Category: Law

: International Comparison of Prison and/or Prison Systems

: How do different prison systems across nations compare in their goals in retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, or rehabilitation for the prisoner and how does the emphasis or lack thereof placed on each goal contribute to recidivism rates?

Need 6 scholarly sources
High quality sources include:
books published by academic presses, or well-regarded publishing houses
academic journal articles
news reports in the papers of record (Links to an external site.) (eg: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Telegraph (UK), London Times (UK), international examples (Links to an external site.))

Juvenile delinquency

Find a local program (city or county based) and a state-level program to use for your Assignment. You need only discuss two programs.

Create an 812 slide PowerPoint presentation incorporating speaker notes to include the following:

Identify three components of the diversionary programs and initiatives within the programs you identified.
Compare and contrast the state and local programs.
How well do they contribute to successful reintegration services?
How well do they contribute to successful and transition services?
Analyze trends and patterns of these programs as they contribute to reduced recidivism (this may be data driven).
Relate the trends and patterns to the programs overall validity and effectiveness.
Note: This Assignment requires outside research. Use at least two credible sources and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the Library, the Internet, course materials, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

The PowerPoint presentation should have the following characteristics.

Contains a title and references slide.
Bullets for your main points.
Pictures to support your presentation where applicable.
Must include speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the slide bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience.
Designed with a live audience in mind in order to inform your viewers about the topic.
Research from at least two reliable sources to support the main message, including graphics.
Incorporate information from course readings, the course materials, or other library sources to support your discussion. Properly cite all sources of information by including in-text citations and a list of references.
Research and visuals are cited in APA citation format, both in-text and on a References slide. You need to quote material taken directly from a source.
The same standards for documenting sources that apply to an essay, apply to a presentation. Go to the Academic Writer website for a digital library of APA Style quick guides and tutorials to refine your writing. You can access this website in Academic Tools.
Speaker Notes

Information on using speaker notes can be accessed within PowerPoint by pressing F1 for help. In the search box, type speaker notes to display details on how to use this function.

Submitting Your Assignment

Compose your Assignment in Microsoft PowerPoint and save it in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn_Unit4_Assignment2). Submit your Assignment to the Unit 4 Assignment 2 Dropbox by the end of Unit 4.


Choose one topic from the course that particularly struck your interest and explain why this was the case. Some possible topics might include the Supreme Court and some of its more important members; significant court decisions; important amendments and their impact; etc., etc. Be sure to provide plenty of relevant details and plenty of analysis. DO NOT SIMPLY TAKE ONE OF YOUR WEEKLY ESSAYS AND REPOST IT! This essay will be held to the same standards as the weekly essays, WITH AN ADDED EMPHASIS ON GRAMMAR.  If you are one of the students who has continually ignored the instructor’s comments regarding spelling, grammar, and the need to italicize court cases, this is your last chance to try to write like a college student.  Also, more is expected, since this is worth 40 points rather than only 20, so do not skimp on the length.  NO ESSAYS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 NOON ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you will evaluate each scenario below.  You will use information throughout the course to help you provide a basic analysis of the limited information. 

Follow these instructions for each scenario:

From chapter 4: Assign a level of confidence (High, Moderate, Low).  If you were the intelligence official evaluating the information, how certain would you be of the credibility?  Explain why you would assign each scenario with a particular level of confidence.  Remember the recurring phrase heard in today’s IC: “All source is best” (pg. 101 in your text).

From chapter 4: What “INT” was used to collect this intelligence?  Is there another “INT” that could be used to gather more information that may be turned into useable intelligence?

From chapter 5: Are there barriers to analysis related to each scenario?  Any potential bias or potential for misperception?  If there are no easily identifiable barriers, explain your position.

From chapter 10: Are there any constitutional issues that need to be considered? Explain.  If not, explain why. 

From chapter 14: What type of threats are being considered, or should be considered? 
Guidelines to follow:

From chapter 6: Apply critical thinking skills to your assessment of each scenario.  Think out of the box and beyond the obvious.  Demonstrate your skills to do so by providing a well thought out analysis, avoiding unstated or unexplored assumptions, and considering any driving issues that may be in play.

From chapter 11: Write clearly and concisely. 

Scenario #1:
I received information that Saddam Hussein is hiding WMD in Iraq. I was told this by an informant that I havent known for very long. An intelligence agent working for one of our allies said this informant cannot be trusted. There isnt much else to go on, but my boss really needs this information to make a decision.

Scenario #2:
I have proof that a suicide bomber will board an airplane at 6:00 am on Wednesday morning. A very reliable source that I have trusted for years is in the inner circle of the bombers organization. He has taken a picture of a note being delivered by a courier that gives the go-ahead to complete this attack. He has also given me detailed plans of this attack and the individuals involved. I received confirmation that NSA has intercepted communications between the involved parties. The communications consist of discussions about the attack between two men from the same organization.

Scenario #3:
I have researched emerging violence occurring on the Mexican-American border. It appears that the violence is getting dangerously close to U.S. border patrol agents. One of the agents received a report from several civilians that the drug cartels are considering launching an attack intended to kill agents and civilians at one of the border crossings. I sent a new source to verify the rumor. My source says it has been discussed by the Los Zetas but cannot confirm a definite time of the attack.

Provide your analysis of all three scenarios using this template:

M07 Writing Assignment Template

There is no required word count for this assignment.  You will provide a thorough, well thought out analysis for each scenario.

Include at least one APA formatted reference on your reference page.  You will see the reference page on the template.

Constitutional Rights

The constitutional rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are most highly protected during the trial stage of a criminal proceeding. This is when the adversarial process, which characterizes the U.S. criminal justice process, is at its peak. Use the Strayer Online Library ( to research, identify, and discuss a criminal case from within the last three years. Analyze and evaluate the steps which brought the individual to trial beginning with the arrest phase of the process.

Write a 4- to 6-page paper in which you:
Summarize the events leading up to the arrest and identify and discuss the four elements of the arrest related to this case.
Identify the four requirements for search and seizure with a warrant and describe how the search and seizure process was carried out for this case.
Explain the various aspects of the plain view doctrine and describe how this is relevant to this case.
Compare and contrast the various means of identifying suspects and describe the process used in this case.
Summarize the basic constitutional rights of the accused during trial.
Use at least five quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Critically debate the constitutional safeguards of key amendments with specific attention to the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments.
Explain and debate fundamental Supreme Court cases associated with criminal procedure.
Define and describe Constitutional laws and associated court procedures.
Explain and debate fundamental Supreme Court cases associated with criminal procedure.

Constitutional, Sectoral, Conflicts

***Turabian (Author-Date) Style
the final essays will require students to conduct research of both web-based and peer reviewed journals to support the essay responses. There are three essay questions
and students will have to use our textbooks as well as other external
sources as part of the assignment. Researching key ideas is helpful for
students to familiarize themselves with web-based sources and peer reviewed
journals that address public service ethics topics.

use articles from scholarly journals and websites to research assigned topics. These resources should supplement course readings and should also be utilized in framing responses to the essay questions.Scholarly articles are published in academic journals and they are peer reviewed. Full citations and references will be given for them, in correct Turabian parenthetic citation and reference list format.

Please write essays on the three topics shown below.

Each essay will:

Be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, citations, or references.
Correctly use Turabian author/date parenthetic citation and reference list style to cite sources.
Avoid plagiarism (see Course Overview).
Have a heading that identifies the topic.
Include a title page.

1. Constitutional value.  Identify a Constitutional principle or value that interests you and show how it appears in contemporary discussions about the public sector generally or public administration in particular.

2. Sectoral expectations.  Discuss how public expectations of career professionals working in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors differ. The discussion should, at minimum, include the relationship with elected officials, responsiveness to the public, and the varying ethical dilemmas confronted by each in carrying out their duties.

3. Conflict of interest. Discuss the concept of conflict of interest relative to the idea of the public interest. Research a specific conflict of interest law and include in your essay:

Who is covered by this conflict of interest law, distinguishing between elected officials, political appointees and members of boards and commissions, and career professionals. 
The activities restricted by the law.
Reporting requirements.
Characteristics of the body responsible for carrying out the law.
The process of handling complaints filed under the law.
What you find interesting about the law and its potential effects on government.

Cite, reference, and discuss at least one scholarly article (see Course Overview) and two websites for ***each of the three essay topics.
Cite, reference, and discuss concepts from course readings. (books below,2)

Title: The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations
Author: James H. Svara
Title: American Public Service: Constitutional And Ethical Foundations
Authors: Sheila Kennedy; David Schultz

Show live links for websites.

Citizen Review of Police

A common theme is emerging in both the study of criminal justice as well as among practitioners and government officials that the criminal justice system is in need of reform. One suggestion, although not a new one, is to re-examine citizen oversight/review of police. 

Part 1 –  Based on findings from the academic literature, assess the utility of citizen oversight in reform.  You may find it useful to examine the NCJ report that describes the different types of oversight,

Part 2 Reform of any kind is often difficult for many reasons, including political buy-in (i.e. getting politicians to support changing codes/legislation), buy-in from citizens, and buy-in from criminal justice actors, in this case, law enforcement agencies and officers. 
How would you propose buy-in from all of these entities to enact civilian review?

Please note that this is not asking your opinion of civilian review.  I am asking you to examine the literature and devise the most effective form of citizen review based on your reading of that literature.  Steer clear of online resources and professional publications that are opinion-based and/or not founded in the research of some form.

The key is to make sure you have thoroughly answered all parts of the question. Be sure that your final product is in the correct APA format and that you include both in-text citations and a reference page in APA format.


As you progress through the modules of the course, you are learning how the United States Intelligence Community operates as it pertains to the 5-Disciplines of Intelligence Collection. For this assignment, you will have an opportunity to deal with a real national intelligence collection issue, the Iranian nations capabilities to acquire and utilize a nuclear weapon, as well as their ability to fund and utilize terrorist groups to attack U.S. interests and allies.

You will assume the role of a DNI analyst and you will be tasked to conduct a 3-page open source analysis of the Iranian threat. You will then identify at least 3 Intelligence gaps that resulted from your OSINT analysis. Next, you will assemble an intelligence collection plan in which you appropriately task the members of the United States Intelligence Community. The plan will include at least six intelligence collection requirements, an agency assignment for each requirement, and a justification for assigning that agency.

I have included a sample collection requirement. You are welcome to use the intelligence gap and intelligence requirement used here in your paper, along with two other gaps and five other intelligence collection requirements you create. There is no page limit for this assignment but you’re probably looking around 7-8 pages of analysis. 3 pages for the OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) overview of the Iranian threat and 4-5 pages for the collection plan. Usually the best way to break down the paper is 3-4 pages of OSINT analysis on the Iranian Threat, then 4-5 pages for the collection plan. As long as
it’s at least 3 gaps and 6 requirements you’re good to go!

The idea of this assignment is that each step will build on itself. Through the OSINT analysis (only one we can really utilize since we don’t have access to classified) you will identify intelligence gaps, as in information you wanted to acquire but didn’t have. Once you have your gaps identified, you will create intelligence collection requirements that intelligence collectors from your assigned agencies will use to collect information to answer the requirements and close the gaps.

Short Scenario:

During a recent briefing, the Deputy DNI (Director of National Intelligence) for Intelligence Integration advised that the President informed his cabinet that he feared that the Government of Iran would join North Korea as a rogue nation with nuclear weapons capability.  He wanted to ensure that the IC was doing everything possible to prevent and counter the spread of WMDs, and that the United States Government was prepared to respond to any scenario involving the possibility of Iran possessing nuclear weapons.  The Director is meeting with the members of the IC and White House staff to update the IC (Intelligence Community) requirements for our national security.  In anticipation of this, the Deputy DNI has instructed you to prepare a draft collection plan that encompasses the entire IC and concentrates on the mission and asset management of the second (Determine Resource Availability and Capability) and third (Task Resources) stages of the collection plan.  He also asked that you perform a preliminary OSINT collection prior to tasking the IC along the 5 Disciplines of Intelligence Collection.  The Deputy DNI asked that you be specific in assessing the capabilities and tasking of the IC as it pertains to the Iranian capabilities.  He further advised that although the Department of Defense oversees multiple IC organizations, such as the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Organization, and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, you must task the specific agency.

rebounded and rebuilt

Explain how the Western and non-communist European nations rebounded and rebuilt economically after the Second World War while, at the same time, relinquishing control of many of their colonies. How did relations change between nations in the 1950s and 60s? How did relations with colonies and former colonies change?

Your essay should be at least two pages in length and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. Outside sources are not required; however, when directly quoted or paraphrased works of others are used in any manner, the writer is obligated to properly cite the source of the original material.

Reflections Capstone

Watch the two (2) videos and reflect on how the Sixth and Eighth Amendment protections were or can be preserved in each of the videos. Video 1:CJ in Practice: Judge Sentencing Guidelines Video 2: Criminal Justice in Practice (scenario) Jury Selection Then assess the impact that understanding and complying with the Sixth and Eighth Amendments will have on your future career and your ability to do your job effectively.