Category: Law


This essay should be about four to six pages long (without including title page and list of cited references).  This essay prompt asks that you engage in a reflection about the course’s contents (no library research is needed; engaging only with the textbook’s contents and other course materials is required).  You must:

a] Read the New York Times article, In Narrow Decision, Supreme Court Sides With Baker Who Turned Away Gay Couple (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.

b] Read the New York Times article, British Jury Delivers First Conviction for Female Genital Cutting (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.

c] Use as many specific concepts and contents (no vague reference accepted) from this course to develop a sophisticated discussion of the significance of these two cases when considered together.  Indeed, they contrast meaningfully: the first case is decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of a religious perspective and at the detriment, perhaps, of “individual sexual rights,” while the second could be seen as promoting individual rights by limiting the reach of religious and cultural traditions–some of which are criminalized by law (female genital cutting).  In this section of your essay, you should engage in a discussion of all aspects of the contrast made by the two cases (two NYT articles) you find most relevant in the development of your sophisticated argument.  That argument should make as many references to the course’s contents as possible and relevant.  This section of your essay may not focus on one of the articles only.  It must focus instead on the significance of the contrast between both cases, vis–vis human rights and religious rights.

Your accurate utilization of course contents in the development of a well-constructed argument will be the major criteria used to evaluate your essay.

You must use the Author-Date Chicago Manual of Style (see the Student Resources link) to cite your written sources (including the textbook) and list your references cited at the end of your essay.


The three specific questions asked (a, b, and c) must be answered separately in that order, following the mention a, b or c).

Your essay must have a brief introduction, your answer to a), your answer to b), and your answer to c).  It ends with the list of cited references.

You must submit your essay as a Word file.

This assignment is graded according to your ability to identify and articulate an argument about the central focus of the essay (the significance of the contrast between the two cases referred to in the two NYT articles, marshal evidence from the course’s materials to support the sophisticated argument you develop, as well as to show your ability to follow directions, present accurate information and cite examples from the texts that you paraphrase. Finally, this assignment will be graded on your demonstrated ability to adequately understand  anthropological explanations and adhere to the rules of English grammar.  For this assignment, I look for whether you have developed a sound argument and whether you have constructed logical paragraphs that explain how the examples you have chosen support your statement about the question’s focus/target.

Some Rubric
Some Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Creative thinking and organization of argument
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Accurate and relevant references to the course materials
75.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Accuracy of anthropological explanation
75.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Adhesion to rules of English grammar, spelling, punctuation; variety of appropriate word choice; respect of rules of citation; paper has been proofread
50.0 pts
Total Points: 250.0


On the Moral Panic slides, pick one of the moral panics identified by Tosh (slide 8). Find evidence for two of the six elements of the moral panic. Upload to blackboard, 275 word minimum.

Remember these are the six elements of a moral panic: Folk devil/scapegoat; Moral entrepreneurs; Media attention; Public sensitization; Rules and enforcement; Societal Context

Observation: Miami-Dade County Public Meeting [Budget Hearing]

Here is your task for this exercise:



Go the following URL Link given above for your assigned Annual Budget Hearing. There are two links: one for the video, and one for the transcript of the video.
Click on Video link. This will open the video recording for the budget hearing [the Agenda link appears to be broken presently]. You can watch the video online. [You can download the video to your computer, but it is a large file.]
Click on the transcript link to download the video transcription. The transcript gives the actual spoken words of each speaker with the time stamp. However, the transcript may not be fully complete or fully accurate. So, listen to the Video and use the Transcript as a second reference for listening to the words spoken.
Watch at least 1 [one] hour of the budget hearing. YOU CAN SELECT ANY ONE HOUR TO WATCH. Skip the beginning introductions, roll call, and celebratory things (like people congratulating each other on mundane things; such parts should not be a part of your one-hour observation.)  You can turn Close Captioning on (if you hover the mouse on video, you will see “CC: on” option).
The one hour segment should contain commentaries from the public and/ or discussions between the elected public officials [or the mayor].
Take notes on what people are saying during the readings. These will give you the priorities of what they have on their minds.
Observe how many people are participating in the room in background. Note if they have  any general characteristics  (e.g. gender, race, age, profession). Observe if people talk in Spanish or Creole. Observe if there are certain groups of people (e.g. belonging to one nonprofit, wearing the same T-shirt with a slogan).
Based on your observations of the above meeting, write your paper on the Global City challenges and solutions in Miami-Dade County that are raised by the different groups of participants in the budget hearings. You should structure your paper well (e.g. according to the topics, or according to the type of participants, etc.). Your first paragraph should include the details of which budget hearing segment you observed (e.g. you may say, “I observed the 2019 Second Budget hearing held on September 19, 2019, for one hour starting in the [n]th hour.”  Include at least two conclusion paragraphs in the end which details how issues raised during the meeting relate to Managing Global Cities. The paper should be about 8 to 10 pages in length.

Your paper will be graded using the following rubric:

Thematic identification of Global City challenges and solutions (feel free to quote speakers) (6 points weight)
Systematic identification of who said what (e.g. people vs elected officials vs public administrators) (6 points weight)
Systematic identification of participants (6 points weight)
Generalizability of Miami-Dade problems/ solutions to other Global Cities [In this section, you can write about whether or not the problems/ solutions you heard are unique to Miami-Dade or are more broadly applicable to Global Cities in general. You can relate these problems to the area you live, if you are not in Miami-Dade.] (4 point weight)
Language and grammar (3 points weight)

Policy Solutions for Managing Global Cities

This exercise relates to identifying a specific challenge and a solution to the management of global cities.

Pick any two global city management policy solutions that have been used in a specific place outside the United States.
Exemplary solutions include: participatory public budgeting in Porto Allegre, conditional cash transfers in Mexico, rapid transit in Curitiba and Bogota, mobile banking in Kenya (called m-pesa), microfinancing to women in Bangladesh (called Grameen bank), etc. The more creative the solution, the better it is.
Describe the main features of the policy solutions.
Explain if the solutions have diffused outside of the global city/ national context where it has been applied.
Explain if you think the solutions are applicable in Miami or any other American context.
I will grade the paper as per the following rubric:

Description of the policy solutions (10 points weight)
Diffusion of the policy solutions to other places (6 points weight)
Applicability of policy solutions to American context (6 points weight)
Structure, language, and citation (3 points weight)
The length of the paper – 6 pages, double spaced.
Include a list of references. Use APA style for writing the paper (see Purdue’s OWL (Links to an external site.) for more information on APA style).

Ethical Dilemmas

Excessive spelling and grammar errors will result in a deduction of points. Your answers should be in APA format and use citations when necessary. Questions typed and in BOLD print. You may use your textbook and outside sources are allowed as references and citations. Double-spaced paragraphs are required. 12-point Times New Roman font is required. Citations from a scholarly source are required within each answer for information sources. The textbook may be used as well as other outside scholarly sources. This Final Exam is worth 200 points.

The exam must be in .doc or .docx format to be graded.

The short answer (200-300 words each)

1. Describe the types of police corruption discussed in class and in the text. Give scholarly examples and citations where necessary of each. (30 points)

2. What is plea bargaining? What are the pros and cons of plea bargaining? Illustrate your answer with scholarly examples and citations where necessary. (30 points)
3. What is cruel and unusual punishment? Where is that prohibition outlined? Explain in detail, giving all aspects of cruel and unusual punishment and illustrate your answer with scholarly examples and citations where necessary. (30 points)
4. What are the three types of police abuse of authority? Define and describe each in detail and give a scholarly examples and citations of each. (30 points)
5. Compare and Contrast authority and power. How are they related, how are they different? Give an scholarly examples and citations to demonstrate your answer. (30 points)

APA Format (1000 words)
There are basically 2 points of view on mistakes in the criminal justice system: That no mistakes are acceptable, and that mistakes are inevitable. With that in mind, answer the following question. Using any framework we have discussed in class (e.g. deontological, utilitarianism, etc.), outline your opinion. Use scholarly examples and citations to illustrate your answer: This is an APA Format question, and should be written as such. Points will be deducted for answers not in APA Format.

6. Is it better for 10,000 guilty men to walk free than to have one innocent man convicted? If not, what number, if any, is acceptable to you? (50 points)

The New Jim Crow

Based on the book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander, discuss whether or not you agree with the premises of the book, whatever you think that is. Does the new Jim Crow still exist, yes/no justify your answer. If it does exist what would you do to change it? Minimum of 600 words.

Movie – A Few Good Men

Movie: A Few Good Men

Write a narrative about the movie (about 1 page), explain what amendment(s) applies to the movie, what part of that amendment, and how it played out in the movie.

Give your analysis and understanding of that amendment and whether you feel the movie did a good job portraying the law that surrounds that part of criminal procedure.

The intention of the assignment is to see how Hollywood depicts the criminal process and our rights under the amendments (Specifically the 5th and 6th Amendments.

Movie: Fort Apache the Bronx

Movie: Fort Apache the Bronx

Type a four-five-page paper on the human and physical disorders in the movie, identify the three styles of policing portrayed in the movie, and summarize the Constitutional Issues illustrated in the movie.

Explain whether Officer Murphy is a Legalistic, Service oriented or Watchman Style Police Officer.

Lastly, explain why you can or cannot be a police officer in the 41st precinct.

Movie: Prince of the City

Movie: Prince of the City.

In general, type a four-five page on Stress, Ethics, Constitutional Issues and Police Snitches.

    Identify and explain the stressors illustrated in the movie.

    Explain the importance of Ethics in the Criminal Justice System, especially with U.U.
        Constitutional Issues.

    Explain why Daniel Ciello decided to become a police Snitch.

Assignment 1: Developing a Strategic Communication Plan

Imagine that you are a member of a team assigned by the police chief in your hometown to revise the organizations strategic communication plan. Your assignment is to utilize strategic approach that you have learned so far to develop your citys police departments strategic communication plan.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Outline the approach that you would use to conduct research and interpret the situational analysis for your hometown.
Determine the main goals and objectives of your proposed communication plan. Predict the target group of your communication plan.
Propose the general communication strategies of your proposed plan. Provide a rationale for your response.
Develop the first four (4) main steps of your citys police departments strategic communication plan. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least two (2) quality academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.