Category: Law

A positive outlook for the future

For this activity, you are asked to prepare a reflection paper. Reflect on the concepts you have learned during your readings. What do you understand completely? What did not quite make sense? The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the material you have read and expand on it. J.M. Keynes was indeed a true genius. He watched his world fall into global depression and enter the most destructive war in human history, yet he maintained a positive outlook for the future. In 1930, with depression and worse on the
doorstep, he looked ahead 100 years and saw a world built on a middle way between the anarchy of laissez-faire and the tyranny of totalitarianism (Brower & Sanders, 2014, p. 183). In his essay (freely available on the Internet) titled “Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren” (1930), he wrote:

I see us free, therefore, to return to some of the most sure and certain principles of
religion and traditional virtue-that avarice is a vice, that the exaction of usury is a
misdemeanour, and the love of money is detestable, that those walk most truly in the
paths of virtue and sane wisdom who take least thought for the morrow. We shall once
more value ends above means and prefer the good to the useful. We shall honour those
who can teach us how to pluck the hour and the day virtuously and well, the delightful
people who are capable of taking direct enjoyment in things, the lilies of the field who toil
not, neither do they spin.

He may have been too optimistic, but he was still right, at least in the abstract. A middle way was needed, and government did, and does, have a responsibility to use its financial resources to reform an imperfect capitalist system.

Based on your reading of the assigned chapters and the Spotlight: John Maynard Keynes (Brower & Sanders, pp. 182-183), why in the 1930s and early 1940s was this such a seemingly radical idea? Might the world have avoided the terrors of these decades had Keynes genius held sway earlier? Finally, in what ways have Keynesian economic policies improved the world we live in? Are there ways in which our world is worse off because of their implementation? It is important to understand that reflective writing is not a simple descriptive essay. It is an exercise in critical thinking and a method for creating meaning out of a seemingly abstract concept.
Your essay should be at least two pages in length and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. Outside sources are not required; however, when directly quoted or paraphrased works of others are used in any manner, the writer is obligated to properly cite the source of the original material.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment consists of essay questions.  Please be thorough and complete with your answers.  Cite your source(s) with in-text citations where appropriate.  This assignment should be 3 pages in length.  Be sure to cite your references. 

Pay close attention to spelling and grammar as these will be factors in grading.

final project

Final Project Instructions

For your final project, you will choose the side of the defense attorney or the prosecuting attorney. You can only choose one side. With your role in mind, read the fact pattern and then read the instructions below.
A murder was committed in a small town and John B. Bad is the main suspect. After visiting the scene where the victim’s body was found, the police find a library card for John B. Bad nearby. The victim’s body was found in a wooded area with a lot of mud and vegetation around. The police go to John B. Bad’s house and knock on the door.  The police ask John B. Bad if he has a moment to talk about the murder that occurred.  John B. Bad invites the police in to the living room area. While in the living room, one of the detectives sees shoes on the ground that have mud on the soles. The detective takes the shoes as evidence and John B. Bad is asked to come to the station for questioning. John B. Bad agrees to come to the station and drives in his own vehicle. When he arrives at the police station, he is not handcuffed and is asked if he would talk to investigators in an interview room. John B. Bad agrees and he is led to an interview room. Again, he is not restrained in the interview room, but there are three detectives in the room and one of them is sitting in a chair blocking the door to go out of the room. John B. Bad is not read his Miranda rights, but the investigators begin to question him about his relationship with the deceased victim. John B. Bad denies having any relationship and says that he was at home alone during the time of the murder. While in the interview, a witness comes forward and says that they saw a person running away from the wooded area earlier in the day. The witness is asked if they would view a photo lineup and they agree. A detective who is not involved in the case shows the lineup to the witness. In the lineup are 6 individuals, with one of the 6 being John B. Bad. Five of the filler photos are of people who are similar in features and age, but John B. Bad’s photo shows him as quite older and having solid gray hair. The other people in the lineup are young, with not a single gray hair visible. The witness views the lineup but is hesitant to make an identification. The detective showing the lineup, who is sitting across from the witness, says to just make your best guess. After viewing the lineup a bit more, the witness circles John B. Bad’s photo and signs and dates the lineup. Shortly after, John B. Bad is arrested and charged with the murder of the victim.

Instructions for Your Paper:
1.    Pick a side. You are either acting as the defense attorney for John B. Bad or you are acting as the prosecuting attorney.
A.    DEFENSE ATTORNEY: If you are acting as the defense attorney, write at least two pages on issues in the fact pattern that you could argue in a motion to suppress to have the evidence SUPPRESSED/MADE INADMISSIBLE. Make sure you address each issue you see that you think can be suppressed. If you need more info on one issue, then talk about what information would be necessary to know in order to make your argument that the item or evidence should be suppressed. You must support your argument with case law or a statute or a constitutional amendment(s). You can use cases we learned within the course or (if familiar with WestLaw) you may find other case law. Make sure you cite any case/statute/amendment with the proper citation so I can check it!
B.    PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: If you are acting as the prosecuting attorney, write at least two pages on issues in the fact pattern that you could argue SHOULD NOT be suppressed. Make sure that you address each issue you see and argue why it should not be suppressed. If you need to add more information (or assume more information) to make your argument, then you can do so. You must support your argument with case law/statutes/constitutional amendment(s). You can use cases we learned within the course or (if familiar with WestLaw) you may find other case law. Make sure you cite any.

Community Corrections Program Profile Part 4 My Program Effectiveness Is Based Why Its So Hard To Start A New Life After Prison Halfway House

Part 4: Final Profile (40 Points) and Group Discussion (10 Points)

Learning Objectives: Your final product pulls together the work you have done for Parts 1, 2, and 3, showcasing your expertise about your selected program, and highlighting its potential to yield promising improvements advancing public safety, justice, and individual and community well-being.

Potential Information Sources: You should continue to use the sources you have consulted throughout the semester. In addition, for information about responses to COVID-19 you will likely use sources such as program websites, reports, and newspaper articles.

Requirements: Your final profile should include the information presented in Parts 1, 2 and 3, with revisions based on feedback you received on these assignments. In addition, you should include a section of approximately -1 page describing how the program has adapted to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your final profile should be approximately 8-9 pages, typed in 12-point font and double spaced with one-inch margins. You should include a minimum of 10 sources (primarily those utilized for parts 1, 2 and 3, and additional sources as relevant). American Psychological Association (APA) citation standards should be used in the written document, and to compile a list of sources titled References. Include a title page with your name and the title of your project and number all pages. The title and reference pages do not count toward the final page total.

One student in the class shared the following video providing step by step instructions for using APA format. Note you are not required to include an abstract with your paper, but may do so if you would like to.

How to Format Your Paper in APA Style


Please chose a topic and pick a position, either pro or con.

The presentation must be based upon a controversial issue in juvenile justice.


Parent accountability. Pro argue parents should be held accountable for their children ages 13 17 who commit delinquent acts.
Con argue that youth should be held accountable for their actions

Truancy and criminalization. Pro argue underage youth should be locked up when they are habitually truant.
Con argue against detention for truancy.

Media and drug usage. Pro argue media glamorizes drug use and influences youth to use drugs. Con argue that drug usage portrayed in media does not have a negative impact on youth.
Police & schools. Pro argue that police should be in the public schools to maintain order.
Con argue should not be in the public schools to maintain order.

Juvenile Charged as Adults. Pro argue that juveniles under the age of 15 should automatically be charged as adults for any offense. Con argue that juveniles under the age of 15 should not automatically be charged as adults for any offense.
Juvenile Punishment. Pro argues for rehabilitation. Con argues for harsh punishment.
If there is another topic you would like to research, please e-mail me first for approval.  If you are choosing one of the suggested topics, you do not need to e-mail me for approval.

Requirements for the Presentation:

Choose a topic from the list and begin your research.

Pick pro or con this will be the focus of your presentation.

Fully research your topic.  This is not based on opinion.  Although you may have an opinion on the issue, you need research/empirical data to support your position. 

This is an academic assignment.

Make sure you have a minimum of 10 to 15 slides this does not include your cover slide or your reference slide.

Provide a cover slide with the name of your presentation, your name, our course name, my name and the date.

All slides must have in-text citations according to APA format.  Reference your work.

You must utilize at least 4 sources for this assignment. 

Make sure you utilize the Berkeley library.  Do not google me an assignment and DO NOT USE WIKI!!!  One of your sources can be your eText. 

One of your sources must be a journal article. 

The other two sources can be a combination of journal articles, government reports, books, etc.  Any source you use must be a reputable source.

You must have a reference slide which lists all of your sources in APA format.

Your slides should be informative, descriptive and creative.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A new governor has come into office and was told you were the best out there on homeland security and emergency management. This governor is a novice in this area and badly needs to get up to speed quickly. He or she has asked you to provide a detailed briefing to him or her and the executive staff / cabinet heads. Your assignment is to brief the governor and staff on all things they need to know right away regarding homeland security and emergency management. Be sure to cover applicable homeland security and presidential directives, the NRF, NIMS, and ICS. Cover applicable Acts such as the Stafford Act etc. Also, be sure to explain and show the linkage / relationship between local, state, and federal involvement. You want to make sure the governor and staff are ready for any emergency that occurs.

The student will summarize his or her findings in an audio/visual PPT presentation. The student will use PowerPoint to record his or her information and convert it into a Windows Media Video WMV file (Converting PPT to WMV). A minimum of fifteen content slides are required not including the cover and reference slides. The student will at the minimum use the same headings as listed previously in these instructions. The presentation needs to be at least ten minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum. References will be included on the last slide. Once submitted for grading the student will email his or her PPT video to the rest of the class for their review. The student does not have to show him or herself in the video unless they wish to.

This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Criminal Justice


This project will require you to find a willing professional who is currently working in the field of criminal justice. You may interview a police officer, detective, investigator, special agent, or a criminal prosecutor. Please do not wait until the last minute to start this project. If you have any questions, just contact me and I will help you get the ball rolling.

Your interview must be professional. You will have to write a five page paper documenting your experience and discussing your findings. To obtain all of the points for this project, use 12pt. Times New Roman type. Papers should be formatted to be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and formatted using APA guidelines and cover the following areas of discussion:

Topic Overview
Case in Point
Brief Description of Event or Crime
What Law Enforcement Activities Were Used during the investigation of the Case
The outcome of the Case
Lessons Learned by Criminal Justice Professional

Funeral Law and Ethics

I have questions that need to be answered. It is a total of 65 questions some of which I have already answered and provided how they need to be cited. I have uploaded the document for you to use. All of the questions are in blue and I need the answers to be in red.
These are the websites where you can find all the answers:

Reflection on Program

Hello friend,
please write a 3 pages reflection on this program: Executive MPA: Below is the link routes  to the home page:

My concentration is Management Innovation
The courses I’ve taken are Operations Management, Decision Models, Communicating in Organizations and Strategic Management of Information & Communications Technologies for the Public Good.

Write about what I’ve learned from this program and the core courses I’ve taken. Please write it in a personal aspect, not too official. Thank you!

Please let me know if you have any question. Thank you!

Criminal Law

1.What has research into the success of probation and parole concluded?
2.What are the standards for “success” and “adequate supervision” in P/P?
3.How does place of residence influence recidivism?
4.What is the focus of evidence-based practice?

1.Determine whether you think a social service model or a control model would be a better measure of success for probation services. Explain your answer.