Category: Law

Sports participation, screen teim and personality traits in children

I have several papers which my professor did like, but they were horrible in writing, such as the genetics, so I need to use some of what I have but added on to them with proper in-text citations and appropriate APA formats with references 6-8 of them the files were horrible. Still, it’s something I started but hasn’t completed, and time is an issue were doing t-test and stats, etc. were going to have to put in how we would do the testing, etc. a research paper on that topic.

juvenile justice system

The point of this assignment is to encourage you to do the reading before the class period and engage critically with that reading.  Your questions should show that you have done the reading and thought critically about it and its relationship to the course.  You may reference your own life, current events, or relate the readings to each other to deepen the content of your questions.  Closed-ended questions (ones that require a yes/no response or one-word responses) will not be accepted.  In your document, you should provide 3 detailed questions for class discussion.  This assignment is worth 5 points for each question; up to 15 points total per assignment.  Assignments should employ professional grammar, be typed in a traditional font and size, and be uploaded before class begins at 11 am.

Reading: Chapters 5-6 of Currie,
Chapter 8 of Lopez,
Chapters 5-6 of Merlo & Benekos,
Chapter 11 of Freiburger & Jordan

Therapy Program for Juvenile

Your fully developed final proposal for a criminal justice program is based on your Stage Papers 1 through 6 and will contain all stages of development that you created in these papers. However, the paper is not a mere restatement of the previous stage papers. Think of this as a formal proposal that you are submitting for approval, incorporating any feedback given and removing any redundancies. Items should be included in one section only, even though they may have been discussed at multiple stages.

Use headings similar to those used at the various stages (removing any redundancies).

Formatting Reminders:

Considering the recommendations form stage papers in the first seven weeks
The final proposal should be approximately 35 pages, excluding cover and reference pages
Forms and charts can be submitted in an appendix and should be referenced by appendix number in the paper
MS Word
12-point font.
Use APA style for your citations, including a proper citation for all sources used



INTRODUCTION: The second section of Part IV deals with the court system and issues of social justice and inequality. The readings examine whether crimes may be related to larger economic and social inequalities. Furthermore the readings explore whether current processes and procedures in the justice system disadvantage the poor. You will write a (4-7 pages double-spaced) persuasive/argumentative essay. A persuasive/argumentative essay uses reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. This type of essay must present theory, evidence, facts, or examples, in order to defend ones claims. You are required to use data you have gathered from your readings. Outside research is welcomed, but you will be graded (please see grading rubric) on how well you summarize, integrate, and theorize on information we have covered in class thus far.

ESSAY QUESTION: You are a Criminal Justice Professor at NMSU and have been called to give expert testimony at a U.S. Congressional hearing on whether or not economic inequality impacts the outcome of court cases and the ability of our system to serve justice. You must argue whether or not the criminal justice system and our current court system is biased in the treatment of the rich and the poor. You must define, explain, and give examples of Multiple-Strategies of Utilitarianism and Rawls-Justice and Fairness and discuss how these theories relate to your argument. You may also discuss data from “Crime and the American Dream” and “Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison” book chapters. Be sure to define and give examples of each ethical theory and compare and contrast the theories to one another. You will be graded on your ability to connect the required readings from class to your argument. Please provide concrete examples to defend your claims.

DIRECTIONS: Please submit your Essay (4 to 7 pages double-spaced) as a Word or Pdf document in the Essays section.


The guidelines for the assignments are as follows:

4-7 pages in length

APA (American Psychological Association) Formatting required

In-text Citations and Reference page is required (citations according to APA standards)

No Abstract is required


Using Times New Roman 12pt Font

Please no messing with the margins

Formal grammar, syntax and organization are expected

IP — Assignment

Andy King owns a small sandwich shop in Boca Raton, Florida. The shop is called “Andy The Burger King” and has been open for about one month.

Andy sells typical burger place food, including hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, french fries, onion rings, sodas and milkshakes. As a nod to his Cuban heritage his mother was born in Havana he also sells Cuban sandwiches in two sizes: The Regular and The Whopper.

In his shop, Andy enjoys playing a variety of music over the speaker system. Generally, he plays whatever music he recently bought on his own and downloaded to his iTunes account. Lately, his favorite to play for his customers has been Night Visions, an album by the band Imagine Dragons.

Andy receives two letters in the mail. The first is from the Burger King Corporation, demanding that he cease and desist the use of the name of his restaurant and the name of the large Cuban sandwich. The second is from Broadcast Music, Inc., on behalf of Imagine Dragons, advising that he must pay royalty fees to the band or stop playing the music. Both companies write that if action is not taken immediately, they will sue Andy.

What are the basics for each potential lawsuit, what are the legal analysis (including the “elements” of each legal claim) that each plaintiff (Burger King and BMI/Imagine Dragons) could use to make its argument, what defenses could Andy use, and how do you think that each case would be decided in court?

You shall be graded on your complete and proper explanations, research and language usage, all as noted below. The report must be submitted in typed, double-spaced form. A report that does not follow this form will be deducted per the grading rubric. This project is 15% of your overall grade

Administration of children and families

Assignment Overview
For this and the following assignments you will take on the role of a consultant for a government agency. The first role of the consultant is to familiarize yourself with the agency, its departments, and key actors.

You can find contact information on their website

After selecting an agency and department, you are expected to:
Provide a rationale for your selection, and research the agency and department.
Research the literature regarding issues that involve the selected agency and public administration in general. The following websites can be useful for finding news and current events about your selected agency:
Governing. Select one of the articles under Latest Headlines to get started.
Government Agencies and Elected Officials at Click AZ Index of U.S. Government Agencies, click an agency, then click the agencys website to find articles, news, and other publications.
Assume the role of a consultant who works for a consulting firm that has asked you to research this agency and file a report with the vice president (VP) of accounts and client support.

Assignment Instructions~~~~~~~~
Write a 23 page paper, titled Part I: Background of and Rationale for the OFFICE OFCOMMUNITY SERVICES, in which you separate the content into the following sections:
Provide background information about the agency and its department, its mission, and its goals and objectives. Title this section Introduction.

Describe 35 functions of this agency. Title this section Functions of the Agency.

Analyze 23 current events involving the agency. Title this section Current Events.
Explain the rationale for selecting this agency with 23 justifiable reasons. Title this section Rationale.

locate and list 45 academic sources and government websites you expect to access in your research. Include no more than one non-government website.

Some websites you may want to access are:
U.S. Government Publishing Office.
The Federal Register.
U.S. Government Accountability Office.
American Society for Public Administration.
If you cite information from these sites, make sure you follow APA formatting within the text and on the References page.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please prepare a Student Presentation in PowerPoint about your dissertation study using the Student Presentation Template provided. Use one of the PowerPoint Templates provided in SharePoint, which you can access through the Classroom Materials link. Fill in the requested information as indicated on each slide, and do not add or delete any slides.

Evaluate a Case in Public Personnel Management


This week, you have the task of analyzing a case study entitled, Louisiana and Vision 2020. In your evaluation, avoid summarizing the case. Instead, analyze the case critically and assess how it pertains to this weeks readings. Refer to the Guide to a Successful Case Study Analysis for additional guidance. Remember, excellent analyses are a combination of critical and analytical thoughts connected to greater themes presented in the readings and this is not an easy task.
Be sure to include the following required elements in your assignment:
Briefly describe what you consider two or three major (primary) and integrative points of issues contained in the readings.
Explain how these points or issues integrate with the material covered in the class thus far and explain their relevance to you.
Provide a brief description of the questions/challenges you have regarding the readings and explain why they are important.
Explain why the case is noteworthy.
Explain how it pertains to the assigned readings (i.e., complements, contradicts, extends the readings).
Identify the implications for you as the newly hired Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X.
As you complete your analysis, keep the following questions in mind:
How might you coordinate such efforts across agencies, industries, and sectors? What state agencies might be tasked with implementing the workforce-training benchmarks?
What roles might secondary and postsecondary education have in advancing toward the workforce-training benchmarks? How might community and technical colleges contribute to achieving these benchmarks?
What benefits might you champion as ensuing from the achievement of workforce-training goals for the state? What, if any, other benchmarks might be affected by achieving a more educated and better-trained workforce in the state?
Do not include the following in your analysis:
A summary of the readings
A detailed description of the case
Any editorials
5 scholarly resources

Space Law

Please write a 1,000 word essay (including footnotes and bibliography) by 7 May 2020 at 2pm on the following topic:

Is there a need to establish an international court to adjudicate on legal issues concerning outer space? With reference to academic commentary provide reasons for your answer.

Some Tips:

1. Always start with the point you are trying to make not the details of your argument. Readers and listeners remember and absorb information better when they first know why it matters and how it is relevant. So identify the purpose of your essay/ key argument keep this in mind at all times when writing in order to ensure a focused final essay.

2. Read the essay title carefully and have a clear understanding of what you are being asked before you commence.

3. Before writing the essay, it may be a good idea to create a skeleton outline, in order to ensure that your essay follows a logical structure. Use headings, sub-headings and paragraphs to enhance the clarity of your essay. Take care with spelling and grammar. Be prepared to complete more than one draft of your essay.

4. Resolve issues as you go, dont keep criticism until the end of the essay. Your introduction should state clearly your views on the essay questions. Offer your own opinion/ analysis consistently throughout the essay and not just at the end. Nothing new should appear in the conclusion to your essay.

5. Do not have more than four headings, and attempt to keep a balance between sections. The reason for this is that an imbalance in page numbers raises questions about your way of dividing up things or that you are lacking in research.

6. Appreciate fully the purposes of footnotes. They give the reader an instance illustrating a generalisation you make in the text. E.g. See X v Y, try not to make legal statements without such a footnote. They demonstrate additional depth to your research.

7. Keep your quotations short and to the point. Quotations are necessary to demonstrate your knowledge of the material, but over use of long quotations may demonstrate a lack of understanding and should thus be avoided. Any quotation over 30 words (two lines typed) should be separated from the text and indented. Use of ellipsis () is vital to saving word count, quote key phrases. Never end a paragraph or a section with a quotation. Dont mirror the language of a case or article you are discussing any more closely than is necessary.

8. It is important to demonstrate that you understand the material and to use it intelligently. Your essay should only refer to the most relevant materials and you must engage with the material and offer your own analysis of it. Note how this is achieved by authors of journal articles. References must be complete and accurate.

9. Demonstrate that you have read the primary materials (case law, statutes) for yourself and are not simply relying on secondary descriptions of such material.

10. Avoid emotive language, such as I believe or I feel use alternatives like it is submitted or it is suggested.

Notes relating to preparation and submission of essays:

1. Presentation of essays

Essays should preferably be typed using double-spacing. If this is not possible, they should be written in legible handwriting. The writing should be on every second line and on one side of the page only.

The first page of your assignment must include the short title of the essay, name of student, module code, student number and word count.

Care should be taken with the structuring of the essay and with spelling and punctuation. Please proof-read your essays prior to the submission.

Students must adhere to the word limit. Please note that the bibliography and footnotes are not included in the word count.

2. Referencing: Footnotes and Bibliography

i. Footnotes

Proper and consistent referencing of materials is essential. See the detailed New Zealand law citation guide. Footnotes for books should normally give:

Title, underlined or in italic
Place of publication
Edition (if more than one has been published)
Date of publication
Specific pages (if relevant)

For example: I. Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 4th edition, 1990, pp.1-4.

Footnotes for articles in periodicals normally include:

Title of article in inverted commas
Date and / or volume number of periodical
Name of periodical
Page number of commencement of article
Specific pages

For example: R A Edwards, Reading down legislation under the Human Rights Act (2000) 20 Legal Studies 353, p.357.

ii. Bibliography

Include a Bibliography in your essay. The Bibliography should be sub-divided into primary and secondary sources. All materials used in the preparation of the essay must be acknowledged in the bibliography.

3. Plagiarism

The primary consideration is that the essay should be the candidates own work. This does not, of course, preclude the use of others ideas, nor does it mean that quotations cannot be used. What is required is that, as in all academic work, full attribution of sources and references must be given.

Plagiarism is forbidden. It can be defined as the taking of passages, ideas, structure etc. from another work or author without attribution. Clearly one will frequently have to quote from judgments, statutes, books, academic articles etc. In doing so, the writer must be sure to indicate that the material is taken from another source. Where one quotes directly from another source, the relevant passage must be enclosed within quotation marks () or, in the case of longer quotes, indented so as to distinguish it from the rest of the text.

Students should also remember, when using other sources, that their essay should not amount to a patchwork of large quotations strung together by short sentences. There should instead be evidence that the student has thought about the subject.

Whenever use is made of an idea or method of analysis which has been used, to the candidates knowledge, by another writer, due acknowledgement must be given in the text, e.g. as X states or as X pointed out, etc.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ENC 0017C: Argumentative Essay Assignment

In the world of education, an academic argument is not a knock-down, drag-out fight to the finish. Rather academic argument is more like a debate. It is sensible, rational, and persuasive. Therein, authors advance their topics with a point and support.

Your task is to read and understand chapter 13 in your textbook. Annotate carefully. Then consider your chosen field of study (major). If you are undecided, write about a hobby or about the type of job you would like to have. Explain/define your field of study. Defend your major field of study or interest. For instance, why have you chosen to become a pilot instead of an aeronautic engineer? Or… why have you chosen to become a CPA who owns and operates his or her own business instead or working for a large company? Or… why is business management better than interior design? Note that the ideas listed above are simply to get you thinking about ways to defend your choice of study.

This is an APA research paper. It must be written from the third person point of view. It must be at least 6 pages in length including the References page. Your APA formatted paper will need a:

title page
abstract (ABSTRACT: The abstract needs to provide a brief but comprehensive summary of the contents of your paper. It provides an overview of the paper and helps readers decide whether to read the full text. Limit your abstract to 250 words.1).
main body
subsections within the body, with headings
a graphic such as a table or figure
As always, consider your readers? Who is the target audience that you are trying to persuade?

You should also consider the following:

Is your introduction compelling? Does it provide useful background information?
What is the thesis?
Why are you writing about this career? What is the purpose? Write that purpose in a thesis statement.
Your position on the topic/issue must be clear in your thesis, as the rest of the essay must support your thesis.
NOTE: Do not announce your thesis. That is, your thesis cannot be, “In this paper I will…,” or “This paper will prove….” More specifically, “This essay will prove that the field of education is superior to the field of science,” will NOT work. Simply state, “The field of education is far superior to the field of science because  educators provide knowledge to the young who will one day become the future, educators have opportunities to positively influence learners, and finally, without education in any format there would be little or no formal, learned experts in most fields.”

On the other hand, a student could also write a thesis about the science field, stating that “Of all the major fields for study, science — particularly biology — is by far better because it allows practitioners to get up close and personal with nature, helps people to understand creation, and provides a deep understanding of behavioral acts.”

Body Paragraphs: How will you use logos (logic), pathos (emotional appeal), and ethos (ethical appeal) to present evidence. What sources will you use? Are they academically reliable? Are your sources and information convincing?

Counterargument (rebuttal / refutation): Naturally, everyone will not agree with your choice of a major. Think of the negative or dissuasive comments people would make about your field, acknowledge them in writing; and use the negativity to help prove your point about your field.

For example: “While Many people believe that it costs too much money to attend medical school, spending that money up front pays for itself in the end as doctors can make hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly. Some people also complain that it takes too long to become a doctor; but who wants someone who only studied for six months to perform surgery on them? No one would raise a hand. Therefore, the time spent in learning to become a doctor is necessary. The human body is very complex and learning to prevent injuries, repair, the body also takes time.”

Conclusion: A solid conclusion makes your argument sound and valid. Restate our thesis/claim using different words. There should also be a connection to your topic. If you used a quote as part of your attention-getter, connect to it in this paragraph. Truly alert your readers to the importance of your topic. Leave your readers thinking about your field as something they should look into. Do not present new arguments in your conclusion. Instead, finalize your point. Wrap up the content.

Additionally, here is BC’s APA style guide for your review: