Category: Law


the SOP must include a cover memorandum (in the form of an executive summary) that addresses the following:

A brief summary of the content
A dissemination plan
A training plan
An inspection and a review plan
All the documents must be in Microsoft Word format
Sources documented in APA style
All writing must be original. You are encouraged to look at other general orders and standard operating procedures. This can include existing real-world documents as well as model policies such as those developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and similar state associations. However, documents turned in by students in this class must be original.

This should be the same as what you would find in a General Order Manual, as such it should:

Be concise and to the point, condensing relevant information into a 3-5 page document. (3-page minimum)
Use relevant sources based upon the topic you choose. Typically, 3-5 sources such as working manuals, case studies, model and real-world policies, and peer reviewed articles but, is not limited to these sources. (3 source minimum one of which needs to be a peer reviewed article, resources available thought the Stafford library online)

EDM402 Module 2 SLP

Tentative Reference List of 10 or more scholarly sources including reports, studies, and-or manuals. Please avoid non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia, newspaper articles, and blogs. Choose 5 from the 10 references that you submitted in the previous SLP and explain in some detail its contents and relevancy to your whole report.

For Module 2 SLP: Submit a tentative reference list of 10 or more sources (in alphabetical order) that you will be citing, reviewing, and referencing in your final paper. Briefly describe the contents of each article in a few sentences (APA formatting recommended).

As your SLP begins to take shape, be sure to revisit the Session Long Project Overview at the SLP page of module 1 to keep you going on the right direction.

SLP Assignment Expectations
Sources are to be presented in alphabetical order.
Sources are to be formatted in an academic writing style (e.g., APA).
Sources must be scholarly.

EDM402 Module 2 Case

Assignment Overview
Major infrastructure damages have occurred and have deterred operations as a result. This assignment will center around comparing and contrasting natural disasters and their impacts on various critical infrastructures. Students will derive observations and draw logical conclusions from data, and how partnering is necessary for infrastructure security.

Case Assignment
The Module 2 Home page noted five major natural disaster events:

Severe devastation from Hurricane Dorian in Bermuda
Severe devastation from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Severe devastation from Tropical Cyclone Hagibis in Japan
Wildfires in California
Extreme heat events nationwide
Choose two events above and present a comparative analysis; you can use a table format noting:

Number of infrastructures destroyed or damaged
Number of homes destroyed or damaged
Type of power (electricity, gas, oil) destroyed or damaged
Dollar amount of total damages
Numbers injured/killed (Healthcare/ Public Health Sector)
From your statistical results, draw a conclusion or conclusions. Include a statement regarding partnering for infrastructure security.

Note: Avoid unprofessional or secondary sources such as Wikipedia, media (CNN, FOX, NPR, newspapers, etc.).

Assignment Expectations
Length: This Case Assignment should be at least 3-5 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read article and answer questions:

What is the basic research question, or problem?

Is the purpose of the study descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, or evaluative?Justify your answer.

What features identified the study as deductive or inductive? Defend your answer.

What were the stated hypotheses? Were these hypotheses justified adequately in terms of the theoretical framework and in terms of prior research? Define your answer.

What was the independent variable in the hypotheses? What were the dependent variables in the hypotheses? Were any other variables identified as potentially important?

Which type of research design was used: experimental, survey, participant observation, historical comparative, or some combination? How well was this design suited to the research question posed and the specific hypotheses tested, if any? Why do you suppose the author(s) chose this particular design?

Was a sample or the entire population of elements used in the study? What type of sampling was selected? How would you evaluate the likely generalizability of the findings to other populations?

Did the instruments used, the measures of the variables, seem valid and reliable? How did the authors attempt to establish this?

Did the study seem consistent with ethical standards?Justify your answer.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study? What is its contribution to the advancement of knowledge, theory, or practice?

Domestic Business Plan

As an entrepreneur, you want to start a business. You know that the first step is to consider drafting a business plan to organize all of your ideas. For this assignment, you will be submitting a business plan for your imaginary business. For research purposes, you can choose any state for the location of your business. Your business plan should include the following:

Introduction of the proposed business/executive summary
The executive summary is often considered the most important section of a business plan.  This section briefly tells your reader where your company is, where you want to take it, and why your business idea will be successful.  If you are seeking financing, the executive summary is also your first opportunity to attract a potential investor’s interest.
The executive summary should highlight the strengths of your overall plan and therefore be the last section you write.  However, it appears first in your business plan.
Identify and describe the type of business entity that is best for your business.
Examples may include: partnership, limited liability company, corporation, etc. (For purposes of this assignment, you should NOT choose a sole proprietorship for your business entity.)
Defend your choice of business entity (this may include advantages/disadvantages of the selected type of business entity based on your business concept).
Describe the specific legal steps needed to be followed to successfully start the business.
Note: Steps will vary, depending on the type of business you choose and state you are located in.
Good sources of research for this area include the following:
Information on the business formation process can be found at: (Links to an external site.). The Small Business Administration website will be helpful; it includes information on how to start a small business.
Recommend and describe an appropriate written agreement for the particular type of entity chosen.
Examples: Articles of incorporation, articles of organization, partnership agreement, etc.
A draft of a valid contract with a vendor, supplier, customer, etc. that illustrates all elements of a contract and takes into consideration some of the topics discussed in Modules 6 and 7
Explain potential ethical considerations for your business, including any social responsibility plans or attitudes that your business will embrace.
Describe a possible disagreement that could be encountered among the partners or investors and shareholders. Recommend potential resolutions (referring back to the formal documents, such as the articles of incorporation or the partnership agreement).
Examples could include the introduction of a new product line, borrowing money for expansion, an advertising campaign, etc.
Determine how the business would be terminated if the disagreement between the board of directors, shareholders, or partners could not be resolved.
Your well-written plan should be 8-10 pages in length, not including the title or references pages.  Headings and subheadings may help you organize your work. Include at least four academic or other legitimate sources to support your findings, not including your textbook.  The MGT315 Business Law Library Guide ( can help you with finding quality resources.

Legal Brief


Review the attached legal brief

1. Construct a 2-page narrative that:
—-Identifies and provides an in-depth description of the legal doctrine contained in the brief.
—-Compares and contrasts the claims made vs. occurrence malpractice policy options.
—-Describes the constitutionality of the Patient Compensation Fund in the State of Louisiana.


View the Louisiana Patient Compensation Fund Website using the link below and review the purpose of the Patient Compensation Fund.

My Son Was a Columbine Shooter

Week 4 – Journal
My Son Was a Columbine Shooter
[WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4]

Prior to beginning this journal, please watch the video, My Son Was a Columbine Shooter. This Is My Story (Links to an external site.). In a one- to two-page journal entry:

    Examine Mrs. Klebolds observations about the link between mental health and violent criminal behavior. What have you learned in the course so far that supports what Mrs. Klebold asserts in her talk?
    It is clear that Mrs. Klebold is grappling to understand how she missed signs that her son could be so violent, and that he was in fact suicidal. It seems, based on the diversion program paperwork you read, that the juvenile justice system missed it as well. Based on what you have learned in the course so far about the nature of mental illness, violent behavior, and crime, explain to Mrs. Klebold why she and the system were unable to prevent this horrible tragedy from occurring.

Rational Choice and Strain theories and how they can relate to being an attorney

What I have written so far:

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be an attorney, in more recent years I have found where I would like my focus to be.  That focus would be tax law, probate, wills, etc. at the federal, state and local level.  Many of my cases would-be white-collar type crimes that involve organizations, individuals and even some government entities. I believe that rational choice theory and strain theory most closely relate to this career and most financial type crimes.  According to our text book rational choice theory is when the offender weighs their options in the cost and benefits of crime before they commit any crimes. This shows that every person is faced with a choice and they make this willingly. Under strain theory not everyone has the same opportunities and this can often cause a stain on finances, especially if an individual feels limited by how successful they are. Nobody likes to be seen as a failure. For some being unable to reach their dream can make them cross moral lines and often engage in illegal behavior. Societal pressures and the allure of the American dream can create criminals if they see their own failure as a threat to their or their family’s wellbeing.

Rational choice theory is defined by Siegel as a theory that law-violating behavior is the product of careful thought and planning. It assumes that people are self-interested and will be willing to violate the law after considering both personal factors (such as money, revenge, thrills, and entertainment) and situational factors (such as target availability, security measures, and police presence). Anyone is a potential criminal if they calculate that the profits are great and the risks are small. (Siegel, 4-2). Many studies have been done on this topic, some have failed and others have been very successful using the theory. One of those such successful studies

Need to use Criminolgy The Core by Siegel and 4 sources,


Course: Seminar in Victimization

Final Term Paper. You had picked a topic for me. I need you to now follow the prompt that is under “Instructions_Paper” and write me a term paper. Please use the topic that you had selected. I will provide you with the original literature review that you also wrote which is under “Victimization”. The paper should be 12 pages long with a minimum of 10 citations. Please use many of the citations you have already used.

Family Therapy Program for Juvenile

In Section A, decide which type of evaluation approach best fits your policy or program, and state why.  Discuss and consider impact evaluation, performance evaluation, or efficiency evaluation.  It is important to explain why you chose this approach and explain why this approach will satisfy each of your stakeholders.

In Section B, determine whether the three prerequisites for evaluation have been met. It is important to detail how each has been met. Do not just answer the question as yes or no.

In Section C, you will develop outcome measures based on your objectives identified in Stage 2. Restate each objective and, for each, explain exactly how  you will measure whether the objectives that you identified are being achieved and whether your policy or program is achieving the desired effect.  Be specific.

In Sections D and E, you will identify potential confounding factors, and you will consider and determine techniques for minimizing confounding effects. Your potential confounds are biased attrition, biased selection, and historical confounds.  Which are present, and which technique for minimizing these effects would be most useful to your program or policy? Be specific.

In Section F, you will specify the appropriate research design to be used.  Be sure to explain why your choice is preferable.

Finally, in Section G, you will identify the users and uses of your evaluation results. Review the stakeholders you identified in Stage 1. Who will be responsible for communicating the results of your evaluation? How will the results be used?

A. Decide which type of evaluation is appropriate, and why: Do major stakeholders (including those funding the evaluation) want to know whether the program or policy is achieving its objectives (impact), how outcomes change over time (continuous outcomes), or whether it is worth the investment of resources devoted to its implementation (efficiency)?
B. Determine whether three prerequisites for evaluation have been met: (1) Are objectives clearly defined and measurable? (2) Has the intervention been sufficiently well designed and well implemented? (3) Was the intervention implemented properly?
C. Develop outcome measures based on objectives: Good outcome measures should be valid and reliable.
D. Identify potential confounding factors (factors other than the intervention that may have biased observed outcomes): Common confounding factors include biased selection, biased attrition, and history.
E. Determine which technique for minimizing confounding effects can be usedrandom assignment or nonequivalent comparison groups: Each involves creating some kind of comparison or control group.
F. Specify the appropriate research design to be used: Examples include: the simple pretest-posttest design; the pretest-posttest design with control group; the pretest-posttest design with multiple pretests; the longitudinal design with treatment and control groups; and the cohort design.
G. Identify users and uses of evaluation results: Who is the intended audience, and how can results be effectively and efficiently communicated? How will the results be used?