Category: Law

Managing organizational change


reflection paper

write a 4 page reflection paper. Be sure to address each of the following questions: What does the term managing organizational change mean to you? Is it possible to not have change in an organization? Is change best driven by the leadership or by employees? Should change be resisted at all costs? Is change a good or a bad thing? Discuss, substantiating your position with the research that you have collected.

Be sure to mention how current events arent effecting the work place list below (events such as covid-19 and Black lives  matter) as well as the powerpoint attached

All papers must be typed and double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides.
    Papers should follow APA format.
    Use headers to separate different questions in the paper
    Use 12-point font.
    Include your name and page numbers in the header.
    Must have a minimum of 4 references
    Always explicitly cite your sources, use in text citations and put references in the reference page. (You can use Google Schloar, do not use Wikipedia)
    Citations should follow APA format. Citing your sources is a way of demonstrating from where and how you came to know something.
    Proofread all written work. Finished products should be spell-checked and grammatically correct. 
    All assignments must be submitted on time.

Work place to reference:

The work place is the division of family services the division of family services some changes they made work contactless family visits (facetime, zoom, skype), they decreased office flow to 10 employees in the office at a time and Court hearings were moved to virtually,

Work place covid 19

Change is constant. We are currently facing a pandemic. COVID 19 has changed the way we work, the way we visit family and friends,
What ways has your workplace changed? What are some things you wish your workplace would do that they have not done? What specific suggestions do you have for your workplace? How are you personally dealing with handling COVID19? In what ways has your life changed due to it? (be sure to reference this weeks readings in your post)

The work place is the division of family services the division of family services some changes they made work contactless family visits (facetime, zoom, skype), they decreased office flow to 10 employees in the office at a time and Court hearings were moved to virtually,

film Dolores Claiborne and readings by Chancer, Browne.


Assignment questions for film Dolores Claiborne and readings by Chancer, Browne.

The discussion question should help you to formulate your ideas, hypothesis and reflections. In other words, you need to write two three paragraphs of reaction to a specific theme, topic, or characterization common amongst assigned film and readings.  DO NOT summarize or critic the film. Your focus should be on the major themes in the film. By using the discussion questions, it is expected that you will be able to identify main themes that connect assigned film to the readings. The assignment will illustrate your understanding of the material.

Use readings to answer the movie question
QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT & DISCUSS Do not answer all questions Pick a couple that can be answered from readings and movie.

1.    After reading the empirical research discussed in the reading by Angela Browne, do you better understand the struggles and perceptions experienced by Dolores? How so? What changes have the criminal justice system made to better respond to domestic violence? Are they effective?

2.    How can an audience remain open-minded about people or situations that may end up different than they appear?

3.    How is home used in the film? What is the director trying to convey?

4.    Can one have strong, conflicting emotions about another person? How does this play out in terms of domestic violence in general, and with Dolores (Kathy Bates) and her employer Vera, and Dolores and her daughter in Dolores Claiborne?

5.    Why is the local police detective so bitter? What triggers his anger?

6.    Typically, children who witness abuse and/or alcoholism in their family are deeply affected. How did this affect Selena in the film?

7.    Was Doloress husband an effective villain?

8.    What does Veras comment mean: Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold on to and why is it used by both mother and daughter later in the film?

9.    What kind of genre(s) fits Dolores Claiborne and why?

10.    How effective is the story told through its use of flashbacks? Why do you think it was filmed in this manner?

11.    How does the director highlight the mother-daughter bond in all its complexities?

12.    How does the cinematography change in the flashbacks vs. present-day scenes?

13.    How does incest typically affect child victims? How is this demonstrated within the film?

14.    How does resistance become a collective effort for Dolores? Are there any similarities with the film A Question of Silence?

15.    Discuss how violence operates in the film, noting issues of gender oppression and class difference.

16.    What similarities exist between Dolores Claiborne and Thelma and Louise?

17.      In different ways, various characters are on trial in this film.  Who? How so?

18.    Dolores chooses to handle matters all on her own, despite their gravity. Why does she make these choices?  Contrast this aspect of the film with other films we have read about or viewed in class (i.e., A Question of Silence, Thelma and Louise etc.). Be sure to think about any gender roles/expectations that are violated by the characters decisions and why they are seen as problematic.

19.    Does the common bond of gender oppression transcend class antagonism between Dolores and both Vera and Selena? How?

Death Penalty

write an INFORMATIVE essay about the death penalty. APA format and citation style headings,  use 3 PEER REVIEWED  sources.

Explain the background and use of the death penalty in the United States.

informative essay: Goal: The goal is not to persuade the reader but to give the reader more information, to provide the reader with insight, and to support the writers interpretations with

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment 3 Resolving Ethical Business Challenges (CrudeOil)

Read the Resolving Ethical Business Challenges case at the end of Chapter 5 of our text, dealing with CrudeOil, and answer the Questions at the end. 

Compose your assignment in 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with a 1 inch margin on all sides.  In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor’s name, the course, and the date; this can also be double-spaced.  Cite at least two sources, one of which may be our text, and note that this paper will be graded for quality of writing.

It should take you approximately 1 to 2 pages to answer the questions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Page 1: Read the “Debate Issue: Take a Stand” for this chapter in the textbook.  (Conflicts Over Privacy in the Workplace) Select and support one of the two positions at the end of the piece. 

Page 2: Read the “Debate Issue: Take a Stand” for this chapter in the textbook.  (Why Do People Engage in White-Collar Crime?) Select and support one of the two positions at the end of the piece. 

Organized each page and title each problem.

Human trafficking & issues in criminal justice

In your Annotated Bibliography

Analyze criminal justice issues within the systems of law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (CLO 1).

Evaluate the application of the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights toward building a just society (CLO 2).

Examine cultural sensitivitys and diversity awareness impact on social and criminal justice (CLO 3).

Deconstruct the relationship between law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (CLO 4).

Interpret the relationship between social justice and criminal justice (CLO 5).

For each of your five separate critical analyses of your sources for the Course Learning Outcomes listed above, complete the following:

Summarize each sources thesis and/or main points in one paragraph.

Evaluate the relevance of the data used to support the thesis of the source.

Provide the formal APA reference entry for each source.

Briefly critique the accuracy, acceptability, strengths and weaknesses, and overall soundness of the article.

Explain, in one to two sentences, how each source supports your thesis and/or resolution.

Human trafficking is the inhumane act of dehumanizing victims by modern-day involuntary servitude for financial gain. Being informed on red flags/being aware of everyday surroundings can help identify traffickers & potentially terminate these horrid acts.

I’ve attached a paper that I began for this which can be used/organized for this order!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The paper will have 

A cover sheet
3-5 pages of content (full pages, 12 font, double-spaced, NO creative [large] margins or headings on the pages).  3-page papers will generally receive less points than 5-page papers!
The paper must have at least three citations, properly cited. 
At least 3 research sourcesWIKIPEDIA is NOT A SOURCE.and a citations page or bibliographyThis is NOT part of the 3-5 pages of content.
You can pick your own topic, BUT IT MUST be related to our Evidence studies.  Our book is written from a legal point of view and this paper is intended to mix the knowledge from the text and other sources and link it to actual practice in the criminal justice system.

Some suggested topics:

Criminal Evidence Topics, such as:         

NYPD Stop & Frisk
Witness Impeachment
Marbury v. Madison (Judicial Review)
Miranda v. Arizona (Miranda Law)
Exclusionary Rule
Brady v. Maryland (Exculpatory Evidence)
Police Informants
Terry v. Ohio (Terry Stops)
Expert Witness Controversy

Voir Dire

Subpoena Duces Tecum

Hearsay Rule (and exceptions)

Direct versus Circumstantial Evidence

Burden of Proof (criminal, insanity excuse, etc)

DNA exoneration (case examples)

warrantless searches

Term Paper Date Rape

Term Paper Project
The paper shall be a minimum of 5 pages, double spaced, 12 Times New Roman font in APA7 format. You are NOT required but I recommend you make an appointment with the Writing Studio for this project. The cover page, abstract and reference pages are NOT included in the minimum of 5 pages. The paper must contain a minimum of three references sources cited in the new APA 7 format. All students will prepare a power point presentation of their paper and be prepared to make a virtual presentation online. The presentation is 25% of your overall grade for this project. 

Paper topic:
Date Rape

6th page is for powerpoint.

Written Assignment Week 2

Each answer should be written using your own words. Do not copy and paste
from your textbook or an Internet source. Simply copying from the book word-for-word
does not show me that you understand the concepts. If necessary, ensure you cite your
work and add reference(s) as required. This assignment is designed to see if you are
reading and understanding the material from your textbook and class lectures so these
should be the sources you are citing in your work. You should not find it necessary to do
research from additional resources unless the question specifically asks you to do so.
You should not be Googling the answers for these questions.

Week Two Written Assignment


1. Discuss the different typologies of rapists. Why is it important for investigators to understand the different typologies?

2. Compare and contrast Fixated offenders and Regressed. Provide examples of both types in your response.

3. What typology of offender is based on psychosocial development and/or attachment or family bonds?

4. Discuss the case of Miller v. California. What did this case address and what is the significance of this case? Does it impact what is considered a sexual offense?

5. Discuss what is considered child pornography in the United States. Do you think television and media push the limits on portraying juveniles in sexually explicit ways? If so, how should society address this issue?