Category: Humanities

Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi is a well-preserved Babylonian law code of ancient Mesopotamia, dating back to approximately 1770 BCE.  It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world.

The sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi, conquered many city-states of Mesopotamia.  The city-states had divergent unwritten laws subject to the whim of a judge.  King Hammurabi decided that all his subjects needed a uniform, written code of laws that could apply to his whole empire.  The Code of Hammurabi consists of 282 laws.


You Think 2-3: Code of Hammurabi assignment requires you to read the laws found in The Code of Hammurabi. (Links to an external site.)  Choose three laws from The Code of Hammurabi.  Identify each code by its number, provide the exact wording of the code and translate the code into your own words.  Indicate if the code is fair or not fair and explain why or why not.  Do not use Code #143.  Use the format provided in the following example:


Code #143.  If she has not been a careful mistress, have gadded about, have neglected her house and have belittled her husband, that woman shall be thrown into the water.

If a wife is not a good wife, has gone out partying, and has made fun of her husband in front of others, then she will be thrown into the water.

I believe this code is not fair.  Even though the woman might not have been a good wife, throwing her into the water is abusive.  A better alternative would be for the husband and wife to discuss their marital problems and attempt to respectfully resolve them.

You Think 2-3: The Code of Hammurabi assignment must be approximately 200 words and submitted as a text entry.  You must provide a word count at the end of your text entry. 

The Think Response Rubric will be utilized by the instructor to grade this assignment.


This is a response to discussion post so you don’t need any citation. I will attache one instruction fine and three readings. No single space and 300-350 words at least is preferable.

Here is example:
How do Talamante and/or Anzalda innovate, through their activism and theories, a Chicana feminist politics at the intersection of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexuality?

Talamante writes that her “political consciousness spring[s] from the fields” of the Santa Clara Valley. Because her feminism originates from observations of farming labor, it exists naturally at the intersection of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexuality. Talamante speaks of a divide between her family and the families of the rancheros, noting that the rancheros home had more material comforts than her own. These observations about farm life created a sense of class consciousness that inspired Talamante to become part of a student volunteer group that advocated for farmers’ rights. Her student activism also focused on creating more representation for Latinx faculty, staff, and students. Talamante’s feminism is different than mainstream feminism that is concerned only with the political representation of women; Talamante’s feminism is focused the political, economic, and social rights of all disenfranchised people who are exploited for labor. This Chicana feminism acknowledges that the same forces that disenfranchise all women are the same forces that disenfranchise the Latinx workers and that liberatory tools that empower one group will empower all disenfranchised people. Talamante went on to identify the forces that economically oppress the global south as ‘imperialism’ and it is impossible to deny that imperialism is also the force that subjugates women in the global south.
Talamante goes on to write of her political activity with groups like the Democratic Workers Party and Chicana Latina Foundation. She briefly discusses the importance of empowerment for Chicana women through their ‘personal, professional, and educational advancement’. Talamante shows that her brand of feminism is not solely about political representation, but rather is about empowering a disenfranchised group. By empowering women in different areas of life, it is figured that political power will follow.
Question for Xaviera Flores:
Are there any primary sources at UCLA from women activists based in Mexico?

Compare and contrast the experiences of Algeria and Lebanon under colonial rule 3000 words

Hi, I have written most of it, but it is very messy and would appreciate editing to restructure the content into an answer that is coherent and does not have to be complicated.

1) Tell me what you think of the current work so far
2) Inform me of what it is lacking, what it needs, etc.
3) How you plan to fix this (with citations, and a bibliography)

The conclusion I would like to do myself.
Thanks for your time

The LGBT Community


Corp Social Responsibility

500 Word Maximum (Not include Work Cited)

CSR Ratings: Select a company from the Fortune 500 Most Profitable Companies ( list and evaluate its Corporate Social Responsibility performance. To do this, you need to go to the company’s website and find whatever reports it may have posted there on CSR (the company website may use different terms, e.g., sustainability, community involvement, diversity, transparency, etc.)  Do a Google search to see if there have been any big scandals recently (or currently underway). Write an assessment giving your views on how well the company is addressing its social responsibilities. You should identify what are the key issues that this company SHOULD be addressing, and compare that to what you find about what they actually ARE doing. Does it sound like “window dressing” or do the programs seem substantive and effective? Do not just quote or summarize the corporate website. Be critical and show that you’ve done your own research and included your own original thinking in your essay. Be prepared to give brief summary in class.


Write the following three essays in three to four pages each, and submit to your tutor in a single file.
1. Examine how cross-cultural comparison has contributed to each of the theoretical perspectives in medical anthropology. (20 marks)
2. Explain in what ways biomedicine can be said to be culture bound. (20 marks)
3. What does Scheper-Hughes mean by the phrase, the medicalization of life? How has such medicalization been accomplished in Brazil and what have been the consequences? (20 marks)

Grading: Papers will be graded at zero (0) if they do not address the topic, or if they exhibit signs of plagiarism. Are sources properly cited in the body of the paper and listed in full at the end? Does the paraphrasing represent a substantial difference from the original?
Acceptable papers will be marked according to the following criteria.
Development of argument (35%)
Logic of organization (15%)
Supporting evidence (30%)
Definition of key terms (10%)
Grammar and appropriate use of vocabulary (10%)

Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

Identify an issue that is facing our society today that is in some way related to sex and/or gender and has opposing sides. Consider a law that was recently put into or taken out of effect or is being debated. You could also look to the statements or actions of a public figure or organization that has generated significant attention from the media. The issue you select should have ample material from which you may pull to gain insight into the details surrounding it. Feel free to email your instructor if you would like to verify that an issue is appropriate or if you would like some suggestions as to what you could cover.

Explore multiple sides of the issue you have selected until you have a good understanding as to why each side believes it is right. Research the historical events that have caused the circumstances of this issue. Engage in discussions with others who have strong feelings about the issue to learn the reasons why they feel they way they do.

Make sure you research both sides thoroughly as your goal with this paper will be to write it in a manner that does not allow the reader to know which side of the issue that you are on. You will not be condoning or condemning either side- your goal is to be as objective as possible in reviewing the issue you select.

Construct a 1,000-1,250 word essay that demonstrates your understanding of the following:
The issue that you have identified (a concise synopsis of what the issue is)
Historical context (previous events in history that have contributed to the rise of the issue)
Both sides of the current argument (provide an objective review- the reader should not know which side of the issue that you personally are on)
At least two possible resolutions to the issue (include the potential ramifications of each resolution for both sides)

Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion, at least 5 cited references (only 2 of which may be your discussions with others, excluding those identified as subject matter experts in your writing), and must adhere to APA formatting.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Rewrite this twelve-line verse from Average Homeboy so it doesnt contain any stereotypes.

I’m not the typical rapper that you’ll meet
I don’t live in a box nor was I raised on the street
And as you can see, I’m not black
I don’t do drugs and I’m not on crack
What’s the problem with a rapper who’s white?
We’re all just fightin’ for our equal rights
Just because I’m not from the projects
Doesn’t mean that I can write million-dollar checks
I was not born with a silver spoon
And I don’t have a daddy who’s a big tycoon
I have to work hard every day
If I want the money to go out and play

Video games are too violent

I do not need anything too complicated, I just need to research and put some information on the pages as well as to answer the questions I wrote . I have no idea how it counts on this website about the pages but if anyone can help would be nice.

Student Loan Forgiveness Short Essay

In a 3-4 page double-spaced essay, select one of the options offered by Miller et al. that you believe is the best proposal for tackling the student debt crisis. Compare and contrast it to the other options and offer evidence from the module to support your choice. Conclude by explaining what challenges your chosen proposal will likely face, using evidence from the module and outside research.
