Identify the document historical background, its relevance to British policy in Trucial States
3.    Categorize the document nature (social, political, economic, military..) and explain what it contains and what it means to UAE history.
4.    You should organize your essay  : This assignment is about primary documents, not introductions, essays, or other secondary material.

i will upload a ppt file it will help you to know more how to do this.

and i will upload the require reading that you will use it in the paper as we studied in the course. which is ( the external influences )

A Health Issue

Choose a health issue, psychological disorder or problem behavior and discuss how biological, cognitive, socioemotional, and contextual factors relate to it at a particular stage during the lifespan. You can discuss how biological, cognitive, socioemotional and contextual factors influence the problem (e.g., how do neurological problems influence the development of depression), or how the problem affects biological, cognitive, socioemotional and contextual aspects of development (e.g., how does depression influence peer relationships). You may choose any topic in Chapter 4, or other topics in the textbook of interest to you. Below is a brief list of potential topics, but many others are suitable for this assignment. Please contact me regarding questions about your topic choice.

Each article analysis should cover a different aspect of development (i.e., if you discuss a biological component for your first article, you will need to discuss two different aspects of development for article 2 and article 3).
Only peer-reviewed sources will be permitted.

Your analysis will contain three sections:

Each analysis should include a description of the health issue, psychological disorder or problem behavior. What is it? What are the features? What does it look like during a particular stage in the lifespan? How often does it occur in the population? How does it affect a person in everyday situations? These answers to these questions should be geared towards the aspect of development you are focusing on. In short, address the relevance of the chosen developmental process (cognitive, biological, socioemotional, or contextual) in relation to the chosen topic. (5 points)
Next, summarize the research article, focusing on the information relevant to your chosen developmental process (cognitive, biological, socioemotional, or contextual). Here, you will summarize and paraphrase the article in your own words, with a clear emphasis on the results (i.e., dont focus on the how the studies were conducted, but what was found and why that information is important). Use of direct quotes will result in an Unsatisfactory score for this section. (15 points)
Finally, include a reflection on the relevance of this topic to your future profession. First, explain in what capacity you might work with individuals with this health issue, psychological disorder, or problem behavior (e.g. nursing, speech therapy, teaching, counseling, research, etc). Then, discuss instances in which you may encounter the chosen topic within your career. Why is it important for you to learn about and understand this issue in your career? How will your understanding of this issue influence how you work with people? Are there any measures that can be taken to treat or prevent this issue for those who are at risk? (15 points)

Finally, you will be scored on your ability to organize your thoughts, and follow APA guidelines. Please see the APA support resources on Canvas, and be sure to review your paper for spelling and grammar errors prior to submission.

Analysis of Angela Daviss Blues Legacies and Black Feminism

Third paper assignment Assignment The third and final paper requires analysis of Angela Daviss Blues Legacies and Black Feminism: Gertrude Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday or Leanne Betasamosake Simpsons As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom through Radical Resistance. It should be between 2000 and 2500 words (about 8-10 pages). You may choose one of the prompts or you may create your own. 1. In her chapter Blame It On the Blues, Davis writes, Here, as in blues discourse generally, the personal relationship stands both for itself and for unrealizable social aspirations and failed dreams. The blues as aesthetic form and practice must be understood as a means of testifying to and registering the lack of real, objectively attainable possibilities of social transformation (pg. 12 of pdf). What connection is Davis here making between the personal and the political in the blues? How were the blues a particularly important outlet for Black women like Ma Rainey to explore questions of freedom? 2. Choose any song from this playlist and analyze it according to the principles and arguments about the blues laid out by Davis in Blues Legacies and Black Feminism. (Note that this entails identifying those principles and arguments for your reader.) Attend to both the musical and the lyrical dimensions of the song. What idea(s) of freedom does the song convey? 3. What, according to Simpson, is grounded normativity and what is its connection to indigenous freedom? 4. Create your own prompt. In doing so, be sure that you are making an argument i.e., that you are presenting a position that can be contested and disagreed with, that you are supporting it with evidence, and that you are taking seriously any counter arguments. The prompt must still focus on either Davis or Simpsons work and the outline and paper must meet the other general requirements. Outline Your outline must include: a draft introductory paragraph a title a thesis statement (a succinct summary of your argument) three main points in support of your argument, with page references You are not bound by the content of your outline – you may end up deviating from it in the final version of your paper – but the more consideration you give it, the stronger the final paper will be. Due dates The paper outline is due to Blackboard by 10 AM on Monday, December 7. The paper is due to Blackboard by 10:00 AM on Friday, December 11. Office hours I will have office hours throughout the week of December 7 in order to discuss your outline/paper, if you would like to do so. You can sign up here: Extensions A two-day extension can be requested for the paper, as long as it is done at least 48 hours in advance of the regular due date, via email. No explanation is required. Formatting requirements and other details 2000-2500 words means 2000-2500 words, not 1400 or 2900. Papers must be titled (something other than GRS Paper #3). Papers must be formatted in 12 point, Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on left and right. Papers must be double-spaced. Pages must be numbered. All references to texts – whether direct quotes or not – must be cited. In other words, when DuBois describes his return to visit with his former students also requires a citation, even though you are not quoting DuBois directly. You may use whatever system of citation you prefer (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.). Just be sure to use it consistently and correctly. Facts that can be confirmed on Wikipedia (the year an author was born, for example) do not need to be cited. Neglecting any of these details will lower your grade. Late assignments will lose one-third of a letter grade (i.e., an A- becomes a B+) for every day that they are late, including weekends. Assignments not submitted will receive an F. All assignments must be submitted in order to pass the course. Resources Please feel free to make use of the Writing Center. In developing your thesis statement, please read Professor Erik Simpsons Five Ways of Looking at a Thesis. [PDF] For writing mechanics, the Purdue Online Writing Lab may be helpful.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

350 words

It is not difficult to imagine that intimate relationships with clients can have a detrimental impact both on the helping relationship and on the client. In this discussion, you will analyze the impact of such relationships and their effects on all parties involved, including the human services practitioner. Use the readings, internet, and Purdue Global Library to research the potential emotional, psychological, and social impacts on the client in an intimate relationship with a human service professional.

Please respond to the following:

Create a scenario, analyze it, and then discuss the likely and potential impacts of intimate relationships on the client and the human service professional.
Research similar situations in the state in which you live and discuss how the scenario you created might be handled if it occurred in your state.
Discuss how your professional values can help you avoid dual relationships in your own practice.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Please read the following chapter in the text:

Chapter 6: Assessing Family Resilience: Useful Maps for Practice and Research

Chapter 6 explores different ways to map family relationships.
It is imperative that Human Service Professionals take into consideration all that is known about the client/family when identifying appropriate interventions. Assessments are used to gather information about the client/family. Please use the assigned readings and use the Library to research peer-reviewed studies to support your post.

Please respond to the following:

Identify at least three different assessment tools discussed in Chapter 6.

Pick one of the tools you identified and thoroughly discuss the tool. Include in your discussion the type of information the tool collects, when the tool should be used, whether or not the tool is easy or difficult to use, and whether or not this tool should be used with an individual, a family, a group, or if the tool is appropriate to use with all three.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

****PART 1****      ATLEAST 350 WORDS
Be sure to review the risk management practices from the readings and use the internet and to research legal and regulatory issues common to the human services profession.

Please respond to the following:

Identify and discuss, in detail, the legal and regulatory issues common to the human services profession.

Discuss how risk management strategies might alleviate or avoid the risk of these issues.

Develop a plan for how you might implement these risk management strategies in your own practice.

Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies.

****PART 2****
Learning is enhanced when you take time to reflect on the process. This week, you will have a journal that asks you to discuss your thoughts in relation to the topic for the unit. Your reflection and writing will help with your understanding of the content covered.

Your responses should be clear, concise, and organized. The expression of information must be well written and original, with few or no errors in format and mechanics.

Review the Risk Management Strategies section in Chapter 5 of your textbook. Choose three strategies and discuss how you feel they could be implemented.

Please respond to the following questions:

Why do you feel these strategies are important?

How would you implement these strategies in your professional life? What steps do you
need to take?

What are the benefits for both clients and professionals in implementing risk management strategies?

Identify New Advocacy Issue

Choose a human services issue that you think needs more advocacy, either from your researched information or a new issue. Define the issue and discuss how you would begin to advocate for this issue. Also discuss the importance of the issue, including any relevant background history.


Reflecting on what you have read and learned about politics in this module. Do you feel that the world will ever be politically unified? Why or why not?  What are some of the consequences of some politics on modern day life and your life? Be sure to use examples to justify your answer.

Cultural Relativism

I just need a presentation regarding a topic that we took this course so I chose “Cultural relativism” and this presentation has to be 15 mins long

Try using this link if it works then use it as your source of information or one of the sources:

how technology should be used in the classroom

I need an outline and speech one page for the outline and one page for the speechs thank you.
Speech instructions for final outline and speech -combined persuasive speech and argumentation exercise. The purpose of this speech is to provide you with an opportunity to use logical and emotional appeals in an attempt to persuade an audience to your point of view. This speech also provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the process of argumentation and your ability to think and speak on your feet. For this speech, you will first prepare a 5-6 minute persuasive speech on a social or political issue. This will be followed by a 5-6 minute question and answer period in which the audience asks questions requiring you to clarify and defend your position. APA Format include resources
What I have decided to talk about for my persuasive speech Is noted in the title.
Title of Persuasion Argumentative Speech
What is your opinion on the use of technology in the classroom? Write an argumentative essay in which you provide a call to action for how technology should be used in the classroom well into the future.
Outline Guidelines are below.



Claims of Fact

Claims of Value

Claims of  Policy

State a claim

What are arguments for and against?

What argument is strongest?

Addiction is your strongest argument against….

Fun is your strongest argument for….

1. Attention Getter

2. Relate the topic to your audience

3. Relate the topic to yourself

4. Preview the speech
1. State Reason 1
A.  Explain Reason 1
B.  Provide evidence for Reason 1

2. State reason 2
A.Explain Reason 2
B.Provide evidence for Reason 2

3. State Reason 3
C.Explain Reason 3
D.Provide evidence for Reason 3
1. Signpost

2. Summary

3. Tell the Audience exactly what to think or do in response to the message.
List of Reasons
Problem Solution
Outline professor wants to be one page if possible please.