Category: Law

Assignment 1

Research and summarize the corporate social responsibility policies of a business where you are a customer.

Would you adopt similar policies and why? Is there anything you would modify?

Submission Requirements:

The assignment grade will be based on how thorough and detailed your product is.
Proofread the content of your posts before making them public. Proper grammar and sentence structure are expected.


Your essay will focus on 5 major theories of business ethics: Ethical Fundamentalism
Rawl’s Social Justice Theory
Ethical Relativism
Kantian Ethics
You may select any one of these 5 theories to state your position about the following business ethics question/issue.

You will decide whether you want to use your selected theory to determine whether the business in question has behaved ethically or if the business has not behaved ethically.


A publically traded, pharmaceutical company has miraculously found a medication that extends the life of elderly people by 5 years. This medication only works on people who are over the age of 90.

Once someone reaches the age of 90, if they do not have any type of malignant cancer, the company guarantees that by taking their medication, Vegimind, regardless of the health of the person, they will live to be at least 95 years of age.

Because the United States Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) will not approve the drug, patients must get a prescription from a doctor practicing outside of the (most patients use an online video appointment to see an international doctor).

Once prescribed the patient needs to order the medication from an online pharmacy or visit another country to buy the medication.

A 5 year supply of the medication costs $5,000. Insurance companies won’t cover the cost because it’s not FDA approved.

The company backs their product with a $2,000 guarantee that if the person doesn’t survive until at least age 90, they will pay the person’s fa5mily the money.

What the company has failed to disclose to buyers is that their actuary staff has generated statistics that establisj, if someone reaches the age of 90 and doesn’t have a malignant cancer, on average 50% of those people will live to be 95, even if they don’t take the medication and on average, if taking Vegimind, on average 75% of people live to be 95.

However, the health care costs for people between the age of 90 to 95 taking Vegimind is 50% higher than healthcare for that same group not taking the medication. This extra cost is tens of millions of dollars and as a result health insurance for everyone in the US continues to increase by one-half of one cent for every new person that takes this medication.

The company is making a fortune selling this medication and their shareholders stock value continues to increase.

The company runs TV commercials every day during the times of day when elderly people watch TV. Their motto is, “only Vegimind can

Discuss your opinion regarding the ethics of selling this product, the company’s duty to their shareholders, the company’s duty to the elderly and their families, the company’s overall social responsibility, the increasing cost of insurance for everyone if 10,000 people take this medication and any other issue that you can find.

Criminal Law Problem Question

Albert, a tattoo artist, opened a new tattoo studio launching some new techniques on body modification and invited his friend Victoria over. Victoria is very excited. She asks Albert to tattoo the name of her son, Ben, on her arm. She is also convinced by Albert to try tongue splitting, one of the new body modifications offered at the studio. Victoria later decides to go to the mall. While doing her usual weekly shopping, she absentmindedly puts two expensive night creams in her bag, whereas she puts the rest of the products in her shopping basket. After paying the bill, she attempts to leave the mall, but she gets caught. She claims that she did not realise what she did as she suffers from absentmindedness due to the medication that she needs to take for her depression. Victoria has a two-year-old child, Ben. Due to the recent financial and mental health troubles, she has started using drugs and is frequently away from home for long periods, often forgetting Bens existence. Ben is increasingly neglected and eventually becomes sick and dies. In the meantime, Victorias tongue gets infected, and the GP reports Albert to the police.
Discuss the criminal liability of Albert and Victoria.

USE UK LAW not any other countrys jurisdiction

Best website for summaries and cases for extra help would be
click criminal law and everything is summarised there easier

Everything related to the topic of the problem question is attached

REFERENCING: only refer to case names normally, use any resource necessary to solve question.

Criminal Law: Essay Question

ESSAY QUESTION: Discuss whether the private defence of self-defence is too widely available by reference to its construction and by comparison to the defences of duress and necessity.

Best website for summaries and cases for extra help would be

click criminal law and everything is summarised there easier

REFERENCING: only refer to case names normally

Everything related to the topic of the problem question is attached

REFERENCING: only refer to case names normally, use any resource necessary to solve question.

BOOK CHAPTER ATTACHED. if you need to search for key words. FOLLOW BOOJ CHAPTER

Criminal Law: Essay Question

USE THIS LINK. GO TO 1.3 and it has summarised some concepts of the topic


Best website for summaries and cases for extra help would be
click criminal law and everything is summarised there easier

REFERENCING: only refer to case names normally

Everything related to the topic of the problem question is attached

REFERENCING: only refer to case names normally, use any resource necessary to solve question.

see instructions

Watch the video link below through Bellevue College (library–link to Kanopy) 33 minutes long. You will need to complete the questions below with depth, breadth, proper case law citation, and grammar/spelling.  With all your answers combined you should have 1-2 typed pages.

Link (

Articles about Joyce Gilchrist: Link (

1. Tell me about Joyce Gilchrist police chemist (who she worked for, how many cases she worked on, how many received death sentences, and what types of evidence and chemistry she worked on). When did the F.B.I. start to investigate Gilchrist? What did they find out about the cases they reviewed of hers?

2. In minute two of the video you are introduced to forensic fact #1 (about blood and hair type analysis). Explain the difference between class evidence and individual evidence. 

3. What are the three main areas identified about Gilchrist’s malpractice in her work with the Oklahoma City Police Department.  Why was she considered a “hired gun” for the prosecution?

4. Tell me about the cases of Mark Fowler and Robert Lee Miller Jr. and the “trails of evidence” Gilchrist identified.  How did the police also prove to hurt the case against Miller? Who was the real rapist and killer?

5. Explain the 2004 Madrid bombing (where, how many were killed, motives believed for the bombing, suspect groups involved).  Where was the fingerprint found? What did Interpol do with the fingerprint; who did they send it to and what program was used in U.S. to identify the print?

6. Give me the background on Brandon Mayfield and why he became a person of interest to the F.B.I.  What is LFP-17 and how many candidates fit into “most likely” for the print from the bombing?  Agent Terry Green of the F.B.I. found how many points of a “match” to Mayfield’s print?  How many other examiners also reviewed the print comparison?

7. Explain the two acts (FISA & Patriot) that were used to  allow the F.B.I. to investigate Mayfield covertly.  What does a “sneak and peak” warrant entail? Did the Spanish police agree with the F.B.I.’s analysis of the print of Mayfield?

8. What three points did the F.B.I. use against Mayfield to believe he was involved in the bombing? What  evidence/alibi did Mayfield have about his whereabouts during the Madrid bombing time-frame? Who did the Spanish police arrest and believed committed the bombing?

9. What is “minutiae”? What did the Inspector General’s report find were issues with the Brandon Mayfield case? Do you agree with the outcome of the report?  Why do you think experts ignored the upper-left quadrant of LFP-17 not matching Mayfield’s print? Do you think there was any bias against Mayfield because he was Muslim?

10. What were your overall thoughts about the new information you learned about forensic science and its use in the criminal justice system for arrests and convictions? Do TV shows and films show these flaws and issues or do they give a overall sense of scientific “certainty”?

  Inspector General’s Report: 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please choose FOUR of the below questions and answer them in essay form.  The answer to EACH question should consist of approximately one page.  Submit the complete document as a whole and not in four parts please. Please be in-depth and detailed with your responses. Include source material in the appropriate APA format.
The essays must be double spaced, with 1 inch margins, in #12 font type.
You must have source material, i.e.: the textbook or other outside sources.
Each response must be in-depth & substantive (300-500 Words)
References from any supportive resource materials must be cited in the narrative and on a separate Bibliography page using the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
Essay Questions
Explain IT Security Infrastructure and why It is important to physical security planning and protection.
Explain business continuity plans and why they are important for business to implement.
Explain what a physical security site survey consists of and why it is beneficial.
In this course we covered many aspects of physical security from alarms, and guards, to lighting, fences, and access control.  Argue which one of these you feel is the most important to overall physical security.  You may argue this from the perspective of a specific business or building.
What have you learned in this course about physical security and the specific methods of security that you did not previously know?  Be specific about your answers and explain any preconceived thoughts that were dispelled in your learning here.


In this assignment you will be writing an actual Intervention.  There are two scenarios to choose from.  You will pick ONE of the scenarios and write a paper on it.  Keep in mind, much of the time, those addicted to drugs or alcohol are the last ones to acknowledge it.  This means that often times, Interventions are not successful the first time as the addict / alcoholic typically will reject help that first time.

The paper should be written as a Word Document and NO LESS THAN 3 pages.  You do not have to cite work because it is an opinion paper.  I can tell you that I will be looking for you to talk about things we have learned in class.

If this helps, there are several ways to write this.  The first is that you simply explain to me in detail how you will set this up, plan it, carry it out, and what is your contingency plan if the person says no.  Remember, if they refuse help they can take you down with them.  You may need to cut ties with the person.  “You are not saying you do not love them, you are just not willing to love them to death”.

The second way is to write the paper as a letter addressed to the person in the scenario, meaning once you get them to come over, sit down with you, or whatever your plan is, you give them the letter and explain everything.

Really this assignment is up to you, so be creative.

In this paper, how would YOU design an Intervention to offer help to one of the person’s in the two scenarios?  Make sure to keep in mind all of the things we have talked about during the semester.  Life and attitudes matter very much in rehabilitation.  One of the cornerstones of sober living is being able to honestly get rid of ones deficiencies.  They call this “taking a moral inventory”. 

The closest thing I ever came to it was when I was hired onto the police department.  I thought I was a pretty good person, then they had me sit down and write every single little bad thing I had ever done in my life.  With all of those little things on the paper, I realized, I did have flaws, there were things I could do better.  This is what a recovering addict must do on a daily basis.  They will always be an addict / alcoholic, some are just in recovery.

ODDS ARE THAT MOST OF YOU WILL HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN SOMETHING LIKE THIS GOING FORWARD IN YOUR LIVES.  So just write this assignment from the heart with a sense of the reality of the World around us.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In Chapter 17 of the Fennelly text, the author discusses the two main categories of managing security risks. The core groups include Mandatory practices (required regulatory standards) and Benchmark (minimum standards used) practices.

For this discussion:

1.) Provide an example of how an organization or business used a Mandatory practice, which led to the prevention of, or mitigated risks and or a threat.

2.) Provide an example of a business or organization that used a Benchmark practice which may have led to a critical incident or increased the risk associated with a potential threat.

utilizing relevant case laws in a hypothetical


Please read the following scenario carefully. After you identify the facts, respond to the questions at the end of the scenario. Please make sure to address all parts of the protocol presented. Additionally, do not forget to utilize relevant case law to justify and explain your arguments.


The year is 2029 and a new strain of a deadly airborne coronavirus, COVID-29, has appeared throughout the world. In the first month after COVID-29 reaches the United States an estimated 50,000 people have died. An additional 500,000 people are infected and are inundating hospitals throughout the country seeking treatment.

Persons infected by COVID-29 can be effectively treated, with an antiviral drug called Curasin, so long as they receive the drug within 36 hours of first appearance of symptoms. Moreover, the same company that manufactures Curasin has announced the development of a COVID-29 vaccine that, once administered, protects the person vaccinated for a ten-year period. The vaccine appears to be highly effective for all segments of the population.

There are two significant problems, however, with implementing an immediate vaccination program for the entire U.S. population. First, because the vaccine is new and because it is both expensive and time-consuming to produce, there are currently only 5 million doses of the vaccine available. Despite the intention of the federal government to drastically ramp up production of the vaccine, it is anticipated that for at least the next year, no more than 10 million doses of the vaccine can be produced every month. The upshot is that, optimistically, only 40 to 50 percent of the United States residents can be effectively vaccinated within the year.

Second, it appears that not all populations are similarly vulnerable to COVID-29. For reasons that scientists cannot yet fully explain, African Americans are 15% more likely to die from the virus than whites. Latinx also seem to have a somewhat higher mortality rate than whites, although given the variation in racial make-up within the latinx population, the evidence with respect to their enhanced vulnerability is less conclusive.

Differences in mortality rates exist between males and females as well. It appears that males are 18% more likely to die from the virus than are females.
Children under the age of 13 are 25% more vulnerable to the virus than adults. The elderly are also more vulnerable to the virus than the general population, although the differences between old persons and young persons appear to correspond directly to the general health of the individual involved.

In light of this ongoing crisis, the White House, in consultation with the Center for Disease Control (the CDC), has decided to develop a strict protocol for dispensing the Curasin vaccine. The draft protocol is as follows:
1)    The CDCs first priority will be to vaccinate all children under the age of 13, starting with those living in densely populated metropolitan areas that so far have been the epicenter of virus transmission, and fanning outward to children living in less populated, rural areas,
2)    The CDCs second priority will be to vaccinate all adult males under the age of 50, again starting with males living in densely populated areas and fanning out to males living in less populated, rural areas.
3)    The CDCs third priority will be to vaccinate all adult African American females under the age of 50, with the same geographical prioritization.
4)    The CDCs fourth priority will be to vaccinate all remaining adult females under the age of 50, with the same geographical prioritization.
5)    All remaining adult U.S. citizens will then be vaccinated, starting with 50-year-old adults and advancing progressively up the age ladder.
6)    Only after all U.S. citizens have been vaccinated will the CDC vaccinate legal resident non-citizens, using the same demographic protocol as has been developed for U.S. citizens. Undocumented immigrants will receive the vaccine only after all other segments of the population have been immunized and supplies of the vaccine have stabilized.
7)    Throughout the administration of this vaccination protocol, the Curasin antiviral (of which there is an ample supply) will continue to be made available to all persons infected by COVID-29 based solely on the judgment of on-the-scene medical personnel, and without regard to age, gender, geography, or citizenship.

You are the Assistant to White House Counsel and are asked to prepare a memorandum for the President. Specifically, the President wants to know whether any of the provisions of the proposed protocol violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment (recall that, through a process of reverse incorporation, the Equal Protection applies to the federal government as well as the states).
Please make sure to support all conclusions with reasoning and, where possible, case law. In addition, please make sure to examine both sides of any argument you make, and feel free to suggest changes (addition, removal or modification of provisions) to the protocol that will cure it of potential constitutional problems.