Category: Law

Develop an Action Plan

Using the issues that you outlined in Week 3 for the drug court,  develop the goals and objectives to address these issues. Please use evidence-based research on successful drug court strategies in your paper. Remember, the goals and objectives must be clear, concise, and measurable; an example is provided above.

References:  4

I will send you the paper from week three..

Implementing community-oriented policing

Assignment Instructions:

Each student is required to complete an 8-10 page research paper on a current issue facing law enforcement leaders, utilizing at least 8 scholarly references, and written in APA Style. The paper should have 8-10 pages of content, not including the title page, abstract, and reference page.

Note that references used for your research need to be peer-reviewed/scholarly journals. These journals typically have the following characteristics:

1. articles are reviewed by a panel of experts before they are accepted for publication;
2. articles are written by a scholar or specialist in the field;
3. articles report on original research or experimentation;
4. are often published by professional associations;
5. utilize terminology associated with the discipline.

Topic ideas include: recruiting women and minorities into law enforcement, recruiting and retaining Millennials, implementing body-worn cameras, improving hiring practices and processes, reducing unethical conduct by officers, combating the opioid epidemic, improving community relations, implementing community-oriented policing, addressing increasing rates of suicide among officers, etc.

criminal justice

Students will critique two (2) scholarly articles pertaining to a diversity issue or  issues in criminal Justice. Students will follow the guidelines posted below for completing all article critiques. The completed assignments must be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages, double-spaced, and should follow APA style guidelines. The title page and reference pages are not included in the required assignment length. References should support any opinion stated in the critique.

Crime Laws and Victims Rights

Each student will be assigned a topic related to the course subject matter that each student will be required to research. Each student will then prepare a paper that is 5 to 7 pages of text (also include a cover page, abstract, and reference pages). The writing assignment is to be APA formatted with in-text citations of sources listed on the reference page, discussing the assigned topic. Papers will be 12 point, New Times Roman black font, and will be double spaced.

Book Referenced: Siegel, Larry J., (2016) Criminology: Theories, Patterns and Typologies 12th ed., Cengage Learning, ISBN 978-1305-261099.

module 2

These weekly reaction papers are designed to test your critical thinking and application skills. Each week, you will be tasked with answering pertinent ethical questions about &/or creating evidenced-based remedies for various forms of miscarriages of injustice. Each response paper must be 300-600 words and clearly and effectively respond to all parts of the prompt. You can be less formal than you would be in a standard research paper, however, write as if you are writing for a public audience. That is, professionally and grammatically correct. You must cite at least 2 of the assigned resources (papers, lectures, videos, etc.) per moduleyou can also cite outside material from your own research. However, outside sources do not count toward your required citations. In-text citations and a reference section are required.
Despite solid and growing proof of the inaccuracy of traditional eyewitness ID procedures, traditional eyewitness identifications remain among the most commonly used and compelling evidence brought against criminal defendants. Using the material provided in this module and properly cited outside material, describe the process and procedures you would take if you were a detective tasked with compiling a police lineup.
What are some of the evidenced-based procedures you would take to minimize the risk of error and injustice as much as possible? When you describe a procedure you would take, explain why you chose to conduct your investigation in such a waythat is, what errors and injustices are you specifically trying to avoid?

Principle of Nationality and Legal Arrangements of Turkish Citizenship Law

Principle of Nationality and Legal Arrangements of Turkish Citizenship Law; An Analysis”. (At Least 12 Pages) These works must be written under Time New Romans 12 Points format. However, different headings can be written with 14 points Bold Alphabet. Proper footnotes and references must be inserted. In this regard, you can follow APA 6th edition reference style. The last date of submission is the 20th June, 2020. N.B.: Copying of the work is strictly prohibited. Any kind coping will rigorously be examined through TURNITIN and this software evaluate, determine everything. Even you can get ZERO. So, be careful about that. Grading Criteria: Introduction (10% of the assignment): Introducing the topic and the main points, and briefly explain the purpose of the assignment and your intended outcome or findings. Discussion (70% of the assignment): This section has been evaluated with a number of paragraphs. This paragraph must contain with details discussion and to this purpose student can insert subparagraph to elaborate each main point. All paragraphs must start with a topic sentence stating the main idea, followed by supporting evidence and examples. Conclusion (10% of the assignment): Conclusions must restate the main argument, evaluate the ideas and summarize the own findings. It will not introduces any new information. Other issues (10% of the Assignments): Arranging Contents Format and Footnotes Page Organization Findings Loopholes Recommendations Organizing Reference according to APA 6TH Format


You are asked to write a 1- page summary of one of the articles available in your Content folder. If you last name starts with A-M chose either Democratization or Evaluation. If you last name starts with N Z chose either Individualism or Mothers.

The purpose of this paper is to showcase your understanding of how research methods and data serve to answer research question(s). Thus, your paper should focus on research design, methods and data of original research (if the article is a second data analysis).

The paper needs to address:
1.    Reference the article in APA
2.    Research problem
3.    Prior deficiency brought up by the researcher (just one)
4.    Significance of the study
5.    Research question or hypothesis
6.    The worldview
7.    Research inquiry (qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods)
8.    Specific type of research design (e.g. experiment, ethnography etc.)
9.    Use of specific research instruments (e.g. survey, interview) and characteristics of the instrument
10.    Sample size, how it was generated, type, characteristics
11.    Explanation why the researcher(s) selected this particular research design and the sample.

This paper can be written in an essay format or you can just address each of those points in paragraphs or in bullet points. Provide all the details.

Victim Impact Statement

For each research activity, the student will be required to conduct an Internet search (using the library database) on a specific victimological topic.

A definition of the term with an APA in-text citation.
A 5-10 line summary of the journal article, where students must demonstrate his or her understanding of the main victimological content of the article.
The summary should have an in-text citation (APA Style)
The textbook is NOT permitted for this activity
ONLY use academic peer-reviewed journal articles
Lastly, a full reference of the journal article using APA style formatting must be provided.

Points for the research activity will be evaluated as follows: 25 points (Rubric)

Definition of the term with APA in-text reference and full APA reference. (15 points)

Definition of the term from an academic peer-reviewed journal article with APA in-text citation and APA full reference. (15 points).
Definition of the term with no reference. (5 points)
Definition from a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article (0 points).
No definition. (0 points).
Content: 10 points

Effectively captures the main point of the article and victimological problem. (10 points)
Shows an understanding of the article, but is not clear on the victimological problem. (5 points).
Shows little to no understanding of the article and the victimological problem. (2 points).
Uses a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article to summarize, with no understanding of the article or problem (0 points).


For each research activity, the student will be required to conduct an Internet search (using the library database) on a specific victimological topic.  (Compensation)

A definition of the term with an APA in-text citation.
A 5-10 line summary of the journal article, where students must demonstrate his or her understanding of the main victimological content of the article.
The summary should have an in-text citation (APA Style)
The textbook is NOT permitted for this activity
ONLY use academic peer-reviewed journal articles
Lastly, a full reference of the journal article using APA style formatting must be provided.

Points for the research activity will be evaluated as follows: 25 points (Rubric)

Definition of the term with APA in-text reference and full APA reference. (15 points)

Definition of the term from an academic peer-reviewed journal article with APA in-text citation and APA full reference. (15 points).
Definition of the term with no reference. (5 points)
Definition from a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article (0 points).
No definition. (0 points).
Content: 10 points

Effectively captures the main point of the article and victimological problem. (10 points)
Shows an understanding of the article, but is not clear on the victimological problem. (5 points).
Shows little to no understanding of the article and the victimological problem. (2 points).
Uses a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article to summarize, with no understanding of the article or problem (0 points).


For each research activity, the student will be required to conduct an Internet search (using the library database) on a specific victimological topic.

A definition of the term with an APA in-text citation.
A 5-10 line summary of the journal article, where students must demonstrate his or her understanding of the main victimological content of the article.
The summary should have an in-text citation (APA Style)
The textbook is NOT permitted for this activity
ONLY use academic peer-reviewed journal articles
Lastly, a full reference of the journal article using APA style formatting must be provided.

Points for the research activity will be evaluated as follows: 25 points (Rubric)

Definition of the term with APA in-text reference and full APA reference. (15 points)

Definition of the term from an academic peer-reviewed journal article with APA in-text citation and APA full reference. (15 points).
Definition of the term with no reference. (5 points)
Definition from a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article (0 points).
No definition. (0 points).
Content: 10 points

Effectively captures the main point of the article and victimological problem. (10 points)
Shows an understanding of the article, but is not clear on the victimological problem. (5 points).
Shows little to no understanding of the article and the victimological problem. (2 points).
Uses a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article to summarize, with no understanding of the article or problem (0 points).