Category: Law

Research Activity: Provocation

For each research activity, the student will be required to conduct an Internet search (using the library database) on a specific victimological topic.

A definition of the term with an APA in-text citation.
A 5-10 line summary of the journal article, where students must demonstrate his or her understanding of the main victimological content of the article.
The summary should have an in-text citation (APA Style)
The textbook is NOT permitted for this activity
ONLY use academic peer-reviewed journal articles
Lastly, a full reference of the journal article using APA style formatting must be provided.

Points for the research activity will be evaluated as follows: 25 points (Rubric)

Definition of the term with APA in-text reference and full APA reference. (15 points)

Definition of the term from an academic peer-reviewed journal article with APA in-text citation and APA full reference. (15 points).
Definition of the term with no reference. (5 points)
Definition from a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article (0 points).
No definition. (0 points).
Content: 10 points

Effectively captures the main point of the article and victimological problem. (10 points)
Shows an understanding of the article, but is not clear on the victimological problem. (5 points).
Shows little to no understanding of the article and the victimological problem. (2 points).
Uses a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article to summarize, with no understanding of the article or problem (0 points).

Glossary of Terms 2

Getting Started
This writing assignment will enhance your policing vocabulary.  You will identify key terms related to law enforcement and law enforcement training.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

Define terms related to law enforcement.

Textbook: Policing America: Challenges and Best Practices
Media: 2.2 Resource: The Police

Background Information
Every culture and subculture has certain terms used by members.  Sometimes these terms can be used as a code, defining an action with fewer words than would otherwise be needed.  The police subculture is no different, and there are a variety of words used.  As you examine several of them in this workshop, think about their origin and how they may have transformed over time.

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Review Chapter 2 in the textbook, Policing America: Challenges and Best Practices.
Review the media 2.2 Resource: The Police.
Provide definitions for each of the following terms.  Do not copy the definitions for these terms from the textbook; define each of them using your own words.
Academy training
Policing functions
Computer-based training (CBT)
Policing styles
Field training
Hurdle process
“Sixth sense”
Police cynicism
Traits of good officers
Police subculture
Working personality
Organizational structure
Chain of command
Police chief
Policies and procedures
First-line supervisor
Rules and regulations
Middle manager
Mintzberg’s model of CEOs
Evidence-based policing
After each definition, write one or two sentences using each term to help you remember it.

Law Enforcement Recruitment

Getting Started
This Web research assignment explores the characteristics and roles of a law enforcement officer.  You will research local law enforcement agencies, describe an agency’s hiring policies, and describe any recruitment challenges you think the agency might face.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

Describe methods used to train law enforcement officers.
Discuss the traits of a good law enforcement officer.
Identify the methods, challenges, and problems connected with the recruitment of police.
Define the role of police.

Textbook: Policing America: Challenges and Best Practices
Media: 2.2 Resource: The Police

Background Information
One of the best ways to learn about a career is to determine what is expected of someone in that career.  As you experience this workshop, imagine you are either the applicant or an experienced hiring manager asked to review the process, and complete the assignment from that perspective.

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Review Chapter 2 in the textbook, Policing America: Challenges and Best Practices.
Review the media 2.2 Resource: The Police
Research a local law enforcement agency online.  Go to a local law enforcement agency website.  Write a two-page summary (not including photos, figures, graphs, etc.) that outlines the steps for obtaining a job as a law enforcement professional with that agency.  Make sure that you address the following:
Briefly describe the law enforcement agency and its purpose.
What are the desired qualities for candidates?
What are the prerequisites for application?
What various tests are used to qualify recruits?
What is the length of academy training and what does the training entail?
What do you see as the style of law enforcement used by this agency?  How do you know?
What challenges do you see in recruitment for this agency?
Typically, how long is the hiring process for this agency?
Remember to cite your sources using APA formatting.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the link below or the Activities button by the end of the workshop.

Course Project EOC Grant part D

Part D Requirement

    For this part, you are to develop the following information concerning the Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources of your community.  Much of this is developed from the communitys threat assessment and identification of critical infrastructures and key resources.  When applying for most Federal and State programs and grants you are required to submit a great deal of detailed information on your community.

    Develop the following information to complete the Critical Resources and Key Resources section of your EOC Grant Outline:
        * Review the Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources in your community.
        * Thinking as an Emergency Manager, choose and list your five priorities for protection and mitigation.
        * Include the reasoning for each choice; address their attributes, value to the community, and their vulnerabilities.

Attached is a sample(pg 17-20), current working, document, and instructions.


You are an assistant to the Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Organized Crime Task Force. The SAC has asked you to go over certain witness-related situations that will be testified to in an upcoming trial. The SAC has concerns about some of the witness testimony and is trying to avoid embarrassment by turning in records that may not be usable by the Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) who is prosecuting the case.

Tommy “Two Toes” DNatalia has a certified public accountant (CPA). He has been using his accountant to wash ill-gotten gains from his racketeering. The SAC has a subpoena for the CPA. DNatalia is claiming privileged communication with his CPA, and it prohibits the accountant from testifying.
Luigi “the Pipe” Cardone heard through the grapevine that Big Sal Salvatore has been telling everyone how he was told by Frankie the Lip Bonnano that Freddie “Fingers” Malone was murdered by his wife Slippery Sally Genovese-Malone. Cardone wants a deal to testify against Slippery Sally.
Lawrence Lucky Livorno drove the getaway car for a jewelry store heist. Bertram “Bugsy” Bertoli and Little Carmine DAngelo went in and robbed the store. During the robbery, Bertoli shot and killed the store owner. DAngelo and Livorno both want to testify to avoid the death penalty.
For your assignment, complete the following in 34 pages:

Identify which testimony is hearsay and likely to be inadmissible.
Identify which testimony is privileged communication and which is not.
Identify how the Best Evidence Rule functions in relationship to the witness testimony being proffered.

Crash (2005), a film directed by Paul Haggis

Must have access to  Crash (2005), a film directed by Paul Haggis

This assignment provides the opportunity to explore a theme or movie type across a variety of mediums (film, fiction, empirical work).  Using the topic themes developed in class, use one of the films listed below to compare, contrast, and elaborate issues raised during the course (violence, deterrence, punishment, rational choice, gender and race etc.).  For example, many films examine law enforcement, or morality tales, or victims/heroes, or how ones social position (race, class, gender, sexuality) affects their social world, but perhaps in different ways.  In thinking about your analysis, you will need to examine and incorporate your notes (and thinking) based on the course films, readings, and questions for discussion.  The paper is worth 30 points of your total course grade and should be FOUR typed pages. 

Note:  I will stop reading after four pages of text.  Therefore, this means that you must be concise with your analysis.  This assignment does NOT ask you to be a movie critic and review the movies (or cut-and-paste them from the web). Rather, you must integrate course material; failure to do so will result in a failing paper.

For the Integration Paper:


Crash (2005), a film directed by Paul Haggis

Connect the film to issues and research raised through other films and readings. 

You will be grade on:
THEME (clear understanding of the assignment. Thesis is clearly defined and well-constructed to help guide the reader throughout the assignment. Student builds upon the thesis of the assignment with well-documented and exceptional supporting facts, figures, and/or statements.)
CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: (Assignment shows a notable level of depth of students ability to relate course content to practical examples and applications. Student provides comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence.)
CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS (Student provides well-supported ideas and reflection with a variety of current and/or world views in the assignment).
ORGANIZATION AND FORMAT: (Student thoroughly understands and excels in explaining all major points. An original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is presented. Overall format of assignment includes an appropriate introduction (or abstract), well- developed paragraphs, and conclusion. Finished assignment demonstrates students ability to plan and organize research in a logical sequence.)
WRITING SKILLS: (Student demonstrates an excellent command of grammar, as well as presents research in a clear and concise writing style. Presents a thorough, extensive understanding of word usage. Assignment is error-free and reflects students ability to prepare a high-quality academic assignment).

Book used “shots in the mirror” crimes films and society by Nicole Rafter

Any topic (writer’s choice)

My paper is a form that’s needs to be filled out for IRB review for my “ACTION RESEARCH PAPER” I’m looking for a writer who can pay attention to details and very familiar with criminal justice. This an email invitation to my participants to fill out the survey.

Community Relations Between the Police and the Minority Community

My paper is a form that’s needs to be filled out for IRB review for my “ACTION RESEARCH PAPER” I’m looking for a writer who can pay attention to details and very familiar with criminal justice. The focus to my paper is based off my research question “What action plans would improve relationships between the community and its police”? There are two parts one is to help with 5 post question which is following up to my pre-survey questions and second part is to fill out the form with other parts. Making sure the writer uses the sample as a guide looking for specific keywords in the form. The form has been revised I have attached a blank form.

Unit Essay

For this assignment, you will be presented with five issues. Please respond to all five issues in one cohesive essay. Please include a brief introduction and use Level I headings to differentiate between the five issues.

You were introduced to philosopher Jeremy Bentham and his idea of utilitarianism in this units readings. Analyze his ideas that a nation should do whatever is necessary to lead to the greatest possible happiness for the largest possible number of people in society and that man was a calculating animal who would balance pain and suffering versus gain when deciding to commit a criminal act. Do you agree with this? Argue your point using research to support your answer.
Based on the pure communist social model, how does capitalism lead to crime? Analyze and argue both sides of this issue.
Analyze whether developmental disabilities are a cause of criminal behavior. Take a stance on this issue and argue your point using research as support.
Describe, in your opinion, how a criminal personality is developed. No sources are required for this section.
Assume class division in society causes crime. What is a viable alternative to this system? Analyze and argue both sides of your proposed solution. In your answer, you should identify five major theoretical approaches of identifying criminal causes of behavior and describe which of these would support your proposed solution.

Problem Oriented Policing

Write a 2-3 page essay responding to the following:

Officer James Armstrong, School Resource Officer at Riverside High School, has discovered spray painted graffiti on the concession stand of the schools football field. Officer Armstrong has recently attending a Gang Investigation course and recognizes that the graffiti looks suspiciously like gang related artwork. Officer Armstrong alerts the Principal and is informed that similar graffiti is also located in the front parking lot of the school. Several teachers have expressed concern about recent news reports that gang violence is increasing in nearby areas. Riverside has historically been a good school. The school has won several awards for safety and is considered by many in the community an outstanding school. It is a concern to the school, and the community, that the gang violence that has affected the neighboring urban city of Rockville may be spreading to Riverside. Residents are fearful that the historically safe and secure Riverside High School may be under a threat of violence itself.

You are the Chief of Police of Riverside. Using the SARA (Scan, Analyze, Respond, Assesses) model evaluate the implementation of a plan to address this issue with the Town Council at its next meeting. Be sure to include an examination of how your own multiculturalism and diversity perspectives may impact the plan elements.

For assistance with this Assignment, refer to Chapter 2 of the text from:
Miller, L., More, H., & Braswell, M. (2017). Effective Police Supervision. (8th Edition)