Category: Law

Design Protection Law

Harvard citation with the format style of Reference List must be used. There will likely be a need to share several articles for the research that I have already collected, which include some ebooks as well. This effort would require a writer with strong analytical skills, firm command in U.S. English style, and outstanding research writing experience, including comfort with Harvard Citation style.

8-1 Project Three

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Describe how differences in culture impact societys interactions with criminal justice professionals
You are in the same role you chose for Project One: Because you did such fantastic work with the training you held for community members and sworn officers, the Civilian Office of Accountability, a local advisory board, has invited you back to report back with specific potential ideas for the location you chose for Project One. The board would like to hear your thoughts on relevant issues, such as how other cultures view criminal justice professionals, and typical types of misunderstandings between such professionals and civilians.

Suggestions Report
For your report, feel free to take information from any of the module resources, or use outside resources.

Describe different cultures or subcultures views of criminal justice professionals.
Include at least three of the following (different from your own background) that are relevant to your community:
Native Americans
Asian communities
Hispanic communities
People of color
Undocumented people
Explain the general views that are culturally based.
Describe the reasoning (often historical) behind those views.
Describe incidents of cultural misunderstanding between criminal justice professionals and civilians. Address the following in your assessment:
Religion / beliefs
Describe professional practices that may create cultural sensitivity in criminal justice professionals. Address the following in your assessment:
Understanding the public
Diversity training
Procedural justice
Police legitimacy
Diverse hiring practices
Assess best practices to build trust within cultural communities. Address the following in your assessment:
Creating an understanding of the community
Positive community interactions
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Suggestions Email with Attachment
Your suggestions for the board in your hometown area will be sent in a formal business email with an attachment. The email should be introductorydescribing you and your task, and including a brief summary of the attachmentand the attachment should include the formal information theyve requested.

Supporting Materials
The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Reading: Guide for Writing an Email and Creating an Email Invitation
This resource explains how to write a professional email.

Memo Writing

In a memo written to your fellow MPA students, please describe a difficult decision you made, or helped your managers or leaders make. Your situation should be centered around: a tension between fundamental rights and market freedoms (economic opportunities, goals or constraints); or a loss incurred as resources or opportunities are redistributed.  Equally, you might discuss a problem of the overuse of common-pool resources     

Diversity and Discrimination in the Workplace

Please read:

What is the case?
What are the facts in the case? Provide a brief summary.

What is the legal conflict / issue(s) that is presented?
What is the relevant legislation surrounding this dispute/case?

Has the dispute been resolved or a court decision made?
Do you agree/disagree with outcome?
Do you agree/disagree with the likely outcome?
If yes, what was the legal outcome? 
If not, what do you think will likely be the outcome? Why?

Support opinion with clear arguments.
Use at least three external sources in your case analysis.
Use APA for in-text citations and your reference page.
No title page is needed.

Why should some juveniles be tried as adults while in prison

A. Assignment Guidelines
DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Argumentative Thesis Statement
Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?
2. Argument Development
Are all of the details relevant to the purpose of your essay?
Is the argument supported using rhetorical appeals and source material?
I If not, which details do you need to add or remove?
3. Research
Have you cited outside sources effectively using quotation, summary, or paraphrase techniques?
Are the sources incorporated smoothly, providing the reader with signal phrases and context for the source information?
Have you referenced a range of at least 7 credible sources?
Have you properly cited your sources according to APA style guidelines?
Have you included an APA style reference page below your essay?
4. Reflection
Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?
Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?
B. Reflection
DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3 sentences)
Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that youre uncertain of? (3-4 sentences)

Abuse and any issue directly pertaining to child welfare in the United States.

Critical Analysis Essay

1. Select a topic within the child protection field,    Critical Analysis Essay on abuse and any issue directly pertaining to child welfare in the United States.
2. Research this topic in detail utilizing peer reviewed journals and textbooks. Valid governmental websites are acceptable but not Wikipedia or news articles.
3. Provide history on the topic, including statistics to demonstrate the nature and extent of the issue.
4. Examine the issue from four perspectives: Social, Psychological, Economic, and the Impact on the Family System.
5. Include a final section on recommendations for positive change on this issue in the system.
6. This paper will be 10-13 pages in length, not including title, abstract, and references and will follow APA formatting.

Behavior Potentials and Treating Traumatized Survivorsdb

Assignment Details

You are the victim relief coordinator for a major volunteer organization located on the west coast of the United States. A catastrophic 8.7-magnitude earthquake has just struck the state of California, with the epicenter located somewhere near San Jose. The damage is severe, the number of casualties is unknown, and local emergency operations have already commenced. The volunteers associated with your organization have all undergone the typical training sessions required for volunteer work, but you want to give them a review of what they are about to encounter and how to effectively handle the situation both mentally and emotionally.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in your main post:
In your own words, explain the concept of behavior potentials to the volunteers.
Psychologically speaking, what are behavior potentials?
What types of personalities do you think have the greatest potential to become overwhelmed by trauma and stress? Provide 23 examples and briefly describe them.
How will you explain to the volunteers the most effective methods for reconciling traumatized survivors? Explain.
What do you think are the best methods to treat victims of shock or extreme trauma? Explain in detail.
What must be taken into consideration regarding potential psychological trauma experienced by the volunteer response and recovery units? Explain.
What significant challenges do you feel will be associated with the psychological treatment of both surviving victims of the earthquake and volunteers who experience emotional trauma? Explain.

Behavior Potentials and Treating Traumatized Survivors

There is no one way to recover and heal from any trauma. Each survivor chooses their own path or stumbles across it.” Laurie Matthew (as cited in Goodreads, 2019)
Congratulations on your persistence and perseverance. You’ve dealt with the stresses of life while making it through this course. Now close this course out strongly!

In this unit, you will be introduced to the following:

Violations of regulations and laws
Abuse of community
Abuse of personal relationships
Post-traumatic growth
Rehabilitation and acceptable behavior patterns

Your final Discussion Board (DB) focuses on the concept of behavior potentials, and your final Individual Project (IP) deals with a mass disaster. You are tasked with drafting a protocol (a detailed description of procedures and steps) for training personnel to deal with mass disasters. This is your final assignment of the course. Give it your best so that you can finish the course learning all you can!


Goodreads. (2019). Laurie Matthew quote. Retrieved from

Assignment Description
You are the incident commander investigating an explosion that has occurred in a suburban mall complex. There are approximately 5060 dead and over 100 injured. An investigation results in the determination that a gas line had been leaking natural gas into the original basement that had been sealed when the mall was renovated. During a renovation project where a fountain was being installed, a welder broke through the old basement seal with a burning welding torch in his hand, resulting in the explosion.

A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) detail arrives and relates that they are interested in helping but do not want to assume command. You welcome the assistance and find that none of the FBI personnel has victim-handling skills for mass disasters. You will have to develop a formal protocol to train the FBI personnel.

First, it is important to understand that the category of victim and the type of incident will indicate the methods used in handling the victims.

Example: During a bank robbery with a large number of hostages, a negotiator gets the robbers to free the hostages, who come running unharmed out of the bank. Police immediately make the hostages kneel with their hands up. They systematically search and handcuff each one of the hostages. While this behavior seems insensitive, it is done in each case because robbers could realize their predicament and attempt to escape pretending to be one of the hostages. All of the victims/hostages would have to be positively identified as not being a robber prior to release.

Your presentation to the FBI will include the following:

Address the following in a formal protocol of 79 pages (remember, a protocol is detailed description of procedures and steps).
What is the protocol for determining if the cause of the incident is criminal or not? Explain.
How would you be required to act with regard to victim management if the situation were determined to be criminal? Explain.
If criminal acts are suspected, how would you identify the true victims from possible suspects? Explain.
What is the protocol for determining if there is any further danger in the scene? Explain.
What equipment and personnel are needed to remove the danger?
What equipment and personnel are needed to affect rescues of trapped victims?
What equipment and personnel are needed for on-site triage of victims?
What is the protocol to identify and manage those in need of immediate medical assistance? Explain.
This includes persons who are in shock or acting out of character.
What types of potential behaviors should you look for to identify traumatized victims?
What methods will you use to reconcile the traumatized survivors with normally recognized behavior? Explain in detail.
How would you obtain field interviews for follow-up later from victims who may be potential witnesses? Explain.
How can this be applied to those who have experienced significant psychological trauma? Explain.
How would you establish a notification and meeting assembly point for victims and their loved ones? Explain.
What is the protocol for establishing a temporary morgue unit for fatalities and identification of the dead by family members? Explain.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Next, you will have to create a guide for reducing stress among first responders.

Address the following in a guide of 34 pages:
What are the most stressful factors of the above event for first responders? Explain.
How can first responder stress be prevented prior to the event response? Explain in detail.
What can be done to reduce stress in first responders after the response operations have been completed? Explain in detail.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Societal Changesdb

Assignment Details

The mosque built by Muslim residents in the town of Unitas was recently vandalized. Derogatory remarks were spray painted on the front of the mosque, such as “Go home, al-Qaeda.” The police have made it a priority to find the vandals and will most likely prosecute the issue as a hate crime. The Muslim community is understandably outraged.

The mayor would like to make a public statement to address their concerns and show support for their community. He has asked you to help by researching how other communities and leaders have addressed anti-Muslim sentiment or actions to be able to present some specific suggestions regarding actions that the town can take to reassure the Muslim community in Unitas and promote religious tolerance.  Use research and specific examples to support your opinions.

What types of issues, with specific examples, have Muslims in the United States faced, especially since 9/11?
What would be gained by prosecuting this crime as a hate crime?

Societal Changes

A stereotype may be negative or positive, but even positive stereotypes present two problems: They are clichs and they present a human being as far more simple and uniform than any human being actually is. Nancy Kress (Ferrier, 2017)
This last unit will explore existential bias in society and in the workplace, as it relates to identified minority groups. Using the most recently identified FBI training manual, specific biases are identified and discussed. Criminal justice workplaces must accommodate diverse groups of people as witnesses, victims, suspects, employees, citizens, and as colleagues in the public safety workplace. Senior management must ensure that appropriate work-related policies are writtenand enforcedto ensure that constitutional protections are safeguarded.

This unit also looks at differences between prejudice and discrimination in a post-9/11 era. The freedom and practice of religion is a constitutional right in the United States, and it includes all minority religious groups.  Religious stereotypes are presented and considered under the protective umbrella of the Constitution. In all cases, criminal justice personnel are required to make decisions and take actions that are based on the legal requirements and not on stereotypical prejudgments.

When you are done with this unit, you will be able to discuss the following:

Bias and implicit bias
Bias-based motives in criminal justice
Minority religious groups and constitutional rights
Immigration assimilation

Ferrier, M. (2017). Stereotypes. Retrieved from

Assignment Details

A recent event has caused uproar in demands for law enforcement to be attentive to activities that could lead to terrorism or gang activity. Race has been a source of controversy because of the stereotypes and labels put on individuals from certain races and religious backgrounds.

Opinions about issues in society are often the catalyst for the foundations of social change. The combined opinions of all individuals determine society’s position on an issue. Because criminal justice professionals have a first-hand view of the individuals who will be affected by the change, it is particularly crucial that they develop and advocate a position on an issue.

Using the library, Internet, or any other available materials for adequate, accurate, and relevant support, address your position on this controversial issue.
Propose 2 strategies for dealing with law enforcement subculture and racial profiling.
One strategy is to be from an ethical perspective and the other should be in terms of keeping societal opinion from making significant changes in the functioning of systems and society as a whole.