Category: Law

American Criminal Justice

Analyze a problem in American criminal justice that needs to be solved. The problem should be one that offers some challenges but is still possible to resolve. It may be a problem that any level of government faces. This includes federal, state and local governments. Identify the problem, explain the problem, describe the history of the problem, identify causes of the problem, describe any unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem, what could be done to solve the problem and explain how we will know if the possible solution was successful.  Format: 3-5 page essay + MLA Works Cited Page, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 1 margins.

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

Criteria given by the professor is very broad, write a paper analyzing the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica data privacy case in a business law focus perspective. As long as the paper discusses the legal matters of the case it should be fine. Must use at least 2 sources from academic sources such as library, academic journals, and reviews, publications e.g., Wall Street Journal, Barons, Business Week, Harvard Business Review, on-line resources, and interviews.


Below are scenarios of two crimes. The questions for the discussion follow each of the scenarios.

You must use at least two resources to back up your thoughts and you must base your opinion off of your readings for the week. 

1. A murderer, who experienced years of abuse at the hands of his victim, finally “snapped” and killed his girlfriend. Should this offender be considered for a sentence of community supervision?  Why or why not?  In addition to providing justification with resources, detail two factors you took into consideration in determining whether or not they should receive this sentence.

2.  A college student who has no previous criminal record engaged in reckless driving and a pedestrian was killed as a result. Should this offender be considered for a sentence of community supervision?  Why or why not?  In addition to providing justification with resources, detail two factors you took into consideration in determining whether or not they should receive this sentence.


sections: 8.1-8.5, 8.7-8.13, 9.1-9.11

Research Studies

Next, complete an analysis of both research studies by addressing the following questions. Your paper should be detailed and in essay format.

Briefly summarize the study.

What makes this a quantitative research study? What type of research design was used and why?
a.  Do you agree with the chosen design method? Why or why not? Would a different method have a better outcome?

Identify the research questions and hypotheses are they clearly stated?

Identify the variables used in the study independent and dependent.
Discuss bias can you find any evidence of this in the study?

Discuss validity as related to the study.

Were there appropriate statistics chosen for this study? Why or why not?

Discuss the results and the next steps is future research warranted? What type of study would you recommend to further study this topic?

Required Articles for this assignment:
For this assignment you are to read two research studies:

a. Quinn, Matthew. A History of Violence: A Quantitative Analysis of the History of Terrorism in New York City. Homeland Security Affairs, 12, Article 4 (September 2016).

b. Kaminsky, Mark T. Effective Selection: A Study of First-Line Supervisor Selection Processes in The Department of Homeland Security. Naval Postgraduate School Thesis (March 2011).

My Cousin Vinny (1992) is the movie

7 page paper that discusses and includes the following:
Brief facts of the case in the movie.
If there are crimes/torts involved, what were they and what was necessary for the prosecution/plaintiff to prove? Did the prosecution/plaintiff meet its burden?
The entertainment value of the movie (deciphering between facts and dramatic effect) and how it compares to reality. If the same situation were to take place outside of the Hollywood, what would the likely outcome be?
How does the movie accurately portray the legal system? Refer to specific scenes if necessary.
Based on your knowledge of the law and material in this course, what is the relevance and importance of the effect of movies on the public.


The Application Paper is the culminating project of the course where students will apply course concepts to an analysis of a real public administration organization including an interview of a key leader within that organization.  Students will submit a topic proposal for professor review and upon approval will write 13 pages of content.  The paper must include citations from at least 25 scholarly sources in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible.

      13 pages of content, double-spaced
      Must include citations from all readings and presentations for the assigned module and at least 25 scholarly sources in total within the last 5 years
      Each paper consists of 3 parts plus an introduction and reference section. To make it easier for readers to follow your thinking, please discuss the topics in the order presented above and with appropriate heading.
      Current APA 7 format

Discuss the following:
      Part 1:  Your observations and learnings from the interview with a public sector administrator, CIO/CTO, elected or appointed official, or other policy maker on how he/she and her/his organization are using IM/IT.

      Part 2:  Applying what weve studied thus far to what you learned in that interview, assess for a specific public service or policy the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of its management of information.

      Part 3:  Recommendations in an action plan that organization can consider and adopt to increase its effective and impactful use of technologies and information to improve that service.
      Synthesize the above with a Biblical model of government and statesmanship.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


        750 words in current APA format, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and supply biblical references.
        How are you and your organization using social media?
        How can you maximize social media to enhance public policy and public services in accordance with Biblical principles, including the covenantal relationship in government?

Replys to the below must be 250 words each not including references

      Each reply must be 250 words for (reply 1 and reply 2), be written in current APA7 formatting, and must be supported by biblical references.

Reply 1

Security Risks Associated with Social Media
Valacich (2018) points out that everyone who uses technology is well-aware that that disasters can happen and to understand those risks, both technical and non-technical issues should be considered.  There are a number of security risks related to the use of social media in my professional and personal life.  To begin, as a law enforcement agency, social media has opened officers to exposure for security concerns.  We recognize that we must make every effort to conceal our identities and those of our friends and families for safety purposes.  For example, recently in a meeting with a client, an officer was told by a client that he had seen his social media account and that he had something to the effect of a nice looking family which generated great concern.  Additionally, due to the nature of our work, we must be cautious with social media posts that can be considered controversial and tied to our identity.  For example, on social media friends can often tag you in a post that has political or government undertones that could be frowned upon by the agency.  Professionally, we dont utilize social media but there are clearly privacy concerns of which we must remain aware.

Reply 2

IV.  How can you maximize social media to enhance public policy and public services following Biblical principles, including the government’s covenant relationship?
    According to Keller & Alsdorf (2012), a good leader, whether Christian or otherwise, balances the interests of all the organization stakeholders: stakeholders (case of the public sector, all citizens), customers, employees, suppliers, and the surrounding community, etc.  Good Leaders work from a Godly worldview.  From the outside, there may not seem to be much difference in organizations/businesses.  Even as you research the organization/business and seek employment, it appears that the organization is a place you would desire to work (thanks to the positive side of the internet/social media). After you land that interview, meet the boss and other staff members, it seems ideal for you.  However, according to Keller & Alsdorf, while on the outside there might not be immediately noticeable differences between a well-run company reflecting the world story of the marketplace primarily, inside the differences could be very noticeable (2012). Things that are not apparent from the onset.  There is no such thing as a perfect workplace because we are not perfect individuals who live in a fallen world, redeemed by God.
    There are ways as leaders, employees, and coworkers to ensure that our work represents a covenantal organization.  We can be and set the example by being the example.  We can lead kindred spirits to our organizations by word of mouth and using social media (i.e., posting and recruiting on job sites, etc.). Word of mouth is a useful tool in hiring the right talent.  Having the right employees with like visions and mindsets can enhance public policy and public service hugely.  Using social media to post job announcements will attract a diverse group of candidates.  Some employers review social media outlets to find out about potential candidates. In the past, employers had limited information that applicants provided to them via resumes. Social media outlets offer hiring officials access to more information about candidates.  This includes information such as their personal interests, social interactions, previous work, and associations. Building organizations that embrace spirituality in the workforce can enhance public policy and public services because covenantal organizations focus on excellence and providing the best quality products and services. The focus is inward and outward, making the necessary changes to processes to achieve the mission and goals set before them.
    Covenantal organizations are innovative, and management plays a crucial role in generating innovation among employees (Fischer & Schultz, 2016). When recruiting, according to Sifuna-Evelia (2017), the book of Proverbs 26:10 warns us against the temptation of just hiring any passerby. We have to be methodical in our recruitments and ensure that we have recruited candidates that will fit our office culture and not just hire due to skills, knowledge, and abilities. Covenantal leaders are servants and serve followers, and are accountable to them (Fischer, 2017). They foster mutual accountability and care of each other throughout the organization. Servant leaders lead their employees to be more engaged with the group and care for customers because they have been cared for and acknowledged as meaningful contributors to the organization (Ljunghlm, 2016).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a reminder that the assignment will be reviewed using, a software which checks the originality of an assignment.  While you do not need to use any sources other than the case decisions, if you do, you must give credit for all sources.  If you take any language directly from the court decision, it needs to be in quotes.

While you will need to summarize some information from the cases, please remember that the most important part of the assignment is your interpretation of the information and what you learn from comparing the two cases.

Criminal Justice: Practice in Theory

There are two questions which have been taken from chapters of the textbook covered thus far. Each question should be at least one (1) page in length and in size 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. This means your work should be at least 2 pages in length. Assignment must be uploaded in a Word Document and is due by 11:59 PM on Sunday, December 6.

1) What steps would be helpful in reducing the strong racial disparity in drug arrests? (Chapter 12)

2) The war on drugs has had a huge impact not only on poor neighborhoods, but also on the U.S. in general. The spillover from Mexico impacts the US in various ways (e.g., kidnapping, deaths, etc.). What do you believe is the best strategy to combat the violence? How would you implement your strategy? (Chapter 13)

BOOK; sense and Nonsense about crime, drugs and communities by Samuel Walker

Write an article summary on a peer reviewed journal with the topic of criminology.

          The article summaries provide students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with various areas of criminal justice.Each student will be required to find, read, and summarize one article for each of the seven assigned criminal justice topics listed below.  The articles must be from peer-reviewed journals (do not include student-run journals).  Students are expected to locate articles on their own.Make sure the articles are criminal-justice-related.Students will also include a reference page and include the reference for the article in APA format(6thor 7thedition). The recommended due date for each summary submission is included in the course schedule. But I will accept submissions after those deadlines and grade them on a rolling basis (after the recommended deadlines). I will not administer late penalties for those who submit after those deadlines. Please keep in mind, if you meet the recommended deadlines, you’ll have more time to incorporate my feedback in subsequent assignments (after I post the grades). The final deadline to submit the article summaries is December 11 at 11:59p.
    The summary should include:
oPurpose of the article
oSummary of main points
oExplain why the topic is important and/or useful in criminal justice (if you do not think the topic is important/useful explain why not). Include support from the article
oSuggestions for future research
Make sure you address each of the above components clearly and directly, as this is an important part of academic writing (rather than subtextor inference). Do not quote any of the material from the source. The entire summaryshould be written in your own words.
          Format: Word Document (doc or docx)Each page in your document should be standard, letter size (8.5×11)APA stylePage numbersAPA reference on reference pageOne-to-two pages (no more, no less)
2Double-spaced (Make sure the paragraph spacing is set to 0pt before and afterall the paragraphs in the document)Black fontTimes New Roman12-point font1-inch marginsRunning headLeft-aligned paragraphs with a 0.5 indentation in the first line of each paragraphDo not include any listsDo not include any headers/subheadersDo not include any quotes