Category: Law

Casenotejudgement in cases T-778/16, Ireland vCommission and T-892/16, Apple Sales Internationaland Apple Operations Europe v. Commission

* Times New Roman, max interline 1,5
* Obligatory elements:
* Cover page  with title and information about author
* 3 sections:
* Statement of facts  max 2 pages
* Legal analysis  including analysis of the legal notions, juxtaposing (comparing) different views on the topic presented in doctrine and jurisprudence (objective analysis) min. 8 pages
* Personal proposal / opinion on the topic (subjective opinion)
* Inclusion of jurisprudence and doctrine!!!  (anytime you cite someone else statement putting footnotes is obligatory)
* Bibliography I need only legal analysis on min 8 pages. Please, follow writing in document named “1” and check other assignments, that are examples.

3-2 Activity: Analyzing the Data Assignment

Read the following real-world case study: The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment. Then, read the following information on predictive policing: Evaluation of the Shreveport Predictive Policing Experiment. Think about the research and data collection methods used in both studies. Compare and contrast both methods. Identify ways in which the findings of the research experiments could be vulnerable to liability. Suggest alternative methods to minimize liability in the research findings. If no vulnerabilities can be identified, explain how the methods used in the research experiment preserved ethical and accurate findings

Links for case studies:

District of Columbia v Heller, 554 US 570 (2008)

Your assignment is to listen to the oral argument of the attorneys before the court for District of Columbia v Heller, 554 US 570 (2008) then write a one page double-spaced opinion paper on your impression. Did the attorneys argue their point well? Did one do better than the other? Were they able to get their statement out without being interrupted? Which Justice was dominant? Was it clear from what direction they were asking – conservative? liberal? Did they seem to take sides? Next you are to read the short brief from oyez to see exactly what the holding was for the case and which Justices were in the majority or dissent. Was this how you thought they would rule? Finally, look at the background to see what implications this case might have after you finish your paper.

The oral argument and brief for District of Columbia v Heller, 554 US 570 (2008) can be found at Oyez. ( background and details can be found at Scotusblog. (

Remember, I am looking for your impressions of the workings of the Court, not your opinion on the holding! You should only use the sources given for this assignment. The only source on the submission should be the oral argument for the case itself.

Please see the rubric below:




Synthesis of Knowledge:

Paper cohesively links legal concepts and learning objectives to the case. Student demonstrates critical understanding of the legal concepts and its relation to the workings of the Court.


Application of Knowledge:

Student establishes connections to the arguments by the attorneys and the political leanings of the Justices. Student addresses the interactions between the Justices and the attorneys and the impact on their arguments. The paper ends with a prediction on how the case will be decided prior to reading the decision.


Writing and Research Skill:

Student effectively communicates policy concepts and ideas. Paper follows APA formatting and style guidelines. Paper is grammatically correct, free of spelling errors and has an introduction, logical body, and summary.


Section III: Methods – Portfolio Milestone Mod 3

Provide a minimum of three credible resources to support your paper.

As outlined in the Portfolio Report Checklist (located in the Course Information Module), Section III should be 1-2 pages in length and should contain the following:

– Selection criteria: Specify study characteristics such as years considered, types of studies (e.g., quantitative and/or qualitative) for eligibility

– Search strategy: Present full electronic search strategy for at least one database.

research methods

Research design refers to the specific type of study that you will conduct. Research design is normally consistent with ones philosophical worldview and the methodological approach the researcher chooses. In this case, you are using a quantitative methodology. As we have discussed in this course, quantitative research designs can be experimental and non-experimental. You will be using a non-experimental design that can include descriptive statistics, correlational or causal-comparative research methods.
Research methods refer to specific procedures selected based on the chosen design. This is where you will provide detail on how you collected and analyzed your data. For quantitative methodologies, research methods can be quite detailed and require that attention be paid to recruitment, sampling, sampling frame, sample size, surveys, pilot tests, observations, data collection, data analysis, statistical procedures, data interpretation, coding, validity, reliability, generalizability, reporting, etc.
For this assignment, you will develop the research design for the Sun Coast project, utilizing this template to complete your assignment.
Your Unit III research design submission should include the below elements.
Research Methodology: Describe and justify the choice of research methodology and why it was most suitable to solve the problems. Be sure to compare and contrast this choice with the design that was not selected.
Research Design: Explain whether the research design is exploratory, causal, or descriptive. Provide the rationale for the choice.
Research Methods: Review the research questions and hypotheses you developed in Unit II, and then decide on the most appropriate research methods to test your hypotheses. They might include a combination of experimentation, descriptive statistics, correlation, and casual-comparative methods. Be sure to specify which method will be used to test which research question and hypotheses, and explain why that method was most appropriate.
Data Collection Methods: Specify how the data were most likely collected to test the hypotheses. Data collection methods include, but are not limited to, survey, observation, and records analysis. Be sure to specify which data collection method was used to collect the data needed for each research question and hypothesis. Please note that one data collection method could capture the data for several research questions and hypotheses.
Sampling Design: Briefly describe the type of sampling design that was most likely used for the data that were collected. Choices include, but are not limited to, random sample, convenience sample, etc. Explain your rationale for your sampling design selection(s).
Data Analysis Procedures: Specify which statistical procedures will be used to test each of your hypotheses from among correlation, regression, t test, and ANOVA. Explain why each procedure was the most appropriate choice.
The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than two pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

research methods

Research problems
Research objectives: Refer to the Introduction and Statement of Problems sections provided in the Unit II Assignment Template to make explicit statements as to the objectives of this study. For example, One objective of this research study is to determine the direction (either positive or negative) and the strength of relationships between ABC Companys various consumer promotions and sales revenue. This objective is intended to determine which promotions may be more effective and strategically important. Research objectives should be discussed for each problem identified.
Research questions and hypotheses: Provide research questions and null and alternative hypotheses that align with the research objectives and problems. For example:
RQ1: What is the relationship between Promotion 1 and sales revenue?
Ho1 (null hypothesis): There is no statistically significant correlation between Promotion 1 (independent variable) and sales revenue (dependent variable).
Ha1 (alternative hypothesis): There is a statistically significant correlation between Promotion 1 and sales revenue.
RQ2: What is the relationship between Promotion 2 and sales revenue?
Ho2: There is no statistically significant correlation between Promotion 2 and sales revenue.
Ha2: There is a statistically significant correlation between Promotion 2 and sales revenue.
RQ3: Are there differences in return on investment (ROI) between the various promotions?
Ho3: There are no statistically significant differences in ROI between Promotion 1 and Promotion 2.
Ha3: There are statistically significant differences in ROI between Promotion 1 and Promotion 2.
The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

Business Law Partnership organisation

Hello, I  would like you to write about a a partnership business organisation for a law business pitch. this will not be as a typical business pitch (it’s a way easier version). and you need to mention. i will be uploading a document with a part of my law course. Just click command f and type in partnership and you will find everything related. It is very important that is is focussed on the notes.

on the first page write about (don’t overcomplicate it)

* what is the type of business organisation (a general partnership)
* Who are the owners , and what are their respective levels of ownership (5 owners 20% each)
* Who are the decision makers, and how do they make decisions (be creative)
* What is the process of transferring ownership (once again be creative but keep in mind it is a general partnership)
* What is the process of transferring decision making power (once again be creative but keep in mind it is a general partnership)

and on the second page (more complicated part)

* make a document regarding the organisational formation ( the certificate of incorporation, certificate of registration, articles of incorporation, certificate of formation, certificate of partnership, partnership agreement or equivalent document establishing such Person’s legal existence.)

* and governing documents (Governing Documents of a limited partnership are its limited partnership agreement and certificate of limited partnership and the Governing Documents of a limited liability company are its operating agreement and certificate of formation.)

please let me know if you need more writing for the second part, and i’ll make an additional order. It is especially important for the second part to not overcomplicate it. Just be straight to the point

Global Security

Please research and answer the following questions separately. Besides reference (textbook) given, please cite at least 1 scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

1.    What are the security requirements across the countries surveyed in this chapter that are imposed on the private sector as a condition of licensing?

2.    What are the pros and cons of triaging and treating patients at the scene of an event (as the British do) as opposed to the scoop and run method (favored by the Israelis)?

Morag, Nadav (2011). Comparative Homeland Security Global Lessons (1st ed.). Wiley
Chapter 7-9

What Business Form is Best?

Your friend, Elvern Entrepreneur, is thinking about opening a business, Pampered Puptown Puppers (PPP), a dog boarding and day care facility. Entrepreneur learns that you are studying Business and asks for your advice selecting a business form for PPP. You learn that Entrepreneur will need some capital to open the business, and is reluctant to share control of the business with others. With this information, considering sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation, which business forms are available to Elvern? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the business forms Entrepreneur should consider? Of the forms that Entrepreneur should consider, which do you recommend, and why?

Write your answers to the above questions in a 750 word essay, double-spaced, and upload to Blackboard as a Word file. Cite any sources that you use in APA style

Criminal Justice: Practice in Theory

Final Exam
Below, please find the Midterm Exam which is worth 30% of the overall grade for this course. There are two questions which have been taken from chapters of the textbook covered thus far. Each question should be at least one (1) page in length and in size 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. This means your work should be at least 4 pages in length.

1) Will abolishing or limiting the insanity defense have an impact on serious crime? Critically evaluate this question with reference to empirical studies and scholarly literature. (Chapter 8)

2) If bans on guns do not reduce serious crimes, what actions can be taken to improve the safety of communities that suffer the most as a result of gun violence. (Chapter 10)

3) Appraise the effectiveness of the DARE program. Are there other interventions that may work better? (Chapter 13)

4) Is restorative justice possible in the United States? Why or why not? How should it be implemented? (Chapter 14)

Book: Sense and Nonsense about crime, drugs, and communities by Sammuel Walker