Category: Information Systems

Information Technology And Organizational Learning


I have these two papers I want done by 13th March. Expected budget is $150.

Use the Links below to access the questions

InfoTech In Global Economy

Agent Based Modeling can be used for introducing new technologies and for policy making and policy review. 

Research and select an article (dated within the last 3 years) discussing the use of agent based modeling(ABM). 

Using at least 300 words, discuss the article you found and specifically describe how agent based modeling (ABM) was used for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole.  

Research: Composition

Kirk (2016) states composition is reviewing every visual property of the design.  The final layer of design thinking concerned composition: how to position, arrange and size all the chart elements, interactive controls and annotated components across the entire project and the construction decisions within each chart. Meeting the optimum readability and meeting the intent of the project is the objective. Dividing composition into project-level and chart-level composition options can help review and address areas of opportunities.
Pretend you are now the designer developing new composition choices in the face of having to accommodate new contextual factors listed below.  Provide two project-level and two chart-level composition options to address each of the three listed below and provide the reasoning for each option.
1.           You had to demonstrate the worst possible data visualization composition practices (in the same space)
2.           You had to force yourself to use as small a space as reasonably possible
3.           You have to transpose the work from landscape > portrait or vice-versa
4.           The initial data provided includes scales that will not fit onto one page, but a refresh of the data is indicating a change is needed
5.           The trustworthiness of the entire project is being questioned by upper management
Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Students name, Universitys name, Course name, Course number, Professors name, and Date.
Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

Biometric System Discussion


Discussion: Biometric System Evaluation

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Identify the correct advantages of each biometric method
  • Identify the correct disadvantages of each biometric method

Assignment Requirements

Read the worksheet named Biometric System Evaluation and address the following:

Using what you have learned about the biometric method, identify the correct advantages and disadvantages of each listed biometric type.

1) Respond to your peers with your point of view on their answers. 

2) Respond to at least two of your classmates’ original thread posts with between 100 – 150 words for each reply.  

3) Make sure your opinion is substantiated with valid reasons and references to the concepts covered in the course. 

4) In addition, initiate a discussion with the students who comment on your answer.

Required Resources

  • Worksheet: Biometric System Evaluation (ws_biometricsystemeval)

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have engaged in a discussion of the assigned topics with at least two of my peers.
  • I have raised questions and solicited peer and instructor input on the topics discussed.
  • I have articulated my position clearly and logically.
  • I have supported my argument with data and factual information.
  • I have provided relevant citations and references to support my position on the issue discussed.
  • I have compared and contrasted my position with the perspectives offered by my peers and highlighted the critical similarities and differences.
  • I have solicited peer and instructor feedback on my arguments and propositions.
  • I have offered a substantive and critical evaluation of my peers perspective on the issues that is opposite of mine, and supported my critical review with data and information.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.

Assignment #4 – (Course: Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery Planning)

Course: Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery Planning

Due Date 3 days

Course Project Assignment – Policies, Procedures, and Electrical Service  

“In  continuation of your project work, discuss the significance  of formulating adequate policies and procedures in your organization in  chapter four. Outline the impact of such policies and procedures in your  business continuity planning policy. Also, describe the five-step  process for building a proper power for business continuity. 

Explore  the school library to identify some useful peer-reviewed,   scholarly  accepted articles for this assignment. Ensure your citations   and  references adhere to the school recommended APA format.”

 Reading – Chapters 15 and 16 of the following text: Wallace, M., & Webber, L. (2018). The  disaster recovery handbook: a step-by-step plan to ensure business  continuity and protect vital operations, facilities, and assets. New York, NY: AMACOM. ISBN-13: 978-0814438763 

Instruction for the Course Project Assignment for the whole session is highlighted below in BOLD. Please read the instruction carefully.

The Course Project Assignment is an individual project draft proposal that students will develop incrementally to fully become the final paper at the end of the course. Students will add content every week when the Course Project Assignment for the week is due. 

As a security manager or administrator of a fictitious company, write a Security Plan Proposal as a project draft document with  the formats in the bullet points below. Please note that the project document is incremental, starting with the first Course  Project Assignment for this week (week three) and ends in week 15. The Course Project Assignments (CPA) are aligned with the corresponding Chapters in your paper (as follows):

  1. Week three CPA is your Chapter One of the paper – (Done – Assignment #1)
  2. Week five CPA is your Chapter Two  – (Done – Assignment #2)
  3. Week seven CPA is Chapter Three – (Done – Assignment #3)
  4. Week 10 CPA is Chapter Four – (Current – Assignment #4)
  5. Week 12 CPA is Chapter Five
  6. Week 14 CPA is Chapter Six
  7. Week 15 is for collating and reviewing the paper for thoroughness

The paper format should include the following: 

  • Running Head
  • The first page will contain the title of the Plan Proposal, Name of the Student, Instructor’s Name, Course Name, and Date
  • Add a Table of Contents to outline your Chapters
  • Include in-text citations and references in APA format

“APA Format”

The recommended standard writing style for the school, and this    course is the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Refer  to   the following link for more information on how to use of APA  style:  

Other resources include the School Library and the Purdue OWL APA resource, available in the following link: 


Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the    internet into assignments without properly citing the source of the    material.

There Are Questions At The End Of Chapter 22 – Address/Answer Those Question And Submit Once Completed.


 1. How high do you assess the knowledge level of the business strategy throughout the company by the average employee? Is it your assessment that there is a robust understanding of JAAs business strategy? Support your position with examples. 

2. As you are aware,effectiveimplementationofISO31000involveseffectivedesignand implementation of a risk management framework and effective implementation of the risk management processes.Thiswillbeverifiedbyincorporationof11keyprinciples. Find an example in the case for each of the 11 principles in action. 

3. Why is it important that the company be able to identify JAAs major stakeholders? How should a company identify its stakeholders? What is meant by the concept that stakeholders select the company instead of the company selects the stakeholders?

4. Whatcharacteristicsdoyouseeintheboardofdirectorsthatlendthemselvestoastrong tone at the top and a culture that fully embraces risk management?

5. If you compare the internal audit department at JAA to several that you know of currently in the marketplace, what are some of the major differences that you see at JAA that obviously have contributed to superior performance? What is unique and refreshing about the approach to the external audit as compared to what you have seen in the industry?

6. Whatisyouropinionoftherisk(event)identificationtechniquesinplaceatJAA?How do you think that the company evolved to using such techniques?

7. What is the linkage at JAA between the strategic objectives, context, stakeholders, and risk criteria? Support your comments with specific examples of the link in these four areas.

8. Why is it important that risk criteria be created as per JAA? Do you think it is possible for any reasonable risk treatment plan to be in place without the creation of such criteria?

9. Review the risk management policy in Appendix B and describe the kinds of things that constitute a best-in-class policy. 

10. What other types of general or specific policies can you describe to manage risks?


Option #2: Influence                                                                                                                                                                                     

You may not be in a formal leadership position, but you are looked to as an informal leader by your coworkers, your family, and your community. Consider the influence you have on those around you and think of three ways you can positively influence the behavior of those around you. What might be some negative influencers?

Write a 3-4-page paper in APA format.

Use one or more articles or credible sources from the CSU-Global library to support your ideas, assertions, and claims.

Adhere to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.


 For this week discussion – read chapter 16 in the course text.  After reading chapter 16, In your own words, discuss at least three 3 steps for facilitating effective collaboration.  Review and respond to at least two learners posts.   



Building on your initial user interface (UI) design mock-up of the organizations program UI, the interface now needs to present more information to the user. Complete the following for this assignment:

  • The interface should present information visually with icons or graphics and text regarding critical issues related to the system, such as the following:
    • New orders
    • Change in employee status
    • Updated pictures
    • New products or services offered
  • Describe techniques for developing prototypes of user interfaces.
  • You must add at least 5 critical issue UI design items to your interface. Remember to ensure that these are easily understood by users.
  •  Submit a screenshot in Word. Or a functional application if pre-approved by your instructor.
  • Describe the items that you added to your interface design. Be specific with your descriptions, and identify the particular design features along with an explanation of why they are added in the way that they were.

Two Assignments

Discussion-500 words with 2 references


Per Fennelly (2017: 219-228), countermeasures concentrate extensively on deterring unauthorized users entering the organizations security center. It is worth noting that external and internal users are conspirators. External perpetrators often gain legitimate access to organizations network center in the guise of technicians, professional consultants and irritated employees. You have been retained as the lead director of Adam Smith, Inc. Security Data Center:

  • Provide an active three long-range plan to deter and deny external perpetrators access to the corporate center?
  • Provide an active three long-range plan to deter and deny internal perpetrators access to the corporate center?
  • Provide an active three long-range plan to deter and deny disgruntled employees access to the corporate center?
  • How can you identify such individuals or group of individuals? 

Assginment -700 words 3 references



Deterrence is designated to dissuade potential violators from launching threat and criminal acts against organizations. Aura Security in physical security is often heightened by security professional measures such as signs placed along perimeters near openings of the facility. Aura security strives to create strong phycological deterrent warning offenders and keeping them away from the facility. Deterrence has very limited or no physical security mechanism and Detection apparatus is used in most facilities to detect perpetrators. Such devices include devices closed circuit television (CCTV), intrusion sensors, duress alarms, weapons screening devices and protective dogs.  Traditionally, these devices are installed to identify violators upon arrival in the facility.

  • The university president is very concerned about external threats. What countermeasures such as deterrence or detection must be implemented on campus to enhance student, faculty and staff security?