Category: Law

Correctional facilities and your thoughts on how they are run. Are they effective? If not, why not? Advantages, disadvantages and if we started re-building them, what would you propose they look like? How would you recommend we run them? What is the cu

Correctional facilities and your thoughts on how they are run.  Are they effective?  If not, why not? Advantages, disadvantages and if we started re-building them, what would you propose they look like?  How would you recommend we run them? What is the current number of people incarcerated in our country and what is the make up of inmates by gender, race and crimes they’ve been convicted of. 

The War on Drugs

-A detailed description of the issue (at least 3 to 4 pages)
-A detailed description of the issue to include why it exists.
-Describe the effect has this issue had on society
-A detailed description of the varied positions on the subject in society (No personal opinions)
-Describe proposed solutions proposed those who proposed current policies on the issue(at least one and half to two pages).
-Using information you learned about the issue you should describe any potential changes which could be made to policies on this issue or provide a strong justification of this issue (one to one and a half pages long)

Public Policy

read Eric Eyres Death in Mud Lick and write a five-page paper on it.  This paper will address four elements of the course:  policy, management, leadership and accountability challenges.  While the topics in Mud Lick are jarring and the emotional impact is raw, the descriptions and analyses offer opportunities for students of public policy to take an integrated view of the total policy process and its real impact on individual lives and the public interest.  The paper will:
    1.  Briefly describe the situation you have been assigned. The situation is ” Donal Kiser”.  The situation is the involvement in the opioid epidemic of your individual or organization, e.g., the involvement of the doctor, the corporation, the agency, the community member/family, etc. in the epidemic.  This part of the paper is to try to present the inside looking out self perspective of the individual or organization.  Involvement  encompasses the goal or purpose of that individual or organization and the behavior they exhibit in pursuit of that purpose or goal.  From their perspective or vantage point, how do they see and/or justify their role in the epidemic relative to other roles and to the public interest? 
    2.  What policy issues are illuminated in your situation? This requirement asks you to step back form the inside looking out of the situation and become an objective analyst of that situation.  What are the policy issues that are illuminated by the behavior of your individual or oirganiation, such as controlled substances regulations, or the Hippocratic oath, corporate social responsibility, conflict of interest laws, etc. 
    3.  What management, leadership and accountability issues are associated with the problems in the situation? This third point asks you to continue your objective analysis by focusing on whether the public interest could be better served by modifications, changes, or reforms of management, leadership and accountability processes or practices to better support the public interest.  This will involve a review of the course to consider opportunities for improvement, such as revision of integrity standards, revitalization of mission focus, focus on strategic planning and operations, revisiting budget allocation, developing big data analytics, or discretion reviews, etc. 
    4. What management, leadership and accountability reforms would you suggest based on your reading of Mud Lick?  Discuss your reasoning for making this suggestion, including the feasibility and advantages/disadvantages of your suggestion. Also include an overview of some alternative suggestions and why you rejected them.   

Business Law

The objective of this written assignment is for you to provide a comprehensive description of the hierarchy of the English court and tribunal system. You will need to show that you have an understanding of what courts and tribunals have jurisdiction over the different types of civil and criminal disputes. You will also need to show an understanding of the appeals process within the court and tribunal system.

Moot Court

Moot Court
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Read the file below

For this assignment, you will be a World Court Justice deliberating over a space case of international importance!

Read through the attached case and pick a side. 

Then, using text from the treaties we read this week, or other relevant international legal regimes, evaluate the claims of each party and argue for your outcomes (#18 A or B depending on who you pick).   
You could easily write a 100 page brief on this, but don’t.    However, be sure to address each of the relevant facts/claims that have a bearing on the case.

When you are done, pick one of your classmates that has chosen the other side and comment on their post with your defense.  Address each of their points using your legal framework. 

Especially important are the Outer Space Treaty, the Liability Convention, the Rescue/Return Convention, the Moon Treaty, and the Registration Convention – however, you might find useful law in other similar international things like the ‘Law of the High Seas’ or the ‘Deep Seabed Mining Convention’ or the ‘Antarctica Treaty’ – etc.    Be creative here and find good legal reasons for taking a position.    Your brief should cite these specifically (e.g In section 2.3 of the OST, it says….’blah, blah, blah’ which the X go

Video games increase violate behavior

For this paper, you will formulate a testable hypothesis and design an experimental study to test it.
Your paper should have the following headings and subheadings (do not include the numbers). An abstract is not required.
1. Literature Review
Review the existing literature (1-2 page). A minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles (see sample list of journals attached) must be used and properly referenced. Summarize the methods and findings of the two studies in your own words. Show how the existing research has ignored your specific question or how your research builds on the existing research. What new contribution will your experiment make to the field? Why is your experiment important or worth doing?
2. Method
a. Hypothesis
State your hypothesis and show how it relates to the existing literature. Make sure it is a testable and logical hypothesis. A hypothesis is often in the form of an if-then statement. Explicitly state the:
i. independent variable
ii. dependentvariable
iii. attributes for your variables
b. Sample and Setting
i. Sample: Who are they? How many? Any special features, e.g., all female,
elementary school children? Where are they from, e.g., national sample, Buffalo?
ii. Sampling Procedure: Name the technique used (e.g., multistage cluster sampling
technique) and describe how subjects were selected from the population (step by step). Is this a probability or nonprobability technique? Why are you using this technique advantages?
iii. Setting: Describe your setting where is your study taking place, e.g., prison, school? What does it look like?
c. Operational Definitions
State how the independent and dependent variables are operationalized by indicating exactly how you will measure the variables of interest. What apparatus or instruments are you using as measures (e.g., survey, structured observation form, police arrest data)?
d. Apparatus/Instruments/Measures
i. State and define the tests used for checking the reliability (test retest, interrater) and
validity (face, criterion-related) of your instrument/measure, and describe the
procedures used for each test.
ii. Statehowyouconstructedeachinstrument(e.g.,forthesurvey,discussformat,
order, wording and your pretest).
iii. Create your instruments and attach them as Appendix A to your paper.
e. Design and Procedure
Design your experiment to control for plausible rival explanations. Describe your design (e.g., pretest posttest control group design) and procedures in enough detail so that anyone could replicate your experiment. Make sure that you randomly assign subjects to the control and experimental group.
i. Name and define all the potential threats to internal validity and state how your design controls for (reduces) each of them.
3. Results
You will not actually conduct the experiment therefore this section will be brief.
a. State what data would be collected and what comparisons you would make.
b. State what results would support your hypothesis.
4. Discussion and Limitations
a. Ethics
Make sure your study is ethical, i.e., voluntary participation, informed consent, no potential for harm, no deception, confidential/anonymous.
i. Create an informed consent form and attach it as Appendix B to your paper. b. Limitations to validity
Define construct, external, and statistical conclusion validity and apply each term to your study. For each term, state what threats are possible in your study. State if any threats to
Page 2
internal validity remain and why you did not address them in your design (e.g., double
blind procedures). 5. References
6. Appendix
The original research paper should be 10 typed pages (not including title page, reference page, or appendix), double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. Use APA referencing style. Cite where your information, ideas and/or quotes are coming from in the body of the text.
Do not use footnotes or endnotes.
List all sources, and only those sources, used in the body of the paper at the end under the title


As you progress through the modules of the course, you are learning how the United States Intelligence Community operates as it pertains to the 5-Disciplines of Intelligence Collection. For this assignment, you will have an opportunity to deal with a real national intelligence collection issue, the Iranian nations capabilities to acquire and utilize a nuclear weapon, as well as their ability to fund and utilize terrorist groups to attack U.S. interests and allies.

You will assume the role of a DNI analyst and you will be tasked to conduct a 3-page open source analysis of the Iranian threat. You will then identify at least 3 Intelligence gaps that resulted from your OSINT analysis. Next, you will assemble an intelligence collection plan in which you appropriately task the members of the United States Intelligence Community. The plan will include at least six intelligence collection requirements, an agency assignment for each requirement, and a justification for assigning that agency.

I have included a sample collection requirement. You are welcome to use the intelligence gap and intelligence requirement used here in your paper, along with two other gaps and five other intelligence collection requirements you create. There is no page limit for this assignment but you’re probably looking around 7-8 pages of analysis. 3 pages for the OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) overview of the Iranian threat and 4-5 pages for the collection plan. Usually the best way to break down the paper is 3-4 pages of OSINT analysis on the Iranian Threat, then 4-5 pages for the collection plan. As long as
it’s at least 3 gaps and 6 requirements you’re good to go!

The idea of this assignment is that each step will build on itself. Through the OSINT analysis (only one we can really utilize since we don’t have access to classified) you will identify intelligence gaps, as in information you wanted to acquire but didn’t have. Once you have your gaps identified, you will create intelligence collection requirements that intelligence collectors from your assigned agencies will use to collect information to answer the requirements and close the gaps.

Short Scenario:

During a recent briefing, the Deputy DNI (Director of National Intelligence) for Intelligence Integration advised that the President informed his cabinet that he feared that the Government of Iran would join North Korea as a rogue nation with nuclear weapons capability.  He wanted to ensure that the IC was doing everything possible to prevent and counter the spread of WMDs, and that the United States Government was prepared to respond to any scenario involving the possibility of Iran possessing nuclear weapons.  The Director is meeting with the members of the IC and White House staff to update the IC (Intelligence Community) requirements for our national security.  In anticipation of this, the Deputy DNI has instructed you to prepare a draft collection plan that encompasses the entire IC and concentrates on the mission and asset management of the second (Determine Resource Availability and Capability) and third (Task Resources) stages of the collection plan.  He also asked that you perform a preliminary OSINT collection prior to tasking the IC along the 5 Disciplines of Intelligence Collection.  The Deputy DNI asked that you be specific in assessing the capabilities and tasking of the IC as it pertains to the Iranian capabilities.  He further advised that although the Department of Defense oversees multiple IC organizations, such as the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Organization, and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, you must task the specific agency.

Research paper 2 (510)

The student will complete a Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of terrorism as it pertains to the United States be it domestic or international be the activity on U.S. soil or abroad. The timeline will start with the founding of the country. You may create the timeline as you wish but you might consider from founding to WWI, post WWI to 1989 or 1990, then from 1990 onward or you may wish to create one more milestone that begins in 1990 to 9/11 then post 9/11. Be sure to cover types of terrorism, tactics, event history growth and development, issues, and our responses, national security strategies or tactics for each era. Describe the linkage / responsibilities between local, state, and federal involvement. You do not need to go into detail on each group or type but do need to illustrate the types of groups etc. Discuss Biblical relevance as well. The student will write at minimum a 5-full page research-oriented paper in current APA format. The paper must include at least 5 sources (not including the class textbook and the Bible) also use the textbook and Bible. The paper will be submitted through SafeAssign.

Criminal Justice

A major part of criminal justice and handling treatment issues for offenders is the ethical and moral practices that occur in corrections. For your major semester paper, you will need to research and discuss how the treatment plans and options you learned throughout the semester is being used in modern day corrections in relations to a particular group like women, minorities, or juveniles or a type of crime (drug offenses, sexual offenders, prostitution, etc.).

Questions to Answer:

What is the status of my chosen social class/offense in corrections? Pros and Cons
What are the treatment options being used on these types of social class/offender?
Is the treatment option effective or noneffective in deterring crime or recidivism?
What are some alternatives that you can suggest fixing the treatment for your social class/offense? Why? (BE CAREFUL NOT TO GO INTO FIRST PERSON)
Include: Title page, Abstract, and Reference Page



12 point font in Times New Roman

The Life on Parole

              Divide the paper into two sections (a) and (b) respectively
1- Part (a) of the paper entails you carefully and thoughtfully watching the Frontline Documentary Life on Parole

2-  (Video) to watch
This section of your final paper will analyze how the experiences of these parolees in the documentary are related to the research by Bruce Western in the book Homeward.

3- Part (b) is self-explanatory but you should be clear and very thoughtful about why the concepts you have learned are the most important and how they have impacted your thinking

4- Typed– double spaced with 1 inch margins on left/right and 1 inch margin top/bottom

5- Use a 12 point sized