Category: Law

Final Exam

Do Questions 1,2 and 3. I attached the pdf


Please type your responses on a Word Document (do not cut and paste or type directly into blackboard) and post word document to provided Final Exam portal on blackboard. Type responses in 11-12 point font, times new roman print, double spaced, using normal margins.  Each question will need at least a one full page carefully considered response. Because this is a take home exam, you will probably have to do some research, and  bring in credible external citations/sources (example, no Wikipedia, or tabloid news sources) such as criminal justice/criminology research, studies, and scientific analysis to support your answers when necessary.

You cannot use any material you have written from previous courses as a substitution for answers (aka, self-plagiarizing, or re-cycling answers/essays), such content will not be accepted. All answers must by 100% original material written specifically for this exam. Cite any work/quotes in exam that are not yours. (only 1-2 small quotes per answer. Answers should not be mostly quotes). Perhaps, 1 short sentence direct quote, properly cited, per exam response is acceptable.

1.) A number of criticisms of the general theory of crime remain unanswered.  Identify and discuss the implications of these unanswered criticisms (Chapter 9 – Siegel textbook).

2.) Discuss the possible links between substance abuse and violence using criminological theory (Chapter 10- Siegel textbook).

3.) Compare and contrast occasional criminals with professional criminals. Include in your discussion, Sutherlands professional thief and Klockars professional fence (Chapter 11 – Siegel textbook).

4.) Using Murderous Minds book, respond to this question. Brain imaging studies have suggested that associations appear to exist between multiple brain regions and psychopathy. Explain which specific brain regions are potentially different in psychopaths and how such differences may lead to  psychopathic behavior(s).

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American Politics

Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for a client of your choice, and tasked with preparing a strategy report for a policy initiative important to your clients interests. Identify a current U.S. policy issue about which you would like to learn more, and a client with a stake in this issue on whose behalf you can research the issue. Prepare a report that explains contemporary debates around this issue and a range of potential policy solutions, and recommend a specific policy action your client can take to address this challenge.

Your report should be 5-7 pages in length, using standard fonts and margins, including any charts or figures, but excluding your bibliography. Your pages may be formatted in whatever manner you think will most effectively convey your findings to your client. No cover page is required, but you should address your report to your client. Include a one-paragraph executive summary outlining your findings and recommendations at the beginning of the report. The remainder of the report may be divided into subsections as you deem appropriate. All sources referenced should be carefully cited in the text of your report and with full bibliographic entries in end notes, using a citation style of your choosing. You should include a minimum of (5) outside sources in your bibliography, but use as many sources as are necessary to present your analysis and detail your strategy.

In building the case for your recommended policy, your report should address the following topics:

(A) Provide relevant background on the issue under consideration, including the history and current state of the issue in the United States. Give special attention to the current or potential social and political impacts of this issue. What is the importance of this issue for Americans? Why is policy action needed on this issue?

(B) Discuss the significance of this issue for your clientwhich of your clients interests may be affected, and how this issue relates to your clients mission, goals, and/or responsibilities. How does your policy proposal advance your clients interests?

(C) Evaluate a range of alternative policy responses to this challenge. What are some different ways this problem could be solved? Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each policy option for the American public, as well as with respect to your clients interests.

(D) Briefly outline a strategy your client should adopt to achieve the policy goals you have articulated. Describe specific actions your client should take, the resources necessary for the successful execution of the strategy, the timeline on which these actions should be taken, etc. What is the appropriate role for your client in this effort? What are some of the biggest obstacles to the successful execution of this strategy? Consider the range of other stakeholders who may have an interest in this issue. Who are some potential allies in this endeavor, and how can they assist your client? Who is likely to oppose your plan? How should your client work with or against both friendly and unfriendly interests?

(E) Explain how your preferred policy will strengthen American democracy, and how it is consistent with other core American values. You should reference at least one course reading in your discussion.


Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for a client of your choice, and tasked with preparing a strategy report for a policy initiative important to your clients interests. Identify a current U.S. policy issue about which you would like to learn more, and a client with a stake in this issue on whose behalf you can research the issue. Prepare a report that explains contemporary debates around this issue and a range of potential policy solutions, and recommend a specific policy action your client can take to address this challenge.
Your report should be 5-7 pages in length, using standard fonts and margins, including any charts or figures, but excluding your bibliography. Your pages may be formatted in whatever manner you think will most effectively convey your findings to your client. No cover page is required, but you should address your report to your client. Include a one-paragraph executive summary outlining your findings and recommendations at the beginning of the report. The remainder of the report may be divided into subsections as you deem appropriate. All sources referenced should be carefully cited in the text of your report and with full bibliographic entries in end notes, using a citation style of your choosing. You should include a minimum of (5) outside sources in your bibliography, but use as many sources as are necessary to present your analysis and detail your strategy.

In building the case for your recommended policy, your report should address the following topics:

(A) Provide relevant background on the issue under consideration, including the history and current state of the issue in the United States. Give special attention to the current or potential social and political impacts of this issue. What is the importance of this issue for Americans? Why is policy action needed on this issue?

(B) Discuss the significance of this issue for your clientwhich of your clients interests may be affected, and how this issue relates to your clients mission, goals, and/or responsibilities. How does your policy proposal advance your clients interests?

(C) Evaluate a range of alternative policy responses to this challenge. What are some different ways this problem could be solved? Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each policy option for the American public, as well as with respect to your clients interests.

(D) Briefly outline a strategy your client should adopt to achieve the policy goals you have articulated. Describe specific actions your client should take, the resources necessary for the successful execution of the strategy, the timeline on which these actions should be taken, etc. What is the appropriate role for your client in this effort? What are some of the biggest obstacles to the successful execution of this strategy? Consider the range of other stakeholders who may have an interest in this issue. Who are some potential allies in this endeavor, and how can they assist your client? Who is likely to oppose your plan? How should your client work with or against both friendly and unfriendly interests?

(E) Explain how your preferred policy will strengthen American democracy, and how it is consistent with other core American values. You should reference at least one course reading in your discussion.

The Sole Remaining Supplier


Case: The Sole Remaining Supplier

The heart pacemaker is a modern wonder. The device has a timer that resets itself every time the patient’s heart beats. If the heart does not beat on schedule (say, within 1.2 seconds), the pacemaker gives a stimulus that causes a heartbeat. But the technology was not always so sophisticated, and its early limitations form the background of this true story, told to Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Director Thomas Shanks, S.J., by one of the participants.

It’s 1975, and you are on the board of directors of a company that makes transistors. Among the many companies with whom you have a contract is one that makes heart pacemakers. Pacemaker technology is in its infancy. When doctors implant a pacemaker, the patient’s normal heartbeat is disabled, and he or she relies entirely on the device. If it fails, the patient’s heart stops. Doctors are not very adept at installing the pacemakers, which are extremely delicate; there is even a story of a person yawning deeply, pulling the pacemaker wire in his chest, and dying.
After that and many similar incidents, the board begins to reconsider whether your company should sell to the pacemaker company. Members of the board feel this situation is a major lawsuit just waiting to happen and your company, as well as the company you supply, will be liable. In addition, you feel the specs the pacemaker company uses to test the transistors are not very strong.
You and the board decide to get out of the business before it’s too late. You tell the pacemaker company representatives about your conclusion, and they respond, “You can’t stop selling us the transistors. You are the sole remaining supplier for us. Everyone else has backed out for the same reasons you’re giving. If you don’t sell us the product, we’ll go out of business. Pretty soon, no one will be making heart pacemakers, and many people need them. Without the pacemaker, people don’t even have a chance.”
You take that information back to the board. People around the table have different opinions. One person says, “This is a bad deal, and it isn’t our problem. We don’t make enough on this sale to make the risk worthwhile.” Another person says, “We don’t know how other companies use the transistors we sell them; why should we be concerned about this one? What about that baby who died when the transistor in the incubator failed? We didn’t know how that company was using the transistor.” Another person says, “I think we’re missing the real issue here. Don’t we have an ethical obligation to sell the product to the pacemaker company? What will happen if we don’t sell to them?” Another person says, “Give me a break. Our only obligation is to our shareholders. And how did we get so stupid that we’re the last source? I’m telling you, we don’t need this.” Finally, the chair of the board says, “OK. Let’s make a decision.”
What do you do?

This case was written by Thomas Shanks, S.J., Executive Director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

Part I Assignment (25 points): Post a new thread to your GROUP discussion board forum entitled Applied Ethics Assignment, at least 300 words in length, that includes:

(100 150 words) First, explain the Kantian theory of ethics and its key principles (plural). No more than 20 words can be a direct quote from the assigned readings, lectures, or videos (no other sources permitted). The rest must be entirely in the students own words. Failure to properly cite any source (including direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries), or use of a source other than those listed below, will be result in a 0 on this assignment, and be referred to the GMU Office of Academic Integrity as a violation of the GMU Honor Code.
(At least 150 words) Secondly, apply that theory to the transistor case, and decide whether the transistor companys board of directors should continue, or discontinue, selling transistors to the pacemaker company. Explain your answer in accordance with your assigned theory. This portion (applying the theory to the case) must be entirely in the students own words. Any use of outside sources, or any other violation of the GMU Honor code, will result in a 0 on this assignment, and be referred to the GMU Office of Academic Integrity as a violation of the GMU Honor Code.

Assignment Rules: Students may consult and cite ONLY their lecture notes, the textbook, and other assigned readings and videos listed in the syllabus, in completing this assignment. Students may not consult or cite any other resource (including classmates, other people, the internet, etc.).
            Example of textbook citation: (Miller and Cross, 515) or (Miller and Cross, 5-3b)
            Example of lecture citation: (Zylstra lecture, Ethics, slide 5)
            Citation of assigned readings (Title of article. Retrieved from…)
            Citation of assigned Kantian youtube video: (Philosophy Tube. 2016, June 10. Beginner’s Guide to Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Retrieved from:


New Zealand Constitutional Law


You are an intern working for a (fictional) new political party, the Aotearoa Reform Party (ARP) which intends to put forward a number of candidates at the forthcoming New Zealand general election on 19 September. ARPs most prominent member, a wealthy businessman and philanthropist Grantham Morrigan, will be contesting the Ohariu electorate seat in Wellington. Mr Morrigan is polling reasonable well against the incumbent Labour MP Greg O’Connor. He is hoping to win the Ohariu seat which might allow ARP to bring in more MPs, even if the ARP party vote is beneath the 5% threshold.
Mr Morrigan and the ARP board are preparing for their inaugural party conference to be held in early July at which they will launch their policy platform for the election. A key issue (and Mr Morrigans main reason for launching and funding ARP) is constitutional reform. At a February 2020 press conference, Mr Morrigan said that New Zealand desperately needs a written constitution but did not elaborate further. The details of ARPs policy and proposals for constitutional reform (alongside its other policies) will be finalised at a (closed) board meeting on 3 May.

Mr Morrigan has asked you the only ARP intern with a legal background for help in drafting a board paper dealing with the constitutional reform aspects of the proposed party policy. His instructions to you state I need a memorandum containing clear, informed analysis on the issues noted below which can include identifying different options and comparative legal and other advantages and disadvantages of each. Your advice should be balanced and supported by relevant academic or judicial authority. Im interested in your informed opinions, but ultimately, the ARP board will make the final strategy decisions.

TOPIC 1: legal status of a written constitution (40% of total marks)

Mr Morrigan is aware that there are different ways in which a written constitution might be incorporated into New Zealands legal system. One option would be for a comprehensive constitution to be passed as ordinary legislation. Another approach would be to protect the new constitution from change by a future government or coalition holding a bare majority in Parliament by using some sort of legislative entrenchment device.
A separate (but related) question is whether the constitution could be relied on by the courts to invalidate other legislation which is inconsistent with the constitution.

Your task: topic 1:

With reference to relevant commentary and caselaw, explain the legal/constitutional implications and comparative advantages and disadvantages for the proposed constitution of:

i. Entrenchment vs. non-entrenchment; and
ii. Higher law status vs ordinary legislation.

TOPIC 2: Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi (40% of total marks)

Mr Morrigan expects that issue of the place of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi in a new constitution for New Zealand will be one of the most contentious aspects of any constitutional
reform process. He has a clear view that Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi should be in the new constitution in some form, but beyond that, has no firm opinions on how that might be done.

Your task: topic 2:

With reference to relevant commentary and caselaw, outline at least two different ways in which Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi could be included in a new constitution. Discuss the legal/constitutional implications and comparative advantages and disadvantages of the alternative approaches you describe. With reasons, explain which approach you consider appropriate.

INSTRUCTIONS: please answer topic 1 and topic 2 separately with footnotes. The answers need to be in line with the New Zealand constitutional law. I will give relevant information but some research will be needed. The word limit is 1200 words each question which doesn’t include the footnotes.

Traditional Gatekeepers

1. Identify and discuss who are the traditional gatekeepers of information and first informers.  Compare and contrast how they gather and share information and whether traditional gatekeepers should feel threatened by new technologies and the speed in which information is transmitted?

2. In 2011, the HSAS was replaced by the NTAS. Explain the reasons for the change. Do you agree that the new system is a more effective warning tool? Please cite examples that support your opinion.

Insanity Defense

The Research Paper must:
    Be 58 pages in length (not including the Title page and the References page).
    Use Times New Roman in 12 pt. font, be double spaced, and have 1 inch margins.
    Use current APA formatting including page numbers with running heads in the upper right hand corner; a cover page with the title of the research paper, student name, course name, and instructor name; an abstract, a References Page with citations in current APA format.
    Utilize academic writing (i.e. neutral gender, no personal pronouns (I, we, our), no rhetorical questions, etc).
    Cite any idea that is not your own (In a good research paper there should be many citations, and remember the in text citations must be in current APA format).
    Use at a minimum of 10 scholarly sources including journals from the field (online or hardcopy) and books (the ILRC-Integrated Learning Resource Center- has numerous sources available). Bible verses, case law, and statutes will not count as part of the 10 sources.
    Be submitted via the SafeAssign link for a plagiarism check. The file you submit should be named in the following manner: lastname first initial_submission type (like rp1 for research proposal. For example: smithj_rp.doc (this would be J. Smith’s research paper).
**Topic, Thesis and Outline will be uploaded to assigned writer

DB 5

You must research the topic and provide a well-written answer to the prompt. Your thread must be between 250300 words. You must incorporate at least 2 scholarly sources (in addition to your textbook) for your thread. You must cite your sources parenthetically in the text as needed and provide full citations at the end of each posting in current APA format.

Topic: Crimes in the Bible

Pick a crime that is described in the Bible and discuss the following:

Elements of the crime as it is presented in the Bible.
How it compares to the modern equivalent (if there is no modern crime equivalent then pick the closest modern crime).
How does it compare to the equivalent crime in your home state?
Discuss the sin/crime concept “all crimes are sin, but not all sins are crimes” and the effect this might have on punishment.

writers choice

Research is conducted in the field of criminal justice on a daily basis. The expectation is that the findings from research studies will be helpful in developing related policies, practices, and programs in the field of criminal justice. However, it is not always clear whether research findings are actually used in the criminal justice field to impact policies, practices, and programs. To further explore this phenomenon, you are required to complete this scholarly activity that focuses on the evaluation research process and the use of research findings by criminal justice managers as managerial tools. To meet the objectives of the scholarly activity, complete the following tasks:

Section 1: Evaluation Research

Provide a brief summary of the steps in evaluation research used in the field of criminal justice.
Provide a brief discussion about the distinctions between the types of evaluation research.
Briefly discuss the type of evaluation research that would be most appropriate for evaluating a criminal justice program in your community.
Section 2: Managerial Tools

Visit the website of a criminal justice agency in your community (e.g., local police department, county sheriffs office) and review the agencys organizational structure. Familiarize yourself with the managerial positions at the agency, and read any related job descriptions, if available.
Imagine that you are preparing to conduct an informational interview with an employee that holds a managerial position in the criminal justice agency you selected. In your informational interview, you are going to ask questions about his or her awareness and use of evaluation research by criminal justice personnel serving in management positions in the agency.
Using your knowledge of the evaluation research process and the types of evaluation research, develop a list of at least five questions you would ask at the informational interview.
Be sure to write at least one question that addresses whether the manager uses evaluation research as a managerial tool; if so, in what capacity are those evaluation research managerial tools utilized, and if not, why.
Be sure to ask at least one question that addresses the extent to which the manager uses statistical analyses (which could be used to generate the findings related to evaluate the research) as a managerial tool.
Using information on the agencys website, record how you think the employee in a managerial position at the criminal justice agency would respond to your questions.
Note: You are not required to conduct an actual informational interview, but you are required to generate questions that could be asked during an informational interview and to think critically about how an interviewee might respond to the questions you developed.
Section 3: Application and Implications

Discuss the extent to which what you learned from the textbook supports and/or refutes what you learned from developing and responding to your informational interview questions about the use of evaluation research by criminal justice managers in the agency.
Based with your research on the agency website and your responses to your informational interview questions, discuss whether you think any changes should be made regarding how the managers of the criminal justice agency use evaluation research.
Discuss what your findings suggest about the usefulness and future need of evaluation research in the field of criminal justice.
Each section of the scholarly activity must be clearly labeled using the following section headings:

Evaluation Research
Managerial Tools
Application and Implications
Each section of the scholarly activity listed above should be a minimum of 200 words. Your entire scholarly activity should be at least three pages.

Be sure to cite, in APA format, any source used to influence your response. You are required to apply the concepts discussed in the textbook to the tasks in the scholarly activity. Therefore, your reference list should at least include a citation of the textbook.

writers choice

The research report consists of four parts:

Part 1 Research topic, research questions, and research design
Part 2 Literature review
Part 3 Research methodology
Part 4 Discussion and conclusion

part 1A: First, you will need to identify a criminal justice related topic that you want to explore throughout all of the assignments associated with the final research report. Second, provide a brief discussion about why you chose your topic and why researching that topic is important to the field of criminal justice. Third, to assist you in determining the type of research that has already been done on your topic and to give you a head start on Part 2 of your research report, you will need to include a list of five scholarly sources related to your topic.

part 1b: Developing a research question is one of the most important parts of the research study. Your research question is what dictates the type of methodology that will be used in the study. There are certain research questions that lend themselves to pure (basic) versus applied research. There are certain research questions that lend themselves to qualitative versus quantitative research. Therefore, it is imperative that you establish the research question prior to conducting a study. This is important as you are formulating your steps to solve the problem in your empirical research. It should also be noted here that if one is asking qualitative type research questions, answers might not result. Instead, additional questions or sub-questions may result, which is an acceptable result.

For this part of the assignment, you are tasked with developing a research question. Based on your research question, you will need to generate at least one hypothesis or at least one sub-question that is associated with your research question.

Keep in mind that the research question needs to be connected to the topic that you identified in Part 1A of the assignment, and it needs to be a question that you want to explore throughout the other parts of this assignment and subsequent assignments related to the final research report.

Part 1C: Research design

You will need to decide whether your research will use an experimental design, a quasi-experimental design, or a pre experimental design. Provide a discussion that explains how your research falls into the experimental design that you chose. While you do not need to go into specifics about the methodology that you will utilize for your research study, you do need to be able to discuss to what extent your design will or will not incorporate equivalents, observation, treatment, and time.

Part 2: Begin your literature review with a very brief discussion of your research topic and related questions and/or hypothesis.
Briefly summarize a) research focus, b) research methodology, and c) key findings of the scholarly sources that you identified for use in your literature review.
Critically evaluate the findings of each study in relation to your research topic, questions, and/or hypothesis. This can include comparing and contrasting each studys findings, a discussion of the weaknesses of the studys methodologies, and identification of the needs for future study as a result of the studys findings. The critical evaluation of the studies in relation to your research topic, questions, and/or hypothesis can either come at the end of each summary of the scholarly sources or it can come at the end of the literature review after all of the summaries of the scholarly sources have been provided. Note: The main purpose of the literature review is to:
discuss the available research related to your topic and
identify how that research relates to your topic and informs the methodology that you will use to conduct your study. Both of these elements must be present in the literature review. Thus, while you are not required to provide your research methodology in this assignment, the literature review should allow for an easy transition into your research methodology that you will present in Part 3 of the research report.

part 3:To prepare your research methodology, complete the following tasks:

Begin your research methodology with a very brief discussion of your research focus and a list of your related questions and/or hypothesis.
Discuss the main variables that will be explored in your study. Be sure to specify how those variables will be measured.
For example, if you were interested in studying the relationship between sex and illegal drug use, you would need to make sure to specify what information you want to collect for each variable. For sex, you could choose to measure it as having the attributes of a male or female. For illegal drug use, you could choose to measure it by looking at the number of times someone was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. You could further distinguish that by only looking at the amount of drugs that someone was arrested with and determining based on the weight, whether it was considered possession for personal consumption or distribution. This is just a brief example of how the variables could be measured. There are a variety of other ways in which these two variables could be measured. Thus, you can see why it is important to not only identify the variables but to also specify how the variables will be measured.
Present your research methodology. You need to ensure that the specific steps you will follow to explore your research questions and/or hypotheses are clear to the reader. Avoid the use of general statements and direct quotes from the textbook about what should be included in the research methodology. Your task is to discuss in your own words what you would specifically do to study your research topic. What steps would you engage in to ensure that your proposed study properly explores the research questions and/or hypotheses that you developed? In your methodology, you need to discuss the following concepts:
Research design
Note: Remember to refer back to Unit II Assignment, Part 1C where you discussed your research design.
Include a discussion of the methodological approach (i.e., qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method).
Include a discussion of how threats to internal and external validity are addressed.
Participant selection process
Include a discussion of the participant characteristics and related ethical considerations.
Data collection process
Include a discussion or an example of the data collection techniques (e.g., surveys, case studies, participant observation, unobtrusive measures, and secondary data).
Include a discussion of the step-by-step procedures you will follow to collect the data from your study participants using your data collection technique.
You will be formulating your data collection techniques but not actually collecting the data.
Protection of human subjects
Include a brief discussion about how your research studys methodology will ensure human subject(s) protections (e.g., minimal harm to participants, consent, and confidentiality). Such statements may address the submission of your study protocol to an institutional review board (IRB), or a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) review, or compliance with National Institute of Justice (NIJ) human subject requirements.
Study timeline
Include a brief sketch of the anticipated timeline associated with conducting your study from the IRB review to the completion of data collection.

part 4:To prepare your discussion and conclusion, complete the following tasks:

Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings that could have resulted if you actually conducted your proposed study.
Remember to return to your research questions and/or hypotheses as well as findings from the studies you discussed in your literature review to assist you in developing this section of the research report.
Provide a discussion about any conclusions that can be drawn from the anticipated findings.
You are in essence being asked to discuss whether or not you think that you would have found support for your hypotheses, answers to your research questions, or additional research questions.
Provide a discussion about any study limitations that are associated with your proposed studys research methodology.
Remember that your studys limitations would have been considered during the development of your research methodology.

Provide a discussion about the potential impact of the results of your study on the field of criminal justice (e.g., practices and policies).
Include a discussion about how managers in criminal justice agencies would be able to use your studys findings as managerial tools for working with criminal justice personnel.
Provide a discussion about future research possibilities that are related to your proposed study.

Note: This part of the assignment requires that you use your knowledge of the existing research in the field, the understanding of your proposed study design, and your intellectual creativity to discuss some potential findings that could result if you had actually conducted the study. Based on that discussion, you are able to provide a conclusion that identifies areas in need of additional research and discusses the significance of your proposed study to the field of criminal justice. This is the part of the research project where your empirically inspired opinions should be discussed. There should be very few direct quotes that appear in this portion of the research report. If possible, no direct quotes should appear in this section of the research report. Thus, this portion of the research report should be dominated by your voice.

Title Page
Literature Review
Discussion and Conclusion