Category: Law

Due Date Monday, May 18, 2020 9:00 AM Points Possible 100 International Crime Witness, Part 1

For this assignment, you will select one of the six model nations in the textbook to research the differences in criminal code and legal procedures between the United States and your selected country.
Imagine you are traveling abroad in your chosen country when you witness a local national committing a violent assault. The criminal is arrested and charged by the police. Upon returning to the United States, a professor in one of your criminal justice classes asks you to complete a written report about your experience and the differences in criminal code and legal procedures. Use the Internet and the Strayer Library to conduct your research.
Write a 35 page paper in which you:
Determine the pertinent demographic, social, political, and economic factors about your chosen country.
Examine the manner in which your chosen country’s criminal code would likely view the crime you witnessed. Provide a rationale for the response.
Choose two individual rights that the United States grants criminal suspects, such as search and seizure, right to counsel, et cetera, and analyze the country’s perspective on each right. Provide support for the analysis.
Summarize the manner in which the police in your chosen country would likely treat the defendant. Provide justification for the response.
Classify the fundamental similarities and differences between the police culture in your chosen country compared to the United States.
Use at least four quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not count as quality references.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Distinguish the differences in criminal code and legal procedures between the United States and another country.

legal issues and news media

Prompt: The organization RSF (Reporters Without Borders) has petitioned the United Nations
to establish a global watchdog to curb disinformation and fake news. They are proposing the
establishment of an independent multi-stakeholder organization like ICANN.
You have been asked to present a legal analysis of the potential rulings of such an organization
in the United States, and whether the work of such an organization would be useful in
highlighting fake news and disinformation campaigns as an aid to civil organizations or as a
foundation for treaty obligations.
Your answer should draw on the material provided in the Final: Disinformation – A Global
Challenge folder (including the relevant work of your classmates) in the content section of our
course blackboard. Your paper should provide the following:
An introduction, clearly stating the importance to society of the general issue, the central focus
of your legal analysis, and your conclusion.
A full description of the core legal issues youve identified,
o What are the relevant underlying facts?
o What is the controlling law (constitution, statute, case law, treaty, etc.)?
o How have similar issues been decided by relevant courts?
o How has this issue or issues moved through the courts?
What are the different sides/positions?
o Regarding the general topic you are focused on.
o Regarding the most important legal issues relevant to your research.
What is your conclusion?
o What do you think is the proper outcome?
o Provide convincing logical support for your conclusion.

Public policy

Fact sheet
This topic of this assignment is purposefully open ended, as are most such assignments in the world. You need to pick a relatively small slice of a social problem; for example, a big slice would be childcare, a smaller slice might be the impact of raising the wages childcare providers. Note that while much of our reading focuses on the United States, your final project (or midterm for that matter) does not need to be about American social policy. 

You will then craft a professional, concise, and informative advocacy-oriented two-page policy brief (one-pager if printed double-sided) on your selected topic. The final product should be easy to read and eye-catching. It could include some combination of charts, graphs, bulleted points, side bars, or other images to help the reader get all the information they need in a concise format. An insanely busy person should be able to understand its point at a glance and understand how this policy problem could be addressed. Needless to say, it is a valuable skill to be able to convey a good deal of information concisely. Some examples include these state fact sheets from the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia or those on Canada or Australia by the Centre for Global Social Policy at the University of Toronto. 

Your fact sheet should present thoughtful policy analysis of the social problem under study based on a carefulreview of the relevant empirical literature, with data and research evidence that documents the pros and cons of the policy topic you are analyzing. You will be graded on the qualityof the evidence you present in your paper and not on the particular position taken. That is, it does not matter to me if a project on Pre-K proposes to make it universal or eliminate it. What matters is that the final product is well-researched, refers to recent data and policy analyses on the issues, and that your analysis is sound and your conclusions are well-documented.

How to do this? There should be three major components: 1) The Problem- Provide context for the problem. Any history needed to understand it? Any significant trends? Any relevant terms, concepts, or vocabulary? 2) Myths and Misconceptions- Anticipate questions by considering roadblocks or addressing incorrect prevailing wisdom. 3) Potential Solutions- Are there countries, states, or private sector actors working on a solution? What are the costs/benefits of a possible solutionand are they greater than cost of doing nothing? May be useful to address counterarguments briefly.

In order to do this you need to have a good understanding of the social problem. How? Prepare an annotated bibliography and include some version it on a third page OR in smaller ont at end (check samples, the choice is yours). The annotated bibliography should be 5-8 sources, more than half of which should be from peer-reviewed sources. This list should include work often cited in this area, and perhaps two different perspectives on your social problem and/or its solution.

It should be 2 pages single spaced so I choose 3 pages double spaced.

Discuss the moral/ethical decision for each scenario

Ethical dilemmas permeate the criminal justice. At every level, in each segment of the system, people are exercising discretion that will influence the fate of an individual and/or the security of the community. Incongruous laws, regulations, policies and practices create conflicts and distort the basis upon which judgments are made. Very often these conflicts result in an ethical dilemma. Which is the appropriate course of action? What is the moral/ethical rational for the decisions that were made? What purposes or principles are served? This project will ask you to consider a sequence of decisions (do, or not do) all of which contribute, directly or indirectly the final scene.
For each of the three (3) scenarios, your assignment is to:
Examine each situation and describe the ethical and/or moral question,
Describe what you believe to be the motivation of the actor and the potential consequences of BOTH/EACH options,
Identify the decision you believe the actor SHOULD make, and
Provide the ethical basis for your decision.
Connect the ethical basis for your decision to ethical theories introduced at the beginning of the course and explain the rational for this connection.
Each decision must be considered separately and not be influenced by earlier decisions and/or actions.
1. The judge
Judge Jeffery Owens is very troubled by the felony case before him.  The defendant, Woodrow Wilson, had been found guilty of armed robbery of a liquor store.  The case alleged that Wilson had a handgun in plain sight when he entered the Sin-Yon liquor store, that he hit the owner in the head with the weapon and forced him to open the cash drawer. Fleeing the scene on foot, Woodrow only got a few blocks before responding police officers spotted him and made the arrest. The prosecutor, armed with the recovered cash, video surveillance and an eyewitness as evidence had an easy case. Now it is time for sentencing.
Jeffery saw the demonstration of business owners in the hallway when he entered the courthouse that morning. They were chanting Justice for our victims and were demanding a lengthy prison sentence. The Pre-Sentence Investigation report said Wilson was suffering from acute addiction and associated mental problems that had caused these violent (but not criminal) outbreaks in the past. There is no information in the file that Wilson has ever received treatment for his disorders. Jeffery knows that, due to budget cuts, the state prison system has very little in the way of addictive or behavioral disorder treatment programs. The prisons had reverted to merely warehousing inmates. However, he had read that the county jail had received a federal grant to establish exactly the kind of services that it appeared Wilson needed. Obviously, he had no way of knowing if this or any treatment would be successful for Wilson.
Sentencing guidelines were established to ensure that defendants convicted of similar offenses received similar punishments. According to the sentencing guidelines, Wilson should be sentenced to 5-7 years in the state correctional prison system. Jeffery knows that the business community was calling for the maximum sentence. The county jail only took inmates sentenced to eighteen months or less. What sentence should Judge Owens impose on Mr. Wilson? 

2. The District Attorney
Jessica ran a successful campaign for district attorney on a very conservative platform generally critical of the incumbent’s inability or unwillingness to prosecute police misconduct with criminal charges. The citys police chief did not support her campaign. He felt that administrative actions that could result is fines, suspensions, demotion or termination of employment were sufficient punishment. Additionally, victims could sue an officer in civil court if the officer acted outside the scope of their authority and immunity.  The chief felt that these consequences should be sufficient for any police misconduct except, perhaps, a felony. Since her election Jessica has brought criminal charges of larceny against one officer for switching city tires off his patrol car on to his personal car. She also brought assault charges against an officer when she learned a suspect needed medical treatment for wrist abrasions due to her handcuffs being too tight. Recently several assistants have cautioned her that they are losing criminal cases, including serious felony cases, because police officers are either not appearing to testify at court or are having “difficulty remembering” critical details during their testimony. This started in traffic court but has also occurred in misdemeanor trials as well. The feeling is these officers are retaliating against the district attorney’s officer for the criminal charges being brought against members of the police force.  The pattern is quite clear and getting worse. Prosecutors are complaining that police detectives are too busy to return their calls. Jessica understands she cannot successfully prosecute criminal cases without the cooperation of the police department. At the same time, she feels as though she is being bullied by an overly protective autocratic police chief. She feels she can and should prosecute police officer for any criminal offense ..and feels that her election demonstrated that the community agrees with her. What should Jessica do?

3. The Officer
Scot is still on probation as a police department rookie. While on probation he can be dismissed at any time for any reason and would not be entitled to a trail board or hearing prior to dismissal. 
During the course of his patrol duties Scot has cause to stop a car for a legitimate but minor traffic violation. The motorist was highly agitated at being stopped for no reason and, using a variety of obscene references and racial slurs, adamantly expressed how upset he was. Agitated, Scot told the man to exit the vehicle and place his hands on the hood of his car. Scot looked through the car interior, and then took the keys out of the ignition to open the trunk. Seeing what Scot was doing the driver told Scot to stop and that he could absolutely not search the trunk of the car.  Ignoring this, Scot opened the trunk and discovered in plain view a large, clear plastic bag containing thousands of pharmaceutical-type capsules. Scot could hear the driver screaming, That aint mine. That aint mine.  Scot suddenly realized he has committed an illegal search. What should Scot do?
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use American Psychological Association (APA) citation format for all narrative and Reference Page sources
Include in text citations

The Basics Behind Effective Police Operations

Assignment 2: The Basics Behind Effective Police Operations

Due Week 6 and worth 160 points

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Select at least two (2) types of changes (e.g., public and society, law enforcement officers, police bureaucracy, standards community involvement, technology, etc.), and examine how the selected changes have affected police operations, mission and values, or goals and objectives in the 21st century in the United States. Support your response.
Explain the various lines of communications present within any given local law enforcement agency. Next, determine at least two (2) challenges and concerns that law enforcement might encounter with communication and suggest your strategy to mitigate the challenges. Support your response.
Examine the importance of police patrol in modern policing.
Identify at least two (2) quality of life issues (e.g., panhandlers, prostitution, problems associated with bars and clubs, police interaction with individuals who are mentally ill, homeless people and civil disobedience) that permeate modern law enforcement practices. Propose a response to these issues, based on common practices as outlined in the text, and provide your rationale.
Compare and contrast police reactions as they relate to violence in schools, homes, and workplaces. Provide one (1) example of each to support your response.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Demonstrate knowledge of the history of law enforcement.
Compare and contrast the hierarchy of command associated with modern law enforcement agencies.
Discuss the theoretical undertones of policing strategies (i.e., community policing, patrol patterns).
Discuss ideological and practical positions and debate controversial issues in policing.
Use technology and information resources to research advanced issues in law enforcement.
Write clearly and concisely about advanced issues in law enforcement using proper grammar and mechanics.

Public Law

Kindly consider relevant public law cases, legislation or constitutional rules to
support the answer
Presenting an answer in an appropriate structure including identifying
and explaining the relevant issues, setting out and explaining the relevant
law or constitutional principles, applying the law to the facts where
relevant and reaching a logical conclusion or giving reasoned advice or

program evaluation

provide a 200 to 300 word reflection on what they experienced while taking this course. Were there steps that were extremely difficult? What elements of the exercise did you struggle with? What went really well for you? What would you like the instructor and your peers to know?

Buisness Law 2 Paragraghs


Each of us makes promises all the time; most we keep, but some we dont. The question this week focus on when a promise isor is notenforceable. Said differently, when will the law make a person keep a promise? Be sure to think about the concepts of offer, acceptance, consideration, legality, and capacity.

  • Maria and Jennifer are having drinks at a local bar, and both are a bit tipsy. As the night goes on, Maria asks Jennifer to trade Jennifers three-carat diamond ring for Marias 1978 Ford Duster, and Jennifer agrees to the deal.

Add source

Unit 8

In this unit, you have learned about organized crime and its effect on business. For this assignment, you will be further exploring this topic. First, read the following information about how legitimate business ownership may be used for money-laundering methods. 

Dirty money can be added to the cash revenues of a legitimate business enterprise, particularly those that are already cash intensive, such as restaurants, bars, and rental stores. The extra money is simply added to the till. The cost for this laundering method is the tax paid on the income. With companies whose transactions are better documented, invoices can be manipulated to simulate legitimacy. A used car dealership, for example, may offer a customer a discount for paying cash, and then report the original sale price on the invoice, thus explaining the existence of the extra illicit cash. A slightly more sophisticated scheme may allow a criminal to profit twice in setting up a publicly traded front company with a legitimate commercial purposefirst from the laundered funds commingled with those generated by the business, and second by selling shares in this company to unwitting investors. 

Then, compose an essay that analyzes the following issue. 

What legitimate criminal justice procedures may be used to interrupt the money-laundering methods described herein? 

In your answer, be sure to describe how organized crime entities use legitimate businesses as financial fronts. Also, analyze and argue your proposed procedures addressing both the positive and negative consequences of their implementation. 

Your essay must be at least two pages in length not counting the title and reference page, and it should use at least two academic sources, one of which must come from the  Online Library. You should include an introduction and conclusion sections. Your paper must be formatted in APA style, and all information from outside sources must be cited and referenced in accordance to APA guidelines.

Law Writing Assignment

Please prepare your responses to the questions below on a typewritten document.  Include your name and course section number printed at the top of the first page.  If there is more than one page, you must staple the pages together.  There is no page minimum or maximum.  Your responses should be well-organized and easy to follow.

The hypothetical fact scenario raises possible tort law claims described in chapters 5 and 6 of our course textbook.  Please identify any torts in the scenario that have been, or may have been committed, and provide the information requested below for EACH possible tort.  For your reference and example, I include model answers for the claim of battery.  Please DO NOT include a battery claim in your response; you will receive no points for doing so.

Be sure to answer the five questions for EACH possible tort you identify, even if it may feel repetitive.  You do not need to write a narrative or essay in response to each question, just provide the necessary answer for each question and make it clear which question  you are answering for each tort you identify.  For ease of organization, I recommend following the format I provide for each tort.

 This assignment is worth up to 25 points.  Each tort identified is worth up to 7 points.  It is to your advantage to identify as many tort claims as possible, although the maximum number of points available is 25.