Category: Law

Security Risk

The Department of Homeland Security’s 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review identifies six strategic challenges (found on page 28 of this document) that it believes will drive risks facing the nation over the next several years. Explain the process used by local communities (counties or cities) in determining which of these threats pose the greatest risks to their respective communities, and how these communities prioritize their resources in attempting to prevent or mitigate these threats. In addition, what steps and actions might be taken by these communities to prepare for such events in a proactive and effective manner?

(Note: The six strategic challenges are: The terrorist threat, cyber threats, biological concerns, nuclear terrorism, transnational criminal organizations and natural hazards. Do not confuse these with the Department of Homeland Security’s five missions)

Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 4-5 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

Portfolio Milestone – Mod 2 – Section I and II

This week you will submit a draft of Section I (Introduction) and Section II (Objectives) of the Portfolio Project.

1. As outlined in the Portfolio Report Checklist ATTACHED, Section I (Introduction) should be 2-3 pages in length and should contain the following:

– Problem statement: State the research problem, such as “an increased fear of crime,” etc.

– Background/context: This is the impact and interventions of the problem. An example: Fear of crime reduced the life quality of the community. Intervention programs have been introduced.

– Significance of this study: Why is this study necessary? (e.g., Why should the intervention program or policy be evaluated? What happens if it’s not evaluated?)

2. As outlined in the Portfolio Report Checklist, Section II (Objectives) should be approximately half a page in length and contain the following:

– Purpose statement: What is your study/research intended to do?

– Review question: State the review question associated with your topic.

Provide a minimum of three credible resources to support your paper.

Writing the Introduction

Conduct an internet search with the keywords of “evidence-based practices in criminal justice.” Click on some of the results that end in .gov. Read about the evidence-based practices and discuss the importance and role of research in criminal justice. Also, discuss the importance of using evidence-based policies. You may cite specific examples in your post from the .gov websites you access.

It should cite at least one credible resource (the textbook, module lecture, required and recommended readings are excellent resources).

Selecting Peer Reviewed Sources

As graduate learners completing an academic research degree, you must support your work with empirical, academic research.  The following resources, available will assist you as you insure that you are selecting appropriate sources for your module 8 Project.

Tutorial:  Evaluating Sources

Handout:  Scholarly and Peer Reviewed Articles and Journals

Website:  Scholarly Journals vs. Trade Magazines vs. Popular Magazines

Portfolio Milestone Mod 1 -Scenario – Evaluating Evidence-Based Law Enforcement Policy

Read about the two options for the Portfolio Project in Module 8. In a 1- to 2-page paper address the following points:

1. Identify which option you are selecting and explain why (it could be based on your career interests, personal interests, or other);
2. Identify which topic (you must pick from the list of topics) under this option you are selecting and explain why (again, this could be based on your career interests, personal interests, or other); and
3. End your paper with the following acknowledgement, “I, your name here, understand that I will not be conducting any original research as part of this Portfolio Project. I will be conducting a systematic review, which is a review of the existing research on the topic that I have selected.”


Evidence-Based Criminology and Criminal Justice

Visit this website and explore the site by looking at the various programs under the different topics. Identify one program from the topic that has been graded as “Effective”. Provide a link to the program page in your post. Describe the aim of the program and provide a brief overview of what the program involved. Next, discuss how the program was evaluated and what the findings were.

It should cite at least one credible resource (the textbook, module lecture, government sites, required and recommended readings are excellent resources).

Human Trafficking

Section I: Introduction

Introduce the topic and give the organizational plan of the paper.

Section II:  Purpose/ “So what”

Provide a statement of the crime problem. Why is it important enough to study? This is the “so what” of your topic. Who/what does it impact?

Section III: Literature Review

What have other researchers found out about this topic? Thoroughly describe this crime problem by including the prevalence, frequency, location, type of offender (demographics), etc. Use official crime statistics (not just secondary sourcesthose articles that talk about what the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) saysrather, go directly to the UCR) whenever appropriate and use RECENT sources.

Also use empirical studies here.

This section should reference at least 3 different sources, two of which are empirical studies.

Section IV: Theory Application

Pick two  SOCIAL (not biological or psychological) theories from your textbook that you think explains this crime problem. Thoroughly describe the major tenets of each of the two theories, identify the theorist associated with them, and then explain how they apply to the particular crime problem. Don’t forget to APPLY the theory to your crime problem.

Since this is a theory course, this is the MOST important section of your entire paper. Your time and energy should be focused on this section.

Section V: Programs/Policies

Provide a literature review on at least two programs or policies that are currently being used to address this crime problem. Find evaluations of the program to see if they are effective. Not all programs will have evaluations, but many of the more well-known programs willso if you are using a well-known program, be sure you seek out evaluations.

Section VI: Contribution to the Field

Which theory do you think best explains your crime problem and is supported by one of the programs/policies in Section IV as a way to decrease the problem? In other words, if you were asked why your crime problem occurs, you could explain it via this theory (Section III), the literature review on the crime problem (Section II), and the programs/policies that are being used to address this problem (Section IV).

Section VII:  Conclusion

Write a concluding paragraph to your research paper.

Global Security


Please research and answer the following questions separately. Please be as detailed as possible. I am looking for what you learned, not what you found from your source.

How do the various countries surveyed in this chapter approach the issue of community policing?

What are the different models of national identity, and why have some European countries subscribed to one or another of them?

Morag, Nadav (2011). Comparative Homeland Security Global Lessons (1st ed.). Wiley

Brief the New Boss: Duty of Care

For this week’s written Assignment, you will take on the persona of a paralegal who works for an attorney. As a paralegal, you can do many of the tasks attorneys can do; however, you may not dispense legal advice.

You are currently working for a new attorney who has just graduated from law school. He moved to the area recently and is not very familiar with the state statutes yet. You actually have much more knowledge regarding civil litigation and torts than this new attorney. However, you are limited because you cannot give legal advice, per the state statute. Your new boss has never practiced law in your state, while you have worked in the area for a considerable time.

The attorney has asked various questions to which you will need to research and find answers. For this week’s written Assignment, you will conduct the necessary research and compose answers to the following questions. You may use the Library, Westlaw, the textbook, and other sources of information for your research. Compile your responses in a document titled “Duty of Care.” The attorney wants a full explanation so that he will completely understand these concepts. Each explanation should be a minimum of to 1 full page. Thus, the entire paper should be between 3-1/2 to 7 pages in length.

Questions to Answer:

What is the rescue doctrine?
Can a fetus recover for injuries sustained in utero as a result of defendants actions?
What is the family-purpose doctrine?
Define negligent infliction of emotional distress
What is the attractive nuisance doctrine?
Explain the dram shop law in your state?
Is there a duty to rescue someone in distress in your state? Are there any ramifications to doing so or is any liability waived?
Paper Format:

Use Times New Roman or Arial font, size
Be sure to double space work and put your name, date, and assignment on each page of the
You may use the header function of Microsoft Word to do that if you
Use proper grammar, punctuation, and
Include a references page with appropriate citations in APA format (for non-legal citations), and/or Bluebook format (for legal citations).
Submit your “Duty of Care” paper to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 4. Remember, you are to answer the questions based on your state’s laws. Be sure to include the proper Legal Bluebook citation of the statutes cited.

Security Risk

Review the Sector-Specific Plans and choose one Sector-Specific plan to focus upon. Regarding your chosen sector, identify areas of risk in your local jurisdiction (city or county). (If you reside on a military installation within the US, use the civilian community around the installation. If you are stationed overseas, use your hometown). In addition, in what ways has this jurisdiction implemented the specific components found within this sector specific plan?

Please read instructions

Jeb and Josh are lifelong friends. Jeb is a wealthy wind-power tycoon, and Josh is an active outdoor enthusiast. They have decided to open a sporting goods
store, Arcadia Sports, using Jebs considerable financial resources and Joshs extensive knowledge of all things outdoors. In addition to selling sporting goods, the
store will provide whitewater rafting, rock-climbing, and camping excursions. Jeb will not participate in the day-to-day operations of the store or in the
excursions. Both Jeb and Josh have agreed to split the profits down the middle. On the first whitewater rafting excursion, a customer named Jane falls off the
raft and suffers a severe concussion and permanent damage to her spine. Meanwhile, Jebs wind farms are shut down by government regulators, and he goes
bankrupt, leaving extensive personal creditors looking to collect.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Identify the main types of business entities and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
B. Recommend a specific business entity for Arcadia Sports and include your reasoning.
C. Based on the characteristics of each type of business entity, determine the type under which Jeb and Josh would be personally liable to Jane for
D. Based on each type of business entity, analyze the ability of Jebs personal creditors to seize the assets and/or profits of Arcadia Sports.