Category: Humanities

Any topic (writer’s choice)

-what effect do you think that parallel structure has? Does it make sentences easier to understand? Does it make the sentences sound more rhythmic? Or would you argue that parallel structure is not that important? Answer in a paragraph, and quote sentences that do or do not use parallel structure in your response.(use the uploaded additional material title useful information to help)

-Try to identify the use of at least two coherence tools. Mention any ideas you have for improved coherence in the uploaded additional material titled coherence in this writing.

author choice

You are to write an 8-10-page essay utilizing MLA format. I will grade your essays upon the strength of your response, your engagement with the readings and course materials, and your ability to demonstrate analysis and critical thinking. You are expected to utilize your notes and the assigned texts to support and develop your essay. It is to be well-organized and clearly written, with in-depth citations and applies concepts/ key terms.


I will also post my 2 previous essays here. And please DO NOT repeat the previous opinions! Please give me some NEW points! Thank you so much!

Future of journalism

Write an essay of about 1,000 words on what you think journalism/the information ecosystem will look like in the year 2040 and why.

I’m looking for you to make references to history in order to make your argument, providing information and arguments about why some things will change, why some things will stay the same.

You need to use THREE references from material in-class — material from my talks or from the readings, audio files or videos posted — and TWO references to material you have found on your own.

Your essay doesn’t have to be about all of journalism. You could write strictly about video, photography, social media, podcasts, or any specific segment within journalism that you want to focus on.

You may use the following article on predictions about the future as a basis for the essay. You could pick any one of these and build an essay from that. (Citing from this article does NOT count as any of your five required references.) (Links to an external site.)

I have attached two readings and a lecture below.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Compare and contrast the political institutions and the context of the Israeli, Iranian and Turkish politics.

please use the attached resources only and nothing else
for Iran-palmer use only use pages 283 to 302
for Israel Palestine only use pages 124 to 133
for Turkey file 2 only use pages 322 to 340

What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeo

What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeological examples of this process in action to illustrate your answer.

Position Paper

This essay is a position paper that focuses on the use of power in the Shakespearian play Richard the III.  You will use the concepts explored in your reading of Machiavelli in your text to help form your position.  This essay should be no more than 1200 Words and must include a properly formatted Works Cited page and properly formatted in-text citations.  You should have at least two sources, a copy of the play Richard the III and your texts version of Machiavellis The Prince.  You are free to use other sources, but your source usage and the amount of space they take up in your essay should not exceed 35% of your total essay material.  The remaining portions of your essay should be dedicated to analysis and structuring.

You do not want to try to cover the entire play, nor should you try to cover all of the points offered in Machiavelli in relation to acquiring and maintaining power.  You want to find a very tight focus and give a more nuanced analysis.  I suggest you follow the basic steps below for each major point that you make.

Find one instance of acquiring, using, losing, OR abusing Political Power within the play.
Briefly identify that moment and the dynamics of the powers at play.
Identify some aspect of Machiavellian theory that is either proven or challenged in this moment of power.
Briefly identify that Machiavellian concept.
Explain how that Machiavellian concept is demonstrated in that moment of power within the play.
Explain how this use of Machiavellian concepts is both positive AND negative in relation to Power.  Explore both here.
This should be the bulk of one body paragraph.
Repeat these steps 2-3 times to form a thread of Power and Machiavellian theory throughout your essay.  Each new body paragraph should discuss a new section of the play, but you are free to keep using the same aspect of Machiavellian theory, so long as you are arriving at different observations for each point in the play.
When you have several moments of power discussed in play, you will want to come to some form of conclusion for your reader.  This conclusion should answer the following question By understanding Machiavelli and seeing it demonstrated in Shakespeares Richard the III, and applying this understanding to our contemporary political climate [2020 America], what conclusions might we draw about our own time in relation to Political Power?
This final point of critical thinking will form the bases if your introduction and your conclusion.

You must use proper MLA formatting for all aspects of this essay, and you must properly cite all sources used, or your essay cannot be accepted.
You will be graded on your ability to attach Machiavelli to Shakespeare.
You will be graded on your ability to form conclusion about your own culture based on a careful reading of literature and political theory from the past.
You will be graded on accuracy and precision in your language and writing skills.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeological examples of this process in action to illustrate your answer.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeological examples of this process in action to illustrate your answer.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are required to write your initial post before you are able to see the responses of other students.  When setting up your response you are to:

write your initial response

Then put in a heading within the same initial response:  “My opinion” and respond

Reminder: initial post including “My opinion” must be at least 250 words

This week we explored the history of American Indians in this country and Gender. When you think about the slang terms of American Indians, i.e., Red, squaw, casino owner, etc.  How do these terms reinforce stereotypes about American Indians? How do they blur differences between American Indian tribes? How do they continue to shape people’s perceptions of American Indians? We also explored gender this week. Describe the various waves of the feminist movements and what was gained in each.  Discuss any differences in how gender was perceived by some other Native American tribes and how gender is perceived in the US.

My Opinion
Many children of American Indian heritage were removed from their families and placed in Boarding Home where they were not allowed to speak their native language or wear native dress. Many of these children were not being abused by their parents and should not have been removed. If caught speaking their native language they were severely punished.  Please discuss the video you were able to find abou this. There are several in the library and on you tube.

Culture is a uniquely human invention and thus non-human primates do not possess culture. Support or refute this statement by presenting evidence from studies of captive and wild primates. Be sure to thoroughly discuss how different researchers (in a vari

I have included all the references that need to be used, no outside sources to be used. Please read the final paper instructions that I have included, make sure to follow them. I have also included the annotated bibliography and outline and draft of introduction that i have done prior for this essay. Make sure to incorporate that into the paper that way the argument is the same. This is an argumentative research paper. 6 pages need to be written of work!!! DO NOT INCLUDE A COVER PAGE OR REFERENCE PAGE! NO PLAGIARISM!!!