Category: Law

How Mental Health Issues Are Affected by Criminal Justice Contact

Submit an annotated bibliography by no later than Sunday of week 3. Late submissions of this assignment will not be accepted. Be sure that you collect a minimum 3-4 peer reviewed sources (published within the last 10 years) for the annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography must be relevant to your ‘working title’ of your research proposal. Please note that each annotation should be around 250 words to briefly synthesize the article. The annotation should not be excessive; nor overly brief. See the rubric. In addition, these three to four sources are not the only sources you will use in your proposal. They are a means for the professor to make sure you are on the right track, selecting the right kind of literature, and that you are able to compile an annotated bibliography.

The annotated bibliography will be included as an appendix in your final ‘research proposal’ that you submit in week 7.

Please use these three peer reviewed sources:

Naomi F. Sugie, and Kristin Turney. Beyond Incarceration: Criminal Justice Contact and Mental Health. American Sociological Review 82.4 (2017): 719743. Web.

Vaughan, Adam D., Denise M. Zabkiewicz, and Simon Verdun-Jones. In Custody Deaths of Men Related to Mental Illness and Substance Use: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Administrative Records in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 48 (2017): 18. Web.

New Mental Health Findings Reported from University of California (Beyond Incarceration: Criminal Justice Contact and Mental Health). NewsRX LLC, 2017. Print.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The course is about canadian judicial system. Please ignore the world limits mentioned in the file, I only need around 1000 words, Ill add on some contents by myself based on the 1000 words.

instructions files: report details +report template
reading files: MacFarlane +fairlie + crandall
note: note 1

The note is about the lecture, readings are provided from this course, in this assignment, that stuff is just for giving you a better understanding about the concept of this course. You may need it or not through wring this assignment so I send u them, then you can check it if needed.

The most important here is the report details doc, template doc, and the website,

You will answer questions mainly based on that website page, the left column is there for you to find something u need.
For example, in the last two parts, you need to look at the webcast in the left column of the webpage to answer.

Assignment 6

Review and respond to Chapter 30.6 Exercise 4.

Clifford Witter was a dance instructor at the Arthur Murray Dance Studios in Cleveland. As a condition of employment, he signed a contract not to work for a competitor. Subsequently, he was hired by the Fred Astaire Dancing Studios, where he taught the method that he had learned at Arthur Murray. Arthur Murray sued to enforce the noncompete contract. What would be result? What additional information, if any, would you need to know to decide the case?

Evidence Based Worksheet

Building off your milestone work on your selected issue, complete the worksheet to draft your research question (using the format provided) and outline which data you will present in your final project, demonstrating its applicability to the issue and outline appropriate uses of data informing conclusions in the final project.

Evidence Base Conclusion

Building off your milestone work on your selected issue, complete the worksheet to draft your research question (using the format provided) and outline which data you will present in your final project, demonstrating its applicability to the issue and outline appropriate uses of data informing conclusions in the final project.

EDM 403 Module 3 SLP

Mitigation Strategies

Address the following:

Describe mitigation measures that have been implemented to address the high-priority disaster that you selected from your Hazard Analysis Table results for your country.
Identify and briefly describe at least one additional measure that has not been implemented but would mitigate against your selected disaster.
Evaluate this mitigation strategy using the FEMA hazard mitigation planning criteria.
Format: The following APA template is recommended for this assignment: Module 2 SLP Template. See the Syllabus page for more information on APA format.

SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: This Case Assignment should be 35 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

EDM 403 Module 2 Case

Earthquakes occur rapidly without warning. Mitigation measures, if done effectively, serve to prevent or lessen deaths and damage to infrastructure. Depending on where one is located, earthquakes may have minimal to medium effects on life and structures, such as perhaps in a suburban or rural area. A major city, such as San Francisco, on the other hand, could be devastated by an earthquake. Read the selections for this module and answer questions regarding impediments.

Address the following:

Describe impediments to disaster prevention in major cities.
For each of the impediments you described, provide specific examples in recent earthquake disasters. Describe strategies for addressing the impediments in your examples.
Assignment Expectations
Length: This Case Assignment should be 35 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

EDM 403 Module 2 Discussion

How effective is a tsunami warning system in mitigating disasters? In answering this question, you may write about a particular tsunami, beginning from the warning (if any) to the aftermath. You may also propose a warning system. Remember to cite your sources and provide references.

EDM 403

Project Summary: The Session Long Project will involve developing a disaster management program for a specific country that will include hazard analysis, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery plans.

Epidemiology of Disasters

Respond to the following:

Select a country for your Session Long Project. Describe the sectors within your country that would be most vulnerable to your selected disaster. NOTE: Data on your Countrys disasters can be accessed from EM-DAT Disaster Database link in the Background reading.
Complete a Hazard Analysis Table for your selected country (as described below). From your results, select a high-priority disaster for the remainder of your Session Long Project.

Column 1Disaster: List the disasters of the past 30 years in the Hazard Analysis Table. See the EM-DAT country profile
Column 2Frequency: Rank the disasters in terms of frequency in the past 30 years (i.e., most frequent to least frequent). Use a numerical scale between 1 and 4, with 1 referring to the most frequent disaster and 4 referring to the least frequent disaster.
Column 3Killed: Rank the disasters in terms of average number of deaths per disaster in the past 30 years. Use a scale between 1 and 4, with 1 referring to the highest number of deaths per disaster and 4 referring to the lowest number of deaths per disaster.
Column 4Affected: Rank the disasters in terms of average number of people affected per disaster in the past 30 years. Use a scale between 1 and 4, with 1 referring to the highest number affected per disaster and 4 referring to the lowest number affected per disaster.
Column 5Cost: Rank the disasters in terms of average cost per disaster in the past 30 years. Use a scale between 1 and 4, with 1 referring to the highest cost per disaster and 4 referring to the lowest cost per disaster.
Column 6Advance Warning: Rank the disasters in terms of expected warning time as follows: 1) no warning; 2) from 1 hour to 24 hours’ warning; and, 3) more than 24 hours’ warning.
Column 7Priority: As a disaster manager for this country, how would you rank these disasters in terms of priority? Using the information in the table, rank the disasters in terms of priority, with 1 being the highest priority. Provide a brief justification for your priority rating.

SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: This Case Assignment should be 35 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

Boys Don’t Cry” (1999) feature film directed by Kimberly Peirce

Writer must be able to get movie.

Assignment questions for film Boys dont Cry
Sexuality and Violence
Discuss Any Criminal justice theories that apply.

The discussion question should help you to formulate your ideas, hypothesis and reflections. In other words, you need to write two three paragraphs of reaction to a specific theme, topic, or characterization common amongst assigned film and readings.  DO NOT summarize or critic the film. Your focus should be on the major themes in the film. By using the discussion questions, it is expected that you will be able to identify main themes that connect assigned film to the readings. The assignment will illustrate your understanding of the material.

1.    Many people fantasize about being somehow different than who they are (e.g., thinner, more glamorous, more appealing, more rich).  When is difference dangerous? When might the price be worth it?

2.    Discuss the social implications of how departure from the norm can inspire fear and revulsion. Are there circumstances in which such departures are admired? What accounts for the difference in responses? Look at both the film Boys Dont Cry and also the reading by Spelman & Minow (Thelma and Louise) to answer this question.

3.    What kind of community is Falls City? Is it one that tolerates violations of gender roles and expectations?

4.    The character, Brandon Teena, seems desperate for acceptance in a world typically hostile to what s/he represents.  What accounts for the lack of acceptance?

5.    Not all people in Brandons world were unwelcoming. What differentiated the people who were loyal to Brandon from those who were not?

6.    Was Hilary Swank able to create a character for whom the audiences had great empathy and likeability?

7.    How did the criminal justice system respond to the events? What role does homophobia play? How does the paramilitary, macho nature of policing contribute to homophobia?

8.    What do the characters John and Tom have in common? Are their characteristics reminiscent of other kinds of offenders?

9.    Why is violence motivated by homophobia and heterosexism often considered to be the only culturally legitimated from of hate crime in the U.S.?

10.    What is the homosexual panic defense? Does it fit with John and Toms motivations for their rape and murders? How is this defense an extension of traditional blaming the victim judgments?

11.    Do you think there are other places or people who would be more accepting of Brandon Teena? If so, what accounts for the difference in responses?