Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I have written my first PhD report which is (10000) words and received feedback and comments that need for answers. so, I am looking for an expert writer in (Education policy or policy studies or public policy)  who is able to fix all these comments and make it in professional way.

This is the key issues need to fix it

These are the key issues you need to address:

1.    Chapter 1: Introduction
The introduction needs a clear rationale and statement of the problem. Please explain:
a.    WHY is this research interesting?
b.    WHY should we want read this?
c.    WHAT is significant about the issue? and therefore,
d.    WHAT questions do we need to ask? This leads to your aims and RQs (in the opening chapter). The intro needs to give me a flavour of what you are doing, why and how you are doing it.
e.    Your research questions (both of them) are not good they need more detail.

2.    Chapter 2: Literature Review
The literature review still does not show that you really know what you are trying to explain. Please address the following issues)

a)    show you have a better command of the a. ‘what is policy?’ debate and the different approaches to think what we mean by policy.

b)    b show you have a better understanding of Ball’s ‘policy as text and/or discourse’ – why does he make this distinction? what does he hope to achieve? how does it offer an alternative to other perspectives (and what does it add?)?

c)    Add more references.
d)    Explain policy analysis.
e)    Explain different approaches to policy analysis
f)    Explain and justify the approach you adopting.
g)    Elaborate the big terminologies (e.g. nationalism, positivist westphalian tradition, critical westphalian tradition, positivist post-westphalian tradition, critical post-westphalian tradition, policy sociology tradition, etc.). You cannot just say this and that without elaborating it.

3.    Chapter 3: Methodology
Please address the following issues:
a.    Since you MENTIONED quite a lot about Foucault and critical policy sociology, explain and justify that your philosophical is CRITICAL. This (Foucauldian approach) will inform your research design data collection and analysis.
b.    Explain and justify why you will use interviews, documents and observation. Elaborate how do these link to your research questions? what data do they provide? who will you observe? why? how?
c.    What are the relationships between Case Study and Foucauldian approach?

Administrator Challenges Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on present-day challenges for criminal justice administrators.

Select a functional role in one of the three major areas of criminal justice administration–police, courts, or corrections–and describe what you consider the major issues and satisfactions of that particular role. Has this course helped prepare you? If not, what might improve the course?

Include at least four peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Db 2 replies

You will submit replies of 135250 words each in response to 2 other classmates threads; you must also provide at least 1 “scholarly” reference in support of each of your replies . The scholarly references and scriptures you incorporate in your initial posts and both replies must come from outside the class . That is they can NOT come from the class, i.e. the textbook or scriptures listed in the assignments/PowerPoints. You must go out and search for them by yourself. Responding to a classmates post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate, or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions. Remember to provide at least 1 “scholarly” reference in support of each reply. Original posts will be provided to the awarded Writer.

Discrimination against Women in the Sports Field


I hope you are doing well.

– I am a student in the international sports law master program.

– I made this order to get the first part of my “RESEARCH PROJECT” which will be about
“Discrimination against Women in the Sports Field”.

– I need you to writ the requirements that shows in the attachments” ABSTRACT – KEYWORDS – TABLE OF CONTENTS- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS – INTRODUCTION – BODY OF THE PROJECT”.

– The body of the project should be about the first section only ” 1.    Description of discrimination against women in the sports field” and it subsection ”     The project will use multiple sources to gain insight into the historical background and the definition of gender biases.
    It will examine the meaning of discrimination from the Islamic perspective to understand how Arabs and Muslims perceive prejudice against females.
    Discuss discrimination against women in the sports sector in the global realm and narrow down to Arab nations, specifically Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, and Pakistan.
    The study will review recent documented cases of biases against women in the sports sector that attracted global attention.” do not write anything in this paper about the other sections.

– please make sure to take into consideration tutor feedback about it while you are writing the paper.

– please use the links i provide you with earlier and the list of the BIBLIOGRAPHY in the attachments, and you can add your own on it if you use more and other sources.

–  please make sure to write according to the details that shows in the project proposal that i wrote.

Discrimination against Women in the Sports Field


I hope you are doing well.

– I am a student in the international sports law master program.

– I made this order to get the first part of my “RESEARCH PROJECT” which will be about
“Discrimination against Women in the Sports Field”.

– I need you to writ the requirements that shows in the attachments” ABSTRACT – KEYWORDS – TABLE OF CONTENTS- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS – INTRODUCTION – BODY OF THE PROJECT”.

– The body of the project should be about the first section only ” 1.    Description of discrimination against women in the sports field” and it subsection ”     The project will use multiple sources to gain insight into the historical background and the definition of gender biases.
    It will examine the meaning of discrimination from the Islamic perspective to understand how Arabs and Muslims perceive prejudice against females.
    Discuss discrimination against women in the sports sector in the global realm and narrow down to Arab nations, specifically Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, and Pakistan.
    The study will review recent documented cases of biases against women in the sports sector that attracted global attention.” do not write anything in this paper about the other sections.

– please make sure to take into consideration tutor feedback about it while you are writing the paper.

– please use the links i provide you with earlier and the list of the BIBLIOGRAPHY in the attachments, and you can add your own on it if you use more and other sources.

–  please make sure to write according to the details that shows in the project proposal that i wrote.

Terrorism, Hate Crimes, and Racial Profiling

Assignment Details
The challenge of terrorism against the United States has led the U.S. government to create the Department of Homeland Security with the hope of leveraging federal, state, and local police agencies as well as intelligence and immigration agencies to cooperate in communicating findings and creating joint efforts to stop threats of terrorism or confront a terrorist attack.
The current threat of terrorism has made many senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress think about combining all of the police agencies in the United States into one national police organization. The centralization of power would stop the discombobulated nature of the three government levels of police and provide a clear, overall standard on how to police not only terrorist acts but also crime in general.
Answer the questions below in 34 pages. Give your opinion concerning the topics, and provide examples. Discuss your findings regarding any statistics about the victims that you list. Discuss your thoughts about what options might be taken regarding victims of racial profiling. Be sure to back up your opinions with facts from cited sources.
Do you believe that labeling terrorism as a crime that can be committed domestically has changed policing? How? Why? Provide examples.
Have the number of victims of racial profiling increased over the last decade?
What laws and services are available for victims of racial profiling?
What other actions might be taken on behalf of victims of racial profiling?
Has the Department of Homeland Security helped fight terrorism, or has it simply duplicated the efforts and jurisdictions of other agencies? How has it helped?
Use the library, Internet, and other resources available to you to conduct your research. Provide APA citations and references.

criminal justice

Two police officers were patrolling in a high-crime neighborhood. They noticed a parked car with two people inside (a driver and a passenger). The officers saw a young woman leaning into the passenger’s window and handing the passenger an object, which they could not identify. At this point, they approached the car and the woman began to walk away. One of the officers noticed the passenger making a shoving down motion, leading the officer to believe that the passenger might be armed. The officer drew his gun and shouted, “Let me see your hands.” After making more shoving down motions, the passenger complied. The officer reached into the car and touched a bulge in the passenger’s pocket. He felt large, hard objects, which he believed to be rocks of crack cocaine. He then removed a plastic bag from the pocket. It contained several rocks of crack cocaine that, together with another rock found in the passenger’s clothing, totaled almost 100 grams. The passenger was arrested, but the driver and the woman standing outside the car were not.
Should the passenger’s motion to suppress the seized evidence be granted? Please respond to this question in 23 pages, followed by your response to the next question below.

On a routine patrol, an officer noticed a parked car. Two people were inside, and they were in a high-crime area near a bar that was known for gang activity. In the past, the officer had responded to calls from the bar for everything from murder to public intoxication. The officer testified that he stopped to see if the individuals were committing a crime, lived in the area, or had some other concern. When the officer pulled up behind the car and illuminated the car with his spotlight, he observed the passenger fumbling with something on the floorboard. As the officer was checking for identification, he noticed a bullet on top of the console of the car. The officer had the individuals step out of the car to ensure that they did not have any weapons. After frisking them for weapons, the officer looked in the area where he observed the passenger fumbling with something to see if he was hiding a gun. The officer said he was checking this area for his safety and to make sure that nobody would get hurt. The officer observed a 12-pack of beer on the floorboard and checked inside for a gun. When he moved the carton, he found a small baggy underneath it containing a controlled substance.
Should the passenger’s motion to suppress the controlled substance be granted? Please respond to this question in 23 pages, following your response to the question above.

The importance of DNA evidence to juries in criminal trials

I need the writer to summarize the reading into his own words and for those moments that state your argument the best. Use citations. close with a final statement or conclusion about the purpose of this study and what came out of this research.
This is the reading that I want the writer to use

External influences of juvenile Delinquency while attending school

In this course examined some external influences that might cause a juvenile to participate in delinquent activity. One of these external influences was associated with the interactions a juvenile engages in while attending school.

Compose an essay of 500  words that identifies at least three (3) influences or factors that occur in the school setting that might cause a juvenile to participate in delinquent behavior. As part of your response discuss why some juveniles choose to avoid delinquent behavior while others decide to participate in delinquent behavior despite the fact that the majority of students are exposed to these same influences or factors within a school setting.

Directly quoted material may be used, but will not count towards the minimum word count. Be sure to support your response with cited scholarly resources as required by APA. A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources must be used when composing your response.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose a topic in occupational health and safety (there will be a list of specific topics provided) and write a 5-8 page (2000 words max) paper on the subject. Your essay should have references in APA style format.

Once you choose a topic you must let me know asap so that i can get that topic approved.

I will attach textbook, please read over chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6 to give you the required content needed to do this essay. not all chapters need to be fully read, but do read all of them n skim over parts u don’t need in order to complete the order