Category: Humanities

Global and Regional Factors of Yemen

Instructions are in the “Paper Instructions.jpg” file.

This paper will be about the Global and Regional Factors of Yemen, slides 3 and 4 of the presentation.

This is more a report than a research paper. I will need you to cover the facts mentioned in the two slides above and go more in-depth in order to cover 5 pages.

Coyolxauhqui: The Healing Journey of a Chicana Lesbian Deaf

I am hosting webinar series about my thesis research. I’ve attached my thesis and a document for you to fill out to summarize, develop talking points and discussion questions that will help me to prepare my speech through Zoom via online. Each series will last an hour… 30 minutes of my presentation and 30 minutes of discussion. Please be sure to include stories as an example, so that will help me to elaborate during the webinar.

ethnic studies

1. I think that formal education can promote dominant or counter narratives depending on how it’s taught and by whom. I think the problem lies with who is deciding what we learn and how we learn it.
2. I think education should be liberating students (and teachers, honestly), and helping them learn counter narratives so that they can be prepared for a world full of dominant narratives. Education should equip students with the tools and skills necessary to create a more equitable world.

right somethin like that


Write up a policy analysis on the current situation, identify existing challenges, and provide solutions or suggestions to improve the practices in intergovernmental relations. The policy report may analyze an actual situation or even discuss the hypothetical situation (if you cannot find a relevant case or data). The objective of this assignment is to offer an opportunity for students to connect the knowledge they obtained from the lecture with empirical cases and practices in the public arena (even at a hypothetical level). This assignment intends to raise the analytical capability of students to assess the situation from a political, economic, and societal perspective. Students are required to identify empirical data and case for their policy analysis paper. Students will have to clarify how the selected cases and data contribute to addressing specific public policy issues and problems from an inter-governmental relation point of view. Students may choose to address a specific grant program, public policy, or regulation. The public policy issue can be local, state, or federal government levels. The case can be either a U.S. case or an international case from a comparative perspective.

This assignment is composed of the following two sub-sections:

In the first sub-section, students will have to examine the connection between selected public policy topic and the themes covered during this PA 3110 Inter-governmental Relations Course. In examining the public policy case, students may focus on the main features, aspects, or structure of inter-governmental relations (e.g. federalism, constitutions, finance, the relationship of executive-legislative-judicial branches, criminal justice, metropolitics). (A length of the first sub-section is maximum 500 words)
In the second sub-section, students will have to summarize the findings from the previous analysis section and generate implications. (A length of the second sub-section is maximum 250 words)


Write up a policy analysis on the current situation, identify existing challenges, and provide solutions or suggestions to improve the practices in intergovernmental relations. The policy report may analyze an actual situation or even discuss the hypothetical situation (if you cannot find a relevant case or data). The objective of this assignment is to offer an opportunity for students to connect the knowledge they obtained from the lecture with empirical cases and practices in the public arena (even at a hypothetical level). This assignment intends to raise the analytical capability of students to assess the situation from a political, economic, and societal perspective. Students are required to identify empirical data and case for their policy analysis paper. Students will have to clarify how the selected cases and data contribute to addressing specific public policy issues and problems from an inter-governmental relation point of view. Students may choose to address a specific grant program, public policy, or regulation. The public policy issue can be local, state, or federal government levels. The case can be either a U.S. case or an international case from a comparative perspective.

Analyze the current situation on the selected public policy, and identify existing challenges or social problems. What kinds of challenges are public policy makers and main stakeholders facing? In order to be able to answer this question, break down internal actors and external stakeholders of the public policy first.

After the breakdown, identify major tasks and challenges by these identified actors and stakeholders. Your submision shoudl be no longer than 750 words

the clients belief system

Please read the following chapters in the text: (ATTACHED).

    Chapter 4: Organizational Processes: Relational and Structural Supports
    Chapter 5: Communication Processes: Facilitating Meaning Making, Mutual Support, and Problem Solving

Chapter 4 identifies the organizational elements in effective family functioning, highlighting key processes for relational resilience. One key process is social and economic resources.

Chapter 5 examines a key intervention for successfully overcoming adversity: communication skills.

You have explored the impact of the clients belief system, worldview, and values on their perception and ability to cope with the adverse challenges in their life. You also explored the multiple resources that can be used to help build resilience from extended family to social and economic resources. In this Assignment, you are asked to analyze the information learned in these units and evaluate strategies for making referrals/recommendations for appropriate resources and interventions.
Please respond to the following:
    Analyze the impact the clients belief system, worldview, and values have on their perception of the adversity in their life as well as their ability to cope with the adversity.
    Identify and discuss at least three different resources families can utilize that promote resilience.
    Integrate the information presented in both questions above and identify strategies or steps you need to take to ensure your recommendations and referrals to resources and interventions are appropriate.

Assignment Guidelines

    Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and section number, and date
    Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs

    Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of family resilience across the life span

    Reference page: Sources in APA format



    Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, and left aligned
    Use standard 1″ margins on all sides
    Use APA Formatting and Citation style

This Assignment assesses the following Course Outcome:  Evaluate appropriate resources for referrals and interventions.

Monotheism: Judaism,Christianity, Islam

Choose a topic from your reading (Chapters 1-8). Your topic should be complex but accessible enough to be researched from a variety of sources, and narrow enough to allow you to write effectively about it in the intended length of the assignment. The paper should synthesize your research, not only should you locate information that supports your thesis, but also examine and write your reactions to any opposing ideas.

Students can use their textbook but you must also use at least three additional external sources in your paper and use the MLA in-text citation model when referencing or using your sources. Your sources could include a book, an academic journal, a blog, or a social media site. Also, your sources should be credible. Please review the following link regarding evaluating the credibility of sources: Therefore, the Works Cited Page of your paper should contain no fewer than three sources.

Writing Instructions: One three-five-page paper, MLA Formatted (1500 words maximum). The paper should be double-spaced, with proper MLA formatting including In-text citation, Works Cited Page, and title.

Your Criteria:

A: Accessible: You are able to quickly find source information about your topic.
B: Complex: An understanding of the topic requires utilization of your analytical skills.
C. Synthesize: What are my supporting ideas but opposing opinions

For example:
A. Accessible: Greek gods (Greek Mythology, inspired by readings on chapter 3)
B. Complex: How does Greek Mythology affect 21st America.
C. Synthesize: Greek Mythology plays a major role in the US economy i.e. through the comic book genre and accompanying movies, and through business marketing concepts such as Nike, etc. but some would argue that it has less do with Greek Mythology and more to do with modern marketing and technological innovation.

Tentative Thesis: Greek Mythology continues to impact diverse sectors of the United States economy, specifically through movies, inspiration of marketing concepts and the proliferation of religious pluralism, with minor or insignificant impact from the current technological innovations of the 21sat century.

*Minimum 3 citations!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the readings, you will discover unique ethical concerns you may encounter working in a smaller community. You will explore the effects of obtaining personal benefits from your work with clients. This can be more likely to occur in smaller communities and can cause additional ethical issues to be aware of.

n addition, you will discover what to do when faced with unavoidable and unanticipated circumstances in working with clients, especially when living in a small community, and how best to address these issues.

Cohn, T. J., & Hastings, S. L. (2013). Building a Practice in Rural Settings: Special Considerations. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(3), 228244.

Fok, L., Payne, D., & Corey, C. (2016). Cultural Values, Utilitarian Orientation, and Ethical Decision Making: A Comparison of U.S. and Puerto Rican Professionals. Journal of Business Ethics, 134(2), 263279.

Letourneau, J. L. H. (2016). A Decision-Making Model for Addressing Problematic Behaviors in Counseling Students. Counseling & Values, 61(2), 206222.

Tarlow, K. R., Johnson, T. A., & McCord, C. E. (2019). Rural Status, Suicide Ideation, and Telemental Health: Risk Assessment in a Clinical Sample. The Journal of Rural Health: Official Journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association, 35(2), 247252.

Turner, E., & Passmore, J. (2018). Ethical dilemmas and tricky decisions: A global perspective of coaching supervisors practices in coach ethical decision-making. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring, 16, 126142.

National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals.


It is essential to be aware of potential ethical problems that may arise in practice. Without such awareness, a human service professional can stumble inadvertently into a problematic situation from which it can be difficult to extricate themselves. Your discussion will focus on developing and enhancing your awareness in this area.


Please respond to the following:
1.    Describe your scenario and identify each of the problematic decisions made by the practitioner involved.
2.    Use one of the decision-making models (e.g., multi-perspectival model decision-making model process) in Letourneaus (2016) article to resolve the dilemma.
3.    Create a plan of action for how to manage the situation from this point on.
4.    Research similar disciplinary scenarios in your FLORIDA and discuss how they were addressed by the regulatory board. If no such violations occurred in FLORIDA, you may use one from a nearby state.


Working in a small/rural community can provide unique challenges. To prepare for this journal, please watch the following video:
Burns, J. (2019, December 06). The hidden crisis in rural America [Video]. The Atlantic.

Please respond to the following questions:

1.    What do you feel are some of the main challenges of working in a rural community?
2.    What ethical challenges would be more present for human services working in a rural community?
3.    Discuss the impact of reduced resources on burnout and compassion fatigue for human services professionals.
4.    What burnout prevention strategies/self-care would you implement when working in a rural community?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

View one or more of the following documentaries on YouTube about prison and the death penalty.

Death Penalty Most Excruciating Documentary (Prison Documentary 2017 – 59:19) (Links to an external site.)

Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 1 of 2 (47:25) (Links to an external site.)

Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 2 of 2 (45:08) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Children in Prison for Life Sentence Full Documentary Kids Behind Bars (1:26:55) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)Proceed to the “Questions to Address” section before continuing to the next page.

Please address the following questions:

What are the basic issues and main themes addressed in the videos?
Were the issues addressed from a biased or unbiased perspective? Were the presenters operating with an underlying agenda?
Was there agreement or disagreement among presenters regarding the main issues addressed?
What were the major moral/ethical issues related to these topics?
How does the concept of ethical relativism relate to this topic?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Trolley Problem is a famous hypothetical ethical dilemma often referred to as a thought experiment. This moral paradox was first posed by Phillipa Foot in 1967. Far from solving the dilemma, the trolley problem launched a wave of further investigation into the philosophical quandary it raises.  And it’s still being debated today.

View the following YouTube videos regarding trolley dilemmas:

Trolley Car Dilemma – Harvard’s Michael Sandel (14:59) – In this video, Havard professor Micahel Sandel discusses the classic Trolley Dilemma and its various versions to an ethics class. As you view the video, reflect on the scenario presented to you in the module overview.

The Trolley Problem and Ethics of Driver-less Cars (5:07) – While the various Trolley Dilemmas represent hypothetical (and thus somewhat unrealistic) situations, this video depicts a modern, real-world example of the application of the same kinds of dilemmas and decisions.

Proceed to the “Questions to Address” section before continuing to the next page.

After watching the video(s), address the following questions:

How would you respond to each of the five variants of the Trolley Problem described? Be thorough and justify your reasoning. For each scenario, think about whether or not the answers to the following two questions differ: What is the right thing to do, and what would you do? In each of these cases 1-4, the result will be the death of one person and saving the lives of five people.

Variants of the Trolly Problem
Original problem – you are the trolley driver; the decision is to pull switch or not.
Fat man variant – you are an observer on a bridge; the decision is to push fat man or not.
Fat man/villain variant – you are an observer on a bridge; the decision is to push fat man or not; fat man is the villain who put the five people in danger on the tracks.
Loved one variant – you are the trolley driver; the decision is to pull the switch or not; the one person that would die if you pull the switch is a dear loved one of yours (parent, child, spouse, etc.)
Man sleeping in his yard variant – you can divert trolley’s path by colliding another trolley into it, but if you do, both will be derailed and go down a hill, and into a yard where a man is sleeping in a hammock. He would be killed.
Important Note
You cannot add any elements to change the situation – i.e., you cannot rush in and untie the people from the track, etc. You must make a choice between only the options given.

What if instead of killing one person to save five, your action would result in killing four people to save five? Would you change your behavior in any of the situations? Why or why not?
Transplant variant – This version addresses some of the same core issues as the Trolley Problem but with the following scenario: A brilliant transplant surgeon has five patients, each in need of a different organ, each of whom will die without that organ. Unfortunately, there are no organs available to perform any of these five transplant operations. A healthy young traveler, just passing through the city the doctor works in, comes in for a routine checkup. In the course of doing the checkup, the doctor discovers that his organs are compatible with all five of his dying patients. Suppose that if the young man were to disappear, no one would suspect the doctor. Should the doctor to kill that tourist and provide his healthy organs to those five dying persons to save their lives? How is this the scenario the same, and how does it differ from the Trolley Problem?