Category: Humanities

Searching for Appropriate Grants

Searching for Appropriate Grants
For this assignment, search for appropriate grants or funding sources for the real-world organization you have selected to use in all of your assignments (from the second discussion in Unit 1). The grants should be ones your organization would be qualified to receive and that are a good fit for the characteristics of your organization.

In your assignment:

Describe the search strategy you used to locate appropriate grants. In your description:
Explain your overall strategy.
Provide your reasons for selecting the search strategy you used.
Indicate the number of potential grants you reviewed.
Describe the criteria you used to select appropriate grants for your organization.
List any databases you searched and provide a brief description of each.
List five grants you feel your organization would be qualified to receive.
Provide a brief description of each grant and include the URL of any related Web site.
Rank the grants by the probability that your organization could receive the grant.
Indicate the grant you would like to apply for. You will use this grant to complete the remaining course assignments.
Assignment Requirements
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Length of paper: 2typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Locating Community Resources in Neighborhoods

choose two communities: one with a low socioeconomic status and one with a high socioeconomic status
Choose these communities from the state of Oklahoma.

After researching human service agencies available to people in these two communities, choose two service agencies in each community and compare and contrast them in a 12 page document. Include a table or annotated list comparing and contrasting these resources in the paper. Clearly identify the names and locations of the communities, the population breakdown, and a short description of each agency. Also, include a section that states the conclusions you drew from your research and analysis.

The attached document shows you a break down of what needs to be included

HUS 550 Human Services Issue and Policy Paper

Please choose a topic that’s great for you to write about and provide me the name of the topic by January 17th.  I need to provide the instructor name of the topic.  Thank you.

Learning Outcome 4: Examine current literature to assess the theoretical, conceptual and
practical knowledge base for policy analysis, advocacy and development.
Learning outcome 6: Integrate the Saint Leo core values of integrity and community into the
foundation of effective policy development.
To complete this assignment, students may choose one of three options:
Select an organizational policy from a human service organization. Caution: if this option
is selected, enough historical information must be readily available to complete part 1.
Select a historical federal or state human service policy (New Deal, No Kid Left Behind,
TANF, etc.).
Select a current federal or state human service policy (healthcare, child support,
insurance, etc).
The following websites may be helpful with brainstorming policy ideas.
National Conference of State Legislatures
U S Department of Health & Human Services
NOTE: your topic must be submitted by the end of week 2.
Paper Format (minimum of 8 pages excluding the title, abstract, and reference pages):
Title Page
The paper must include a historical overview of the policy. Discuss the period issues that
galvanized the policy. What were the main goals of the policy? Who advocated for and
against the policy? Who were the beneficiaries of the policy? Beneficiaries? Eligibility
Suggested completion by week 3
Political ideology: Discuss the ideology that provided the policys context. What are the
ideological views of human nature and non-governmental and governmental programs?
Suggested completion by week 4
Policy Analysis, Advocacy, and Alternatives: Discuss the policies outcomes. Were the
original goals achieved? If the goals were not achieved, provide an alternative that would
address the human service needs. Discuss stakeholders and specific steps that would
be utilized to create an effective social policy.

Suggested completion by week 5
Integration of Core Values and ethical standards: Utilizing the core values of integrity
and community and 2 ethical standards, explain the importance and requirement for
human service practitioners to engage in advocacy and policy development. When
discussing policy development and advocacy, do so from a macro level approach.
Suggested completion by week 5

Please following HUS 550 Course Rubrics on page 21 and 22..  Please make sure add week 5 to to the paper.


The picture is the order requirement, the pdf file is for the step 1. For the step 2, the podcast link is :
** There is a revision for the step three, which is the correct page number for some terms. Definition of journalism (P.48), news values list (P. 95-96), elements of Journalism (P. 58-59)

Discussion 1 response

Please respond to the question 1-3 with scholarly reponses:

This is what I wrote:

With ethnocentrism feature, an individual tends to speculate and judge other coalitions as well as their way of life in the society. It would be accurate to state ethnocentrism as a personal standard since it differentiates persons as they all pose unique perspectives. The ethnocentrism feature results in the competition of individuals as they try to stand out in society. Competition can be contemplated as being the struggle that exists over the available scarce resources. The ideology, in this case, might be considered to be a scarce resource in the community. A competition that emerges between two or more groups results in the existence of influencing feelings; that is, a sense of harshness and persecution actions. In fact, due to established competition, every person or group involved might want to emerge the most power. For example, competition might rely on jobs, land, labor, political office, or housing. The power ability is that which makes a group or individual oppose the others and stick to objectives laid.
As a human practitioner, one might want to reflect on various communities. Some would be considered inferior while others are superior. For instance, minority colonized groups can be characterized by visible physical and racial aspects (Borg, Hertel, & Hermann, 2017). Such a group is considered to hold minor status and would be referred to a coalition that is colonized minorly. Of course, the minority colonized groups will be assigned to roles that exploit them such as slavery. Minority colonized groups will be rejected in society. On the other hand, the immigrant groups of minorities are partially considered and handleless harsh experiences. That is, they have the opportunity to propose to their host society despite pressure for migration. I would say with certainty that indifferences between the communities are based on race. Services for practitioners will therefore rely on the need to help the minority group.
Borg, I., Hertel, G., & Hermann, D. (2017). Age and personal values: Similar value circles with shifting priorities. Psychology and aging, 32(7), 636.

1. Please respond: Danielle

My values are based mostly on what jumped out to me if I were describing myself. The values that I chose were balance, caring, commitment compassion, entrepreneurial, family, future generations, independence, perseverance and well-being.  I used this to create my personal values statement.

In my chosen profession, I get to teach, assist and motivate others. My business is not driven by profits. It is driven by my passion to help others and still maintain a health work/home life. I promote positivity, creativity and compassion.

These two standards for human services connect most with my top 5 values. The reason is because I am here to help so even if I feel a certain way about something, it is not place to change peoples opinions. Also some services that I provide are going digital and I definitely want confidentiality for be at the forefront.

STANDARD 7 Human service professionals ensure that their values or biases are not imposed upon their clients.

STANDARD 9 When providing services through the use of technology, human service professionals take precautions to ensure and maintain confidentiality and comply with all relevant laws and requirements regarding storing, transmitting, and retrieving data. In addition, human service professionals ensure that clients are aware of any issues and concerns related to confidentiality, service issues, and how technology might negatively or positively impact the helping relationship.

Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Retrieved from

2. Respond to this:Dung


As a human service practitioner, I recognize the importance of accountability. I account for all the resources that I manage to ensure that it is utilized effectively and that every program is transparent. All relevant information is availed to all stakeholders.


I always seek new opportunities to develop and grow. I aspire to continually acquire new skills, competencies, and knowledge that will enable me to serve others and myself better.


I appreciate high standards of quality and effectiveness in all aspects of my life.


I acknowledge that we cant be as perfect as human beings but tie my work ethic around the principle of excellence in serving others.


I value close relationships, the family is of utmost importance to me, and they are central to my decisions.

My five top values include accountability, continuous learning, efficiency, excellence, and family.  Many ethical standards relate to my top values, including Standard 36 and Standard 24. According to Standard 36, Human service practitioners hold a commitment to continually advance their knowledge and skills to serve their clients more effectively. To offer optimal services to our clients as human service professionals, it is important to seek opportunities to develop professionally.  According to Wark (2010), human service professionals need to continue learning to remain abreast of current trends important to the human service profession. Standard 24 emphasizes effectiveness, which is one of my core values. Clients deserve the highest quality services from human service professionals; therefore, it is their responsibility to provide effective services to their clients at all times.

The connection between my top values and these human service ethical standards will play a significant role in my practice as a human service professional. First, it will enable me to understand how my guiding principles and what I stand for aligns with my profession. Continuous learning will enable me to grow professionally and to be able to serve my clients better using different approaches. Secondly, as a human service professional, connecting my values and the human service ethics standards will enable me to uphold the integrity and ethics required in the human service profession. Tying personal values and professional values enable human service professionals to excel in their roles (Lewis,2002).


Wark, L. (2010). The ethical standards for human service professionals: Past and future. Journal of Human Services, 30(1), 18-22.

Lewis, J. A., Packard, T. R., & Lewis, M. D. (2011). Management of human service programs. Cengage Learning.

3. please respond to: Dr. Wilson:

You can only fake things for so long. I say this to say, a practitioner cannot practice outside of their personal values. Eventually, your values, if not aligned with your work, will shine through. It is important to always engage in reflective thoughts about who you are and what you are doing. In doing so, you will be able to quickly identify when something is out of alignment.

Discussion1-2 Response

Please respond to the 3 persons with a scholarly response.

This is what I wrote:

Set of principles guides the behavior of individuals and the potential of an organization. As a result, an organizations competency can be identified as measurable and observable skills that contribute to the success of the firm. The employees performance is recognized by observing the firms competency. The competitive advantage of an organization results from a firms increased competency, thus enabling it to thrive in the industry. By measuring competence, it is an essential component that indicates significant appraisal and a working relationship in an organization (Jaradat, Keating, & Bradley, 2017). Therefore, an organizations values and culture are demonstrated by the competencies practiced in the firm. Most importantly, competencies can be applied for the development of employees. Perhaps, an organizations competencies can be identified by exploring indicators as well as the benefits identified from them.     
As a personal value, accountability can be identified as an indicator of the firms competency. This indicates that the firm is ready to accept responsibilities and based on its own actions. Besides, the firm demonstrates decisions and commitments met when accomplishing its work. Through accountable measures, the firm is in a position to prove an affirm standing base that leads to show its ability to handle essential matters. Notably, there is a chance for the firm to demonstrate its effectiveness regarding the field of operation or the business that it undertakes (Jaradat, Keating, & Bradley, 2017). On the other hand, the adaptability of a firm is an indicator of its competency. This indicator shows how the firm adjusts according to planned work and therefore gathers relevant information to ensure that it does not veer off the course. Critical thinking is applied to address the competing priorities and demands in a dynamic ecosystem. Lastly, inclusiveness is another competency that demonstrates respect for all persons and indicates the firms point of view. It is vital that a firm demonstrates its commitment to create a welcoming and hospitable ecosystem for performing roles.
Jaradat, R. M., Keating, C. B., & Bradley, J. M. (2017). Individual capacity and organizational competency for systems thinking. IEEE Systems Journal, 12(2), 1203-1210.

1. Respond to this: Benjamin
My personal value system stems from integrity. I make a conscious effort in my practice to demonstrate the values associated with integrity, like honesty, reliability, openness, and competency. My goal is to lead by example. Even if I am not in a supervisory position, I try to stick to this code. By staying true to who I am, I have seen it change the way peers and management interact with me. I have also seen how it works with clients. Years ago, I was working in a more rural area, so I had a lot of clients and families I was working with or were assisting others with. I was in court one day and a client said they follow WWBD. It had become a phrase and an idea used by many of those in groups that were working with my organization to get assistance. When I asked why, the client said that I am like the big brother that they did not have. They think what Ben would do. It has helped them make better decisions in life. At the time I was working as a case manager to help families work through the child welfare system. I project myself, make decisions, act, and interact in a fair way with others. Professionally I work to do everything the correct way. If I find an innovative solution, I try to incorporate it and share with others. Having integrity and transparency with decisions and actions help to set an example for others to follow. It may take time. A lot of the clients I worked with tried to do everything with minimal effort. It had not gotten them far. By showing them that doing things the correct way and holding themselves accountable, they were able to recognize what they needed to do to make substantial changes for a better life. The same goes with peers. They can see that shortcuts do not end up helping others or themselves. They can end up hurting everyone. 

I do believe that by upholding ethical behavior in an organization, the organization is better able to serve individuals that receive services. By demonstrating a code of ethics, it sets up rules to follow for those in the organization and rules to receive services by the clients. This lays the groundwork or a path to follow. There at times maybe outliers that need to be considered when servicing individuals. By taking a step off the path, one must ask if they are still making an ethical choice within the law. Another direction of service may need to be considered for the client to get them where they want to be in the end. An organization needs to also recognize what their client base sees as ethical and unethical based on the culture (Newman, 2015). All clients are unique as they have all their own life experiences. All clients should be given the privilege of confidentiality and privacy. Trust between clients and staff helps to build bridges. The bridges build trust. The more each other trust, the stronger the bridge becomes. The bridge enables the client to get where they need to be for healing and growth. By being transparent with the organizations practices it helps to develop the trust of client in the organization (Newman, 2015). It is imperative for the client to be able to trust in the organization so the client receives the appropriate services, and the organization continues to thrive. At each point of service with the organization, the customer should be able to recognize that the organization demonstrates their code of ethics. 

Newman, E. (2015, October 19). Ethical Behaviour with Customers. Yonyx. https://

2. Respond to this: Dr. Wilson

We live in a society where there is much conflict. As professionals, it is important to extend respect, dignity, and worth to ALL people. When I engage with people, I remind myself of this one truth. Even though we may live different lives and have different values, this is a person who at the very least deserves to be treated with dignity. It is not my responsibility to judge any person for their choice. As a helping professional, my job is to provide assistance to help them move forward in their lives. Conflicts arise when helping professionals attempt to operate outside of that one truth.

3. Repsond to this: Theodor

My personal value system connects to others due to my value of treating others with respect, non-judgmental, meeting a person  where they are in life, and my willingness to make a difference. When we speak of determination in terms of the individual seeking help it can become an hinderance if this behavior is to continue. Assisting an individual can give them a pathway to overcome obstacles, and to set and meet goals, on the other hand if the individual is not determined no matter what you do for them the results will be the same. I personally feel that as we are assisting individuals, they should have some part of the responsibility, if they have the means to do so, something as small as obtaining copies, keeping appointments, or making a phone call. There are also times when the individual must be held accountable for their own actions, assisting is not always in the form of services, sometimes just reality checks can be of assistance.

My personal values can connect individuals to care, to be successful in this field you must have love for others, and the willingness to make a difference in the lives of others and the world. Embracing allows us to meet others where they are in life without judgment, ridicule, or character assassination. Respect builds rapport and integrity builds trust. Honesty allows us to assist individuals in setting  expectations that are obtainable, never promising that which you can not deliver.

When we practice ethical behavior we deliver on promises, keep our word, not judge, and maintain confidentiality. We address the individuals as a person, not group them into categories, or make assumptions. Ethical behavior has the potential to build an organization. When employees feel their company have ethical standards, they are loyal, dedicated, willing to go that extra mile. When we work with individuals needing assistance, ethical behavior has the potential for a company to build a reputation as confident, trustworthy, non-judgmental, respectful, and willing to help.

Social Identity Theory

An essay based on minimum of f10 sources.
Almost a brief literature review of the 10 sources; roughly 300 words/a source.

I have a list of sources in mind which is attached to the upload file – all are available trough google scholars for free.

Essay has to be somehow all linked to the theme of identity – specifically social identity and its importance over individual and/or personal identity

pretend your a Nobel laureate

Talk about your life story how it led you to be a scientist or economist
Choose to talk about issues that are important
Choose a appropriate subject matter be able to intimate a tone for a sense of wonder
End on A note of hopefulness for the future

HSE 480 Community and Problem

This project is about “suicide related to sexuality…with contributing factors of lack of supports, resources, services, or understanding of the issues”.

Attached you will find the rubric and then an attachment labeled HSE 480 part one yellow. This attachment shows IN YELLOW what is needed to be written.

The problem as I stated is suicide related to sexuality…with contributing factors of lack of supports, resources, services, or understanding of the issues”. and this is based on Washington County in Oklahoma.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyze and evaluate the diplomacy of one particular country using all the skills and concepts.
The analysis should:
Analyze and evaluate the subject critically.
Identify elements to be expressed in written format to be understood with the appropriate cultural context(s).
Clearly propose in writing diplomatic policy, solutions and/or proposals with supporting data, theory, or other information.

Analyze and contrast competing principles and concepts related to international relations and diplomacy.
Assess the role of state and non-state actors.
Compare and contrast the various theoretical paradigms (e.g., realism, idealism etc.).
Determine the relevance of geopolitical variables for the future development of the discipline.
Critically evaluate and analyze the effects ethics and responsible citizenship have on the discipline.