Category: Humanities

International Political Economy

Pick one question only!

1.    Critically evaluate the role that trade liberalisation has played in Chinas economic growth in the last decades and whether it can be emulated by other developing countries today.

2.    How has the production and appropriation of economic value been transformed by the globalisation of production since the 1970s? Critically discuss with reference to the governance and organisational dynamics of a global value chain within a sector of your choice.

3.    How can an expanded conception of extractivism be employed to critically explore contemporary relationships between extractivism and development?

4.    In what ways can everyday consumption patterns [of a product/service of your choice] contribute to reinvigorating [or unsettling] dominant socio-economic relations?

5.    What stands in the way of meaningfully addressing the global climate crisis?

6.    Critically assess why and how substantial differences in contemporary capitalisms persist despite common economic pressures.
7.    What is financialisation and how has it impacted growth and income distribution in [advanced economies/developing countries/a country of your choice]?
8.    8.1 What caused the global economic and financial crisis that began in 2007-8? Have these causes been overcome?
8.2 What are the main causes of the Euro crisis? Have these causes been overcome?
9.    Why has inequality risen in the past decades?
10.    What are the prospects of social movements changing the neoliberal trajectories of economic development?

African American Experience

Discuss the civil rights movement. What civil rights did blacks achieve?  How did the Civil Rights Movement Change over time?  Compare and Contrast the different approaches to Civil Rights issues.  Was the Civil Rights Movement Successful? Explain your position

1. A minimum of three Academic sources is required.
2. You must give specific examples from the secondary and/or primary sources used in the development of the paper and must cite these sources following the APA style.  Find examples here
3. Please limit your use of direct quotations ( no more than 2) and use APA style guidelines for citation.

Peer Review of Introduction

In this discussion board, you will begin writing your argument essay due at the end of Unit 7 by submitting the introduction to your essay. The introduction is the opening of your essay. You want to hook the reader from the first paragraph of your essay. In order to do that, you will need to pay attention to the first sentence you use in your essay. You want to engage the readers with that sentence. Your next sentences will briefly explain your essay topics. Finally, end the introduction with a thesis statement that reveals your argument as well as your topics.
Here is a sample introduction on cyberbullying in high school to give you an idea of how an introduction should be organized:
Cyberbullying through online platforms, such as Twitter, has become a growing problem that needs to be strongly addressed in public high schools around the country. Why, one might ask, is cyberbullying such an important issue? Cyberbullying is the act of bullying someone online. Often, that bullying may include sending messages that harass and intimidate another person through a medium that can mask the persons identity. This type of behavior is not acceptable anywhere, but particularly within the school system because it promotes a negative educational culture and also can be harmful to the person being bullied. High schools need to implement specific programs surrounding the topic of cyberbullying that provide education on the subject, intervention for those being bullied or doing the bullying, and severe consequences for acts of cyberbullying.

Careers in Human Services

I choose  community and service networker, community planner, consultant, mobilizer, and outreach worker.
Instructions for work.
This week you’ll read chapter 2 in the Introduction to Human Services book, and have a chance to research a human services career of interest to you as part of your discussion this week. Make sure you use a human services based career and use at least one, ideally two, sources of information with citations and references. Those are always required

Select a career in human services that interest you.  Visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook and answer the following questions: 1) What are the primary tasks associated with this career (in other words, describe the career)?  2) What are the educational requirements, salary and projected growth of this career? 3) What motivated you to choose this career path?  What values or characteristics would be reflected in this work?

Attached has the rubric and reading material.

language ideology

Haviland (2003) & language ideology:

For todays session, you read Haviland (2003), an analysis of how language ideologies are central to the practice of U.S. law. For this discussion post, you will analyze how language ideologies are part of the current Presidential impeachment trial unfolding in the U.S. Congress. At a fundamental level, the impeachment trial is about language: did then-President Trumps words incite a violent insurrection?

Begin by viewing this 25-minute segment of the defense teams opening argument.

Your analysis will be grounded in Havilands discussion of language ideology. To define language ideology as a concept, he cites a 1990 essay by anthropologist Alan Rumsey: shared bodies of commonsense notions about the nature of language in the world (764). And, he identifies an especially pervasive language ideology that circulates in U.S. law, the referential ideology: the notion that words are essentially vehicles for conveying referential meaning, that is, propositions that are simply true or false (766).

The question you are addressing is this: how is the referential ideology present in this performance by the defense team? Be sure to illustrate your answer with examples from the video clip.

International Relations

This assignment is a take-home essay consisting of 3 questions (1, 2a, and 2b). The answers should fill about 2 pages. The objective is to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Please exclusively use the course materials to support each answer; you will not find the answers on Google or websites. To answer these questions use your own words; do not use quotations.

In Chapter 3 of our reading International Relations: A Very Short Introduction, Wilkinson discusses intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and the United Nations in particular. He writes:

Thus, while it is true that the UN Charter gives the world organization stronger powers   it has failed time and again when confronting major threats to peace and security. However, when I say the UN has failed I am really criticizing the member states, for it is they who decide (or fail to decide) what, if anything, the UN should do.

It is therefore a mistake to judge the UN as an autonomous actor in the international system: it is in essence an intergovernmental forum constantly constrained by basic inter-state disagreements and disputes both in the Security Council and the General Assembly
(2007, 70).

What does Wilkinson mean by this statement? Be sure to read the full chapter so youre not missing context. After you explain this statement in your own words, weigh in on the matter. Does the UN have more power than its member states, or is the UN just a shell in which the member states have all the power? Who should be blamed for failures? Can you think of an example or event that illustrates Wilkinsons point or your position?

In your own words, what is a multinational corporation (MNC)? What are some examples of MNCs that you interacted with today?

The short article by Cragg, Arnold, and Muchlinski (2012) discusses human rights and businesses (meaning MNCs). What steps have been taken, according to the article, to determine whether MNCs have human rights responsibilities?

Genetic testing and how it can benefit or society or deteriorate it as it becomes more available.

above is a link to the video: It is called Cracking your Genetic Code Season 39, Ep 9. 53 Minutes long.

It does not need to be a full 550 words BUT it NEEDS to answer the essay questions below. 1 paragraph for each question.

1. In your words, what is meant by the phrase Genetic Code?

In the movie they obtained DNA from different sources, what were those sources? What other sources would be preferable? What sources would you avoid? Why?

3. One of the people in the movie said that if they tried they might fail, and that would be a good thing? Who said that and what did he mean?

4. They talked about a disease called CFwhat does that stand for? What part of the body does it affect? How much does the treatment for CF cost?

5. What do you predict for the future regarding peoples Genetic Code? There were two sides to the debate, what were they? Discuss each side.

How does agenda-setting influence coverage of poverty?

Pick one topic and write an essay between 1,200-1,600 words in length. It is due Feb. 14 by 11:59 p.m. The grading rubric is at the end of this document. You must use at least two resources from class and at least three outside sources (news organizations, books, academic articles, think tanks).

Terrorism and Security

This is a research proposal for a class on “Terrorism and Security.” If the research proposal is approved, then I will also assign you the entire research paper.

The research question must fall under “Terrorism and Security,” but the professor did not assign us any readings or material on the topic. Once you have a topic or set of topics in mind, please share them with me before getting started working on the proposal.

The proposal template already has 350 words; please add around 800 words to those.

Tourism Services:National Park Service

1.    Describe the H&T company & its sustainability e.g., sector of tourism, size of company, location/s, ownership (local or foreign), years in operation, significance of the companys efforts (e.g., certifications, funds, projects, policies, etc.) to sustainability, examples and types of sustainability (e.g., social, ecological, economic).
2.    Assess applicable UNSDGs e.g., comprehensive discussion of applicable SDGs with specific examples demonstrated by your chosen H&T company, primary & secondary stakeholders (e.g., tourists, local people, businesses in the supply chain, local government, habitat & wildlife, etc.) in short, which of the 17 SDGs, where and how to integrate them.
3.    Advocate the incorporation of UNSDGs e.g., the ripple effect of the chosen SDGs, scale of your proposed ideas (local/regional/global), applicable sector/s of tourism, proposed partners to work on ideas, participation of stakeholders (as outlined in #2) in short, why would your H&T company want to integrate these SDGs.