Category: Information Systems

Week 6


Question 1:

Review chapter 10 of the course text.  In your own words, discuss the actions that could lead to the development of effective risk management capabilities. 

Note: Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 250 300 words with at least two references. Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. References should always be below each question as they are a different topic and not related in any way.


McKeen, J. D., & Smith, H. A. (2015). IT strategy: Issues and practices (3rd ed.). Pearson. 

Question 2:

Read the Nationstate Case Study on pages 160-164 in the textbook. Answer Discussion Questions 1-2 at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format.   

Discussion Questions 

1. List and describe all of the potential benefits (and costs) that Nationstate would realize from the establishment of an enterprisewide architecture as envisioned by Jane Denton? 

2. Build a business case for Seamus OMalley to present to the senior management team at Nationstate in order to get their buy-in. In addition to benefits and costs, the business case must answer the whats in it for me question that the BU 3presidents all have. 

Note: Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 500 550 words with at least two references. Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. References should always be below each question as they are a different topic and not related in any way.


McKeen, J. D., & Smith, H. A. (2015). IT strategy: Issues and practices (3rd ed.). Pearson. 

Question 3:

What steps or techniques would you include in order to complete the initial analysis of a suspect file on a system?  

Note: Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 250 300 words with at least two references. Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. References should always be below each question as they are a different topic and not related in any way.


Malin, Cameron, Casey, Eoghan, and Aquilina, James (2012). Malware Forensics Field Guide for Windows Systems: Digital Forensics Field Guides. Syngress

Question 4:

For this week’s assignment, please research a scholarly article on and briefly summarized the article on the topic of File Identification and Profiling in Digital Forensics.

Note: Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 500 550 words with at least two references. Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. References should always be below each question as they are a different topic and not related in any way.


Malin, Cameron, Casey, Eoghan, and Aquilina, James (2012). Malware Forensics Field Guide for Windows Systems: Digital Forensics Field Guides. Syngress



Topic 2: Deploying Security in a Virtualized Environment

Security is an important concept in any organization. Within a virtual server infrastructure, security remains an issue of debate. Is it necessary to secure the host machine, the virtual machine, or both? How would you secure a virtual server?

Wk 4 – Risk Mitigation Step Plan

Assignment Content

  1.    The Smallville client leadership has accepted your risk and threat assessment and has asked you to brief them on how to mitigate against the risks and threats you identified to reduce the probability of occurrence and reduce the impact severity. Write as if to the client.

    Review the .

    Write a 3- to 4-page risk mitigation step plan using a Business Memo format. A 10-12 slide presentation is an accepted alternate format. Include the following:

    • Control techniques to mitigate the risks and threats you identified in your assessment report from Week 3
    • Data management practices to ensure the integrity and optimization of databases and intellectual property
    • Include a reference page of a minimum of 3 references in APA format.

      Format citations according to APA guidelines.

      Presentation Expectations
      Multimedia presentations should engage the intended audience through graphics, diagrams, photos, and text used in a concise manner. Speaker notes should round out the content material.
      —- Content: details for each topic required in assignment –
      —- Speaker notes : this is where the details and data should be
      —- Text : large enough for audience to read / bulleted points / legible fonts
      —- Audience Engagement: good, due to a balance of visual elements – too many ‘bells and whistles’ can be distracting but people are engaged by photos and graphics!
      ___ Images should be compelling and create interest. Use charts, diagrams, images of people, etc.
      __ Additional Media: Music, voice overs, videos and animations can add to a presentation if not overdone.
      —- Format:
            Title page
            Summary page
            References: included w/ APA style

      Written Report Expectations

    • Follow APA style guidelines
    • Include APA formatted references – minimum of 2, 3 or more is better
    • A title page does not count as a page of the report
    • Do not go over the page amounts
    • Content should address each bullet point of the assignment above
    • Use correct spelling, grammar, mechanics

Enterprise Risk

   Over the course of the past weeks, you were assigned to write a research paper about an ERM topic of your choice. The research paper development will consist of: (a) research paper topic (defining the topic of your research), (b) annotated bibliography (finding literature about the topic), (c) draft research paper (producing a draft paper based on the research topic) and (d) final research paper (improving on the draft and writing a final paper). This week you will submit the draft version of your paper, please use the template provided. 


 All research reports begin with an introduction. (1 2 Pages)


Provide your reader with a broad base of understanding of the research topic. The goal is to give the reader an overview of the topic, and its context within the real world, research literature, and theory. (3 5 Pages)

Problem Statement

This section should clearly articulate how the study will relate to the current literature. This is done by describing findings from the research literature that define the gap. Should be very clear what the research problem is and why it should be solved. Provide a general/board problem and a specific problem (150 200 Words)

Literature Review

Using your annotated bibliography, construct a literature review. (3-5 pages)


Provide a discussion about your specific topic findings. Using the literature, you found, how do you solve your problem? How does it affect your general/board problem?


Info Tec

 When choosing the components for a forensic workstation there are many elements to consider including hardware, software, and peripherals. However, we cannot simply go to the local big box computer store to buy our forensic workstation.

This week find resources to help one build a forensic workstation. When discussing your findings make sure to explain why you chose the items you put forth. 

Enterprise Risk

 Over the course of the past weeks, you were assigned to write a research paper about an ERM topic of your choice. The research paper development will consist of: (a) research paper topic (defining the topic of your research), (b) annotated bibliography (finding literature about the topic), (c) draft research paper (producing a draft paper based on the research topic) and (d) final research paper (improving on the draft and writing a final paper). This week you will submit the draft version of your paper, please use the template provided. 




 All research reports begin with an introduction. (1 2 Pages)


Provide your reader with a broad base of understanding of the research topic. The goal is to give the reader an overview of the topic, and its context within the real world, research literature, and theory. (3 5 Pages)

Problem Statement

This section should clearly articulate how the study will relate to the current literature. This is done by describing findings from the research literature that define the gap. Should be very clear what the research problem is and why it should be solved. Provide a general/board problem and a specific problem (150 200 Words)

Literature Review

Using your annotated bibliography, construct a literature review. (3-5 pages)


Provide a discussion about your specific topic findings. Using the literature, you found, how do you solve your problem? How does it affect your general/board problem?


Read Three Articles And Discuss The Principle Of Least Privilege In At Least 550 Words. Explain How This Principle Impacts Data Security.

Read three articles and discuss the principle of least privilege in at least 550 words. Explain how this principle impacts data security.

The principle of least privilege promoting minimal user profile privileges on databases based on the idea that limiting user’s rights, makes the data more secure. This principle applies to users, batch files, and scripts. Patch management insures that your database applications are up to date and using the most secure version.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Find A DoS Attack That Has Occurred In The Last Six Months

Essay of 350 words

Find a DoS attack that has occurred in the last six months

You might find some resources at

Note how that attack was conducted.

Write a brief explanation of how you might have defended against that specific attack.

Note that you it should have 0% plagiarism

Non-Plagiarized Work Done By Skimming,Reading, And Researching.

This is a graduate course and you should be able to explain the logic behind your answer and point to a credible source to support your position. You are expected to spend at least 4 hours studying the questions, finding and studying good sources, and understanding the nature of the answers and at least an additional 4 hours answering these questions and polishing your writing, so the answers are compelling. Invest your time wisely, giving more time to the complex answers in order to ensure that you demonstrate that you truly understand the answer. Typical assignment submissions should be roughly 3,000 word in length. Shorter compelling answers are fine. Answers with needless filler will be marked down.


APA format Required

Write an 8 -10page research paper on Application of Technology and Computers applied to a Field of Study, not including cover and reference pages, and express your interest or how this would benefit you if you were in this type of field.

You must use outside research valid and credible sources. You are encouraged to use at least “5” sources of research at the minimum and APA format is a must. Be sure to give personal opinions, examples that justify your conclusions, and use graphics if you want (cut and paste with appropriate credit given to your sources) or make your own charts, tables, and so forth. Papers must be written using the APA format.  

Internet/Web Access Management

Internet/Web Access Management

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Design a remote access solution.

Assignment Requirements

Read the following case scenario:

The 9-Iron Country Club, commonly referred to as 9, is located in the suburbs of St. George City (a fictional city). It offers the amenities of a 9-hole golf course, a swimming pool, the clubhouse, and other recreational facilities to more than 1,200 members. 9 employs around 75 staff who cater to private functions such as weddings, meetings, and banquets.

9 is a seasonal club that closes its outdoor operations between November and February. These four months are critical to plan new venues and coordinate member activities for the upcoming season. The management operations and the catering tasks of 9 are normally executed through the local network. Therefore, the management and staff face many problems, especially during the winter. An incident occurred when Rob Domore, 9s food and beverage director and head chef, had to drive to the club in bad weather conditions. Rob stated, We put in a lot of effort to provide impeccable services to members and maintain a competitive position. I think about how much more efficient we could be if we could work from home in the off-season. If we had remote access, all senior management and executive staff could be reaching out to members, helping them plan upcoming events and preparing for next season without coming into the office.

Mr. Domore also wanted to provide more flexibility in his daily schedule. He stated, In the season, I cant get all my office work done when we are in full swing because much of my time is spent in the kitchen and with the members. So, I desperately wanted the freedom to catch up at home, rather than stay additional hours on premises.

Using the information provided in the case scenario, you are to design a potential remote access solution for 9. You also must prepare a report describing the remote access solution. The report should include the following considerations:

  • Needs and desires of customers and club membersavailable services, time availability, and network design
  • Risk management or assessmentprotection of confidential and personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Data classification and security requirementswhat measures will be implemented to protect the three states of data

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 12 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have identified potential solutions that could address the time management issues.
  • I have addressed the considerations listed for designing the remote access solution.
  • I have used a defined approach to identify the risks.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.