Category: Humanities

Amanda Wise

Please refer to the paper that I upload.
The question is
  – what are the imaginative resources for the long-distance nationalism of the East Timorese diasporic community in Australia? (according to Amanda Wise)

“Please draw the concept map [mind map] Instead of writing an essay”
***Draw a map to explain these resources in detail.***

analyzing a prevalent and urgent Asian American issue

You will be responsible for writing a 5-6 page paper analyzing a prevalent and urgent Asian American issue.  Here are some questions to address:
-What is/are the issue(s) that Asian Americans are currently facing and/or will face? -Briefly describe the origins of the issue(s) and how it became an issue(s).
-Using  credible  sources  (journal  articles,  newspapers,  books),  why  is/are  the  issue(s) important to address and resolve? (New York Times, the Atlantic, Reuters, Associated Press, etc.)
-What short and long-term solution(s) did you come up with?
-What are the pros and/or cons in resolving the issue(s)?
-Who will be impacted most and what potentially can happen if the issue(s) is not resolved?
-What can you do to continually inform yourselves of the issue(s) that affects Asian American society?

Issue Exploration

The content needed is below. There is also an example attached of how the paper should look. The article is also attached.  My field of study is BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION for ques 3.

1. Summarize the article. Explain the event or issue covered in the article, assuming your reader has little or no prior knowledge of it. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

2.  Describe a specific real-life situation (other than one discussed in your news article) where the issue at hand has been observed. This could be something that happened to you or someone you know, or it could be a related event in the news. Explain the connection to the event or issue in your news article. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

3.  What is your field of study and how do you see it relating to the event or issue in your news article? Answer in one paragraph.

4.  What do you want to know about the issue or event in your news article? List two or more questions that you could pursue as part of your research. Though you are listing two or more questions here, your research should ultimately be focused on a single guiding question.

Relationships between women economic and political participation

Hello! I’m an old customer. This will be put in my literature review. I want the writer to find out the relationships between economic and political participation among women. I would like to know if one has impacts or influence toward other or they are interdependent based on previous research studies. Also, I also what some sources that are published in Cambodia too. Please find if there is any authors or organizations in Cambodia have conducted this research. Please give just half a page conclusion at the end of this writing.

Relationships between women economic and political participation

This will be put in my literature review. I want the writer to find out the relationships between economic and political participation among women. I would like to know if one has impacts or influence toward other or they are interdependent based on previous research studies. Also, I also what some sources that are published in Cambodia too. Please find if there is any authors or organizations in Cambodia have conducted this research. Please give just half a page conclusion at the end of this writing.

Expressing the pro and con of an issue

The Unit 4 assignment is going to be focusing on one pro and one con of these issues:
Climate Change
Free Health Care
Employers Access to Employees Social Media
You are going to use this discussion board to explore these three issues. This exploration will help you with your Unit 4 Assignment.
Initial Response:
For your initial post, answer the questions below:
What is one positive aspect (pro) for each of the three issues above?
And, what is one negative aspect (con) for each of the three issues above?

Choose a destination (a country, region or a city) and discuss its sustainability challenges from the government and industry perspective. What would it be in your opinion, based on the current paradigms?

1.What role does government play in sustainable tourism development and management?
2.To what extent are multinational corporations in tourism displaying green credentials?
3.Explain the meaning of sustainability in a tourism context and suggest why this might conflict with other perceptions of sustainability.
4.Why is sustainable tourism so difficult to achieve?

These questions need to be addressed in the essay

For Professor Jafar Jafari, the founder of the academic journal Annals of Tourism Research, one thing is clear: usually the distinction between growth and development is misunderstood and this is at the core of whether a country wants more tourism (growth) or prefers sociocultural/ecological sustainable tourism (development).

How do you, as a student and future practitioner assess it under the current circumstances due to travel restrictions and pandemic?

Needs Assessment for Aging Adults

.Based upon a Community Needs Assessment, determine what gaps in service exist in your community. Please contact your instructor if you need assistance in identifying sources of a needs assessment or community plan that outlines such recent research. It is suggested to locate a United Way in your community to begin your research. If no local community needs assessment has been formally conducted, choose a service that you have good reason to believe is needed in your community. Once you have determined a gap in services for your project, you will  develop a step by step approach to creating a new human services agency to serve this population.
In this first step, you will decide what type of agency and service you want to develop. Think about vulnerable populations that may be underserved such as aging adults, homeless mothers and their children, runaway youth, chronically unemployed and impoverished adults, drug and alcohol addicted teens, disabled children and adults, mentally ill people, and families who lack sufficient financial resources to meet their needs. You may also find that supportive services such as community recreational programs, daycare centers in low income areas, neighborhood playgrounds, parent education resources, counseling, and job training are programs that will prevent residents from needing crisis intervention services in the future. These types of programs may also be considered. In this step, you will determine what type of new service you will develop.
Following APA formatting, complete a 2 page proposal (double space) describing the type of service you will develop, agency auspices,  nonprofit, size of agency, location, ages served, and justification for the need based upon a community needs assessment or other information you have researched. Will you develop your agency yourself or partner with another individual or community agency? Will you need to submit your proposal to anyone in your community for approval?
APA referencing required (4 sources minimum). APA formatting is required. It is suggested to organize your content with the use of headings. Use of the Pakroo textbook, the Keohane textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-4, and the Start Your Own Business textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-3 is required. Address in your discussion –  How does your idea relate to the Saint Leo core Value of Excellence?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your research presentation is due in this module.

If you do not submit your presentation by the final day of Module 8, you will not receive full credit for this assignment.

Review the Ethical Research Presentation Guide to ensure your presentation adheres to the assignment instructions and outline.

Your presentation will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!

Virtue ethics represents a philosophical approach to morality that emphasizes the individual character as the key component that dominates and guides ethical reasoning and behavior, in contrast to focusing on rules about the specific behaviors (deontology) or the consequences of action (consequentialism). As such, it proposes questions such as “what defines a good moral character?” This, in turn, leads to questions about relativism and the context of cultural place and time with respect to defining virtue.

In our modern society, we are faced with new challenges related to the fast pace of change and technological development. This is perhaps most prominent in the field of biotechnology, where advances are making actions possible that in the past were only dreamed about in the realm of science-fiction. Perhaps our greatest challenge is not the science and technology factor but rather its moral and ethical application.

View this video for a quick introduction to virtue ethics:

610. What is Virtue Ethics? (YouTube, 2:34) (Links to an external site.)

Module Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Identify basic concepts related to virtue ethics. (LO 1, 2, 5, 7)
Discuss ethical issues related to biotechnology and bioengineering. (LO 5-7)
Apply theoretical concepts from the course readings to ethical dilemmas. (LO 5, 7)
Assess current events relative to course readings and discussion topics. (LO 5-7)
Present research on a controversial ethical topic including a comprehensive examination of both sides of the issue. (LO8)

a documentary about sexual assault

The Hunting Ground. Directed by Kirby Dick. Ro*Co Films, 2015.

Discuss who you are in terms of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion, and upbringing, among other significant events that greatly influenced you, and how your standpoint impacts on your perception about the issue of sexual assault the video addresses.

2. Find one or two common thread(s) between you and your partner and analyze where the common view comes from.

3. Find one or two respectful disagreement(s) between you and your partner and carefully discuss where the gap derives from.

4. What is your take on this issue and what is your individual activism to improve the situation?

5. What is something that you and your partner agree to work together as activists to make a change?

As long as you address these points, feel free to express your thoughts, opinions, and feelings creatively.