Category: Law






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Intellectual Property Threats and Mineral Rights

BBA 3210 Business Law Unit III Lesson Assessment

2 Article Review Questions 

In the Unit III Lesson, explore Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution.
The creators of intellectual property have some protection.
Explain what you view as threats to intellectual property in today’s world economy.
What are some examples where intellectual property is threatened?
What are some protections in place to give creators of intellectual property some protection?

1st Review Response should be at least 200 words in length.
Please see US Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 below.

It is stated real property or “realty” is land and everything permanently attached to it. That seems like a simple concept.
Explain how the idea of mineral rights can impact you as a business person.
Include information from our Unit Lesson and an example of the writers personal experience or view.

2nd Review Response should be at least 200 words in length.

Criminal Procedure DB 1

Present your own opinion on the assigned topic in a 275500 word thread. Provide at least 1 “scholarly” reference and 1 Scripture in support of your thread. The scholarly references and scriptures you incorporate in your initial posts must come from outside the class . That is they can NOT come from the class, i.e. the textbook or scriptures listed in the assignments/PowerPoints. You must go out and search for them by yourself.

Review the presentations in the Reading & Study folder.

Competing perspectives in the criminal justice system are discussed, including certain Biblical Perspectives, one of which is restorative justice. Restorative justice focuses on restoring the victim by making the offender compensate the victim for the wrong and adding some punishment. Numbers 5:67 highlights this principle very well. “Say to the Israelites: When a man or woman wrongs another in any way[a]and so is unfaithful to the Lord, that person is guilty and must confess the sin he has committed. He must make full restitution for his wrong, add one fifth to it and give it all to the person he has wronged” (NIV1984). There is also a secondary emphasis of reintegrating offenders back into society.

The topic of this course is Criminal Procedure. By nature, criminal procedure is rights-based. This is because much of the law comes from the Constitution, which was drafted to enumerate the powers of government. This limits government behavior to only those listed powers, but the Constitution also clearly lays out some rights (but not all) of states and citizens, particularly certain criminal procedure rights. As such, it can be said that criminal procedure focuses on the offenders rights and government behavior.
    Based on your practical and educational experience, what is the focus of the criminal justice system, restorative justice, or criminal rights? Give specific examples.
    Can these seemingly competing perspectives be better harmonized? Provide at least 1 reference and 1 scripture to support your answer.

Real estate law

Write your answer in IRAC format.

Issue statement = name of rule+party names+ key fact.

Rule = write out all rules and definitions of those rules that determine the outcome

Application = analyze every element of every rule. Discuss ALL the facts and both sides. Most of your points are earned in this section.

Conclusion = who wins?

Question 1

Xavier X, a single father, wishes to open an adult bookstore.  The location he has chosen is in a shopping center located next to a junior high school, where his twin boys are in 7th grade.  The city refuses to approve his application (required for licensing of adult bookstores) because the proposed location violates the city ordinance that prohibits the location of such stores within 50 feet of any public school, church or daycare facility.  Xavier was hoping to open near his sons school so that he is close by in the event one of his boys becomes ill, or there is any emergency at the school.  Xavier thinks that the ordinance is unfair and discriminates against single parents like him, who struggle to balance the demands of their careers against the challenges of raising children alone.  He comes to you for advice. What claims, if any, does Xavier have, and will he prevail?

(Discuss in IRAC format.)

Question 2

Joe constructed an airstrip on what he believed to be his property. He owned 100 acres near Palm Springs, CA. He used the airstrip for landing his plane, but he also permitted other pilots in the area to land there. The airstrip was used for 40 years and was located on land that was primarily used for wind power plants. Joe later found out that the land didnt actually belong to him, but actually belonged to the wind energy company, Wind, Inc. Joe brought suit against Wind, Inc. seeking to establish title to the airstrip by adverse possession. Will he succeed?

(Discuss in IRAC format.)

Modern Day Policing and Society: Where Are We Headed

Examine at least (2) of the eras of policing and discuss their main strengths and weaknesses.
Examine at least two (2) issues facing law enforcement today and explain the impact both of these issues have on social order.
Take a position on where law enforcement is headed in the next five (5) years. Discuss what you believe the future of policing looks like and the main challenges you think law enforcement will face.
Describe the role of the public in cooperation with the police, as you see it, in the near future in order to improve the relationship between these groups and to work together optimally in facing the future challenges you identified.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Change Management in Community Policing

As most people can attest, there are certain challenges and obstacles to learning that must be overcome before people can expand their knowledge. Consider the concept of change management in the context of community policing. The Web resources for this Phase may be especially helpful to you in this assignment. Answer the following questions in 2-3 pages:

    How can change management be communicated to members of the policing agency?

    How can change management be communicated and applied to the needs within a community?

    Are change management techniques and concepts easily communicated in a law enforcement agency? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.

Human Rights and Charter Case Law in Canada Assignment

Instructions are noted in the attachment. Your total assignment will be five paragraphs and should not go beyond 500 words. You are preparing a case brief brevity is the goal. Stick to essential details with specific wording.

A rubric is attached to help you ensure if all of the criteria have been met and if the paper, itself, exceeds a level A+. This paper should be taken very seriously as it is a summative worth a great percentage of my overall mark. Please adhere to university or post-grad readability and writing devoid of grammar and punctuation mistakes.

If you do have any questions or concerns regarding the order, feel free to let me know and I will respond back as soon as possible.

Legal issues and news media

Prompt: The organization RSF (Reporters Without Borders) has petitioned the United Nations
to establish a global watchdog to curb disinformation and fake news. They are proposing the establishment of an independent multi-stakeholder organization like ICANN. You have been asked to present a legal analysis of the potential rulings of such an organization in the United States, and whether the work of such an organization would be useful in highlighting fake news and disinformation campaigns as an aid to civil organizations or as a foundation for treaty obligations.

Your paper should provide the following:
An introduction, clearly stating the importance to society of the general issue, the central focus
of your legal analysis, and your conclusion.
A full description of the core legal issues youve identified,
o What are the relevant underlying facts?
o What is the controlling law (constitution, statute, case law, treaty, etc.)?
o How have similar issues been decided by relevant courts?
o How has this issue or issues moved through the courts?
What are the different sides/positions?
o Regarding the general topic you are focused on.
o Regarding the most important legal issues relevant to your research.
What is your conclusion?
o What do you think is the proper outcome?
o Provide convincing logical support for your conclusion.

Labeling Theory/Criminal Justice Theories


THE TOPIC: Labeling Theory
*****Students will choose a theoretical perspective and, a) provide an intelligent discussion of the theory (*****citing the original theorist in text and listing the original work on your references page, of course), b) discuss at least four *********(4) empirical articles testing the theorys validity, c) and conclude with policy implications of the theory.
Research papers are to be exactly five pages of content in length and must be completed in APA format (12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced throughout the entire paper, with 1 margins). Research papers do not need an abstract but must include a title page, running head, page numbers, in-text headings that divide the paper’s sections, and a reference page.

Human Rights and Charter Case Law in Canada Assignment

Instructions are noted in the attachment. Your total assignment will be five paragraphs and should not go beyond 500 words. You are preparing a case
brief brevity is the goal. Stick to essential details with specific wording.

A rubric is attached to help you ensure if all of the criteria have been met and if the paper, itself, exceeds a level A+. This paper should be taken very seriously as it is a summative worth a great percentage of my overall mark. Please adhere to university or post-grad readability and writing devoid of grammar and punctuation mistakes.

If you do have any questions or concerns regarding the order, feel free to let me know and I will respond back as soon as possible.