Category: Humanities

The Prince -Machiavelli

ONLY use chapters IX, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX

From this link

Please don’t use outside resources

In a well-written paper of no fewer than 400 original words, answer the following question. Be sure to put a word count excluding titles and quotes on the paper.

*********Machiavelli gives advice to princes and would-be princes. Choose one piece of advice and agree or disagree with it. Explain your answer and cite contemporary examples.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paper instructions:
Write the following three essays in three to four pages each, and submit to your tutor in a single file.
1. Examine how cross-cultural comparison has contributed to each of the theoretical perspectives in medical anthropology. (20 marks)
2. Explain in what ways biomedicine can be said to be culture bound. (20 marks)
3. What does Scheper-Hughes mean by the phrase, the medicalization of life? How has such medicalization been accomplished in Brazil and what have been the consequences? (20 marks)

Grading: Papers will be graded at zero (0) if they do not address the topic, or if they exhibit signs of plagiarism. Are sources properly cited in the body of the paper and listed in full at the end? Does the paraphrasing represent a substantial difference from the original?
Acceptable papers will be marked according to the following criteria.
Development of argument (35%)
Logic of organization (15%)
Supporting evidence (30%)
Definition of key terms (10%)
Grammar and appropriate use of vocabulary (10%)

Racial and Ethnic Identity Development and Self-Esteem: Taking Pride in Being Different


Write a one 1 page paper using the scenario provided below.  Based upon the course concepts explored include your analysis as to why the teachers were reluctant to consider race as a factor in young childs behavior.  Furthermore, include a culturally competent approach to addressing this situation:
African American parents enrolled their young son in a predominately-Caucasian preschool.  Approximately one month after this child started preschool, the parents began getting calls from his Caucasian teachers complaining of non-compliant behavior.  After several meetings, the Caucasian teachers repeatedly made inquiries, wanting to know what was going on at home that was causing him to act out in school.  After several months of similar occurrences, the African-American child came home and declared to his parents on multiple occasions, his desire to be white.  Some of these conversations included claims by the African-American child of his knowledge of the existence of magic pills which turn African-Americans Caucasian.

The African American parents called a meeting with his teachers and told them some of the natural challenges their young son was experiencing, specific his racial identity, in a predominately Caucasian environment.  Furthermore, despite a small number of interracial, Hispanic/Latino/am and African-American classmates, their child was the darkest child in hue.  Consequently, these challenges are factors to be taken seriously in relation to his behaviors.

After approximately two minutes, the teachers interrupted the parents to explain how it is perfectly normal for children to daydream they are someone else.  One of the teachers told me that her son used to change who he was every week: a firefighter, a football player, and then a truck driver. After teacher the finished, the African Americans asked, Has your child ever come home wanting to be Black?  The teacher responded, No, but it is kind of the same thing.  The African American parents responded, No, its not the same, because your son can be a firefighter, but my son can never be White.

Assignment Submission:

The use of outside resources is strongly recommended and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.

Racial and Ethnic Identity Development and Self-Esteem: Taking Pride in Being Different


Write a one 1 page paper using the scenario provided below.  Based upon the course concepts explored include your analysis as to why the teachers were reluctant to consider race as a factor in young childs behavior.  Furthermore, include a culturally competent approach to addressing this situation:
African American parents enrolled their young son in a predominately-Caucasian preschool.  Approximately one month after this child started preschool, the parents began getting calls from his Caucasian teachers complaining of non-compliant behavior.  After several meetings, the Caucasian teachers repeatedly made inquiries, wanting to know what was going on at home that was causing him to act out in school.  After several months of similar occurrences, the African-American child came home and declared to his parents on multiple occasions, his desire to be white.  Some of these conversations included claims by the African-American child of his knowledge of the existence of magic pills which turn African-Americans Caucasian.

The African American parents called a meeting with his teachers and told them some of the natural challenges their young son was experiencing, specific his racial identity, in a predominately Caucasian environment.  Furthermore, despite a small number of interracial, Hispanic/Latino/am and African-American classmates, their child was the darkest child in hue.  Consequently, these challenges are factors to be taken seriously in relation to his behaviors.

After approximately two minutes, the teachers interrupted the parents to explain how it is perfectly normal for children to daydream they are someone else.  One of the teachers told me that her son used to change who he was every week: a firefighter, a football player, and then a truck driver. After teacher the finished, the African Americans asked, Has your child ever come home wanting to be Black?  The teacher responded, No, but it is kind of the same thing.  The African American parents responded, No, its not the same, because your son can be a firefighter, but my son can never be White.

Assignment Submission:

The use of outside resources is strongly recommended and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.

Racial and Ethnic Identity Development and Self-Esteem: Taking Pride in Being Different


Write a one 1 page paper using the scenario provided below.  Based upon the course concepts explored include your analysis as to why the teachers were reluctant to consider race as a factor in young childs behavior.  Furthermore, include a culturally competent approach to addressing this situation:
African American parents enrolled their young son in a predominately-Caucasian preschool.  Approximately one month after this child started preschool, the parents began getting calls from his Caucasian teachers complaining of non-compliant behavior.  After several meetings, the Caucasian teachers repeatedly made inquiries, wanting to know what was going on at home that was causing him to act out in school.  After several months of similar occurrences, the African-American child came home and declared to his parents on multiple occasions, his desire to be white.  Some of these conversations included claims by the African-American child of his knowledge of the existence of magic pills which turn African-Americans Caucasian.

The African American parents called a meeting with his teachers and told them some of the natural challenges their young son was experiencing, specific his racial identity, in a predominately Caucasian environment.  Furthermore, despite a small number of interracial, Hispanic/Latino/am and African-American classmates, their child was the darkest child in hue.  Consequently, these challenges are factors to be taken seriously in relation to his behaviors.

After approximately two minutes, the teachers interrupted the parents to explain how it is perfectly normal for children to daydream they are someone else.  One of the teachers told me that her son used to change who he was every week: a firefighter, a football player, and then a truck driver. After teacher the finished, the African Americans asked, Has your child ever come home wanting to be Black?  The teacher responded, No, but it is kind of the same thing.  The African American parents responded, No, its not the same, because your son can be a firefighter, but my son can never be White.

Assignment Submission:

The use of outside resources is strongly recommended and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.


Directions: FIELDWORK ESSAY (Notes)
KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior.

Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the ok sign.
Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions.
Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away or nodding and leaning forward.
Adaptors: gestures that make you feel more comfortable in a communication situation such as twirling your hair or tapping your fingers.
Affect Displays: facial expressions motivated by emotion such as a smile or frown.
In this lesson, you will venture out and observe the people around you. Tune out what they are saying and then sit back and watch. Take notes on what type of gestures (emblems, regulators, illustrators, adaptors and affect displays) are they using? How often do they use each one? Are they aware of these gestures? You will then use your notes to write a typed two-page essay describing what you witnessed. Please let us know where you were, the mall, Starbucks, work etc.. and who was involved, two men sitting at a table
Describe at least ten separate gestures.

What type?
What are they conveying? How many repetitions?
What are the circumstances?

please follow direction
At least two pages typed– MINIMUM of 700 words

Carr article

This intro assignment asks you to start the process of thinking about and across the generations.  Read the Nicholas G. Carr article (download the pdf excerpt), “The Shallows:…” and write about what you think about it.  Is this information in the article new to you?  How do you relate to the idea that reading is relatively new, but writing is not?  How do you relate to only certain parts of society being able to write?  Use these two questions to jump-start your ideas on reading and writing and alphabets and early societies.  Take a look at and get more insight!  Carr is a leading expert in how writing came about and how reading is changing for all of us…these pages on early writing should be very interesting and eye-opening…

Write at least 500 words (don’t let that number scare you…it’s easy once you start typing…you’ve typed more than that on blogs and emails before…)

Start using references and footnotes also.  If you find some relevant support for your thoughts in the Fiero textbook, then cite (insert it as a reference) it.  If you support yourself with internet site info, list that webpage.  All sources count, except wikipedia.  This is the first exercise in writing concisely and fully…Use Microsoft Word’s reference tab and ‘insert citation’ features.

Early (24-hours or more) get full (extra) points.  Submit it in Microsoft Word.  Email me for any other questions.

Final reflection- American studies

For this reflexive essay, take a moment and think about the three units you have studied:  Identity and Belonging; Music and Sociality; Debt and Power.  What was the most interesting thing or something new you learned from each one of the units?  Identify two outcomes from each unit you achieved.  Make sure to provide specific evidence from the course to support your claims.

What is Advertising


Write a 250-word essay that answers the question:  What is advertising? Be sure to include a definition of advertising in your essay.  The expectation is that, at some point early on in your work, the phrase, Advertising is . . .  will occur and will be completed with a concise definition from an attributed source. Please point out how each of the following marketing activities is included in or excluded from your definition:a.    A Murray State University recruiter visits a high school to persuade students to enroll at Murray State. b.    An ad agency copywriter writes a selling song for a radio commercial.c.Hilton Hotels surveys its consumers to discover how they react to a new line of hotel accommodations.d.    Gillette sends 18-year-old men a coupon in the mail so that they can buy a new style of razor at half price.CONTENT:  1) The essay should be your best analysis of the question, supported by reference to the text or other generally acceptable references on the subject. Your unsupported opinion, while charming, is of little interest. In sum: You should read the book before you write.  2) The essay should reflect an understanding of the nature of advertising, and may consider the distinction between advertising, public relations, personal selling and marketing, if any.FORM:  Your essay will be typed, double-spaced. It should not be longer than 250 words.  Your essay is due at the beginning of class. STYLE: Grammar and spelling must meet generally accepted University standards. You must cite your sources and you must include a bibliography page.  You may use any appropriate academic style sheet (APA, MLA, Chicago, The Bluebook, etc.).  You should have learned one of these in ENG 105 or in high school.  A quick guide to APA style is available on the Canvas site.BE SURE TO DOUBLE SPACE YOUR WORK.  INDENT PARAGRAPHS.

Article review

After Reading Nervous Conditions, answer one of the five questions below. Your entire response must focus on Nervous Conditions, and it should be clear from your response that you read the whole novel. A strong paper will cite multiple relevant themes, characters, and anecdotes from the novel as evidence for your argument.

1)What does the book say about the power of education for women?  Your answer must address both the power of education to transform and limit ones life.
2)How can we better understand patriarchy from reading this
novel?  Your answer should address both macro and micro manifestations of patriarchy.
3)How does Nervous Conditions further demonstrate that colonialism is a gendered process?
4)How do the characters in the book represent clashes between tradition and colonialism? Your answer should focus on Tambu and at least one other girl-or-woman character.
5)What do you make of Nyashas eating disorder? What do you think it symbolizes?