Category: Humanities


Compose a short paper in Microsoft Word on how you feel about communicating through electronic devices. Is it easier than communicating with someone face to face? What do you think are the pros and cons of communicating electronically? What is your opinion on this issue? Make sure to use specific reasons and examples to support your position. If you use sources or direct quotes, be sure to cite them at the end of your paper.


Compose a short paper in Microsoft Word on how you feel about communicating through electronic devices. Is it easier than communicating with someone face to face? What do you think are the pros and cons of communicating electronically? What is your opinion on this issue? Make sure to use specific reasons and examples to support your position. If you use sources or direct quotes, be sure to cite them at the end of your paper.

Discussion and reflection essay

Instructions: after you have completed the reading for this module, spend some time comparing and contrasting the Holbein and Drer portraits yourself. Answer the following discussion prompt in at least a paragraph, and be sure to also post either a response to a peer or a question in the QotW thread.

What similarities or differences do you notice in these two portraits? What aspects of these paintings support the idea that they reflect the “invention” of the individual? Lastly, does the fact that Drer’s painting is a self-portrait change how you interpret it?

Module reading:
Please read Jerry Brotton, “Introduction,” (in The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction, p. 16-27), and Jason Farago, Seeing Our Own Reflection in the Birth of the Self-Portrait.

Overview: Brotton’s chapter splits roughly into two parts: the first half introduces the main themes of the Renaissance through the painting The Ambassadors (Holbein, 1533), while the second explores the different historical approaches to the Renaissance. The Farago piece likewise focuses on a portrait, this one a self-portrait from Drer (1500). It explores the rise of individualism through careful analysis of this painting.

2 Keys:
Artifacts are Evidence. In addition to the specific information they convey, both of these readings show how artifacts serve as primary evidence in the humanities. Summing up a massive historical period is seemingly impossible, but Holbein’s painting can be used to do it elegantly. Likewise, discussing “individualistic conceptions of the self” might seem to be almost impossible. (How can we know anything about this? People rarely sit down and declare: “this is my self-conception!”) But careful attention to the Drer painting grounds Farago’s discussion such that it becomes both clear and convincing. Both show the value of engaging artifacts as practiced by the humanities disciplines: doing so helps us get at issues that otherwise might seem either too close to us or to abstract to observe.
Historical Origins. It can be easy to assume that the categories we use to understand the world are constant and unchanging. However, the humanities regularly demonstrate that even ideas that might seem to be obvious or ahistorical often arise in very specific historical conditions. The unique individual, the idea of the European, even the term ‘Renaissance’ itself are all what we might call “historically emergent.” Or, as the Farago article puts it: they “had to be invented.”

Link for Book:

Adolescent Marginalization

1. Read the article explaining Kurt Lewins sociological conceptualization of the adolescent as a marginal man.
2. Then, briefly summarize what you read in the handout, be sure to capture the main ideas in your own words.
3. Next, provide an example of an adolescent whose behavior appears to overlap between childhood and adulthood, as in the article. In other words, the adolescent chose at one moment to behave like an adult and at another moment chose to act like a child. Use an example based on your own observations and experiences (don’t make up an example!). Clearly identify the child-like behavior(s) and the adult-like behavior(s).

Response to a Book

Finish reading Barefoot Gen and respond to ONE of the questions below in a single, well written paragraph:

1.Why is manga an effective medium to portray the horrors of the atomic bomb? Provide at least one concrete reference or example from the text.

2.What social problems does Barefoot Gen provide insight into in addition to the dropping of the atomic bomb? Provide at least one concrete reference or example from the text.

Canadian Wildfire Prevention

Take a look at the wildfire attached! Please research this specific wildfire incident and focus on the topic ‘prevention’ regarding this fire. As well as discussing what type of specific hazard this is:

Natural meteorological, hydrological, geological, biological
– Discuss how different types of natural hazards impact differently in time and space
– Canadian approaches and practices tools, regulations, policy, jurisdiction

Technological, human interventions, actions, and errors
– The nature of these and how Canada deals with them now
– Use examples

Intentional terrorism, politically motivated attacks and invasions, civil wars, cyber attacks (recent examples in Canada)
How were they dealt with at the community level?

Any measures being put in place to provide social support

Resource materials – include one scholarly article or a book in addition to other sources

Written Activity

1. Written Activity #1: Your Past & Future Via Anthropology
This assignment is the first of a series of activities called “Public Anthropology” that we will do this semester.  It is inspired by Margaret Mead’s engagement with wider publics – not just other anthropologists.  The world, it seems, could benefit from a more anthropological perspective.  What is anthropology, what kinds of questions or issues does it raise for you, and how are the skills applicable?  What is the “Big Question” that interests you?  This is what we are ultimately getting to.

Objective: To think about and synthesize your anthropological learning these past years, and to articulate to nonspecialist audiences the complexities of bringing an anthropological approach to a human problem.
Outcome: Discussing the ethics, benefits, and pitfalls of bringing an anthropological approach to wider publics.

First, read the following articles assigned:
a. Ingold (2018) Actions  Anthropology for the Future;
b. Purcell (2000) Actions  Public Anthropology-An Idea Searching for a Reality
c. Omohoro (1998) Actions  Career Advice.

In one post of appx. 500+ words, answer the following questions (note 500 words is 1 page, single spaced in Word):
1). How would you articulate what anthropology as a discipline COULD be to other anthropologists?  That is, how would you use the readings to argue for making anthropology MORE RELEVANT and UNDERSTANDABLE?
2). What are the benefits of bringing anthropological perspectives and methods outside of the academy?  Discuss three specific points
3). You should use (and cite) the authors’ points and perspectives to substantiate your own point.  When you cite and reference materials, use an in-text citation format (Author Year), and include a BIBLIOGRAPHY!

The standard Activities Rubric will be used to grade this exercise:
1. Anthropological Perspectives (4) Exhibits awareness and understanding of ethnocentrism, cultural relativity, contexts, and power in all activities;
2.Course Concepts (4) Directly and appropriately utilizes course terminology in all writing and activities;
3. Examples (4) Describes and utilizes appropriate examples from course materials (readings, films, individual fieldwork, media sources);
4. Follows Instructions (4)  Is this a compare/contrast discussion?  Did you find outside sources if required?  Were you supposed to upload an image?  Follow the directions!!  And put in some effort;
5. Writing, Style, Organization (4)  Writing is always important.  So are citations and a bibliography.  The writing can be indicative of your effort (see #4 above).

If you’re reading this on Sunday, you have until 11:59 PM EST to complete the unit 2 requirements. I hope you’re all doing well and that you had a good weekend. It was a chilly/windy weekend in Connecticut. This week you’ll read chapters 10, and if time p
A video on Human Services Technology.
This video discusses the importance of technology when working with clients and touches on the exciting new field of GIS, geographic information system mapping as well as the use of text messaging to connect with clients.

    Poor    Minimal    Sufficient    Above Average    Exemplary
Response Quality   
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 7 (7.00%)
Postings and replies were off topic and contained mostly opinions with little-to-no discussion of readings OR LESS THAN THREE POSTINGS WERE SUBMITTED.
Points Range:8 (8.00%) – 15 (15.00%)
Postings and replies were poor in their discussion of required readings and did not foster new or original thought.
Points Range:16 (16.00%) – 23 (23.00%)
Postings and replies were adequate in their discussion of required readings but did not attempt to foster new or original thought.
Points Range:24 (24.00%) – 32 (32.00%)
Postings and replies were good in their discussion of required readings, demonstrating understanding of the course material, and contained new thought.
Points Range:33 (33.00%) – 40 (40.00%)
Postings and replies were excellent in their discussion of required readings, demonstrating mastery of the course material, and contained new or original thought.
Spelling/Grammar/APA Format   
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 5 (5.00%)
Postings and replies contain major errors in APA format, spelling and/or grammar.
Points Range:6 (6.00%) – 6 (6.00%)
Postings and replies included many errors in APA format, spelling and/or grammar.
Points Range:7 (7.00%) – 7 (7.00%)
Postings and replies included more than a few errors in APA format, spelling and/or grammar.
Points Range:8 (8.00%) – 8 (8.00%)
Postings and replies included few errors in APA format, spelling and/or grammar.
Points Range:9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Postings and replies included proper APA format and little to no errors in spelling or grammar.
Post by Wednesday   
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Did not make an initial/response post in the forum(s) by Wednesday at 11:59 pm.
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:15 (15.00%) – 15 (15.00%)
Made an initial/response post in the forum(s) by Wednesday at 11:59 pm.
Posting Schedule   
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Did not meet the minimum posting schedule requirements and did not post in forum(s) on THREE separate days.
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:15 (15.00%) – 15 (15.00%)
Met or exceeded minimum posting schedule requirements by posting in forum(s) on THREE separate days.
Additional Required Resource   
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Additional resources were not provided.
Points Range:3 (3.00%) – 3 (3.00%)
Additional resource provided to support posts but content was not applied to the postings.
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:10 (10.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
At least one additional resources provided to support posts AND information from these sources was applied to postings with in-text citations.
Word Count   
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Posting(s) did not meet minimum word count requirements.
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:5 (5.00%) – 5 (5.00%)
Some postings met minimum word count requirements.
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)
Points Range:10 (10.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Initial posting contained at least 175 words and replies contained at least 75 words.
Name:Discussion Board Grading Rubric for Onboarding Courses

Unit 4 Assignment: Paper Topic and Information Literacy
Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 4
Points: 100
In this assignment, you will select a topic for your Models of Service Delivery Paper.
You will also include an annotated bibliography of two sources. Stay away from noncredible sources such as Wikipedia, blogs, etc. The Post Library is a great starting
point. This assignment is part of your overall written assignment grade.
Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions.
Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence,
psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.).
You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all
three models to your topic
Conduct research on that topic finding at least two credible sources, and provide
background information about your topic:
What is the topic?
Who is affected by the problem you selected?
What are underlying causes of the problem?
You should show a clear understanding of the topic you selected based on your
research (not opinion).
Using the attached template, you will complete your literacy assignment chart, to
The 2 scholarly resources you found.
For each resource fill out the required information in each column:
o Resource in APA Format: cite the resource in APA format
o Summary of the Resource: Each resource must be described in about 150
words that addresses the main ideas, credibility, and reliability of the
HSV101 Introduction to Human Services
Unit 4 Assignment: Paper Topic and Information Literacy
o How this Resource Relates to the Topic: In a short description, share how
this resource connects to the topic you will be exploring for your Models of
Human Services paper in order to justify your selection of this resource.
Written work must follow the word count stipulation above (not including title and
bibliography; typed and double spaced with 12 pt. font) and APA style In-text
Use complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation.
Clearly answer the questions in detail.
Support your topic with 2 resources,.
Carefully edit and proof read your work before submitting it via the Safe Assign
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write

In this assignment, you will select a topic for your Models of Service Delivery Paper.
You will also include an annotated bibliography of two sources. Stay away from noncredible sources such as Wikipedia, blogs, etc. The Post Library is a great starting
point. This assignment is part of your overall written assignment grade.
Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions.
Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence,
psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.).
You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all
three models to your topic
Conduct research on that topic finding at least two credible sources, and provide
background information about your topic:
What is the topic?
Who is affected by the problem you selected?
What are underlying causes of the problem?
You should show a clear understanding of the topic you selected based on your
research (not opinion).
Using the attached template, you will complete your literacy assignment chart, to
The 2 scholarly resources you found.
For each resource fill out the required information in each column:
o Resource in APA Format: cite the resource in APA format
o Summary of the Resource: Each resource must be described in about 150
words that addresses the main ideas, credibility, and reliability of the
HSV101 Introduction to Human Services
Unit 4 Assignment: Paper Topic and Information Literacy
o How this Resource Relates to the Topic: In a short description, share how
this resource connects to the topic you will be exploring for your Models of
Human Services paper in order to justify your selection of this resource.
Written work must follow the word count stipulation above (not including title and
bibliography; typed and double spaced with 12 pt. font) and APA style In-text
Use complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation.
Clearly answer the questions in detail.
Support your topic with 2 resources,.
Carefully edit and proof read your work before submitting it via the Safe Assign
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write
and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 4 Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Needs
Proficient Exemplary
(0 Points) (5 Points)
The topic
selection is
N/A N/A The topic
selection is fully
(0-14 Points) (15-19 Points) (20-24 Points) (25 Points)
Resources in
APA Format
The first column
contains little or
no resources or
APA formatting.
is missing or
The first column
is partially filled
out for all
N/A The first column
is completely
filled out for all
resources in
APA format.
Summary of
the Resources
The summaries
of the resources
is missing or
The summaries
is present ,but
key details are
missing; word
count is not met.
The summaries is
present, but
minor details are
missing; word
count may or may
not be met.
The summaries
of each resource
is clearly and
fully presented,
in 150 words.
How the
Relate to the
The relationship
of the resource
to the topic is
missing or poorly
The relationship
of the resource
to the topic is
present, but key
details are
The relationship
of the resource to
the topic is
present, but
minor details are
The relationship
of the resource
to the topic is
clearly and fully
including all
(0-5 Points) (6-7 Points) (8-9 Points) (10 Points)
Resources 0-1 resources
N/A N/A 2 or more
resources used.
Clear and
Errors impede
guidelines not
Significant errors
that do not
Few errors that
do not impede
Writing and
format are clear,
APA compliant,
and error free.

In this assignment, you will select a topic for your Models of Service Delivery Paper.  You will also include an annotated bibliography of 4 resources.  Stay away from non-credible resources such as Wikipedia, blogs, etc.  The Post Library is a great starting point.  This assignment is part of your overall written assignment grade.
Refer to the attached document for complete details and grading rubric.

In this unit, we will discuss the importance of thesis statements and using sources to prove your thesis. A thesis statement is often thought of as the main idea of your essay. However, a thesis is more than just the main idea; it is the controlling idea

In terms of structuring your essay, the thesis statement typically goes at the end of the introduction. In your introduction, you set up what you are writing about by explaining the key points you will use to support your thesis.

Now that we are focusing on using evidence in your work, it is important to understand the significance of avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking someone elses ideas and using them as your own without giving credit.Self-plagiarism is also a form of plagiarism. You can actually plagiarize yourself if you resubmit work you used in a previous class. If you ever want to reuse work, then you need to make significant changes to the previously submitted material and check with your current instructor about what you need to revise.

This is a general list of the information you might need to create a
complete citation. Depending on the citation style you are using,
different information may be required for each of these
sources (see the section on MLA/APA/CMS for more
information on citation styles).
Edition (if not first)
Name, date, and city of publication/publisher
Title and Subtitle
Name of source (magazine, journal, newspaper, etc.)
Date of publication
Volume, issue, and page numbers
If retrieved from a database, also
Name of database

The resources in this unit and so far in the course have focused on how to cite information. When you use a source in your writing, you have to make sure to cite it or you may run the risk of plagiarizing it. Please review the resource on plagiarism and self-plagiarism in this unit.
Initial Reponse:
In one paragraph, for your initial post, answer these questions:
What implications or consequences does plagiarism have within your chosen area of study or your career?
How might your position within your profession be affected by plagiarism?
Peer Responses:
In response to your classmates, consider what other ways plagiarism could affect their careers or program of study.
Be sure to post your initial thread by 11:59 p.m. EST, Wednesday. Responses to your classmates are due by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday.
Ex: Exposing children from an early age to the dangers of drug abuse is
a sure method of preventing future drug addicts.
Ex: In todays crumbling job market, a high school diploma is not
significant enough education to land a stable, lucrative job.
You can find thesis statements in many places, such as in the news;
in the opinions of friends, coworkers or teachers; and even in songs you
hear on the radio. Become aware of thesis statements in everyday life by
paying attention to peoples opinions and their reasons for those opinions.
Pay attention to your own everyday thesis statements as well, as these can
become material for future essays.
Now that you have read about the contents of a good thesis statement and have
seen examples, take a look at the pitfalls to avoid when composing your own
A thesis is weak when it is simply a declaration of your subject or a description of what you will
discuss in your essay.
Ex: Weak thesis statement: My paper will explain why imagination is more
important than knowledge.
A thesis is weak when it makes an unreasonable or outrageous claim or insults the opposing side.
Ex: Weak thesis statement: Religious radicals across America are trying to legislate
their Puritanical beliefs by banning required high school books.
A thesis is weak when it contains an obvious fact or something that no one can disagree with or
provides a dead end.
Ex: Weak thesis statement: Advertising companies use sex to sell their products.
A thesis is weak when the statement is too broad.
Ex: Weak thesis statement: The life of Abraham Lincoln was long and challenging.
Often in your career, you will need to ask your boss for something through
an e-mail. Just as a thesis statement organizes an essay, it can also organize

Ex: Exposing children from an early age to the dangers of drug abuse is
a sure method of preventing future drug addicts.
Ex: In todays crumbling job market, a high school diploma is not
significant enough education to land a stable, lucrative job.
You can find thesis statements in many places, such as in the news;
in the opinions of friends, coworkers or teachers; and even in songs you
hear on the radio. Become aware of thesis statements in everyday life by
paying attention to peoples opinions and their reasons for those opinions.
Pay attention to your own everyday thesis statements as well, as these can
become material for future essays.
Now that you have read about the contents of a good thesis statement and have
seen examples, take a look at the pitfalls to avoid when composing your own

Law Codes of Hammurabi and the Biblical Covenant

Compare the early law codes of Hammurabi and the Biblical Covenant. They can be found in Sayre pp. 49-51 and 58-59 and I have attached them as word documents. The paper must be between 550-650 original words in length and in MLA format.

Use academic sources only. Use JSTOR to find scholarly articles. Primary sources can be harder to find, and you may need to use an online version. This is fine but be careful that it is from a reliable source.

Use MLA Style (parenthetical) referencing

Talking Points:
What kinds of general themes do you find in the codes? Based on the codes, what can you say about organization and outlook of the societies?