Category: Law

contract law

(please find attached the refrence textbook chapter mentioned below) (also please find the RUBRIC attached)

The general rule of common law in England is that a third party cannot acquire rights under a contract to which he is not a party nor can he be subject to a burden by a contract to which he is not a party. These rules are known as the doctrine of privity of contract. – Ewan McKendrick, Textbook.


Study the text of Chapter 7, Third Party Rights, and produce an outline of the content of this chapter divided into two parts covering the two main topics:

The third-party rights. 
Exceptions to the new third-party right of action (until the end of the chapter).

Organize your work by topic and format it to differentiate by topic, sections, subsections relevant materials, examples, etc. Use section headings to organize the material in a way that is both organized stylistically and which is meaningful to you.
Remember to include details of case law
Provide descriptions and definitions of concepts and terms, as needed.
The full-text version of your handout should be at least 10-pages in length and size 10-12 point font – Arial, Cambria, Calibri, Courier, or Times. The handout should be in a Word document format.


examine a peer reviewed journal article. A peer reviewed journal article is one that appears in a journal published by, in this case, a criminal justice entity, institution, or association. Take for example the American Society of Criminology. They publish two journals: Criminology and Criminology and Public Policy.

See attached example
2 ACADEMIC sources required

What Would Hosea Do?

What would Jesus (or another biblical leader) do?
Choose one or more Biblical leaders: Hosea  and evaluate their leadership style and approaches and compare to what you have learned so far this week. What were their specialized approaches and in the case of leaders other than Jesus, what were their failings as a leader that we can learn from? Also consider limitations, we as Christians, have on bringing our faith into our workplace.
This paper should be 14-16 pages (3,500-4,000 words) in length of content and be formatted using APA Style. A minimum of 14 references are required.

Will Post Must Have in Chat

International Homeland Security

Please research and answer the following questions separately. Besides reference (textbook) given, please cite at least 1 scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

1.    What are the similarities and differences in the use of the military for civil support in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia?

2.    How is the European Union structured?

3.    How do the British transport police provide mutual aid to local constabularies?

4.    What are the different models for socialized medical and public health systems?

Morag, Nadav (2011). Comparative Homeland Security Global Lessons (1st ed.). Wiley

Your paper should contain the following topics: 1. The location of the Department being researched. 2.The demographics of the jurisdiction and of the Department. 3. Crime in the jurisdiction versus similarly situated communities (feel free to explore t

The paper must be between 7 pages in length, not counting the cover page, bibliography, and any charts, photographs, and tables. The paper must be double-spaced, use a 12 point Times New Roman font, and have margins of one inch all around 
You MUST cite each and every source that you use each time that you use it within the body of the paper, not just in the bibliography.
Be sure to proofread your work
you must research police misconduct and corruption in the Boston Police Department in Massachussets for the focus of your investigation. Using information available on the Internet, you will develop an ethical analysis of that department

Organized Crime

This week you were required to read Chapter 6 in Organized Crime.  You are now required to answer the following questions.  Your answers are due Sunday of this week by 6PM. Your answers should be from 5-8 pages (double spaced, 10-12 point font, 1 inch margins) in length.

Discuss the Russian Mafia from a historical perspective.
Discuss the activities and methods of operation of the Russian Mafia.
Discuss the investigative strategies used in relation to the Russian Mafia.


Using all 10 cases and their assigned conviction charges complete a detailed PSI detailing the appropriate sanctions for each case. Due to resources, jail space, and financial constraints, you may only apply institutional correctional sanctions (prison/jail time) to a maximum of 3 cases, intermediate sanctions to another 3 cases, and the remainder to probation. Be sure to go into detail explaining how each sanction and condition applies to the case and how these decisions align with a specific sentencing goal. Then, assume the role of the parole officer and address the provided parole violation detailing your decision for the violation, listing the applicable sentencing and supervision philosophies. This report should be a minimum of 15 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Be sure to apply the learning objectives from the course and use multiple sources to support your decisions.


Select three of the following and comment briefly

Explain how human rights concepts have evolved in the 21st century to address transnational terrorists.

Discuss the impact of international human rights law on national human rights laws.

Evaluate the US legal systems ability to effectively balance the application of justice with transnational terrorists human rights.

Consider whether these elements of culture influence the US legal systems handling of transnational terrorists.

Discuss how President Bushs and Obamas post-9/11 policies balanced their interest in human rights against other US policy interests.

Cyber Crimes

CJ-111 Criminology
Crime Research Assignment (100 pts.)
1.    Students will submit presentations as a group or individually 
2.    Presentations must be uploaded by December 19, 2020 (11:59). Absolutely no exceptions!
3.    Presentation options: Power point/ (Prezi), YouTube Presentation, Infographic, or paper submission.  ONLY CHOOSE ONE OPTION
4.    Students who choose to work together, must inform Professor Talbert. Include the members in the email along with the crime. ________________________________________________
1.    The type of crime (Felony/Misdemeanor) and punishments.
2.    States are different.  Be sure to include the state(s) for the type of punishments for that particular crime.  Only 1 state minimum, you may compare two if you choose.  Where does your crime topic and crime fit in that particular state(s)? Is it first, tenth?
3.    Identify the measuring tools (UCR etc..) used to obtain statistical information for requirement #2.  There are other measuring tool besides the four discussed in class, you may use.
4.    Research famous crimes in History related to the Crime Topic.  How do you think this crime affected society at the time it occurred?  Is it different now?
5.    Identify a Theory and explain how it relates to the Crime Topic.
6.    4 improvements that could be made to deter the Crime Topic or crime in general.  Explain why each improvement would help.
*** Students who choose to submit a paper, the format:
APA including a title page
12 Font, Time Romans and double space
No minimum pages.  However, be sure to include the required information to receive full credit. 

I was assigned cyber crimes


this is paper is clearly digressed. I emphasized that this paper is a PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION paper and you should always focus on the public sector (economic boost, job opportunities, wine-themed exhibition and entertainment park), Also, PLEASE, you have to read my professor’ notes and my script in order to write it. You made this paper a purely marketing strategy for this winery and what I look for is how this marketing strategy for this winery is helping economic growth in Wuwei, China by using wine. Please please revise as much as it needs!! Thank you!!!