Category: Law

what is public administration?

Using NCU library resources, find at least five scholarly journal articles that include at least three of the following key terms* related to public administration, published in the last five years:

Public Administration: The management and administration of public programs.
Administration: 1) The management and direction of the affairs of governments and institutions. 2) A collective term for all policy-making officials of a government. 3) The execution and implementation of public policy. 4) The time in office of a chief executive such as a president, governor, or mayor. 5) The supervision of the estate of a dead person to pay taxes and assign assets to heirs.
Administrative Discretion: The ability of individual administrators in a bureaucracy to make significant choices affecting management and operation of programs for which they are responsible; particularly evident in separation-of-powers systems.
Public Management: A field of practice and study central to public administration, emphasizing internal operations of public agencies, focuses on managerial concerns related to control and direction, such as planning, organizational maintenance, information systems, personnel management, and performance evaluation.
Scientific Management: A formal theory of organization developed by Frederick Taylor in the early 1900s; concerned with achieving efficiency in production, rational work procedures, maximum productivity, and profit; focused on management’s responsibilities and on “scientifically” developed work procedures, based on “time and motion” studies.
Participatory Democracy: A political and philosophical belief in direct involvement by affected citizens in the processes of governmental decision-making.
Policy Implementation: A general political and governmental process of carrying out programs in order to fulfill specified policy objectives; a responsibility chiefly of administrative agencies, under chief executive and/or legislative guidance; also, the activities directed toward putting a policy into effect.
Politics/Administration Dichotomy: The belief, growing out of the early administrative reform movement and its reaction against the spoils system, which held that political interference in administration would erode the opportunity for administrative efficiency, that the policy making activities of government ought to be wholly separated from the administrative functions, and that administrators had to have an explicit assignment of objectives before they could begin to develop an efficient administrative system.
Scan the articles and note the differences and/or similarities between the required readings for the week and the articles youve found in the library. Using all the sources, write a 5-page, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font paper to answer the following question: What is public administration?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Role of Fusion Centers in Counterterrorism Strategies
For this assignment, write an essay that must be at least 500 words in length on how the role of fusion centers has changed in the United States from post-9/11 to today. Further, you will be required to discuss a terrorism plot that has been stopped by the efforts put forth by fusion centers. The last paragraph of your paper will summarize your finding about the current state of fusion centers and the public perception of them.

As part of this assignment, you are required to read a short web page covering Section IX of the National Strategy for Information Sharing document, which was originally published by the Bush administration in 2007 (updated in 2012), and outlines the initial role of fusion centers in the United States. This will provide the historical context and background information for your essay.

Review the updated National Strategy for Information Sharing and Safeguarding.

In 2010 at the National Fusion Center Conference, the fusion center directors, in partnership with the federal government, distilled the baseline capabilities for state and major urban area fusion centers into national network priorities and changed the focus of fusion centers to include four Critical Operational Capabilities (COCs) to include receive, analyze, disseminate, and gather.

After reading the National Strategy for Information Sharing, respond to the following questions in your essay:

What improvements do you recommend take place or be added to the role of fusion centers in the United States?
Do you believe that strengthening the ability of fusion centers to execute the COCs is critical to building an integrated National Network of Fusion Centers capable of sharing information with the federal government and other local and state entities? Why, or why not?
How did one of the COCs help to prevent or stop a terrorism plot?
Lastly, in recent years why has the role of fusion centers been questioned by the public and private industries?
Be sure to cite and reference all quoted and paraphrased material following APA style guidelines. You must use at least two sources in addition to your textbook. At least one of your sources must be from the CSU Online Library. The International Security and Counter Terrorism Reference Center database found in the CSU Online Library is a good place to start.


Week 2: The Constitution & Criminal Law

1.  Do a quick online search for recent litigation (within the last 5 years) against an organization/employer/executive regarding a criminal charge in the USA. Feel free to use secondary sources such as a story from the media.

a. Give the name of the case, short description of the facts and the result.

b. Discuss, the role of leadership in this incident -consider is there something that leadership could have done to prevent, mitigate, or address this issue before it escalated to litigation.

2. Is there a Christian biblical principle implicated in the area?

Evaluation of Agencys Ethics, Cooperation, Leadership, and Legal Decisions

Evaluation of Agencys Ethics, Cooperation, Leadership, and Legal Decisions


Assignment Overview
As a consultant, you need to develop an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the selected agencys ethics, cooperation, leadership, and legal decisions, and then provide recommendations for improvement. Therefore, you will conduct interviews with agency representatives and research related academic sources and government websites. The analysis will be read by the VP of accounts and client support, as well as by the leaders of the agency for whom you are working.

Assignment Instructions
Write a 56 page paper in which you:
Analyze 23 current events from the past two years, focusing on the administrative responsibility and ethical implications to the stakeholders, organization, and public regarding the issues described in the current events. Title this section Administrative Ethics. To find news items about current events, go to The Center for Public Integrity, select a topic, and review the latest news items about it.

Assess the leadership of this agency, in light of leadership models and of the political context in which the agency operates, highlighting at least three ways internal agency leaders and political leaders have influenced the success and/or failure of the agency. Title this section Leadership Influences.

Analyze the power the agency has in enforcing the regulations it is asked to uphold. You can find information about these by going to the U.S. Government Publishing Office, typing your selected agencys name in the search engine, and reviewing the agencys latest rulings. Discuss 23 challenges to enforcing the agencys regulations. Title this section Legal Decisions.

Analyze 34 strategies for the agencys future plans for administrative ethics, leadership, and legal to improve the agencys operation and services to its primary recipients. Title this section Strategies for Consideration to Administrative Processes.

Recommend two strategies that will provide immediate improvement, based on models that influence public policy and the 34 strategies presented in the previous criterion, with a reason each recommendation would bring about improvement. Title this section Recommendations for Improvements to Administrative Processes.

Justice and Constitution

Choose ONE of the topics below to write about:

Few people could live together and not have laws. Why? Consider the concept of pluralism. Does pluralism have any negative aspects? Why have some fought so hard against the concept in the United States? Consider present examples and discussion surrounding the idea of pluralism and how this may or may not be connected to the current discussion on immigration.

Could a country such as the United States function without a federal constitution? Would it be possible for each state to merely abide by its own constitution? Why shouldn’t the US Constitution include an overall criminal code specifying crimes and punishments that could apply [universally] throughout the US? Can you think of current tensions between states’ rights and the federal government (e.g., gun laws, physician assisted suicide, legalization of marijuana, etc.) Discuss.

Should any one court be given the final say? Why or why not? Is there a negative side to appointment for life on the Court? Does this and the inability to lessen a justice’s salary really prevent influencing a Supreme Court justice? Do you think that the Supreme Court is a de facto lawmaker? What about split decisions? Considering many Supreme Court decisions are decided 5 to 4, is it reasonable to have the law of the land determined by 5 people?

As discussed previously, can you think of current tensions between states’ rights and the federal government? Discuss. Do you believe that this influences your daily life? Imagine a system in which the federal government determined all laws across the land. One in which there was no local or state-level jurisdiction fluctuation. What would it look like?

Explain at what point a person is considered “under arrest.” Explain the difference between a stop and an arrest. Why might states authorize probable cause arrests for certain unwitnessed misdemeanors? How much force can be used by an officer when executing an arrest? How is it determined? Can you think of any times when you heard about “excessive use of force” and if so, how do you think the actions of a few influenced the perceptions of many regarding the police?

Considering the USA Patriot Act, do you think Americans could ever sacrifice too many rights in exchange for national security? What does the Patriot Act allow the government to do that might give you pause concerning your privacy? Do you believe that most people know what is in the Patriot Act concerning their individual liberties? If you decided to protest the government anyway, do you think some of these concerns over the Patriot Act’s reach could impact you?

Civilian Protection in during an armed conflicts

Bidders must read this instructions before they submit their bids. Your bid will not be considered if you will not adhere to this instructions.
1.You must be willing to work in hand in hand with the customer.
2, You must provide preview of one page before the order is assigned or after it is assign, within the first 12 hours. This will not affect the order if the outcome of the preview is not satisfactory. The writer and customer will work together and come up with required standard. 
3. The writer must be willing to do the part B of this research proposal. The writer will build on the proposed structure and write a details research paper of 5000-6000 words. the assign writer will be specifically requested to write part B
4. Writer should complete the order 24 hours before the deadline. This will give customer sufficient time to make any corrections.

Business Law – Public Utilities Regulation

Business Law Public Utilities Regulation Research Paper
This paper is due by May 14, 2020, by 11:59 p.m. which is the date of our final exam. Papers will be given no credit if received after the due date given time constraints for final grades.
If you would like to submit a draft of your paper to me for review and feedback prior to the May 14, 2020 due date, please submit by May 1, 2020 and I will be sure to get the paper back to you well before the May 14th due date.
Please upload your paper in Blackboard as a Word document. If you have trouble uploading the paper, it could be due to the browser youre using.
Grading Criteria:
Your paper must have a cover page and a separate reference page. It should be double- spaced and between 750 1000 words in length. This word count does not include references or title page. Please include page numbers.
Your research must include between 3 5 different sources. Of course, you may use more. An effective and in-depth use of these sources must be evident with proper APA formatting of references in the reference section. Further, the use of in-text citations when paraphrasing or using direct quotes must be evident. Points will be deducted when citations and references are not in proper format and/or not used where it is evident that citations were appropriate and/or needed.
The body of your paper must adequately answer and develop the prompts outlined below. Course terms should be applied appropriately and examples should be used to
illustrate the topics in the prompts below.
Correct grammar must be evident throughout the paper. Paper should appear to have been well-proofread. Your first indication of grammatical errors can sometimes be the blue or red lines that MS Word places under certain words please pay attention to these indicators and double check them for possible grammatical errors. Consider running your paper through a site like using some of its free resources, prior to submission.
Your paper should address the following prompts they are not optional; you must answer/address all four prompts below, in your paper.
1. Discuss the evolution of public utilities regulation and law. When tracing its history be sure to identify the industries that were once heavily or exclusively monopolized and how some of those industries have evolved away from their monopolistic natures and how some have not.
2. Identify and discuss some of the most important reasons this body of law and regulations exist in other words, describe some of the rights they protect and the remedies they provide. When describing the area of public utility regulation, be sure to discuss the concept of a natural monopoly and why there is a need for regulation by authorities like PURA in CT for example.
3. How does regulation and the administrative process attempt to imitate the economic concepts of supply and demand and competition? Why is it necessary for regulatory authorities such as the CT Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) under the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to promote the simulation of these economic market forces?
4. Choose a public utility company and provide a brief overview of the company and describe a regulatory issue involving the company. For example, PURA in CT investigated Direct Energy for allegations that it made misleading statements in its marketing campaign with regard to kilowatt hours that it was billing and that it misrepresented the savings that customers could realize and made misleading statements regarding its early termination fee.

Evaluating Security Breaches DB

Assignment Details

As you have learned, loss prevention is not the responsibility of a single department within an organization. The most effective and efficient loss prevention occurs across the entire organization, infusing itself within the core of the organization’s culture.

In this discussion, you will explore this important organizational characteristic through a conversation on security breaches. However, unlike prior conversations asking you to research a single security breach, you will focus your conversation on the lasting impact of security breaches.

Find a current event related to a significant security breach, and describe how the organization responded to the situation.
Share your opinion on how the organization could have infused loss prevention across the organizational culture.
In conducting your research to share with the class, try to stay within the last 10 years.

Evaluating Security Breaches

Assignment Details

You are a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and you have graduated from AIU. Since college 4 years ago, you have been working as a fraud investigator for a large retail company, and by now you, are considered to be an expert in fraud investigations. As a fraud investigation expert, you are preparing to give an educational presentation about management fraud at the annual Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) conference, which will be held in Las Vegas. The public is becoming more aware that fraud is a serious problem. Recent financial scandals involving accounting schemes and Ponzi investment schemes have highlighted examples of significant frauds.

Your goal is to make sure that all levels of management understand the effects of fraud on themselves and the corporations that they represent. You must select a component that you feel is critical and prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 46 slides about 1 concept of management fraud. The goal is to provide an accurate and strong message that management fraud is destructive toward good business and should not be tolerated by corporations.

Select 1 concept of management fraud that you feel is critical to a corporations survival, and explain in your presentation how management may best avoid that aspect of fraud.

Assignment Guidelines

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 46 slides. It should have bullet points within the slides that are supported by the notes in the note section below the slides. In addition to the content slides, there needs to be a title slide and a reference slide that shows the references that you used for the presentation in American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Slides should not be smaller than size 24 font, and the type may be in any nonscript-blocked format such as Arial, Times New Roman, Century New, and so forth.

Remember that this presentation is going to be presented to corporate executives, and it should not contain a lot of pictures, clip art, or fancy backgrounds. A simple slide font that contrasts with the background will suffice.

Causes of Transnational Criminal Activities

Prepare a 46-page paper that addresses the following questions:

What are some of the ways that organized crime impacts you and a community or city (of your choice) directly? (20%)
What are some of the ways that law enforcement agencies are working to reduce these types of organized crime in the area you chose? Have these efforts been successful? Why or why not? (35%)
Compare your findings to the effects of organized crime in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, England, France, and Germany on their people. What similarities or differences exist? Explain. (40%)
Please provide APA citation and references where necessary. (5%)