Category: Humanities

Community Assessment Plan

In many ways, the community defines the needs your organization seeks to meet. For the human services organization you selected in Unit 1, create a community assessment plan that describes how you will assess the community in which the organization operates.

Your community assessment plan must include the following elements:

The key stakeholders who will participate in the assessment.
The methodology you will use to complete the assessment.
The steps you will take to complete the assessment.
Any instruments you will use to complete the assessment.
The data you will collect.
The method for communicating the results of the assessment and the audience to whom you will communicate them.
Your community assessment must take into account the following characteristics of the community:

Languages spoken.
Education levels.
Foster care.
Indicators that focus on the grant for which your organization will apply (as selected in the assignment in Unit 2). That is, describe the aspects of the community that would be addressed most directly by the grant. These could, for example, include homelessness, the disabled, domestic violence prevention, etcetera.
Assignment Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Number of resources: Minimum of 3 scholarly resources.
Length of paper: 4 typed, double-spaced pages. Note that title page and references do not count toward the page length of the assignment.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

politics of USA

-Each student must present their literature summary writing assignment. The presentation may not be longer than 8 minutes. Things to think about when preparing your presentation:
-Your primary goal is to present a summary of the articles that you have selected for your writing assignment.
-You do not have time to cover every detail of the paper. Focus instead on how each source contributes to the body of knowledge about the topic.
Organize your presentation in a way that demonstrates your evaluation of the sources in terms of how each one relates to other sources and to the major debates on the topic.
-Do not speak for more than eight minutes.

counselor skills

M2 – Mindtap Video Activities
You will be watching and reflecting on 3 short videos (each video is under 2-3 minutes) that relate to the topics covered in Chapter 2.  Please view the videos and submit your responses to the questions associated with each video.
Video Exercise
Sign into the online supplement to your textbook called Mindtap, go to Chapter 1 and under How do I practice what I’ve learned? click on the Video Activity tab to view the Closed Captioned Video Activity entitled Demystifying the Helping Process. 

After watching the video, reflect on the following questions: 
In the video we shared how an experienced therapist, Dr Allan Ivey, discusses how to ‘demystify” what is involved in the counseling process and what key skills are used. 
What specific items that Dr. Ivey discussed were new to you? 
How well do you understand what he means by the term “microskills”? What questions would you have of Dr. Ivey about microskills?
Did you hear discussion about informed consent and what this means?  What might you added or changed?
creative commons image of a video camera  Video Exercise
Sign into the online supplement to your textbook called Mindtap, go to Chapter 2 and under How do I practice what I’ve learned? click on the Video Activity tab to view the video entitled Toward Multicultural Competence: Self Disclosure and Race/Ethnicity.  You may also wish to turn on the closed captioning for this video.     
Multicultural competence is a goal toward which we all will be striving throughout our careers. The video clip illustrated the importance of knowledge, awareness, and skills in multicultural areas.  The goal in this exercise is to help you think a bit about diversity issues, your response to these issues, and what you might actually say to the client.

After watching the video reflect on the following questions: 

In the video we shared how interviewer Allen Ivey discussed gender and cultural differences with Azara Santiago-Rivera.
Note how and what he shared.  What specific things that Allen did were appropriate?
How did he address her concerns?
Where might you disagree? What might you add or change?
creative commons image of a video camera  Video Exercise
Sign into the online supplement to your textbook called Mindtap, go to Chapter 2 and under How do I practice what I’ve learned? click on the Video Activity tab to view the Closed Captioned Video Activity entitled Helper Studio: Erica, Understanding Challenges.  You may also wish to turn on the closed captioning for this video. 
After watching the video, reflect on the following questions.
What was your reaction as you listened to and watched Erica?
What did she share was her first concern about the counseling session? What was her larger concern?
What would you say next to her?
Tips for Written Assignment

Your written assignments are intended to test your understanding of important concepts and discover how to sharpen your intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. Completing assignments also provides you with opportunities to more fully describe, explain, and analyze what you are reading, discussing, etc. to deepen your learning. The following ESC Library resources can help you complete assignments:

Empire State College Online Library Resources Center can connect you to: Journals, a self-paced Research Skills Tutorial, online Workshops to sharpen your library skills
Take a Video Tour the Empire State College Library
Get online virtual help from the Ask a Librarian or call at (800)847-3000 ext. 2222
Please read the SUNY Empire State College statement on Academic Integrity before submitting any work for this course (including discussion postings). In addition, please document your sources carefully and using APA citation style for all submissions to the course, including discussion postings.

political economy of USA

-Locate at least five (5) peer-reviewed articles and at least three (3) texts on the political economy of USA
-Write a three (3) single-spaced essay summarizing the result of the research endeavor.
– so you have to choose 5 peer reviewed articles and 3 books
– 3 pages only, single spaced.

Compare the notion of “sisterhood” in Lucille Clifton’s poem, “sisters” to bell hooks’ critique of mainstream feminism in “Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory.” How does hooks’ critique expose the ways in which Western feminist theory excludes a broad vi

* Word count: 250-minimum to 300-words maximum total, excluding the Works Cited, which should follow MLA format (Links to an external site.). In other words, the Works Cited should not be included in your 250- to 300-word count. This is equivalent to one page double-spaced.

* Structure: The recommended structure for the paper is 1) descriptive title, 2) brief introduction (2-3 sentences mentioning the authors and texts analyzed, and outlining your main claims), 3) body paragraphs (either one body paragraph for each text you analyze -or- one paragraph for each of your chosen themes with both texts analyzed in each paragraph), 4) short conclusion (1-2 sentences), 5) “4 Substantive questions” heading followed by a list of your questions, and 6) “Works Cited” section with the citations for all texts analyzed in the response provided in MLA format.

* 4 Substantive questions: Formulate four questions based on themes and analysis you’ve presented in your response and/or expand on an idea that you introduce within your response, or write a question for a topic not directly addressed in your response. Thus, the four questions might be related to your response paper, but not answered within it. The questions should require a thoughtful response and provoke discussion (i.e. not yes/no questions). We may be able to use some of these questions during small or whole group discussion in class. Also, when students respond to peers’ posts by the last day of class, they can choose to respond to one of more of their colleagues’ questions or address an idea mentioned in the response itself.

* “Close Reading”: This is the literary analysis that you will perform for the poems (if you choose to write about them). After you read the poems carefully, make annotations of your observations, and then offer your poetic interpretation in your response. Your analysis of the poems is key. Please do not write a summary. Focus on language, imagery, repetition, word choice, literary devices, and try to connect your observations to the larger themes in the work: How does the form of the poem relate to its content? What does it reveal about the author’s perspective of Black women? A few resources on close reading: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
* Theoretical analysis: For the theoretical essays by hooks, Hill Collins and Harris-Perry, focus on understanding the authors argument. What evidence do they present? Do you find it convincing?

* Can we relate the readings to our personal lives? As you will read in Patricia Hill-Collins, there is a space in your writing for the “experiential” or what you have experienced. But, you want to ensure that your response is not solely a personal reflection. It is important to engage with and analyze the texts to demonstrate your critical understanding and move beyond personal impressions.

* Grading: The response papers will be graded Credit/No Credit. Responses that are incomplete may receive half credit.

Remember that you are only required to write about two of the readings listed in the response paper instructions.

Elevator Speech

Elevator Speech #1

Objective: To think about and synthesize your anthropological learning these past years, and to articulate how and why this training is significant and useful to a wider public.
Outcome: A two-minute, example or story-driven and well articulated “elevator speech” or “elevator pitch” that can be used in a variety of contexts.

An “elevator speech” is a short “pitch” that can be given immediately when a situation warrants.  In this case, it is an introduction to yourself and your interests in an anthropologically relevant way.  You will gear the speech to particular audiences at different times, but the bulk of it will remain the same most likely.  (for example I have a different one for film festivals than I have for academics).

Post a draft of your elevator speech by clicking “reply” below.  Write it short enough so that it would take no more than 2 – 3 minutes to read.  (Note that 1 line of text = 6 seconds).  You should construct a draft in a Word document and cut and paste into the text box.  What is anthropology, what kinds of questions or issues does it raise for you, and how are the skills applicable?  Is there a “Big Question” that interests you?  (if not, you will have one soon).

The Short Activities Rubric will be used to grade this exercise.
1. Anthropological Perspectives (2) Exhibits awareness and understanding of ethnocentrism, cultural relativity, contexts, and power in all activities;
2. Course Concepts & Examples (3) Directly and appropriately utilizes course terminology in all writing and activities; Describes and utilizes appropriate examples from course materials (readings, films, individual fieldwork, media sources);
3. Follows Instructions & Puts in Effort (5)  Is this a compare/contrast discussion?  Did you find outside sources if required?  Were you supposed to upload an image?  Follow the directions!!  And put in some effort.


Module II focuses on the historical development of culture through the study of archaeological remains. Four basic changes mark the transition from Neolithic village life to life in early urban centers or city states (agricultural innovation, diversification of labor, central government, and social stratification). Write a 2 page essay discussing one of these markers of early civilization.  Provide examples of specific archaeological evidence that suggests the presence of early urban centers/city states to support the discussion of one of the four markers above.  The essay should not focus on the Neolithic Period.

see instructions

Review the article( and compose a reflection.


What was interesting about them? What did you learn you did not know before reading? What worked or did not about the story? Was the detail good or lacking? Which quotes resonated? What tactics did they use you liked or did not?

WRIters choice

The blog post will most likely be a response to the readings, to one of the videos or songs. Or, it could perhaps be a response to the last class discussion. The goal is to read, view, or listen to this content and think about what they mean and how they relate to the theme of the course. What did you think about the arguments? Did you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Did something in the pieces surprise you? Or was there something you did not understand? Did you have something you found in the text that you wanted to discuss further? All of this is fair game. You can also bring in material that was not in the readings and resources from current events or social media if you think it enriches the blog by relating to the question of Black Religion.

Also Note to get some vocabulary from the reading and explain them in your own words.

Olupona, Jacob K. African religions: a very short introduction. Vol. 377. Oxford University Press, 2014. 72-88

H. U. Beier, “The egungun cult among the Yorubas” Prsence Africaine,  fvrier-mai 1958, No. 18/19 (fvrier-mai 1958), pp. 33-36 (Fela Kuti – Coffin For Head of State

5.6 Module 5 Group Discussion: Before the Flood

1Q: What is your carbon footprint according to the quiz? (also include a screen shot of your completed quiz score from the website above). Are you surprised by your score?  What three factors do you believe contributed the most to your score?

2Q: Describe at least five anthropogenic causes for global climate change that were discussed in the film Before the Flood.

3Q: What is the Paris Agreement?  How do you feel about President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from this agreement?  (please remember to be respectful to your peers….we are all entitled to our opinion).

4Q: Describe at least three things or changes in your everyday behavior that would allow you to reduce your overall carbon footprint in the upcoming year.