Category: Humanities

Identifying Stakeholders for a New Community Initiative

This paper is based on the last paper that you completed for me in the 2nd assignment. We used the CAC.

This is a 1000 word narrative single-spaced paper in which you are to identify stakeholders in a community social problem with the community identified in the assignment in Unit 2 (CAC), the community social problem identified in the discussion in Unit 5, and you as a human service leader from the organization in the assignment in Unit 4. 

As a human services leader, you are being asked to lead a new initiative. The new initiative will be an interagency collaboration of a task force to address a current community social problem. While individuals will be filling positions to serve on the task force, first you need to identify the stakeholders who have a personal or professional interest in the social problem and how to address it. Utilizing your knowledge of your community context of practice (from the assignment in Unit 2), identify stakeholders and support your choices with literature and theory.

women and gender

please stay away from words and phrases that are too difficult.
i have attached my previous work.
follow the instructions below.

Write a 7 pages essay on one of the following topics:

1. How did slavery and colonialism impact continental African women?

2. Forced migration leads to significant shifts in gender values and gender roles, explain how?

3. Which roles African women play during times of war and peace?


Focus on women or gender

Select an African country (of your choosing) as the focus of your essay

In answering any of these questions, students should examine both:

a) The challenges facing African women;

b) And, African womens strength and ability to overcome these challenges.

Please check the attached essay rubric.

Good luck.

Womens studies

please stay away from words and phrases that are too difficult.
i have attached my previous work.
follow the instructions below.

-Globalization is an uneven process. It creates pockets of wealth and sites of violence in various parts of the globe. In discussing this statement, explain how globalization policies impact womens and men by focusing on one of the followings:
-gender roles and gender relationships
-LGBTQ+ issues
-Structural adjustment programs
-Gender and migration
-Sweat shops/Human trafficking
-Gender and armed conflict
-Social Change and transformation

Essay Requirements:

-Focus on women or gender
-Select any country (of your choosing) as the focus of your essay
-You should make specific reference to *at least* 6 references (4 from the class readings + one of the course documentary films) in your essay.  Please find 2 other scholarly references (of your choosing) to help with your selected country topics.

Please check the attached grading rubric.

In answering any of these questions, students should examine both:

a) The challenges facing women (men and children if applicable);

b) And, examine men/womens strength and ability to overcome these challenges.

Genogram and Reflection

Students will construct a Genogram of their family, and write a 3 page reflection paper on what they learned from this exercise.

A Genogram is a graphical representation of several generations of a family that presents detailed information on relationships among individuals.  A Genogram includes basic family information, including names of family members, gender, year of birth, year of death.  It also includes nature of family relationships, emotional relationships, and social relationships.  It is a way of mapping family patterns and relationships across at least three generations.  A Genogram creates a visual demonstrating the nature and degree of intensity of the emotional responses that are passed down from generation to generation. 

Begin by writing down what you know about your family and those relationships.  Then interview five members of your family, including at least two members of your extended family.  Ask questions about family relationships and significant events. Be mindful that these discussions may be difficult for some family members.  Your conversations with family are designed to help you understand how family members relate to each other.  Information gathered should include, but is not limited to:

Names, ages (or year of death is deceased), of family members in each generation, including parents, step-parents, significant others, siblings, step-siblings, etc.

What are (or were) relationships like between different family members (emotional relationships)?

Use standard genogram symbols to represent family members & their relationships, both normal and dysfunctional. 

Once youve made your genogram, write a 3 page reflection paper.  This paper should include (but is not limited to):

What was your experience like in interviewing family members?

As you look carefully at your Genogram, what patterns can be identified?

Describe those patterns, and whether they represent strengths, resiliencies, or dysfunctional patterns.

It is said that Genograms are a way of looking backward in order to make sense of the current so that one can have choices about what is passed on to the future.  Describe how this applies to you and what you discovered through this process.

Should development projects such as highways, dams, oil, mining and other infra-structural projects that force the displacement of local communities be built?

Reflection Paper Question:

Should development projects such as highways, dams, oil, mining  and other infra-structural projects that force the displacement of local communities be built? Reflect on why is your answer to this question is either Yes OR No, please take a side!

Reflection Paper General Instructions and Rubric

Purpose of Reflection Papers: In this assignment, you will be expected to show that you have read, understood and reflected on 3 of the readings assigned for this class, which was covered in session # 2.


All reflection paper should be 5 pages, typed, double-spaced and in a 12 point font with one-inch margins.

Despite the fact that these papers are designed to reflect your thinking process, they must cite the assigned scholarly sources as these will help you develop an informed opinion based on the readings/film.  You must use MLA citation.

Reflection Paper Guidelines:

The Reflection Paper should analyze at least 3 readings that are provided for this class (additional external readings could be used but are NOT required.)
The Reflection Paper should not only summarize the central arguments raised in these readings/films but should also demonstrate your exploration and critical analysis– in your own words.
It should be doubled spaced, 12-point font– please do NOT use bullet format.
You must use MLA citation.
Please check the below reflection grading rubric.


In this course, you have been reflecting on the assigned readings.  In this assignment, I am asking you to answer the provided reflection question and expand your reflections by sharing some of the followings, which may apply:

Ideas, words or phrases that have struck you, and why?
Further questions this reflection brings up