Category: Law

Regression Analysis

This assignment is for Research Methods of Public Admin (MPA);

Find a data source from either a secondary source online or one attached. Then come up with a research question that is testable without too many changes to the data.  Test the hypothesis by running a test in SPSS or excel and write-up the results.

homeland security intelligence

Provide an examination of the various elements that comprise the intelligence community from local law enforcement to national agencies and how each of those entities contributes to the development of homeland security intelligence. In crafting your response, it would be good to remember the lessons learned from the 9/11 Commission on intelligence sharing and analyze how those lessons/recommendations are being addressed. Lastly, your examination of the question should include the issue of domestic versus foreign intelligence.

Homeland Security and Homeland Defense

In your readings you have been provided a variety of definitions for the term homeland security. Additionally, the national strategies and readings have talked to the difference between homeland security and homeland defense.

Drawing upon your readings and other class materials, craft two columns; one labeled Homeland Security and the other Homeland Defense. Under the headers of each column list those missions, tasks, duties, responsibilities, operations, etc. which are identified from the national policies, strategies and readings. Some tasks may be listed under both columns. Where this occurs, be sure to identify if there is any element of that item that is specific to either homeland security or homeland defense. Lastly, drawing upon the list you developed, provide a definition of homeland security.

Critical infrastructure

Critical infrastructure is defined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan as Systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital that the incapacity or destruction of such may have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health or safety, environment, or any combination of these matters, across any Federal, State, regional, territorial, or local jurisdiction (DHS, 2009, p. 109). From this definition, one can reasonably presume that protection of these assets is vital to the well-being of the United States and as such is an essential element of homeland security. Drawing upon the readings provide your assessment of the capability of the nations infrastructure protection program to ensure the survivability of its critical infrastructure.

Risk Management

The basic equation for risk is defined as R = (C*V*T) where R is the level of risk, C is the consequences (public health, our economy, government action, public confidence in our institutions) of an attack, V is an assessment of the vulnerability of a potential target (how hard or easy it would be for it to be hit by terrorists) and T is the threat or the likelihood that a specific target will suffer an attack or disaster from a specific weapon. The Department of Homeland Security has stated that it will apply risk management principles to homeland security operations and has stated that Ultimately, homeland security is about effectively managing risks to the Nations security (DHS, 2010, p. 2). Drawing upon your class readings and additional research examine how risk management is used by the homeland security enterprise and how that use benefits such aspects as resource allocation, strategic planning, grant award, or any of the multitudes of other homeland security issues or operations.

Business Law Memo

I need help with my paper. Business law is not my major, just a required class, and I am struggling. I already turned this in, but have a chance to rewrite and not get a failing grade. Just need some help please. If this paper is beyond saving, I am not opposed to starting over.

Public policy

This is the topic:
Michelle Rhee and the Washington, D.C., Public Schools. Purchase from Kennedy School. Case 1957.0.
Assume you are a top advisor to Kaya Henderson, who has just replaced Michelle Rhee as Chancellor of the Washington, DC, Public Schools (DCPS) in 2010 (after the end of the case). The new Chancellor has asked you for a memo that assesses and proposes improvements in Rhees approach to managing and motivating the principals and teachers of DCPS.

The required reading mentioned above (1957.0) and an example student memo are attached. Please follow the format of the example memo. The writer’s perspective should be an advisor. All the information needed should be in the reading. If the writer cites from anywhere else, please footnote it. In the background part, the writer should provide only 3-4 options, and expand them. Please provide specificity for the options, and address how they will be implemented. The writer’s final recommendation also should be strong – including process and reinforce why the writer recommends that course of action. Thank you!

Rhetorical Analysis

I will include the assignment details. This assignment is linked to a previous research paper so I will also add that research paper into the downloads. Along with that I will add 2 examples given by the professor (however she clearly states that the examples can be used as a guideline but the students that wrote the examples were given a slightly different task than our task.

2 article

i will attach 2 article and i need you to do summarize for each of them in page also i need your opinion  in end of each article , please write facts and provide evidence with example.

write the summarize in simple way and easy vocabulary 

Outlaw Motorcycle

Using the outline for the previous paper, please answer the following.

Why has the “Outlaw Society survived despite the actions by government, In your answer, factor in police clubs, and National Coalition Of Motorcycle (NCOM).

In your answer, note the following:

one page max.

10 points for answers only from the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG) lecture

10 Points added for support material from other lectures and outside sources