Category: Law

V assessment Q2

Your readings mention numerous nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that may serve the primary purpose of genocide. What are the immediate and prolonged effects a nuclear detonation, and which nuclear devices would serve more as a weapon of genocide instead of a basic WMD? Can radiological materials serve the purpose of genocide without a nuclear detonation?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

VI assessment Q3

An international terrorist organization is planning an attack during the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City this year. The organization has created a front through a local religious organization that allegedly supports the Thanksgiving celebration and has secured a position in the parade for two floats. The floats will actually be vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED).

What are these forms of delivery of high explosives? What is the typical target for such attacks? How can you mitigate and prevent such attacks as well as develop proper response strategies knowing that the offenders probably have established secondary and tertiary concerns as well?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

VI assessment Q3

An international terrorist organization is planning an attack during the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City this year. The organization has created a front through a local religious organization that allegedly supports the Thanksgiving celebration and has secured a position in the parade for two floats. The floats will actually be vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED).

What are these forms of delivery of high explosives? What is the typical target for such attacks? How can you mitigate and prevent such attacks as well as develop proper response strategies knowing that the offenders probably have established secondary and tertiary concerns as well?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


Present your own opinion on the assigned topic in a 275500 word thread. Provide at least 1 “scholarly” reference and 1 Scripture in support of your thread. The scholarly references and scriptures you incorporate in your initial posts must come from outside the class . That is they can NOT come from the class, i.e. the textbook or scriptures listed in the assignments/PowerPoints. You must go out and search for them by yourself.

For this weeks discussion board, locate and read the U.S. Supreme Court case of Adrian Martell Davis v. Washington, 547 U.S. 813 (2006) No. 05-5224. The case can be found by looking it up through the Liberty University Library, by doing a NexisUni search. You should select Law Review and Journals to do an accurate search (rather than the default News). If you still can’t find it, contact the Library, and they are always glad to help.

Assume the following facts:

After leaving a bar, a woman enters her car in a darkened parking garage. She is confronted by her ex-husband, against whom she has a domestic no-contact order. She attempts to dial 911 from her cellular telephone, but is unable to make a connection. Amazingly, she is able to take a photograph with her phone and send an accompanying text message, asking for assistance to a law enforcement friend. The officer and woman exchange text messages about who is assaulting her and where she is located until the ex-husband flees. The woman is unable to appear at trial and the defendant moves to suppress the statements at his trial for felony violation of the no-contact order.

Given the above facts, and using the Courts rationale for distinguishing testimonial and non-testimonial statements, state whether the text message and photograph should be admitted as evidence at trial and why.
According to Deuteronomy 19:15, One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses (NIV 1984).
In light of that scripture, elaborate how you would change or not change your answer.
Provide at least 1 reference and 1 scripture in support of your post.

Article Critique

Risk Assessment Article Critique
For this assignment, read and reflect on the following article. The article may be located by clicking on the The CIP Report: September 2014 link on the Past Issues Catalog page:

Mueller, J., & Stewart M. G. (2014, September). Risk Assessment of the FBI’s counterterrorism efforts. The CIP Report, 13(2). Retrieved from

In this article, the authors lay out a simple, back-of-the-envelope approach for evaluating the costs and benefits of counterterrorism spending that uses only four variables: the consequences of a successful attack, the likelihood of a successful attack, the degree to which the security measure reduces risk, and the cost of the security measure. To illustrate this approach, the authors apply it to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to assess if its counterterrorism effort reduces the terrorism risk enough to justify its cost.

In your article critique, identify the article premise and supporting points on whether or not the authors’ vulnerability analysis and risk assessment approaches of the FBI’s efforts reduced the terrorism risk enough to justify its cost over a period of time. If so, how? If not, why? The article mentions that the Transportation Security Administration body scanner technology costs about $1.2 billion but does not mention any technology that the FBI is spending its budget on. Do you think this was an oversight or intentional? What new technology is the FBI actually employing? The article also does not address how the FBI is using geographical information systems (GIS) in domestic terror risk assessment and vulnerability analysis. Quickly research how the FBI is using GIS; how could the authors incorporate this information into the article? In addition to the content in the article, discuss two additional technology related recommendations that could be integrated into the author’s findings.

The assignment must be at least 500 words in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a critical aspect of criminal justice. Following this series of five steps is instrumental in performing a thorough investigation or research on a given topic. For this assignment, you will utilize the contemporary issue that was approved by your instructor (which also serves as the focus of your final Literature Review project) to determine how the scientific method would be used to present information regarding the topic to your chain of command so that consideration on appropriate actions can be taken.

Your journal should be about 1 page. Consider the following when writing your response:

How would you prepare a report using the scientific method for your chain of command?
How can the utilization of the scientific method enhance the roles and responsibilities of your career paths in criminal justice?
This article provides more information on the scientific method specifically from a psychology research perspective.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyze a recent mass shooting (as far back as Columbine) that occurred in the US. Research and explain what transpired in detail and the aftermath. Research how the guns were obtained, if there were red flags before the mass shooting, the media coverage surrounding it, and the politics involved (NRA, law enforcement, and legislators).
Examine and compare, using the information acquired throughout this semester, what changes or enhancements (if any) can be made to prevent or make it more difficult for it to reoccur. What can and should we do to keep safe? Explain what measures can be taken and the most appropriate/effective way to carry them out. Elaborate your thoughts objectively and clearly. Use facts and statistical data to justify your argument.

Research Paper Expectations:

There is one paper assignment throughout this course. Dates for submission are available on the calendar below. Students will be required to submit responses to the prompt using citations, APA formatting, and high-level arguments to receive a good score. All papers must be a MINIMUM of 3 pages and a MAXIMUM of 5 pages of body text NOT including the cover page or references.
Papers must be written with 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced, and require a MINIMUM of 5 references.
At least 3 of these references must be from scholarly articles; the additional 2 can reference your textbooks.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students will create an individual presentation that will consist of at least 7 slides. Students will pick two organized groups discussed in class and compare them criminal activity, membership requirements, background (family ties, for example), structure, and other factors that students find important or interesting. The purpose of this presentation is to present two groups of different backgrounds (for example comparing an Italian group to a Mexican group) and recognizing the differences and similarities. Before attempting to discuss them, students should use one slide to briefly introduce the groups of their choice. Mainly discuss and compare TWO different groups

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students are required to watch (or recall) the movie The Godfather and analyze the similarities and differences between the movie and facts learned in class (fiction vs real life).

Please note that the above assignment must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Additionally, a cover page is required for all assignments with the students name, assignment title, course number, instructors name, and the term (Summer 2020). Please remember that all assignments must be at least 2 full pages (but not more than 3) the cover page and reference page do not count towards your page count.

Negligent Tort Law

When discussing the elements of negligence, expand a bit more about what you mean by ascertaining the injury and the nature of the breach and the cause of damages. Who are those elements apportioned to and how do you make that connection?

Same with contributory negligence, you should discuss how the plaintiff would share the blame. It should go beyond just simply being parties to the incident or breach. You should talk about what makes the Plaintiff share the blame.

For Sally, expand more on the basis of negligence. Include a discussion on the elements of negligence and how that relates to the Defendant’s actions or lack of action.

For possible defenses, name them and explain what they are and what facts in the scenario make those defenses apply.

For Green Acres, name the type of liability and how it might apply so you have to discuss the elements of it.

Finally watch for spelling and grammar.