Category: Law

Assignment 2: Legal Analysis Memorandum

Assignment 2: Legal Analysis Memorandum

For this assignment, you will submit a three-page memorandum evaluating whether Brown violated Maryland law and identifying the specific criminal law code sections.

You must use the fact pattern provided below, the Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law (see the below link to this source), and your class materials for this assignment.  All sources must be properly cited.

Structure the body of your memorandum using the IRAC method provided below:

I. Facts: Summarize the material facts as set forth in the below fact pattern.

II. Issue:  The issue is a statement of the question to be addressed in the memorandum.  Specifically, you must discuss whether Brown violated Maryland law and identify the specific criminal law code sections.

III. Rule: Cite to the applicable sections of the Criminal Law code that apply to the fact pattern.  You may also cite to your class materials and any secondary sources to identify and explain the legal standards and rules applicable to determining whether Brown violated Maryland law.

IV. Analysis: Clearly and thoroughly explain the relevant law, as it relates to the specific facts in the fact pattern provided below.

V. Conclusion: State your conclusion as to whether Brown violated Maryland law and the specific criminal law code sections.

Format Requirements

Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found in the content page of this course.
You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information.  These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.

Link to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law:

Fact Pattern

The facts are as follows: Julio Manga and his wife are the co-owners of a residence at 123 10th St. Annapolis, MD. Jonathan Brown was at the Manga’s house on Sunday, February 10, 2018, watching the Super Bowl.  A concerned citizen contacted 911 and reported that the occupants of the home were selling drugs out of the home and were presently smoking marijuana and that one individual identified as Brown had a handgun in his waistband as he entered the residence. Based on the 911 call, Officers responded to the residence.

The Mangas’ home has a very large living room window and while walking up to the front door, officers observed through the window Mr. Brown and two other guests sitting on the couch watching television and smoking something.  They also detected a distinct odor coming from the residence and observed Mr. Brown hand a very large baggie of greenish-brown matter next to someone standing near the couch.  Based on the officers training, knowledge and experience, the particular smoking device being used and the distinct odor they detected, the officers reasonably believed the substance the occupants were smoking and contained within the large baggie was marijuana. 

Officers then knocked on the door. After hiding the drugs, Mr. Manga opened the door and granted the officers access to the home and consent to search.  When the officers came inside, they informed Mr. Brown and his friends that they had witnessed the transfer of a baggie of marijuana between Mr. Brown and another gentleman and that everyone in the room had been observed smoking marijuana through the living room window. Police then observed what looked like a handgun sandwiched between the cushions of the couch near Mr. Brown and upon further inspection discovered three additional handguns underneath the same couch.  The officers then conducted pat-downs of Mr. Brown and everyone else in the room. On Mr. Browns person, the officers recovered two digital scales and $1,541 in cash. On the person to whom Mr. Brown had handed the large baggie of greenish-brown matter, officers recovered a large baggie of marijuana.  None of the guns are properly registered and none of the occupants have valid permits to carry any firearms.

Discuss the potential charges that can be filed against Brown.

Week 3 Assignment 1 LEG 100

Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity
Creativity and innovation are essential to an organization’s success, and both should be infused into every aspect of a business. Companies with creative and innovative employees keep up with industry changes and have a competitive advantage. Human resources (HR) can foster a creative culture.

For this assignment, assume the role of HR manager. The HR director has requested a business report that details the ideal organizational culture, qualities and characteristics of the employees, and leadership attributes for cultivating a culture of creativity and innovation.

Choose one of the following:

Option 1: Imagine you are creating a new and innovative company in the automotive or health/wellness industry.
Option 2: Use a company you are interested in from the automotive or health/wellness industry.
Write a 3 page business report in which you:

Identify which option you chose and indicate the products and/or services the company provides.
Describe the ideal qualities and characteristics of the company employees in terms of creating a creative and innovative culture.
Describe the ideal background and experience needed for company leaders to foster a culture of creativity and innovation.
Identify the two most important leadership qualities and characteristics the employees should have to be effective leaders.
Discuss the ideal organizational culture and how it would foster creativity and innovation among employees.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Determine employee and leadership qualities as related to an organizational culture of creativity and innovation.

Managing Immigration

Complete an article review from any scholarly journal on an immigration policy or issue in the United States. In a maximum of 3 pages, double-spaced, students are required to:

1. Select an article from any scholarly journal on an immigration policy or issue in the United States. (Article attached)
2. Present an introduction on the topic chosen using information from the textbook and lecture materials (textbooks chapters attached);
3. Discuss the theme(s) of the article as it relates to an immigration issue or policy;
4. Discuss what you learned from the article as it relates to an immigration issue or policy;
5. Conclude with a critical review of how it can be applied to the field of homeland security.

**Note: Please note this is not a mini research paper, but rather a review of an article and how it relates to the discussed immigration issue or policy.


Europe moves in parallel to U.S. to manage immigration. (2018, Jun 30). Dow Jones Institutional News

Frontiers of Fear: Immigration and Insecurity in the United States and Europe
D’Appollonia, Ariane Chebel
Copyright 2012
Cornell University Press
ISBN 978-0-8014-7774-4

Immigration,Assimilation, and Border Security
Shaw-Taylor, Yoku
Copyright 2011
Government Institutes
ISBN 978-1-60590-719-2

Immigration Assignment

#1.Assignment : Read and answer the questions for each file on each assignment posted separately under each day listed day3,day 4,day,5,day 6 . You will find below on file attached.
#2.Look up the websites listed below
#3.Make references to each question below post a list of references of where your info was found website and section (subsection ) listed.

should all fit into1document no more than 4pages.

Here are the websites for research purposes :


IRB Practice and Procedures –


IRP Act –

IRP Regulations –

IAD Rules –

RAD Rules –

research methods

Please include the p-value associated with each test statistic, and please show how it is compared to 0.05. If the p-value associated with the test statistic is less than or equal to 0.05, you can reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value of the test statistic is greater than 0.05, you would not reject the null hypothesis.

human trafficking legislation

For this assignment, please visit APUS Libguides.( Our librarian, Beth Cook, has compiled an excellent list of sources for human trafficking legislation and reporting. Please draft a literature review using any 8 of the sources provided. Obviously most of these sources are primary document or government reports but just treat those as a source. Basically, a literature review explains the current state of literature, or in this case law and legislation, in the field. Note the term current! If there is a source here that helps explain the historical context but is dated, please search the library for more current sources. There has been a lot done in the last 5 years! You will find a matrix attached that will help you organize your thoughts. The idea is to give an intro then leads the reader through the sources in a logical manner. You should not stack sources, by addressing one in one paragraph, and the next in the next paragraph but weave them together as in the example in the matrix. You should be looking at approximately six pages double-spaced with APA or Bluebook citation. You can access the rubric by selecting on the blue and white square rubric associated with the assignment.

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion Score
20 points
Thesis/Topic is clearly defined and well constructed to help guide the reader throughout essay. Student builds upon the thesis of the assignment with well documented and exceptional supporting facts, figures, and/or statements with appropriate citations. Student uses the appropriate scholarly sources.

17 points
Student demonstrates an effective presentation of thesis/topic, with most statements helping to support the key focus of assignment. Use of supporting facts, figures, and/or statements with appropriate citations is adequate. Student uses scholarly sources for the majority of their support.

15 points
While thesis helps to guide the development of the assignment, the reader may have some difficulty in seeing linkages between thoughts. Student provides few supporting facts, figures, and/or statements and limited citations. Student does not use the required number of scholarly sources.

13 points
Reader is unable to follow the logic used for the thesis/topic and development of key themes. Introduction is not clearly evident, and reader must look deeper to discover the focus of the writer. Students writing is weak in the inclusion of supporting facts or statements. Student fails to use scholarly sources.

0 points
Student did not attempt or did not follow the directions in the assignment.

/ 20
25 points
Student demonstrates proficient command of the subject matter. Essay shows an impressive level of depth of students ability to relate disciplinary content to practical examples and applications. Student provides comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence.

21.25 points
Student exhibits above average usage of subject matter in essay. Student reveals above average ability in relating disciplinary content in examples given. Details and facts presented provide an adequate presentation of subject matter knowledge.

18.75 points
The essay reveals that the student has a general, fundamental understanding of the material. However, there are areas of some concern in the linkages provided between facts and supporting statements. Student generally explains concepts, but only meets the minimum requirements in this area.

16.25 points
Student tries to explain some concepts, but overlooks critical details. Assignment appears vague or incomplete in various segments. Student presents concepts in isolation, and does not perceive to have a logical sequencing of ideas.

0 points
Student did not attempt or did not follow the directions in the assignment.

/ 25
30 points
critical thinking. Student provides a strategic approach in presenting examples of problem solving or critical thinking, while drawing logical conclusions that are not immediately obvious. Student presents a genuine intellectual development of ideas throughout essay.

25.5 points
Student exhibits a good command of critical thinking skills in the presentation of material and supporting statements. Essay demonstrates the students above average use of relating concepts by using a variety of factors. Overall, student provides adequate conclusions.

22.5 points
Student takes a common, conventional approach in guiding the reader through various linkages and connections presented in assignment. However, student presents a limited perspective on key concepts throughout assignment. Student appears to have problems applying information in a problem-solving manner.

19.5 points
Student presents an incomplete attempt to provide linkages or explanation of key terms.

0 points
Student did not attempt or did not follow the directions in the assignment.

/ 30
10 points
An original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is presented. Overall format of essay includes an appropriate introduction, well-developed paragraphs, and conclusion. Finished essay demonstrates students ability to organize material in a logical sequence. Student uses correct APA citation style.

8.5 points
Student explains the majority of points and concepts in the assignment. Student demonstrates a good skill level in formatting and organizing material in essay. Most citations are in the correct APA style.

7.5 points
Student applies some points and concepts incorrectly. Student uses a variety of formatting styles, with some inconsistencies throughout the paper. Essay does not have a continuous pattern of logical sequencing. APA format is used periodically.

6.5 points
Ideas are unorganized. Formatting style is inconsistent and citation does not follow APA formatting.

0 points
Student did not attempt or did not follow the directions in the assignment.

/ 10
15 points
Student demonstrates an excellent command of grammar, as well as presents material in a clear and concise writing style. Presents a thorough, extensive understanding of word usage and sentence structure. Essay is virtually error-free and reflects students ability to prepare graduate-level writing for possible publication in a peer-reviewed (refereed) journal.

12.75 points
Student provides an effective display of good writing and grammar. Essay reflects students ability to select appropriate word usage and presents an above-average presentation of a given topic or issue. Essay appears to be well written with only a few errors. Student provides a good final product that covers the above-minimal requirements.

11.25 points
Assignment reflects basic writing and grammar, but with numerous errors. Key terms and concepts are somewhat vague and not completely explained by student. Student uses a basic vocabulary in essay. Students writing ability is average. Student only demonstrates a basic understanding of the subject matter.

9.75 points
Writing and grammar are poor. Text is primarily a cut and paste stacking of ideas from sources with no analysis or transitions. Sentence structure and syntax are poor.

0 points
Student did not attempt or did not follow the directions in the assignment.

/ 15

Legal Accounting

Please follow instructions accordingly
Step by step instructions and files are listed below along with web sites to visit :

Assignment instructions – major assignment
assignment description and guidance
Materials and Resources

Textbook: Legal Accounting


Software: PC-Law on VM

Assignment Steps


The purpose of this assignment is to teach the students legal accounting by applying the knowledge ascertained during class to PC-Law. Students will engage actively in the lecture, research, and use the daily activities to complete their PC-Law assignment.


The table below outlines the tasks required for completing the PC-Law assignment. Refer to the handouts listed under each task. Note: some handouts include videos and additional resources to assist students with the tasks.



(Downloaded on files)

Day 3

Task: Conflict Search & Create a New Matter/Client. 

See Handout: Day 3_PCLAW_Conflict&NewClient.

Day 4

Task: Docket- Fee Sheet, Time Sheet, Receipts, Disbursements.

See Handout: Day 4_PCLAW_Docketing

Day 5

Task: Docket- Fee Sheet, Time Sheet, Receipts, Disbursements.

See Handout: Day 5_PCLAW_Docketing.

Day 6

Task: Add to the Trickler System and adjust entries. 

See Handout: Day 6_PCLAW_Trickler/Adjusting Entries.

Day 7

Task: Create a Pre-Bill and a Final Bill.

See Handout: Day 7_PCLAW_Billing. 

Day 8

Task: Review Trust/General Journals.

See Handout: Day 8_PCLAW_Journals. 

Day 9

Evaluation breakdown
Total Marks: 50

Content – Amount of Information (10 marks)

The assignment scenario is used accordingly.
The facts and details of the scenario are completed accordingly without any errors.
Legal Technological Competency (10 marks)

The assigned steps on the assignment has been used in order to produce documentation.
The assignment steps have been followed successfully on PCLaw.
Calculations (10 marks)

Student has produced the accurate calculations for billings and has applied all instructions will respect to billing the client.
The calculations are accurate for the client bill and all instructions with respect to billing has been applied.
Documentation Production (10 marks)

Student has produced the required documents and compiled it in a professional manner for submission. Fees, Disbursements, Retainers, input tickler information, Prepare Pre-Bill in PC Law for Client. Make changes as noted, Print Final Bill for Client transferring Trust Funds to pay the Accounts rendered. Produce account letter indicating balance due.
The correct documents have been produced from PCLaw and submitted in a professional manner.
Accuracy (10 marks)

Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is used.
No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Criminal law

Topic :While attempting to rob a federally insured bank, Jerry is interrupted by the arrival of the police. To escape, he forces the bank teller to accompany him into the bank parking lot. When he arrives in the parking lot, he frees the bank teller. Has he committed the crime of kidnapping? Explain your response.

Please write the essay to show Jerry being charged with kidnapping and look at California Penal code 207 and discuss the elements to the crime. Also, please use the following source:

Principles of Criminal Law by Cliff Roberson LLM, Ph.D. and Michael D. OReilley, J.D., 7th ed., 2020


1.    Text (including quotations) must be in Times New Roman 12 point font.
2.    Line spacing must be at least one-andahalf lines; except that indented quotations may have single line spacing.
3.    Margins of at least 2 cm must be used at the top and bottom of the page, and 2.5 cm on the right and left sides of the page.
4.    Footnotes or endnotes must be included within the specified page allowance; each note must be no smaller than 10 point font and must start on a new line.
5.    A bibliography may be added:  this does not count towards the specified page allowance.  No other appendix may be attached.
6.    Pages should be numbered.
7.    Include a list of references after the essay and word count. All sources materials must be referenced using in-text citations and a reference list in the OSCOLA referencing style.

Drug Patent Protection Legal Mechanism in the EU

It’s just one part of my thesis and the contents of this part are as follows:

III. Drug Patent Protection Legal Mechanism in the EU
    A. Supplementary Protection Certificate
    B. Test Data Protection system
    C. Bolar Exemption
    D. Temporary Injunction

So, the above is just a general structure, when you writing this part, you should add some detailed items into the general contents.