Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The general rule is that each contract must meet the requirement of having consideration. This means that each party must give something of value and there must be a bargained for exchange. Before responding to this week’s discussion board, please read Chapter 12 and the chapter overview.

In a new thread, please answer the following questions:

1. Please explain the purpose of consideration and why this element is necessary for contracts. Please reference a case in Chapter 12 to support your explanation.

2. Do you think that the items exchanged should be of equivalent value? Please discuss.

The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in administrative law

General literature:-John S. Bell, Comparative Administrative Law, inOXFORD HANDBOOK OF COMPARATIVE LAW(Mathias Reimann & Reinhard Zimmermann eds.,Oxford: OUP2006)-FrancescaBignami, Comparative Administrative Law, inCAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO COMPARATIVE LAW145 (Mauro Bussani & Ugo Mattei eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012)-SUSAN ROSE-ACKERMAN,PETER LINDSETH &BLAKE EMERSON(eds.),COMPARATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW(2nded., Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2017 (abbreviation: SRA&PL)Literature on methodology:-RalfMichaels, Comparative Law by Numbers? Legal Origins Thesis, Doing Businesses Reports, and the Silence of Traditional Comparative Law,57 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW765 (2009)Electronic sources:-Cambridge: Law School: Law School:

The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in administrative law

the role of the research is to
-Apply administrative law principles and values in different legal orders-Evaluate the role of the institutions of the state in the contemporary political and socio-economic environment -Generate research through comparative analysis by mastering a comparative and social scientific perspective to administrative law and institutions

General literature:-John S. Bell, Comparative Administrative Law, inOXFORD HANDBOOK OF COMPARATIVE LAW(Mathias Reimann & Reinhard Zimmermann eds.,Oxford: OUP2006)-FrancescaBignami, Comparative Administrative Law, inCAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO COMPARATIVE LAW145 (Mauro Bussani & Ugo Mattei eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012)-SUSAN ROSE-ACKERMAN,PETER LINDSETH &BLAKE EMERSON(eds.),COMPARATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW(2nded., Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2017 (abbreviation: SRA&PL)Literature on methodology:-RalfMichaels, Comparative Law by Numbers? Legal Origins Thesis, Doing Businesses Reports, and the Silence of Traditional Comparative Law,57 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW765 (2009)Electronic sources:-Cambridge: Law School: Law School:

Writing Assignment

What were the legal arguments of both the prosecution and the defendant in the case of Sheppard v. Maxwell, and what were the long-term implications of this case?  Be sure to provide specific details and examples to support your thesis.  This is a broad question; it is up to you to provide a substantial answer — no B.S.! 


1.  How do the various shift schedules, 5/8, 4/10, and 3/12, affect officer fatigue? 
2.  As the police chief or sheriff, which of the above shift schedules would you implement at your law enforcement organization, and why?  Would you prefer rotating or fixed shifts and days off, and why?

3.  Explain the impact, if any, of community policing requirements and support on patrol shift decisions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

TA typed 8-10 page paper is required,(8-10 pages not including the title page or sources page).  The paper can be anything related to Criminal Justice and the book has many examples. Some suggestions for the paper are the following: Subject options for the paper: Court System in the United States, State, Federal, or both The Right to Counsel and/or Systems Victims and victim programs 5th Amendment right to self-incrimination, etc. Right to Trial by Jury under the 6th Amendment RightYou can cite cases, any other type of publication, including: Journals, Books, Internet Articles, etc.The paper must: Be double-spaced Include 1.25 inch margins Use Times New Roman 12 point typeIt should include: A title page An introduction Body of paragraphs with subheadings Conclusion A reference page with 10 to 15 cited worksOf the total works cited, half should be from academic journals or books published by an academic press. Works cited and the references should be in APA format (details of the APA format can be found at The subject of the paper must be any subject matter related to Criminal Justice. (You can cite cases, or any other type of publication.)

Bikram Choudhury

Questions to consider for White Collar Crime:

1) How does power and wealth intersect with notions of crime differently than street crimes?

2) Was sort of harms was Bikram Choudhury allegedly guilty  of?

3) When understanding the victimology of those who were harmed, what were the characteristics that were an easy target for Bikram?

4) Some say that some white collar crimes have a bigger impact against society than even homicide. How might this be the case?

Emergency Communication Advancements

The final project is a paper consisting of your ideas on the future of communication and information technology.

Utilizing the information presented in each chapter describe your vision for:

The future of the communication structure
Hiring, orientation, ongoing training and certifications
Dispatching criteria, response communication
Technological advancements
GPS tracking of units, isolating caller location
Quality and outcomes measurement

The paper is 12 pages in length and must include at least 3 credible sources.

APA formatted

Topics and subtopics
Correctly formatted in-text citations and references

This an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned and creatively design the future of emergency dispatching and response.

Support your thoughts with resources. Authors of the resources should not constitute the ideas expressed.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a paper in which you consider each of the following functions in turn, and identify the most important key recent development of each:  human resource management and development; civil rights, affirmative action and diversity for public organizations; budgeting for the public sector; public policy and management; and administrative law.  Write a conclusion in which you explain how these areas of PA study are connected.
Please remember that the information and instructions in regard to writing and styling your papers remains the same as in the first writing assignment.  You may write as few as four, or as many as seven, pages of text.  Each paper should have a title page and a bibliography / reference section.  Each paper must be paginated, and styled using APSA format. 

This is a conclusion paper for this class.  So this paper MUST take into account the following textbook and NEW research, please cite textbooks and new research in paper:

Milakovich, Michael E. and George J. Gordon.  Latest edition.  Public Administration in America.  Belmont, CA:  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Shafritz, Jay M., and Albert C. Hyde, eds. Latest edition.  Classics of Public Administration.  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Style Manual: 

American Political Science Association.  2006.  Style Manual for Political Science. Washington, DC:  APSA.  The APSA manual will be posted on our site in the Syllabus folder.


Topic: Border security has been an issue in the U.S. for a long time. What elements of border security are most important and why?

Word count: 450-500

Use the following source: Introduction to Homeland Security: Policy, Organization, and Administration by Oliver, Marion, and Hill, 1st edition, 2015