Category: Humanities

Breaking Bad Season 1

Season Essays:
Throughout the semester, you will write an Essay for each season of Breaking Bad. Your Essay
for each season must refer to all of the episodes you watched during each season of the series. For
example, your Season One Essay must refer to all seven episodes from Season One, and your
Season Five Essay must refer to all sixteen episodes from Season Five.
For each Season Essay, you must analyze the story Vince Gilligan and his creative team told
about Walter White and the pursuit of the dream he established for himself in the series pilot
episode. Pay attention to the ways that Walters pursuit of that dream hits unforseen obstacles and
Spring 2020 Syllabus AST 217OL 9
transforms him as well as the other characters on the show. Assess whether Walters dream is
transforming into nightmare for him and his family and whether Walters pursuit of that dream
bring happiness or misery to other characters on the show. Additionally, look for the ways that
Walters pursuit of his dream awakens something in him that he had buried. What story/message
does Vince Gilligan and his creative team tell through those developments? Do Vince Gilligan and
the creative team seem to be telling a broader story about the pursuit of the American dream?
As you write each of your Season Essays, refer to specific scenes from the episodes you
watched in that particular season. You may use ONLY the episodes to write your Essay. The use of
any additional sources will result in a grade of 0 Points for your Essay and may result in an
Academic Honesty Violation.
Your Season Essays must be typed, double-spaced, written in a twelve-point font, and use
Chicago Manual of Style citations. Your Essays also must include between 500 and 800 words and
contain a minimum of three paragraphs. I will grade your Season Essays using the American
Studies Writing Rubric, and you can earn up to 140 Points toward your Semester Grade by writing
each of your Season Essays. You can earn up to 700 Points toward your Semester Grade by writing
all of your Season Essays. You will submit your Season Essays on our Cabrini Learn page by the due
dates listed on the Class Schedule and our Cabrini Learn page.

write a 2-page (12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) reading response answering the following questions about each article (1 page per article): What is the main goal of the study? What methods and pathologies do the author’s use to address their

write a 2-page (12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) reading response answering the following questions about each article (1 page per article):

1.What is the main goal of the study?
2.What methods and pathologies do the author’s use to address their goal?
3.What are the main results of the study?
4.What does this article indicate about the relationship between status and health in the past?

AUTHOR(IZ)ING DEATH: Medical Aid-in-Dying and the Morality of Suicide

Article Summary Review

Papers are graded on quality, not quantity, but should be between one to two pages in length.  Place the citation at the top of each respective summary.

Please place the citation at the top of the page, you do not need a separate page for this.

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with anthropological scholarly literature, research current anthropological topics and summarize complex material in a clear and coherent fashion.  The papers should demonstrate an understanding of the articles, articulate the main points and be logically structured and properly cite resources, articles, and websites.

In this assignment stay away from using big block quotes, as the purpose is for you to summarize in your own words. 


Article Summary Review

Papers are graded on quality, not quantity, but should be between one to two pages in length.  Place the citation at the top of each respective summary.

Please place the citation at the top of the page, you do not need a separate page for this.

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with anthropological scholarly literature, research current anthropological topics and summarize complex material in a clear and coherent fashion.  The papers should demonstrate an understanding of the articles, articulate the main points and be logically structured and properly cite resources, articles, and websites.

In this assignment stay away from using big block quotes, as the purpose is for you to summarize in your own words. 

Then, write a 2-page (12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) reading response answering the following questions about each article (1 page per article): What is the main goal of the study? What methods and pathologies do the author’s use to address

write a 2-page (12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) reading response answering the following questions about each article (1 page per article):

What is the main goal of the study?
What methods and pathologies do the author’s use to address their goal?
What are the main results of the study?
What does this article indicate about the relationship between status and health in the past?

Hominin Remains

Biological anthropologists rely on material remains (bones, tools, etc.) to understand humans evolutionary history. For this essay, you must review and analyze the work of anthropologists in a site where remains of hominins were found (early hominins, Homo habilis, and/or Homo erectus). The purpose of this assignment is for you to:

Situate the site in a historical and geographical perspective (where is it located, who lived there, and when);
Provide a detailed description of the remains found, as well as how these remains were dated; and
Explain how these remains contribute to our understanding of hominin evolution. this essay must rely on three authored sources pertaining directly to the site chosen (archaeology/science magazine articles, anthropology research blogs and/or reports, newspapers articles), including at least two peer-reviewed sources (available on databases such as Academic Search Complete, accessible on the Columbia College library website). You may not use your assigned textbook to as a peer-reviewed resource. These sources should be used in the essay to support your original refection. These sources should also be properly cited in ASA style.

nuclear weapons

History of the nuclear weapons
Manhattan project
Nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
types of nuclear weapons
Effects of a nuclear explosion or weapons
The spread of nuclear armament in the world
countries may have nuclear weapons
countries previously possessed nuclear weapons


Discussion Question

I will send the information on the agency:

Have students identify a local human services agency and discuss the population served by the agency. Students should identify the mission statement of the agency, goals of the agency, and objectives of the agency.  After identifying the goals and objectives are identified, the students should analyze the goals and objectives for clarity and measurability.

The Book used: Royse, D., Thyer, B., & Padgett, D. (2010). Program Evaluation: An Introduction (6th Ed) Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. ISBN-10: 0-495-60166-7 ISBN-13: 978-0495601661 (Preferred text)

Discussion Question

Ethical Principles:
Have students read The Guiding Principles for Evaluators found in the American Journal of Evaluation, 29 (2), June, 2008, pp. 125-126 can be read and discussed.  Students should discuss if the principles would ever constrain them from the type of evaluation that they would like to do, and to consider what other or new principles should be added.  Are there any that they are surprised to find?

Dobres and Hoffman (1994) outline two approaches for understanding the social dimensions of technology. What are they and how are they distinct? Discuss how Adam’s (1973) study of Sumbanese weaving and Lechtman’s (1977) analysis of Andean metalurgy fit

Dobres and Hoffman (1994) outline two approaches for understanding the social dimensions of technology.  What are they and how are they distinct?  Discuss how Adam’s (1973) study of Sumbanese weaving and Lechtman’s (1977) analysis of Andean metalurgy fit these categories. Whose analysis and argument did you find the most compelling and why?