Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

this is the instruction please I want no hard vocabulary less than high school if you could this is the instruction the topic is  (    Do economic sanctions work? Discuss  )

Essay format

Your response must include an introduction, at least 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion:
    The introduction should contain a thesis statement (for example, war is becoming obsolete because of A, B, and C) or a definition of the key term being discussed (for example, economic sanctions or norms).
    Each of the body paragraphs should start with a topic sentence that reflects your response to the question. For example, for topic #2, each body paragraph should start with a different reason that explains why liberals are optimistic about human progress; the reason is then explained and supporting real-life examples are provided to illustrate the point. So in this example, at least three reasons (and three body paragraphs) should be offered explaining why liberals are optimistic.

Academic essay
You are encouraged to reflect critically about the issue and to form your own considered opinion about it. Considered opinion refers to a point of view that is formed AFTER reading widely about the varied opinions of scholars, experts, practitioners on this subject. You will have to consider where you stand on a particular topic and demonstrate an awareness of the counter-arguments.

I am happy to comment on an outline in which you briefly state what you intend to write in your intro, body paragraphs (for example, what the three reasons are, which examples you will use), and conclusion. If you choose to submit a draft, this MUST reach me no later than 29 Nov.

Submission deadline
13 December 11.59pm via Blackboard. Late submissions will be penalized at a rate of a five-point deduction per late day.

Assignment weight
25% of total course grade.

Minimum word count
2,500 words. The word count excludes the number of words for the bibliography/references.

There is zero tolerance for plagiarized or outsourced work.

Bibliography and references
You must include a list of sources that you used to craft the response. If you use direct quotations or statistics or make reference to views held by a scholar, you must also cite the source. Any bibliographical format is acceptable (MLA, APA etc) as long as it is consistent throughout the essay.

International Homeland Security

Please research and answer the following questions separately. Besides reference (textbook) given, please cite at least 1 scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

1.    What role does the military play in the vast and largely empty northern reaches of Canada?
2.    What is the European Unions authority with respect to border security, and how does this relate to the Schengen agreements?

Morag, Nadav (2011). Comparative Homeland Security Global Lessons (1st ed.). Wiley

You have just been named Police Chief of Las Cruces. Congratulations. The Las Cruces Police Department is undergoing the largest reform in its history and has chosen you to lead this endeavor. You will implement new policies to address current law enforce

The purpose of the final exam is to allow you to not only obtain information and knowledge about major theoretical approaches to understanding the causes of crime, but also transition you into thinking about what you do with this knowledge. You will write a (7-10 pages double-spaced) persuasive/argumentative essay. A persuasive/argumentative essay uses reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. This type of essay must present evidence, facts, empirical data, statistics, theories, or examples, in order to defend ones claims. You are required to use information you have gathered from your readings over the course of the semester. Outside research is welcomed, but you will be graded on how well you summarize, integrate, and utilize information from the required readings from this course.
You may use any theoretical framework covered in class: Classical School, Positive School, Chicago School, Differential Association, Anomie Theory, Subculture Theory, Labeling Theory, Conflict Theory, Social Control Theory, Gender-Based Theory, Rational Theory, Critical Criminology.

Sports Law

Pick topic of your own choosing on a subject at the intersection of sports and law. This means it should be a topic that examines a legal or regulatory issue within sports.

Issue/Controversy Provide background into the conditions and circumstances that contribute to the legal controversy that exists.

Why do we have a problem?
What is the issue that is presented?
What problem are we trying to solve?
Statements of Law What is the actual law regulating or covering this subject?

What body of law applies?
Is it state or federal legal question or does some other body of law/regulation apply (e.g., CBA, NCAA bylaws, other)?
What is the
Analysis Here is where you want to relate your facts to the legal issue.

How do the facts and circumstance surrounding the issue contribute to the controversy?
Do the facts address the legal elements of the law?
Has there been lawsuits or cases on the same issue?
How did other courts decide the matter?
What are the counterarguments on the topic (i.e., what does the other side have to say on the matter?)
Who are the chief proponents or detractors in the controversy?
Conclusion Based on the analysis of the issue, law, facts, and legal history, what conclusion do you want to leave the reader with?

Do you agree with the way the cases in this area have been decided?
Is the law correct in its application?
What can we expect in the future?

Please make sure to include all of those questions and answered within the paper. Please tell me the topic you chose before writing the paper.

Response Prompt

In an essay of 3-4 pages (double spaced) respond to the following prompt:

In her report, “The Moral Ecology of Extremism,” and in her presentation to the Center on Terrorism, Noemie Bouhana aims to address “conceptual challenges” regarding the drivers of radicalization (per p.4 of the report). How does she attempt to do this and, in your view, does she succeed?

Legal Analysis Report

Analysis of a Canadian sport law case…must be from the database at . Each of the 8 parts of the case must have a heading. I have attached the assignment sheet for reviewing, please look at how the assignment is being graded.

There is no need for a proper introduction or conclusion, please use the whole word count to focus on the 8 questions.

Structure: In 1200 words or less, address the following eight questions:
1) The Incident: Describe the incident that led to the legal case.
2) The Parties: Identify the parties who were involved in the legal case.
3) The Laws: Identify and describe the Canadian laws that were relevant to the
4) The Process: Describe the legal processes that are relevant to the type of case.
5) The Outcome: Describe the legal outcome of the case.
6) Challenges: Identify the challenges in applying the law to the context of sport in
the case.
7) Sport Specificity: To what extent, if at all, was sport specificity relevant to the
case? How might the case have proceeded differently if it occurred outside the
context of sport?
8) Relevance: What is the relevance of the case to sport management?


1. What  is  meant  by  the  concept  of principlesof  environmental  law?  Explain, identifying three such principles and illustrating your answer with case-law (max 2000 words)

2. EU treaties allow for two mechanisms by which national compliance withEU law can be judicially enforced: a centralised mechanism in which the[European] Commission initiates  infringement  proceedings  against  non-complying member  states,  and  a  de-centralised  mechanism  in  which  citizens,  groupsand  companies  initiate  legal proceedings against non-complying national authorities before national courts.Critically discussthese two mechanisms, including their strengths and weaknesses,in the Irish environmental context (max 2000 words)


Using all 10 cases and their assigned conviction charges complete a detailed PSI detailing the appropriate sanctions for each case. Due to resources, jail space, and financial constraints, you may only apply institutional correctional sanctions (prison/jail time) to a maximum of 3 cases, intermediate sanctions to another 3 cases, and the remainder to probation. Be sure to go into detail explaining how each sanction and condition applies to the case and how these decisions align with a specific sentencing goal. Then, assume the role of the parole officer and address the provided parole violation detailing your decision for the violation, listing the applicable sentencing and supervision philosophies. This report should be a minimum of 15 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Be sure to apply the learning objectives from the course and use multiple sources to support your decisions

Security Risk

To survive and thrive in the 21st century, it is imperative that risk be identified, assessed, and managed in a proactive and effective manner. The threats and hazards our country must deal with continue to evolve, and at present, there are some that have recently risen to the forefront. These include, but not limited to:

Cyber attacks
Domestic terrorism/homegrown extremism
Civil disturbances
Large-scale health care issues (i.e. pandemic)
For this final written assignment, you are to select one of these to focus upon and offer details regarding the steps, activities, resources, etc. needed to fully address Goal 5: Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience and it related objectives and sub-objectives noted on within THE DHS Strategic Plan: Fiscal years 2020-2024 (pages 44-50). 

Technical Requirements:
Your paper must be at a minimum of 6 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

Security Risk

As noted in your Midterm, various strategic challenges were identified and found within the Department of Homeland Security’s 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. For this assignment, you are to select one of these six listed risks to focus upon. Regarding the strategic challenge you have selected, explain the nature of the threat and the specific challenges it poses to the nation. Also, fully explain what steps the Federal government has/is implementing in order to meet this challenge.

(Note: The six strategic challenges are: The terrorist threat, cyber threats, biological concerns, nuclear terrorism, transnational criminal organizations and natural hazards. Do not confuse these with the Department of Homeland Security’s five missions)

Technical Requirements:
Your paper must be at a minimum of 4-5 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.