Category: Law

In individual cases, tailoring a sentence based on not only the offence itself, but the race and origins of the defendant, seem to be a requirement of individualized justice. Yet, this might result in two people who have committed the same offence being r

This assignment asks you to research and write a 4000-word paper on a sentencing-related topic. The word count includes footnotes. This should be a concise but rich research paper.Take care in crafting your topic so that it is not too broad.Be specific.A (good) short paper does not just mean a shorter discussion of an issue, it means selecting a more focused topic so that you can still engage wit it seriously and demonstrate some depth.Relatedly, while describing issues, research, and others perspectives are important to every paper, you should be going beyond description to include your own analysis and critical appraisal.

Please DEFINITELY refer to the attached sources throughout the paper the more the possible and cite them below with footnotes. But for sure have them as the main source of extracting information about the topic.

A range: First Class
A first class answer has a thoughtful structure, a clear message, which depending on the question, may display personal reflection informed by wider reading of articles and/or other commentaries and a good grasp of detail (as evidenced by the choice of relevant examples which are well integrated into the answers structure).
First class answers are ones that are exceptionally good for an undergraduate and which excel in at least one and probably several of the following criteria:
comprehensiveness and accuracy;
clarity of argument and expression;
integration of a range of materials;
evidence of wider reading;
insight in to the theoretical issues.
Excellence in one or more of these areas should be in addition to the qualities expected of an upper second class answer. Although there is no expectation of originality of exposition or treatment, a first class answer is generally expected to spot points rarely seen. A high first is expected to display originality and excel in most if not all the aforementioned criteria.

B range: Upper Second Class
An upper second class answer generally shows a sound understanding of both the basic principles and relevant details of the law, supported by examples which are demonstrably well understood and which are presented in a coherent and logical fashion. The answer should be well presented, display some analytical ability and contain no major errors or omissions. Not necessarily excellent in any area.
Upper second class answers cover a wider band of student. Such answers are clearly highly competent and typically possess the following qualities.
generally accurate and well-informed;
reasonably comprehensive;
well-organised and structured;
provide evidence of general reading;
demonstrating a sound grasp of basic principles;
demonstrating a good understanding of the relevant details;
succinctly and cogently presented;
displaying some evidence of insight.
One essential aspect of an upper second class answer is that it must have competently dealt with the question asked. In problem questions i) all the major issues and most of the minor issues must have been spotted, ii) the application of the legal rules must be accurate and comprehensive, iii) the application of the legal rules may be insightful (i.e., the student has demonstrated that s/he can both distinguish cases on their facts and argue by analogy); iv) there should be a conclusion that summarises the legal position of the relevant parties.

Graduate School Admissions

Describe your educational and career goals and long-term professional development strategy.

More Info:
Admission Essay for Masters Degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Bachelors degree holder in Business Administration.

Hope to land a leadership position in the future working for Department of Homeland Security.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This case study assignment explores euthanasia. Using the CSU Online Library and additional scholarly resources, research euthanasia in your state, and address the items below.

What is euthanasia?
Identify and describe laws regarding euthanasia in your state.
Explain a recent case about euthanasia and its outcome.
Based upon what you have read, give your opinion on euthanasia, and support your argument.
Your case study will be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. It should present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence.

While you may use your textbook to complete this assignment, you are required to use at least two outside resources, one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. All resources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Your case study, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.

Crime analysis

Crime analysis is one of the most effective tools available to support law enforcement agencies today. Data collection is worthless unless it easily understood and has relevance to the case. Analysis of information provides the indicators of what one has and what is missing. The analysis ultimately organizes the information in a way that leads possibly to prosecutorial success.

With this notion in mind, students will be required to develop a proposal of guidelines for starting an “analytical unit” within a police department.

Your proposal should include the following:

Mission, goals, and objectives
Role of analysis within the department
Expected products

Instructions: The final paper needs to be 8-10 pages long (excluding the title page, abstract page, and reference pages), with APA formatting, citations, and references. Do Not Use MLA or any other form of reference.

Corporate Leadership in Kuwait

We have covered in class the topic Corporate leadership and discussed various examples of how companies contribute to their socieites.
Please share one example of corporate leadership and community services from your surroundings, i.e. companies in Kuwait that practice community leadership, or your own participation as volunteers.
Watch the deadline and cut-off date.
Write a paragraph, no longer than 400 words, answering the following questions:

What company engages in what activity to contribute to the corporate citizenship?
How is this relevant to the Kuwaiti society?
What benefits or values does the company gain?
If you are talking about your own experience, then you answer from your perspective in the first-person-narrative.
Grading will cover the structure, coherence and language of your contribution.
The assignment will give you 5% of the overall course grade.

Format and Layout for your submission:
Only pdf-files are accepted (do not try to upload word files, then complain to me it does not upload)
The contribution should not exceed 400 words
It should engage with all three questions posed.
You can inlcude supporting material, like pictures or logo image of the company, without exceeding one page.

Brown vs board of education

Background of the case:
Circumstances of the crime or issue (if not a crime), what about the subsequent investigation, trial, or law was challenged, and the arguments about what part of the Constitution was violated
Decision made by the Supreme Court:
Analyze what the Supreme Court ruled and give a detailed reasoning for why they ruled that way
Analyze the significance of the precedent established
Analyze what changed or was established by this ruling and argue why that was significant


4 sources: 2 must be scholarly sources

Questions to consider for each source; (don’t have to answer every question for each source)

Why are we reading this?
What question is this research trying to answer?
How do they know what they know?
What methods do they use?
Who did they ask?
What knowledge did they value (epistemology)?
Large or small N
thick or thin analysis
statistics or conceptual
What were their findings?
How can we analyze the text?
How does it fit with my experience?
others experience?
Other research?
What are the assumption the authors make? (ontology)
What is the audience or purpose of the piece?

read the paper instructions

Topic: The rise of Islamic Financial Services (IFS): What is driving the Boom and what is the envisioned future status of IFS.

P.S: Own interpretations and views should be included on the topic in the paper. And (13 pages) EXCLUDING cover page and references page, so 15 in total.


1. Compare and Contrast community-oriented policing with traditional policing.
Describe the strengths and weaknesses of community-oriented policing.
How has the implementation of community oriented policing affected neighborhood crime?
Your essay should be well-developed (3-4 paragraphs) using at least two scholarly references and written in APA format.

2. In Problem-Oriented Policing (POP), what are the four steps in the problem solving process?
Create a hypothetical scenario involving a deadly batch of heroin that is making its way through your community in which you employ the four steps in the problem solving process.
Your essay should be well-developed (3-4 paragraphs) using at least two scholarly references and written in APA format.

3. What is the primary objective of CompStat?
What are the four key principles of the CompStat Model? Can CompStat be used to combat terrorism? Why / Why Not?
Your essay should be well-developed (3-4 paragraphs) using at least two scholarly references and written in APA format.

4. What are the four key objectives in the transformation of local police agencies into intelligence-led organizations?
Intelligence-led policing is often viewed as a management tool instead of a crime reduction strategy. Explain how the use of intelligence led policing can reduce crime in a neighborhood with high rates of burglaries.
Your essay should be well-developed (3-4 paragraphs) using at least two scholarly references and written in APA format.

research methods

Using the Sun Coast data set, perform a correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis, and interpret the results.
Please follow the Unit V Scholarly Activity template to complete your assignment.
You will utilize Microsoft Excel ToolPak for this assignment.
Correlation Analysis
Restate the hypotheses.
Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
Interpret the correlation analysis results   
Simple Regression Analysis
Restate the hypotheses.
Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
Interpret the simple regression analysis results       
Multiple Regression Analysis
Restate the hypotheses.
Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
Interpret the multiple regression analysis results.       
The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than two pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.