Category: Law

Death Penalty – Criminal Justice

Write a 6 page essay on the Death Penalty and include these topics:

On the Death Penalty


Intro do death penalty
–    Definition
–    First started
–    Where states stand today
–    What some politicians/ethical theories say

–    Effectiveness at first
–    Money spent
–    Why it works and why it does not
–    Federal stance
–    State stance
–    Bills or laws in place
–    Changing bills or laws in effect
–    Who it affects
Ethical issues
–    Politicians
–    Philosophers
–    Different perspectives

Topic choices are limited to issues covered in class lectures/course materials and the paper should incorporate/reference class discussions/handouts. Grading will focus on the critical analysis/perspective on the issue and the originality of arguments as well incorporation/reference to class materials.


add a closing

Add a robust conclusion final paragraph: Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word! The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your study, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the level of knowledge and importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject and desire to learn more. A conclusion is also a tool for making good final impression on the reader and to end on a positive note. Dont introduce any new subject, ideas, topics in the conclusion.

A well-written conclusion makes the readers glad they read your paper. Your conclusions give your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently, connect the dots and or appreciate your work in a relevant way.

It can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader, but also enrich your readers life in some way. It is your gift to the reader.


Please Answer those 2 questions Using Legal Term for each questions

Question 1
Jill used to be Jack’s lawyer. Jack and Jill had dinner and alcoholic drinks together to celebrate Jack’s birthday. Jill showed Jack pictures of her new car and asked him if he wanted to buy the car for $20,000.00. He agreed with one small change. Jack wanted the car professionally cleaned before delivery. The price in the written agreement she wrote up after dinner was “$23,000.00” which price Jack paid the next day. Jack’s father hired a lawyer to represent Jack and try and get his money back. Jill produced a 2nd agreement signed by Jack agreeing to arbitration of any dispute in lieu of court action of any kind. What legal issues, rules of law or defenses to the contract can you identify? What are Jack’s rights? What are Jill’s rights?

Question 2
Li, Shu and Lin have an idea for a computer export business. Li tells Shu and Lin that she will prepare and file articles of organization and other corporate documents necessary to register their business name and incorporate in Massachusetts. Their business makes a profit of $8,000,000.00 in the first 12 months of operation. Shu is busy with other activities and spends no time working for the business. Lin wants to leave the business and cash out. Li who has been working 50 hours a week for the business says no to both of them — she wants to continue with the business venture and bring in a new owner Zhu.
Li has received but has not yet paid for a $100,000.00 computer delivery she has ordered and received without Shu or Lin’s knowledge. Li still has in her handbag, but has never filed, any legal documents for the business. What form of business if any do they have together? What business forms are not relevant? What are Li’s rights? Shu’s rights? Lin’s rights? Zhu’s rights? How would your answers change if there business was an entirely different form? What are the legal issues and applicable rules of law. How is each form created, owned, managed and taxed? Compare the liability of owners for each form.

Legal Correspondence letter

Unfortunately, the written portion you provided is not a case brief – it is a summary of the newspaper article – it needs to be similar to your assignment you’ve done previously  – Facts, Issues, Ratio, Decision and Reasons

That format
please follow that format

Any topic (writer’s choice)

fix the paper and follow the comment on red. there is two part:

Part I Draft with feedback.docx
Part II Draft with feedback.docx
APA Citation Format1.pdf
rest lecture files to help with the paper .
after fixing and following the style :total of 12 page, and a page for the references

if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Is the violence in man nature or nurture?

1. There are four (4) aspects of the research paper:
a. The paper must be a minimum of 1500 words.
b. You cannot use a paper that has been previously submitted.
c. The paper is to be written in the APA format and we will discuss the format in class so that it is clear as to what is needed.
d. You must use a minimum of five (5) resources, the internet can only account for one (1) of the sources. All of the other resources must come from journals and books. There will be some sources reserved at the library.
The paper and project must be original and your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any format. If it is determined that the work is not your original work you will automatically loose 100 points and fail the assignment.

Protocol for Evidence Collection

Assignment Details

Law enforcement officers and crime scene technicians must use caution and protect themselves at all times from contracting AIDS or hepatitis. Bodily fluids must always be treated as though they were infectious. Crime scene technicians most often use dust particle masks or N-95 masks at routine crime scenes. They are considered the most common type of respiratory protection. These masks are considered to be disposable and should be discarded after one use.

It is imperative that all personnel involved in entering and processing the crime scene wear personal protective equipment (PPE). This consists of items of clothing that are non-porous, such as crime scene suits, nitrile gloves (double gloving recommended), face masks, and eye protection. These items will protect the CSI from exposure to blood-borne pathogens, most chemical and drug residues, and other contaminants that are health hazards. In addition, hair nets and booties over the shoes will help avoid contamination of the crime scene.

Research the following points, and write a 57-page paper fully explaining each point:

Identify and explain 4 exceptions to the exclusionary rule established by the U.S. Supreme Court that allow for the search and/or seizure of evidence without a warrant.
Patent medicines used to be dispensed by pharmacists in powder form using a pharmacists or druggists fold. Explain this method of packaging and why it has been adopted by Crime Scene Investigators for packaging trace evidence.
How should investigators handle trace evidence that is stuck on an object found at the crime scene? Explain the exception to this procedure.
When a motor vehicle, boat, or aircraft is present, what special considerations should the Crime Scene Investigator take?

Comparing Transnational Crime

For this assignment, you will select one transnational crime and two countries (from the six model nations in Chapter 4 of your text) in order to research the similarities and differences of the transnational crime between the two countries. Use the Internet and the Strayer Library to conduct your research.

Write a 23 page paper in which you:

Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction to each of the countries being compared.
Compare and contrast both countries’ definitions of the crime, crime rates, and tools used to measure the crime.
Determine each country’s legal traditions and their major influences on crime definition, rate, and measurement.
Examine the extent to which crime statistics compiled in different countries can adequately be compared. Provide support for the response.
Provide at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not count as quality references.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Research the similarities and differences of a transnational crime between two countries.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There are two questions. You should present your answer to each question in the form of an essay of not more than 750 words per question. One of the questions is about Statute Law and Common Law while the other one is about liability of the partners/members, in connection with various types of partnership. The document attached provides further guidance on the assessment

Corporate and Management Law

There are two questions. You should present your answer to each question in the form of an essay of not more than 750 words per question. A question is about Statute and Common Law, the other is about liability of the partners/members. The document attached provides further guidance to the assessment.