Category: Humanities



Cultural anthropologists rely on ethnographic research methods, such as participant-observation and semi-structured interviews, to understand human behaviors and cultures. For this essay, you are required to conduct an ethnographic study of a location you are particularly familiar with (a caf, a gym, a store, etc.). Questions that you might want to address include (but are not limited to): who uses this particular location, and for what purpose? How do people interact, and what do they share? How is space occupied (by gender, age, etc.)? What habits do people have, what do they talk about, and how? Based on direct observation and two interviews with people who regularly come to this place, students will describe and analyze peoples behaviors and interactions, and the specific culture of this place more generally.

Sources and Formatting

This essay should rely on direct observation, two interviews with people who regularly use this place, and one peer-reviewed article. For this assignment, your textbook is not considered a peer-reviewed article. The source should be properly cited in ASA style and cited at the end of your essay. You also need to list the questions (at least 8) you used for your interviews at the end of your essay.

This essay must also be at least 1,000 words long.



Cultural anthropologists rely on ethnographic research methods, such as participant-observation and semi-structured interviews, to understand human behaviors and cultures. For this essay, you are required to conduct an ethnographic study of a location you are particularly familiar with (a caf, a gym, a store, etc.). Questions that you might want to address include (but are not limited to): who uses this particular location, and for what purpose? How do people interact, and what do they share? How is space occupied (by gender, age, etc.)? What habits do people have, what do they talk about, and how? Based on direct observation and two interviews with people who regularly come to this place, students will describe and analyze peoples behaviors and interactions, and the specific culture of this place more generally.

Sources and Formatting

This essay should rely on direct observation, two interviews with people who regularly use this place, and one peer-reviewed article. For this assignment, your textbook is not considered a peer-reviewed article. The source should be properly cited in ASA style and cited at the end of your essay. You also need to list the questions (at least 8) you used for your interviews at the end of your essay.

This essay must also be at least 1,000 words long.



Cultural anthropologists rely on ethnographic research methods, such as participant-observation and semi-structured interviews, to understand human behaviors and cultures. For this essay, you are required to conduct an ethnographic study of a location you are particularly familiar with (a caf, a gym, a store, etc.). Questions that you might want to address include (but are not limited to): who uses this particular location, and for what purpose? How do people interact, and what do they share? How is space occupied (by gender, age, etc.)? What habits do people have, what do they talk about, and how? Based on direct observation and two interviews with people who regularly come to this place, students will describe and analyze peoples behaviors and interactions, and the specific culture of this place more generally.

Sources and Formatting

This essay should rely on direct observation, two interviews with people who regularly use this place, and one peer-reviewed article. For this assignment, your textbook is not considered a peer-reviewed article. The source should be properly cited in ASA style and cited at the end of your essay. You also need to list the questions (at least 8) you used for your interviews at the end of your essay.

This essay must also be at least 1,000 words long.



Cultural anthropologists rely on ethnographic research methods, such as participant-observation and semi-structured interviews, to understand human behaviors and cultures. For this essay, you are required to conduct an ethnographic study of a location you are particularly familiar with (a caf, a gym, a store, etc.). Questions that you might want to address include (but are not limited to): who uses this particular location, and for what purpose? How do people interact, and what do they share? How is space occupied (by gender, age, etc.)? What habits do people have, what do they talk about, and how? Based on direct observation and two interviews with people who regularly come to this place, students will describe and analyze peoples behaviors and interactions, and the specific culture of this place more generally.

Sources and Formatting

This essay should rely on direct observation, two interviews with people who regularly use this place, and one peer-reviewed article. For this assignment, your textbook is not considered a peer-reviewed article. The source should be properly cited in ASA style and cited at the end of your essay. You also need to list the questions (at least 8) you used for your interviews at the end of your essay.

This essay must also be at least 1,000 words long.



Cultural anthropologists rely on ethnographic research methods, such as participant-observation and semi-structured interviews, to understand human behaviors and cultures. For this essay, you are required to conduct an ethnographic study of a location you are particularly familiar with (a caf, a gym, a store, etc.). Questions that you might want to address include (but are not limited to): who uses this particular location, and for what purpose? How do people interact, and what do they share? How is space occupied (by gender, age, etc.)? What habits do people have, what do they talk about, and how? Based on direct observation and two interviews with people who regularly come to this place, students will describe and analyze peoples behaviors and interactions, and the specific culture of this place more generally.

Sources and Formatting

This essay should rely on direct observation, two interviews with people who regularly use this place, and one peer-reviewed article. For this assignment, your textbook is not considered a peer-reviewed article. The source should be properly cited in ASA style and cited at the end of your essay. You also need to list the questions (at least 8) you used for your interviews at the end of your essay.

This essay must also be at least 1,000 words long.



Cultural anthropologists rely on ethnographic research methods, such as participant-observation and semi-structured interviews, to understand human behaviors and cultures. For this essay, you are required to conduct an ethnographic study of a location you are particularly familiar with (a caf, a gym, a store, etc.). Questions that you might want to address include (but are not limited to): who uses this particular location, and for what purpose? How do people interact, and what do they share? How is space occupied (by gender, age, etc.)? What habits do people have, what do they talk about, and how? Based on direct observation and two interviews with people who regularly come to this place, students will describe and analyze peoples behaviors and interactions, and the specific culture of this place more generally.

Sources and Formatting

This essay should rely on direct observation, two interviews with people who regularly use this place, and one peer-reviewed article. For this assignment, your textbook is not considered a peer-reviewed article. The source should be properly cited in ASA style and cited at the end of your essay. You also need to list the questions (at least 8) you used for your interviews at the end of your essay.

This essay must also be at least 1,000 words long.


This is a short, critical reflection that synthesizes weekly readings in a thoughtful and critical way. It reflects a close reading of the work, contains specific examples drawn from the text (documented parenthetically with page numbers), and provides your analysis of the  core themes, arguments, evidence of the weekly readings. The mini-paper demonstrates that you have engaged substantively with the readings, internalized and contextualized their arguments, and can articulate and substantiate your reactions to it with specific evidence from the text.

I attached the 2 long readings and also paper instruction. I want you to read these 2 readings and write critical reflection. The instruction is very clear and helpful, so please carefully check it.

Also this is a feedback from the instructor for the previous critical reflection which I wrote. I want you to follow this feedback as well.
—-This is a fine engagement with some of the core themes from the reading.
A few points to improve on for future reflections: 1.) Focus more on your analysis and less on a summary of the content of the reading. Much of your paragraphs really just summarize the two chapters we read. As a short reading reflection, it’s okay to jump right into the analysis. 2.) It’s important to have a main idea or ideas for your reflection, and I found it hard to pull out what the key takeaway(s) was/were for you. 3.) You should ideally engage with specific portions of the readings with page numbers for reference. 4.) Don’t hesitate to use the word “I”– for example, “Reading this, I was struck by …” This will help you make clear exactly what questions or points you think are important and why.—-


This is a short, critical reflection that synthesizes weekly readings in a thoughtful and critical way. It reflects a close reading of the work, contains specific examples drawn from the text (documented parenthetically with page numbers), and provides your analysis of the  core themes, arguments, evidence of the weekly readings. The mini-paper demonstrates that you have engaged substantively with the readings, internalized and contextualized their arguments, and can articulate and substantiate your reactions to it with specific evidence from the text.

I attached the 2 long readings and also paper instruction. I want you to read these 2 readings and write critical reflection. The instruction is very clear and helpful, so please carefully check it.

Also this is a feedback from the instructor for the previous critical reflection which I wrote. I want you to follow this feedback as well.
—-This is a fine engagement with some of the core themes from the reading.
A few points to improve on for future reflections: 1.) Focus more on your analysis and less on a summary of the content of the reading. Much of your paragraphs really just summarize the two chapters we read. As a short reading reflection, it’s okay to jump right into the analysis. 2.) It’s important to have a main idea or ideas for your reflection, and I found it hard to pull out what the key takeaway(s) was/were for you. 3.) You should ideally engage with specific portions of the readings with page numbers for reference. 4.) Don’t hesitate to use the word “I”– for example, “Reading this, I was struck by …” This will help you make clear exactly what questions or points you think are important and why.—-

Adapting to Cultural Differences

According to our textbook, globalization is the increasing economic, political and cultural integration of diverse cultures. Diversity is the recognition and valuing of difference in factors such as race, education, religion and income. Are we able to adapt to cultural differences on our own? Would education aimed specifically at cultural awareness make us more tolerant of others? The study in the article below explores the concepts of intercultural education and ethnocentrism.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore your own feelings about these sensitive issues.

The Prince -Machiavelli

ONLY use chapters IX, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX

From this link

—–Please don’t use outside resources—–I also attached the chapter as word doc

In a well-written paper of no fewer than 400 original words, answer the following question. Be sure to put a word count excluding titles and quotes on the paper.

*********Machiavelli gives advice to princes and would-be princes. Choose one piece of advice and agree or disagree with it. Explain your answer and cite contemporary examples