Category: Law

Strong Mayor vs City Manager

Case Study Analysis Strong Mayor VS City Manager Argument

Your assignment is to use at least 2 of the articles, as well as your text book, and complete each of the sections below. The report must follow APA formatting and be at least 2 pages, double spaced, not including your Title and Reference page.


Provide an overview of each of the two models of municipal management
Main body

Highlight the pros and cons of each model from the materials presented to you. Include in your analysis material covered in the text book and material discussed on the discussion boards.
Consider and assess which model you think is the best and clearly state at least 3 points that defend your opinion. Include supporting evidence from your sources, make sure to use proper APA in-text citations.
Identify and acknowledge positives and negatives of your position.

Summarize main findings.
Identify and justify position you have taken regarding either the strong mayor or city manager form of municipal government.

A list of sources consulted or referred to in alphabetical order

Human Trafficking


In your paper,

    Revise your thesis statement that you created, which identifies your social and criminal justice issue.

    Summarize your chosen social and criminal justice issue.

  Describe what makes this an issue.

  Provide data to show how this issue has made an impact on society.

  Explain which social justice principles need to be addressed and why.

        Detail the cultural and diversity issues present in your chosen social and criminal justice problem.

    Propose a possible resolution to your chosen social and criminal justice issue.

        Evaluate which branches of the criminal justice system are impacted/involved and how they either help or hinder the issue.

        Analyze how the criminal and social justice theories (in relation to the United States Constitution) and landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions impact your chosen issue and support your resolution.

        Examine how the judiciary, corrections, and law enforcement systems address social equality, solidarity, human rights, and overall fairness for all and how these essential concepts impact your issue and resolution.

        Evaluate how poverty, racism, religion and other sociocultural variables may apply to contemporary social and criminal justice by drawing information among the fields of, but not limited to, criminology, law, philosophy, psychology, science, and sociology.


Human trafficking is the inhumane act of dehumanizing victims by modern-day involuntary sexual servitude for financial gain. Being informed on red flags, and being familiar with every day surroundings can help identifying traffickers and potentially terminate these horrid acts

international invesments in saudi arabia and companies law

– rubric attached
– sample attached
– literature review for the subject attached
– the left parts are

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Rational
1.3 Aims and Objectives
1.5 Overview

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Research Method
3.3 Ethical Consideration
3.3.1 Confidentiality

5.1 Introduction
5.2 An examination of the findings
5.3 Limitations
5.4 Conclusion
6. Conclusion and recommendations Reference

– please check to meet all the left parts and requirements in the rubric and make the style similar to the sample , i already wrote 2100 words , so the total of the report will be approximately 4000-4100 words , which is the part that you will write

Executive Leadership for Law Enforcement

Case Study Analysis

Your assignment is to use the article that was assigned to you, as well as your text book, and complete each of the sections below. The report must follow APA formatting and be at least 2 pages, double spaced, not including your Title and Reference page.

Click herePreview the document for the article.


Provide an overview of the situation
Identify key issues underlying the problems identified in the article that you read
Main body

Present and analyze the issues found in the article.
Consider and assess possible solutions to the issues presented in the article(s) youve researched or were assigned.
Include in your analysis material covered in the text book and material discussed in class.
Draw from both your articles and your personal experience
Select and discuss a solution that you think is best

Summarize main findings.
Identify and justify strategy proposed

A list of sources consulted or referred to in alphabetical order

Any topic (writer’s choice)


The goal of the short response pieces is to give you the chance to engage more deeply with an idea from the reading, either in a positive way by applying that idea to a practical context or in a negative way by challenging that idea.  Thus, these will be graded purely on your engagement with the material.

In general, a short response piece should:

Take an idea from one of the readings assigned that day and explain how it expands or challenges a traditional approach to a policy problem. How would this idea change your practice as a policy leader?  How would implementing this idea change your analysis of a public problem?
Challenge an idea from the reading with an alternative principle or a counterexample. What is the author missing, and why would that idea change the application of the idea to practical policy problems?

case for reparations

Case Study Analysis

Your assignment for the first case study is to carefully read the article titled “The Case for Reparations”Preview the document. This article takes a very poignant view of the history of segregation in America, and suggests policy changes to address harm done to certain populations during America’s history. It is in no way intended to convince you that the author is right or wrong. Instead, the purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate that public administration can impact the lives of people in both positive and negative ways.

You assignment is to use the article, the Case for Reparations, as well as your text book, and complete each of the sections below. The report must follow APA formatting and be at least 2 pages, double spaced, not including your Title and Reference page.


Provide an overview of the situation
Identify key issues underlying the problems identified in the article that you read
Main body

Present and analyze the issues found in the article.
Consider and assess possible solutions to the issues presented in the article.
Include in your analysis material covered in the text book and material discussed by your fellow students on the discussion board.
Discuss which of the stories presented in the article you think best supports or detracts from the authors desire for reparations
Select and discuss a solution that you think has the best chance of improving the issues discussed in the article. Draw from both your article and your personal experience

Summarize main findings.
Identify and justify strategy proposed

A list of sources consulted or referred to in alphabetical order

Annotated Bibliography

In your Annotated Bibliography

    Analyze criminal justice issues within the systems of law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (CLO 1).
    Evaluate the application of the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights toward building a just society (CLO 2).
    Examine cultural sensitivitys and diversity awareness impact on social and criminal justice (CLO 3).
    Deconstruct the relationship between law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (CLO 4).
    Interpret the relationship between social justice and criminal justice (CLO 5).

For each of your five separate critical analyses of your sources for the Course Learning Outcomes listed above, complete the following:

    Summarize each sources thesis and/or main points in one paragraph.

    Evaluate the relevance of the data used to support the thesis of the source.

    Provide the formal APA reference entry for each source.

    Briefly critique the accuracy, acceptability, strengths and weaknesses, and overall soundness of the article.

    Explain, in one to two sentences, how each source supports your thesis and/or resolution.

The paper must be 750 to 1250 words in length, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly and/or credible sources, which includes the source you are reviewing, two sources that support or contradict the initial article, and any other sources that support your analysis.

International Criminal Justice

Getting Started
This writing assignment explores criminal justice systems in other countries.  You will imagine traveling to a foreign country and analyze how you would be treated by that country’s criminal justice system if you were suspected of committing a crime.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

Compare and contrast the U.S. criminal justice system with others around the world.
Discuss the structure and function of international criminal justice systems.
Summarize how policing is achieved in various foreign countries.

Media 3.5 Resource: Policing in Foreign Countries
File: Comparative Close-up

Background Information
Various criminal justice systems have many similarities, and they have many differences.  It is important to understand why some governments have certain rules and others do not.  As you examine the differences, consider how the rules came to be and what influences they may have.

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
View the media 3.5 Resource: Policing in Foreign Countries.
Read the document Comparative Close-Up.
Write a one-page paper that answers the following:
Select a country and imagine that you are traveling in that country.  Choose one of the five countries from the document you read in Step 3.  Or, select a foreign country you have visited, would like to visit someday, or that interests you.
Imagine that you are traveling in that country and are arrested on suspicion of being a drug courier.  You are innocent.
Determine how you would be treated by that country’s police and justice system in general.  The close-ups provided in the document are a starting point for your research.  Conduct Internet research on the country of your choosing to determine how you would be treated.
Compare your response to part c to how you would likely be treated by the local police if you were arrested for the same offense in the United States. 
Base your response on your knowledge of American policing. 
Support your statements with facts and appropriate resources.
Remember to cite your sources using APA formatting.


Getting Started
This research exercise explores the programs in place to help police deal with the stress of their jobs.  You will research programs that help police cope with stress and explore how police are made aware of these programs.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

Describe contemporary policing trends and issues that law enforcement is facing.

Textbook: Policing America: Challenges and Best Practices
Media 3.1 Resource: Policing Issues and Trends

Background Information
Police work is invaluable to maintain order in society, as well as to protect and provide service to the community.  When police officers suffer from stress, their job performance diminishes and negative attitudes and physical problems (for example, headaches or ulcers) develop.  Police and detective work can be physically demanding, stressful, and dangerous.  Finding ways to limit the levels of stress is essential.

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Review Chapters 6 in the textbook, Policing America: Challenges and Best Practices.
Review the media 3.1 Resource: Policing Issues and Trends.
Research programs that help police officers deal with stress.
Write a one- to two-page paper that addresses these questions:
What programs are in place to support police officers?
Who conducts and supports them?
How are the programs communicated to the officers?
What is the rate of use by police officers of these programs?
Remember to cite your sources using APA formatting.

Research Proposal on Covid-19 effects on Restaurants

Research Question: The effects of Coronavirus on members of the National Restaurant Association (NRA) because we want to find out how the proposed relief bills by the US Congress will benefit the restaurant industry in order to help my client better understand the effect of the relief bill on their industry if passed.

Client: The National Restaurant Association (NRA)

All information and Guidelines is on the Handout attached and also find attached a sample assignment.