Category: Law

Introduction, Background, and Theory Framework

Assignment Overview
In defining and addressing an issue in the realm of public administration, it is essential to study and understand the proper theoretical framework that is related to that issue. In this first assignment, you will introduce the nature of your public administration topical area, define the central issue, and apply a theoretical framework related to the central issue. You will align the perspective to the theoretical framework within its topical area. This assignment will introduce you to theories and concepts, which will prepare you for more operational work in later assignments. It is important to incorporate source material such as GAO, OMB, and CBO.

Assignment Instructions
In a 68 page paper, address the following:

Part 1: Introduction
Describe the issue in the chosen topical area from a public administration perspective.
Properly identify the context of the issue as related to a model of federalism.

Part 2: Background and Definition
Define the focus of your analysis of the issue in terms of involvement of the state legislature or courts.
Include any relevant ethical, diversity, and equity concerns related to your topical area.
Incorporate research from literature and public source material (GAO, OMB, et cetera).

Part 3: Identification and Application of Theoretical Framework
Align the theoretical framework with the topical area within the proper realm of public administration.
Identify the key manner in which this alignment informs the nature of the topic to the interaction with the theoretical framework.
Analyze how the chosen theoretical framework is used within its topical area.
Apply the theoretical framework effectively to its topical area.
Identify areas of concern as directed by interactions with the topical area.
Provide insight into how the theory informed the practice.
Provide direction for approaching the topical area in a meaningful way.
Evaluate the impact of the theoretical framework on the chosen topical area.
Describe how measured outcomes are being receivedis there proper classification, or are there related expenditures?
Identify any larger issues that could be mitigated by training.

Submission Requirements
Written communication: Your writing should clearly identify where each grading criterion or part of the assignment is addressed. Your points must be logical, substantive, and relevant based on the evidence presented. The writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA guidelines: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.
Resources: Your ideas must be supported with relevant scholarly sources that are dated within the past five years and are properly cited and referenced in current APA style.
Length of paper: 68 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Ethical Problem Solving

Assignment Instructions
You will develop a paper that explores specific ethical theories, including how they might be applied in a public or nonprofit organization. This paper should be 45 pages in length, excluding cover page, abstract (if included), references, and attachments (if included). The paper must include:

Analysis of specific ethical theories, providing insights into how each might apply in a public sector setting.
Evaluation of the challenges in identifying and addressing ethical concerns within a public sector organization.
Evaluation of how ethical codes might be used to clarify and minimize ethical issues within a public sector organization.
Analysis of legal implications that identify and address ethical concerns within a public sector organization.
Evaluation of potential limitations of ethical codes in ensuring an ethical organizational environment in a public sector organization.
Submission Requirements
Written communication: Your writing should clearly identify where each grading criteria or part of the assignment is addressed. Your points must be logical, substantive, and relevant based on the evidence presented. The writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA guidelines: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.
Resources: Your ideas must be supported with relevant recent, scholarly sources published within the past five (5) years and properly cited and referenced in current APA style.
Length of paper: 45 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Theoretical Framework of Ethics

Assignment Instructions
You will develop a paper that explores the concept of ethics, focusing on how ethical considerations play a role in the function and practice of public administration. You must provide insights into:

Analysis of differing definitions of ethics in public sector settings.
Evaluating how ethics might frame the perception of public administration by the general public.
Evaluating how ethics might frame the practice of public administration by those in public sector settings.
Analysis of the importance of creating an ethical organizational environment in a public sector setting.

Submission Requirements
Written communication: Your writing should clearly identify where each grading criteria or part of the assignment is addressed. Your points must be logical, substantive, and relevant based on the evidence presented. The writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA guidelines: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.
Resources: Your ideas must be supported with relevant recent, scholarly sources published within the past five (5) years, such as the type of articles you can find in the Capella University Library (see Resources area). They should also be properly cited and referenced in current APA style.
Length of paper: 34 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Stop and Frisk policy pros and con

For a number of years, the New York City Police Department engaged in a “stop, question and frisk” policy that drew widespread criticism.  Research and evaluate this policy and discuss the pros and cons of the practice.  Your submission should address your evaluation of the intended purpose of the policy and identify and assess any unintended consequences that resulted.

Your paper must be four (4) pages in length with at least five (5) references.

Master’s level paper only and Use scholar resources only

Reentry into Corrections

For this project, youll compose a4  page research paper titled, Reentry in Corrections. In your paper, youll research three reentry programs listed below and evaluate them including risk of recidivism, reentry and parole methods and statistics, and goals of reentry. Youll summarize the goals of each program, and youll draw your research from at least three reputable sources in addition to the websites of the three programs (links to the websites are found in the next step). Examples of scholarly sources might include the Department of Justice, the American Probation and Parole Association, and academic and/or newspaper articles.

Visit the websites of the following three reentry programs:

Federal Prison Industries/UNICOR
Safer Foundation
Prison University Project at San Quentin

When reviewing these programs, be sure to look closely at their mission statements, goals, events, statistics, and how they benefit both prisoners and the community.

Juvenile Justice

You’re employed by a private consulting firm, Juvenile Administration, which specializes in the field of juvenile justice in all its applications. Your firm is often retained by school districts and municipalities to advise them on the law and to suggest solutions for specific issues and problems in this most important and complex area.

Juvenile Administration has been retained by your local school district, which is interested in revamping many of the procedures that it currently has in place concerning its administration of various juvenile justice issues. For this project, you don’t have to research the procedures being used by your local school district. Assume that the district wants to operate from a clean slate and is interested in a wide array of information you must supply, even if it’s already employing some of the methods and procedures included in your information.

The managing partner in your firm assigns you as the chief project manager for this client. After many weeks of meetings with the members of the school district’s administrative board, you’ve been able to catalog their concerns into four major categories.

Assignment 1: Juvenile Crime Problem
The school district wants information on the nature of the juvenile crime problem in your community. It wants to know the prevalence of the various types of crime. It also wants to know how the district’s juvenile crime rates compare with other communities throughout the nation.

Also, the district wants to learn about the latest studies and findings on the factors that contribute to juvenile crime and violence, including the economic, social, and familiar influences.

Finally, some of the school administrators have heard that other school districts are working with the National Crime Prevention Council. They want to find out more about this agency, its methods of operation, the programs it administers, and whether it can be a valuable tool for them to use in addressing some of their problems.

As the chief project manager, you must respond to these issues in a comprehensive, relevant written research analysis. You’re free to use all available research tools, including the FBI UCR, which should be used to gather details related to crime information in your community.

Assignment 2: Safe Schools
The school district would like to take all the necessary steps to promote safe schools. In this regard, it’s willing to work with law enforcement, community groups, private concerns, and federal and state agencies.

The district also wants to target at-risk students who have the potential to commit violence in their schools. It wants you to advise of the possible warning signs and the most current methodology for conducting a detailed threat assessment.

Finally, the school district is aware of a growing gang problem in the community. It’s interested in understanding the causative factors that drive juveniles to join gangs, the nature and conduct of the gang culture, and any anti-gang programs and measures it might put into place.

As the chief project manager, you must respond to these issues in a comprehensive, relevant written research analysis. You’re free to use all available research tools. In your report, include information on the following:

Safe Kids/Safe Streets, Safe Start, and Safe Future Programs
School Safety Pyramid
Four-pronged threat assessment
Gang Resistance Education and Training
Teens, Crime, and the Community

Assignment 3: Traumatic Events
The school district has many students who experienced or are experiencing traumatic events. These events involve physical, sexual, and mental abuse, as well as abandonment issues. The district wants your help in identifying such children by learning more about the common indicators of these abuses and the link they play in juvenile delinquency and crime. It specifically wants direction concerning federal laws and your state’s laws applicable to this problem and the options available to help address this most serious threat.

Your school district, like many other districts, has a problem with student substance abuse. It’s interested in targeting these students and applying the latest methods of intervention, prevention, and treatment. These methods include community education, after-school programs, counseling, and detoxification programs.

Finally, the school district wants to receive information on the problem of youth suicide, including warning signs to watch for and proactive plans to put into place.

As the chief project manager, you must respond to these issues in a comprehensive, relevant written research analysis. You’re free to use all available research tools. In your report, include, among other relevant responses, the following:

Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Act
DARE programs
Life skills training for youths
Parental training

Assignment 4: Law and Procedures
The school district wants to ascertain the applicable law and procedures that govern juvenile crime and the courts. You must research and inform the district officials about both federal and state laws. They’re interested in the types of courts used, the differences in procedures for juveniles and adults, as well as the juvenile sentencing options. They also want to learn the circumstances that would lead a juvenile offender to be treated as an adult.

Finally, the district officials want to know if the teachers in their school district can search the students and their lockers any time they wish or if there are restrictions on doing so. They want to know both federal and state laws related to this concern.

As the chief project manager, you must respond to these issues in a comprehensive, relevant written research analysis. Your research, as previously stated, must focus on the federal law and your state law. In addition to other relevant responses, your report should include:

Juvenile courts
Juvenile trials and hearings
Juvenile sentencing laws
Incarceration alternatives
Youthful offender treatment
Community corrections
Confidentiality issues
School sanctions
The Fourth Amendment

Project Specifications
Create a title page with the following information:
Title: Juveniles and the Legal Process
Your name
Your student number
Project name
Current date
Prepare four separate essays 2 page each, following the instructions provided for each assignment. Each essay should include a brief introduction, several paragraphs that cover the required information, and a conclusion.
Double-space your essays, with left and right margins of 1″ to 1.25,” flush left. Use a plain 12-point font.
Incorporate and properly reference the sources of information obtained from your lessons and assignments as well as any other sources of relevant information on which you rely. To cite your sources:
Use in-text citations to indicate references to information from outside sources. Include the author’s name and the relevant page number(s) in parentheses. Example: Human beings have been described as “symbol-using animals” (Burke 3).
Prepare a Works Cited page for each essay, listing all the sources used. Use APA format for this page. For information on how to prepare this page, go to the Library and consult the Writing Center.
Be sure to include all the information as explained in “Instructions.”

Immigration in the United States

Please answer all questions separately. Please cite all scholarly references used.

1.    We consider the United States a nation of immigrants. Compare and contrast how that has strengthened or weakened us as a nation. In your opinion, how has it impacted our homeland security?

2.    One of the challenges facing the nation has to do with inconsistent enforcement of immigration policy. In your opinion, how has the implementation of sanctuary cities impacted immigration enforcement and security?

3.    Discuss how racial and ethnic profiling could be introduced into the U.S. immigration process. In your opinion, what is a practice you could recommend to mitigate the dangers of profiling in the immigration and naturalization process?

Crisis Intervention

Explain a third side of a conflict, as described in the Ury video, in which you have recently been involved. Provide an example of the third side of a national crisis in America today.

William Ury: The Walk From “No” to “Yes”

At least 100 words and must be supported with a minimum of two academic sources (references) cited in APA format.

Case law

For this week, choose a law or bill either from your state or that covers an area in which you have an interest. For example, I chose Human Trafficking. Go to the site{%22source%22:%22legislation%22,%22congress%22:%22117%22}&searchResultViewType=expanded) Type in Human Trafficking as the search term. The first law that came up for me was HR 3244 Victims of Trafficking and Violence Act of 2000 introduced by Rep Christopher Smith, R-NJ-4. I want you to choose one that has already become law because you will see there are committee reports, additional sponsors, actions, amendments and related bills all to be discussed. Take the law you find and explain it start to finish to the class. Dont just cut and paste; instead give your classmates a good understanding of how this came to be, what it is intended to do, what issues it encountered along the way and how long the process took from start to finish. You are not required to add additional references this week for full credit. For your responses, find how your state treats this topic legislatively or a journal article that addresses the concept that can add to the analysis. Be sure to give attribution to your sources!

Security Risk

The Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience within the DHS Strategic Plan (2014-2018) conduct analysis of ALL the mission area performance measures and select one mission area and report your deductions. Are the measures useful, logical, relevant? Are any of them odd or unusual? Why or why not? Be critical.